what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back
* * LAURIE! * *
I'm Laurie. I have hair that makes Richard Simmon's hair looks good. I like giraffes and monkeys. I especially like monkeys. When I was born, my dad said I was either a boy or the ugliest girl alive. It's things like that that makes my self-esteem so high these days. I like a mixture of music from Tool to Weezer to Billie Holiday to Flock of Seagulls. I have an extreme love for the 80s that will never cease. I think I've seen The Breakfast Club about thirty eight times, even though I only like parts of it. Emilio Estevez is my boyfriend. I have a lawn gnome named Clyde. He's dear to my heart. Bruce Willis sings stalker songs to me at night. I watch TV a lot. I love movies to death. I hate the feeling, sound, word, thought of fleece. My nanny gave me a fleece sweater awhile ago. I like the smell of gasoline, freshly cut grass and chlorine. I like when my skin smells after I get out of the pool. I tend to bite my nails too much so my nails are gross and short and creepy. I can't stand having bumps in my hair. I have to have music. I cry during scenes like the ending of Revenge of the Nerds. Unpixelated Sims is funny, and kind of creepy. Laughing at drunk people makes for good times. Claire is my sex monkey. You just wish you were, too. I'm not on crack, although you'd think I was.
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Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma
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* * * * Saturday, May 5 * *
Feeling: Happy happy happy and all quixotic and hyper hyper hyper!!! ^_^ Comment: I met an Aussie online, who has *THE* cutest Australian accent, but insists he doesn't. ^-^;; Song: "Brackish" - Kittie "Spit" - Kittie "Charlotte" - Kittie
Here kitty, kitty. ^_- Couldn't resist that. GAHAHHH!!!!! I haven't had an online relationship in *so* long and now, I have one!! XD He's so cute-sounding! I love the Aussie accents so much, and he insists that I say "aboot" [about] because I'm Canadian. I resent that. ^_^;; No, I couldn't - not from him! o_o; ANYWAY! In two hours, I leave for Jen and Josslyn's party and then par-TAY! ^^ I'm downloading the Survivor theme song. I'm seriously pathetic. I'm bringing to the party: a flashlight, a hooded sweater of my mom's, some chips and the gifts. I haven't been to a birthday party in awhile, wow. @@ I just went dead - seriously, brain-dead. No thoughts, nothing. Just blank mind. I mean, I was breathing and that but...crazy. It was more than the simple zoning-out so I don't hear or see anything, but I didn't *think* anything. Like, I was...paralyzed. oO
I have to clean my room, since my uncle's girlfriend's sleeping there tonight. I don't get to meet her until tomorrow morning, after I wake up from my slumber in the living room. >_< I'll stay online for another hour or so and then, I'll have a shower, primp and pamper and then leave.
Important Note: My mom stumbled onto this blog by "My Favourites" and printed out the graphic poems posted. -_-;; Alls she said was: "That's not too nice," and gave the sheet back to me. @@ Where's the usual rant and lecture? Hmm...maybe my eggs I cooked for the first time poisoned her..? ^.^ I want to see if my Aussie is online! Ja ne!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 2:11:31 PM * * *
Feeling: A bit sleepy, hyper but... Comment: Me so hungy...^_^;; Song: "Mimizuzero" - Zilch
>_< I'm *SO* hungry but if I go to get something to eat, Brad'll wake up and run to the compy room, shut down all windows and go online. -_-; He did that yesterday while I was taking down laundry from the clothes line. He sucks. Jen and Josslyn's party starts at four p.m., so I can clean up my room, sleep and get ready. Last night, I swore to myself I'd get online at midnight since I was grounded from the compy until today [midnight=today..^_^;] so I took on my headphones and was listening to +Gemini's+ CD but I fell asleep with my Discman at 11. >:P I woke up again at 6:42 a.m. So I got online ^-^ Nobody's up yet.
Ish so sunny out today! *opens the window and gets blinded* Ack....x_x My word, the sky is so blue! XD Oh yes...Rae-chan? I couldn't get online because I was grounded last night. Tonight, I'm coming home at 11, so maybe we can arrange something. Hopefully, you'll come only before 4 p.m. though so we can chat about it. ^_^; Yu-chan! *PLEASE* help me with a layout piccie, because I know you'll be pissy if I pick one for it without your consultation! It doesn't have to be j-rock, but it's gotta be something to suit our insanity-psychoticness...Hm. I'll go find one =^-^=
Ah well, I'll get one before I leave, hopefully. And Yukari, shake yourself out of it. A bad day doesn't include dying...
