what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back
* * LAURIE! * *
I'm Laurie. I have hair that makes Richard Simmon's hair looks good. I like giraffes and monkeys. I especially like monkeys. When I was born, my dad said I was either a boy or the ugliest girl alive. It's things like that that makes my self-esteem so high these days. I like a mixture of music from Tool to Weezer to Billie Holiday to Flock of Seagulls. I have an extreme love for the 80s that will never cease. I think I've seen The Breakfast Club about thirty eight times, even though I only like parts of it. Emilio Estevez is my boyfriend. I have a lawn gnome named Clyde. He's dear to my heart. Bruce Willis sings stalker songs to me at night. I watch TV a lot. I love movies to death. I hate the feeling, sound, word, thought of fleece. My nanny gave me a fleece sweater awhile ago. I like the smell of gasoline, freshly cut grass and chlorine. I like when my skin smells after I get out of the pool. I tend to bite my nails too much so my nails are gross and short and creepy. I can't stand having bumps in my hair. I have to have music. I cry during scenes like the ending of Revenge of the Nerds. Unpixelated Sims is funny, and kind of creepy. Laughing at drunk people makes for good times. Claire is my sex monkey. You just wish you were, too. I'm not on crack, although you'd think I was.
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Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma
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* * * * Friday, April 20 * *
Feeling: Happy! Comment: *jumps around* It's the wee~eekend!! ^^ Song: "Lucky Day" - Wild Strawberries
Well, the back of my hands are all purplish and veiny because all during Careers, Mary and I played Ouch. o_o;; Basically, the point is this: 1) Hold out your hands palm-down and the opposite person slaps them *AS HARD AS THEY CAN* 2) You do the same to them 3) You are *NOT* allowed to whimper, cry or say "oww.." or "ouch!" or in the same content x___x 4) Your hands gets numb after awhile 5) This goes back and forth and back and forth until someone gives.
We had a tie ^^;; ow my hands are all bloody-purple. Mm. Yukari stayed home again today >_< What happened to coming to school today, hmm? *patronizing glare* We went to Wal-Mart [Me, Aimée and Candice] to look at the Toys section [more like squeeze all the toys and get glares from salesladies and play with the Powerpuff Girl dolls and write "CRACKHEADS!" in that weird board where you write with a special and its beneath a gray screen. ?? Anyways, then we ate at McDonalds and bought three McChickens which were delicious!! ^^ Oh! I had my Science midterm today and I think I did pretty good!! I'm feeling *FAIRLY* confident about it - probably a passing mark but not the greatest. I'm getting 81 in Religion. Whee!! And getting really good in Science class. 'Nuff about school >:P
*fiddles with a lighter* I'm going to have a relaxing night with staying up until...oh, let's say...4:30 as usual [for weekends, of course] and then dragging myself off in a sedated state from too much orange juice and bananas with chocolate cream pie. Mmm....^^ I love when my mom makes pies! I am *SO* going to pig out tonight, with ODing on TV and being online and all that fun crap I love to excel in on the weekend. And maybe going to Candice's tomorrow. Yay! She's asking tonight when her mom gets home...¬¬ I'm such a nerd. And I have to pee and run a bath....'night night!! Onto check the forum o' happiness! @@
* You're so silly, Nanny! 5:51:06 PM * * *
* * * * Thursday, April 19 * *
Feeling: Sad *sniffle* Comment: Crying to music and my daddy just came home! XD Song: "Say Goodnight" - Dave Matthews Band with Tim Reynolds "Yellow" - Coldplay
~_~;; I understood exactly what Yukari was trying to explain. And I added on to that mildly with a tiny gums-pain attack that I get of my own. Wait, I wrote a slightly-sadistic poem in Science class. *ruffles around in Science binder* >__< Not there. Maybe I can 'member; it was short, you know.
crimson-rimmed distorted glass cuts jagged grin shards on skin broken mirror
Yay! ^^;; That's it *exactly*!! I scribbled it while I should of been studying but yep...x____x I thought my scanner was finally hooked up so I could scan in piccies to this blog. Wahhh, Zephyr doesn't like HTML! *shudders* I have this HORRIBLY morbid picture in my brain that I've had for awhile. It even disgusts me! - oh, guess what? Somebody in Science asked me what bothers me and I *really* had to think about that. The whole sadistic-masochistic thing interests me but there are a couple of things that truly sicken me: 1) Child pornography 2) War 3) Molestors, rapists, perverts that intense, killers
Anyway, I'm going to cosplay this weekend!! ^^ Yipee!! '_' If I can find anything at Goodwill because my mommy is taking me to find cool, j-rock inspired, vintage clothes for my cosplay mood! @@ I love my mommy! And since I *think* I get $$, I'll probably go to the mall this weekend. Shop around and see a movie. Most *LIKELY* go to Candice's if she's not going to help out at Brownies with her mom. >__< Since I *can't* sleep over at Yu-chan's and vice-versa...we stay online/ the phone for hours at a time [what was the longest? 4 hours? ^^ Pickles the Firecat!!]
