what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back
* * LAURIE! * *
I'm Laurie. I have hair that makes Richard Simmon's hair looks good. I like giraffes and monkeys. I especially like monkeys. When I was born, my dad said I was either a boy or the ugliest girl alive. It's things like that that makes my self-esteem so high these days. I like a mixture of music from Tool to Weezer to Billie Holiday to Flock of Seagulls. I have an extreme love for the 80s that will never cease. I think I've seen The Breakfast Club about thirty eight times, even though I only like parts of it. Emilio Estevez is my boyfriend. I have a lawn gnome named Clyde. He's dear to my heart. Bruce Willis sings stalker songs to me at night. I watch TV a lot. I love movies to death. I hate the feeling, sound, word, thought of fleece. My nanny gave me a fleece sweater awhile ago. I like the smell of gasoline, freshly cut grass and chlorine. I like when my skin smells after I get out of the pool. I tend to bite my nails too much so my nails are gross and short and creepy. I can't stand having bumps in my hair. I have to have music. I cry during scenes like the ending of Revenge of the Nerds. Unpixelated Sims is funny, and kind of creepy. Laughing at drunk people makes for good times. Claire is my sex monkey. You just wish you were, too. I'm not on crack, although you'd think I was.
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Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma
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* * * * Friday, April 13 * *
Feeling: I'm feeling a bit witty right now! Comment: IT'S THE EASTER WEEKEND!! ^^ Yay much??
I've been doing little drawings of my friends in the Paint program and sending them over MSN. @@ Most of them are inside jokes, like when we flipped Meghan's kilt or Aimée's love life. Little things that make people laugh. I just did a portrait of Meghan with her ex who loves her. x______x The family went to Pizza Hut for supper and then Scott went to Nancy's so they could go to the farm after. Today, my mom and I watched "What Lies Beneath" with Michelle Pheifer [sp?] and Harrison Ford. Friggin' freaked me out so bad! Too many of those around-the-head shots so the victim'll get surprised from behind! >< I hate when I get scared! But it was good! @@ I've been chewing on this toothpick for an hour and I've been stabbing my gums until they bleed. Masochist much? ^^;; It's been beautiful today - being a veggie day with sun and wind. My hair was extremely curly today and looked pretty ^^ so I walked outside [in my PJs] and let the wind blow it forward. It made it look distantly lovely like in those old movies. I always wanted my hair to curl around and dance in the breeze [or in a car window -_-;; whatever works...] *like in a movie* but it just gets caught in my mouth and all that ;> - Movie Recommendation of the Night: "What Lies Beneath" with Michelle Pheifer and Harrison Ford. If you don't like psychological thrillers with a bit mystical beans and a *LOT* of creepy make-you-scream-or-jump-or-both things, then steer clear of this one. Lots of twists and puzzling facts until you can finally piece it all together at the end. x______x
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:14:53 PM * * *
* * * * Wednesday, April 11 * *
Feeling: HP HYPER!! ^^;; Except for the fact I have a huge History midterm tomorrow -_- Comment: Drinkin' my oraa~aange juice!! Nobody's home but mee~eee!! @@
Ugh, I did *really* bad on a History project >< I'm so mad! But oh - I wrote another poem after my Religion midterm. *fishes around in her cardigan [uniforms...x__x] pocket*
falling silver eyes like stars into the night emerald raindrops weep at the stunning light
naked azure eyes her flesh as rich as gold overbearing mommies cry no Barbies left to mold
flowering hazel eyes her dimples just as sweet poisoned lovers bawl her cunning Southern drawl
© Zephyr Rane 2001
*** Okay, let me explain them in 1 | 2 | 3. 1) This girl is beautiful 2) This girl has an overbearing mother 3) This girl is a killer @@
Nice ne? Holy Messiah, I have *SO* much Science homework. *gasps* Whew, I just thought I deleted this entry. ~_~;; It's cold. Well, today was fun! Mrs. Gorrelle explained to me today that the reason she doesn't like me putting on lipgloss is that: " It's hygienic! There's so much dirt and dust floating around..." Blah, frickin' blah. Alicia stood up for me, even though I wasn't losing the fight and fought *with* me. ^^ Allies are good, even though they happened to the bleep who got laid with Aimée's Rob. But he dumped her fat arse! *dances* Wait! History! *agonizing face* But Zephyr wants to bLoG!! - Movie *sigh* Recommendation of the Day: "Interview with the Vampire" with Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and Kirsten Dunst. Wickedly evil and sexy, this gets your blood racing. No pun intended, of course...^^ *g with fangs* I'm pathetic.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 3:56:27 PM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, April 10 * *
Feeling: Sleepy but HP! Comment: This bra is *KILLING* me and I need to cough x__________x;;
I wrote a poem last night at 11 p.m. in a sort of daze. I hate the first verse >_< but other than that, it makes no sense whatsoever to me or anybody else but I really like it! ^^;; I'm calling it 'center stage' for reasons unknown. Impulsive person much? Here, I'll try to copy + paste it in.