On a *MUCH* happier note, I've been accepted into a hyper forum!! XD I'm so happy!! *does a giddy dance* Yay for Zephyr!!
>_______________< SCIENCE MIDTERM TOMORROW!! *runs for cover*
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:27:05 PM * * *
* * * * Wednesday, April 18 * *
Feeling: Somber but girlish ^^ Wild Strawberries are to blame! >:P Comment: I have not done any homework or any chores [bring out recycling, wash small amount of dishes] -_-
It's my mom's fault! And yes, shut up, I'm blogging again in the same day ~_~;; I've been pinning my hair up with pens lately and twisting my hair *really* tight to be like...*shrugs* I'm not fault. Gaaaaahhhh x_____________x!!!!!! >_< I was just mooned by my own brother!! Not a pretty sight... Onto better and more lovely subjects, shall we? ^^ I like pain. I do, like, when I have a sore in my gums, I'll push on it until it will hurt for awhile just for the pain itself. Masochist much? Yu-chan brought it up, not me! Hm, I have this weird cut on my fingertip that is just a loose tiny flap of skin which is pissing the *FRIGGIN' CRAP* out of me!!! >__< Jen, in History, told me all History classes are going to Canada's Wonderland this year while we were sniffing her gold marker pen and fiddling around with anatomy bones in the back of the room *_* I hope so! That'd kick major cookie!!! ^^ Well, yeah. I feel like added a "Current Song" section to mine, since I *am* running out of movies fast but I want originality. *g* I have to steer clear of vengeful Aimée and Candice...they're evil together [or apart for that matter] and want to flip my kilt even though they've already done it. -_-;; Woo for Wednesday... - Current Song [debating whether to be quote]: "Color Me Blood Red" - Malice Mizer
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:18:52 PM * * *

Feeling: Dancy-twitchy and really cutesy-happy-hyper Comment: Jennifer Lopez has a pottymouth. x_______x
Homework: Science sheets for review, history questions. Woo. Only an hour-or-so's worth @@ So anyways, I'm pretty dang happy right now because if being halfway through the week and just hardly no homework. Also, we started Careers today and I *really* think I'm gonna enjoy it! We have a really nice teacher, Ms Badour, so yeah, that helps! ^-^ I'm downloading a song by the Wild Strawberries. I love them, along with Violent Femmes and all those girl bands! ~_~;; *NOT* Spice Girls...ugh. Into a girl band mode today!! ^^;; Ack, in the last ten minutes, I've received six e-mails!! >< Almost all of them are forwards. I mean, if I talk to these people in real life, why e-mail them? I speak day and night to them at school, on the phone, online in chats - I need a rant page. Hmm, I'll set one up right now. -_- What could I rant about? Most likely, j-rockers and the reputation they get from people who just don't frickin' get a clue!! >___< - Movie Recommendation of the Day: "Dumb and Dumber" with Jeff Daniels, Lauren Holly and Jim Carrey. Another stupid comedy. ^^;; What can I say - I was brought up with two brothers and a dad? -_-;; It runs in the genes.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 3:50:17 PM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, April 17 * *
Feeling: A little bored but happy because I only have History homework Comment: Just watched a Halloween eppie of "Family Matters" ^^; Good stuff...
XD Today was pretty good. With rough patches, of course, but altogether dandy. Ended on a light, happy note ^-^ Argh, I've had the song "My Boy Lollipop" by Millie Small, an oldie. It's on some laundry commercial and it's been in my BRAIN for frickin' *THREE* days so I just downloaded it. x____x And I saw J.Lo's new video "Play" and that freakin' song is *CATCHY*!! *downloads it helplessly* No doubt, I'll be sick of the song by tomorrow. Jesus Loves Me!! I have *NO* more Civics...unless I failed the course. *bites lip* I might have unless Mr. Holoway contributes in his good word about sweet, innocent me who likes to wear lipgloss and chatter in class ^^; Oh, it would be absolutely *embarrassing* and *horrible* to take this icky course again!! >________< Well, anyway, stupid Geocities is funked-up on my computer and when I visit my site, the backgrounds are disabled. @@ What's *WRONG*?!?! Nobody's online! AND ZEPHYR WANTS TO WRITE BUT +GEMINI+'s NOT ON, IS SHE!!!! >< I have issues. - Movie Recommendation of the Evening: "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" with Gene _______ [can't remember his last name!! -_-] and ....well, you get the idea. Comical, fantasy, every kid's dream including every kid's drooling wonder - BON BONS!! ^^;; Run little children - run to the Chocolate Factory. ~_~ I was upset with the ending of that movie though...I wanted Charlie [*shudder*] to go away without his candy ^^; I *really* have issues.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:46:37 PM * * *
* * * * Monday, April 16 * *
Feeling: Pissed off because I just wrote a huge blog and it got screwed up and erased itself! >< Comment: Damn you Blogger!!
On Today's Agenda: > I hate Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera > I like shopping > I went shopping and bought sandals, a tank-top and sunglasses [summer much?] > Ate steak and mushrooms and corn and potato salad and was grounded for a bit > Was supposed to do Civics but instead came up with a good idea for a story > Never finished Civics > Might have Science homework > I am hungry > Watched TV > Went online while family was watching hockey [x____x] > Got five pieces of shrimp out of our shrimp ring -_- > Saw a really pretty half-gothic half-punk [but not the grunge punk] girl today > Got checked out *g* by a pretty hot guy who I don't know > I am tired > I have been in a not-so-vicious cycle of staying up and online [or watching late TV] until 4:30 a.m. [it's Easter weekend! give a girl a break! ^^;] - Movie Recommendation of the Night: "Space Balls" with John Candy, Mel Brooks and Bill Pullman. Horribly funny parodies of all those spacey movies. *shakes head laughing* I saw it again today for maybe the thirtieth time and it still makes me giggle. The little cafe-baby alien doing a Broadway dance...^^;; I'm a sucker for dumb comedies... e.g. The Simpsons *-*
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:49:26 PM * * *
* * * * Sunday, April 15 * *
Feeling: Full from my Strawberry Passion Awareness Fruitopia juice but happy Comment: Yesterday kicked major cookie!! ^^
@@ Now, we've *ALL* heard Yu-chan's view on yesterday but mine is much different in some perspective. First off, she arrived without my knowledge of when she was coming. My hair hadn't seen a comb and I was still in my PJs...x______x So then we looked at pictures on my computer and my brother's and then we fought over who would wear the rollerblades. We decided I would ride my brother's bike and she would rollerblade. But that didn't work out very well, since the bike was totally defunct, with no gears, a broken chain and no brakes. ^^;; Nice ne? So I was pulling the dumb bike up to the garage again when my brothers [who were in the garage, fixing the dirtbike] started laughing and pointing. Billy, the neighbour's bulldog, was approaching Yukari. My brothers? Yelling "Go Billy!!" -_- Then, we were playing around with the hose. She got ahold of it and I had some leftover dirt-snow on the side of the garage. I was chucking them at her but somehow, I grabbed the hose from her and was *WRESTLING* ^^;; it from her and I got a huge splash up her foot and leg. I ran so freaking fast away from her but she sprayed me in the back and in the front so I was completely soaked with a few dry body parts @@ Then I got cramps so I swallowed Midol [yay for Midol!] and we watched "Vision of Escaflowne" and talked through it until my cramps disappeared [it took about 45 minutes] and then we tried to find rollerblades for me but none. This was when I was running down my basement stairs, jumped a little and smashed my head off the slanted ceiling *sniffles* it still hurts! Then I grabbed one of her rollerblades and wouldn't give it back and I eventually locked myself in my bathroom and tied it on. I crawled downstairs and she left me in the laundry room, in the dark. She came back in impatiently and shoved me as I tried to stand - slamming the back of my leg into the sharp door. Ow. Finally, we decided upon that we would switch rollerblades after 5-10 minutes. So she convinced me to run down the hill with her, but I had to hold onto her so she wouldn't fall or go *really* fast. Well, she fell into the side of the road which almost caused me to soil myself because I was laughing so hard at her! it was funny ^^ but *THEN* I was forced to let go of her because she was going far too fast and since I was wearing her shoes, they were flopping around. I laughed and stood by the side of the road, watching her coast to the end of the road until a car came up behind her. I was screaming "CAR!!" and she heard me, thank God. x____x Then I got the rollerblades and she practically forced me into going down the hill. As she wrote, revenge is sweet and that is what Yu-chan feeds upon. ~_~;; I was cussing the whole way down, while two little girls watched me with curiosity. Then, since we had nothing else to do, we cleaned my room. My parents set up a deal that they would pay me twenty dollars every month if I keep my room this clean! I swear, it was so nice! Because we rearranged the bed and desk and were absolute clean-freaks last night! I practically attacked a paperclip that the vacuum clean hocked back up -_- There's so much trash in bags now, hehe. Well, then we played with Taboo, my dog and talked to my mom. And then she went home. It was such a fun day, a day that you'll never really forget because it was so crazy! And then I stayed online until 4:30 a.m. *sigh* I'm such an online-addict but at least you know that I *do* have a life outside my Internet one...^^ Ja ne!! - Movie Recommendation of the Day: "In Dreams Only" with Annette Bening. A very creepy psychological thriller with *shudder* scary things!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 2:31:40 PM * * *