plastic blue words cup and frame us give up your soul dont put up a fuss
the bubble is shrinking the eyes green are blinking wretched pain behind the mask vile horror beneath the flask
skidmarks of your life scars from a past strife smile and raise the knife the evil is now rife
blind man's bluff upon the roof step to the left, step to the right bereft of dignity and poise shuttered from sight
© Zephyr Rane 2001
If you have *any* suggestions for the first verse, help me!! I just don't like the last two lines. *ponders* My day was good! I began writing a good story so I'm HP with myself about that! My brother [Scott - 17] is doing this mission-type thing where I will write [no time limit] a story. Like, not a short story, but a big 30-40+ page story. ^^ Wanna hear the beginning? I haven't edited mistakes or typos [if any] so >:P if you're a grammar freak like me. But I could use suggestions if you got 'em! No title yet: ***
He watched her from a distance, pacing his breath steadily to keep his cool. The car heater, humming quietly with its average heat, seemed to turn on him and crank its heat to full-blast. The radio was singing off-tune about flowers in winter, so he quickly shut it off and kept his eyes on her. He squirmed in his seat, suddenly very turned-on, by the sight of her again. The silk feathers which was her perfect black hair, the way her eyes sparkled at she smiled and dimpled at her friends, laughing at an inside joke. An inside joke which he wanted in on, so he could sling his arm casually around hers and snicker along to. They passed by the car so he ducked low in his seat and pretended to fix some receipts and crap on the floor of the car. A rhythmic rap on the driver window caused him to snap his upper body into a sitting position and strike his head sharply on the rearview mirror. “What the—” He muttered aloud, rubbing his head surprised. “Hey, Bryan, did you get that biology homework assignment? I missed it. I just saw you here so…you know. Do you? That’d be great.” Her smile made him squirm uncomfortably in his trousers more while her three friends giggled knowingly and whispered among themselves. “Uhh, yeah, umm…yes. I did.” Stuttering self-consciously, he blushed and handed her a copy of the assignment.
*** He's obsessed. Lately, they'll grow up and all that stuff. But I like it so far! @@ Well, it's 11:08 p.m. I have a Religion midterm tomorrow, Science homework due and a History midterm on Thursday. I'm frickin' *DEAD*!!! x_____x *whimpers* - Movie Recommendation of the Night: "The Cell" with Jennifer Lopez and Vincent D'onofrio. Creepy, dark and touching with lots of cool effects. Recent movie which rocks.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:07:59 PM * * *
Feeling: Somewhat hyper ^^ Comment: I'm hungry and in Civics class [well, the computer room with the crappy computers]
Chantale beside me is singing a French song and I'm humming along. Katrina's e-mailing me with homework -_- Tyler, Aaron and Seb are goofing around and Alicia is inspecting the mouse, complaining. We're in a computer room alone since Mrs. Gorrelle [><] is out of the room in the other one. Yippee! I can't find any information on a girl Justine Bailey for a good citizen of Canada. Who the *FRICK* is a good citizen? You notice that *ALL* [almost] good citizens turn out to be pedophiles. Ooh, I saw a documentary on child pornography. *shakes head* Sick, sick, disgusting, perverted and SICK!! Well, ciao! ^^;; Mrs. Gorrelle is bound to come in and scream at me about *SOMETHING*!! -_-;; Just because I'm drawing on Chantale's cardigan with yellow chalk doesn't have anything to do with it. *g* I'm so immature.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:59:02 PM * * *
* * * * Monday, April 9 * *
Feeling: Lumpy and bored Comment: My leg is itchy and envy.nu mail is screwed up!! >_<
Wait, not no more! envy.nu just began to show it's true beauty and love! ^^;; Well, I *think* I have science homework, although I can't be completely sure. Not unless I ruffle into my backpack and into my binder and see. I don't think we do but heck, last time I thought that, we had three sheets. -_-;; I've been on this *HUGE* @@ webring/clique kick lately. I've been joining as many as I can find. *g* It's hard to keep track of all the passwords. Now, you'd think: "Well, why doesn't she keep the same password for every ring/clique she joins?" Not that easy. I'm a complex, dense person and so this doesn't apply or occur to me. Understand? ^^ Me neither. Today, we watched "Jesus of Nazareth" in Religion class [result of a Catholic school...hmpf] and I nearly fell asleep. I had Shannon, Tara and Karie to keep me awake but that has *GOT* to be the world's most boring movie! Honestly...and then *g* we watched "Talking to Americans" in Civics [government bull] class. I hate Mrs. Gorrelle!! She's such a...well, let's just say, she's not a nice lady. She got mad at me today for putting on lipgloss! My word! I was checking in Chantale's compact to see if I had that annoying lip-ring that sometimes happens with excess lipgloss and she practically screamed at me:
Mrs. Gorrelle - MG Me - Z
Z: *while everyone is working [I was finished], innocently putting on lipgloss with tiny mirror for a guide* MG: What do you think you're doing? Z: *looks up* Hmm? MG: I don't want you doing that! Z: *confused* I'm putting on *LIPGLOSS*!
And so on, from there. >< What a bleep. Anywho, I'm happy! No homework! Good, I need to take a bath and shave my legs. @@ >< I had a shower this morning and I'm having a bath tonight. And another shower tomorrow but no bath tomorrow night. ^^ At least I'm clean!! - Movie Recommendation of the Evening: "Go" with Sarah Polley and Scott Wolf and Katie Holmes. Dramatic, funny and sexy. That drug dealer and Katie make such a good couple! And that British boy is hilarious near the end. ^^;;
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:13:33 PM * * *
* * * * Sunday, April 8 * *
Feeling: Tired because it's 11:02 p.m. >< and upset because my brother's home and bound to kick me off Comment: Today kicked major cookie! XD It was so warm and nice out!
@@ My timing spazzits on this page are funked-up! The time's way off. I could be blogging at 5 a.m. (><) but it reads that I blogged last at 3 p.m. Ack. I've been checking a blog "Fade to Black" lately and it's surprisingly interesting. I'm considering e-mailing the author but I'm too lazy. Well, not much to say. I played Susie Homemaker today with cleaning up [some], baking pies and helping out. ^^ Mommy-chan was certainly happy! - Movie Recommendation of the Night: "The Breakfast Club" with Emilio Estevez, Judd Nelson and Molly Ringwald. The eighties kind of movie with teen agnst and the whole bit. ^^
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:03:26 PM * * *