* You're so silly, Nanny! 8:17:47 AM * * *
* * * * Friday, May 4 * *
Feeling: Hap-PAY! ^_^ Comment: Party tomorrow. @@ I love the weekend Song: "China Girl" - David Bowie
BA BA BA!! XD The homework I *DO* have is horrendous: practically 10 sheets of Science and so many things in Careers. -_- Oh well! Ack, ack, I gots the dry-eraser board marker smell in my nose! >_< Today is ~*F R I D AY*~ !!!! =^-^= SURVIVOR UPDATE: Tina won, thank goodness it wasn't Keith -_- *shudders* And Survivor III is taking place in Africa! ^_- Mary!! *AHEM*, I had a discussion with a few friends and we basically said the castaways should be set loose in Alaska or Canada, but then it would be all parkas and mittens and the media wants tight bikinis and short shorts. >_< I hate the media. Sex sells. Well, it shouldn't!
Phone!! ^_^;; Was Mommy! *_* I'm going to begin a rant on my site. I have too many subjects that are pissing me off to rave about them in here so I shall start a rant soon. Today! I will today. ^-^ *glomps Totchi*
* You're so silly, Nanny! 4:03:12 PM * * *
* * * * Thursday, May 3 * *
Feeling: Pissy Comment: I hate my brother. Song: "Akuro no Oka" - Dir en Grey
>_< Brad was kicking me offline so I was arguing with him: "Get out and I'll get off" but *NO*, he had to stand there. So I kept trying to push him out and he always says "Don't push/touch me" but yet he shoves himself right in my face and wags his finger at me so I slap it away annoyed. Of course, he insists his stupid "rule" again until we begin shoving. I'm half-calm half-laughing at him and made a move to punch me in the face but I danced away. We were circling around the kitchen, dining room and living room [which make a squarish circle ^_^;] and he said something like, "I swear if you were a guy, I'd punch you so hard in the face!" And I skipped happily into the hall and yelled, "Yeah, well, I'm not! Tough, eh?" XD I'm so evil. o_o Then he locked himself in the computer room and made a point of sounding like he looked through my backpack: "Oh, what can we find in here?" I was like "Pads and my Discman and old batteries. Good luck tearing things up, Bradle~y!" ^_^ Then I was watching TV and I saw some dirtbike stickers he left on the table so I swept one "accidentally" under the couch. Now he's all crusty [try screaming, yelling so his voice cracks] at me and he was literally bashing down the locked compy door [where I'm at now ^^], shrieking at me about how the stickers now have hairs on the sticky part and they're ruined and I *HAVE* to pay him four dollars. Right.
I gots my gifts for Josslyn and Jen's birthday party on Saturday. ^_- Trampoline and hide-n-go-seek in the dark! Jen told me to bring a flashlight, 'cuz we'll be playing in the spooky woods behind her house. o_O I'm scared of rapists-killers in the dark. Gah, I get freaked just bringing the recycling out to the end of my *LONG* driveway at night. @@ I got Mom to walk with me last night, when I brought it down. I fell asleep to Matthew Good Band in my Discman and now I'm gonna play +Gemini+'s CD she let me borrow. *pops it in the compy* >_< I ran out of batteries when I was listening to the CD on the way home on my bus. My bus is unbelievably boring, sparing the hilarious conversations that I hear with all the guys that sit around me.
Mmm, I *love* the smell of Orchard Blossom deodorant! It's so yummy and fresh! oO I felt like blogging again so...here's me! *_* I have to put my washed load in the dryer now. Well...I'm going to wait until I'm done online because Brad will get all vindictive and revengeful and probably shut down the compy on me. ~_~ I hate it when we fight but when we do, it's over stupid stuff and it's violent usually. I love being a girl for few reasons. The one I'm grateful for today is that they can't hit me in the face hard or seriously. They can shove me or kick me but *shrugs* I just pull their leg hair. =^-^=
It'sh a big blog today! ^_^; Hmmm...oh yes! Big dance on the 11th ^_- I love dances! Ish hot out today! '_' Lots of emoticons happenin' also. *grins* Ack! Phone is ringing... *** It was Mom! She wanted to know what happened because Brad obviously told her we needed to have a big talk when she gets home. Translation: I'll protest to his lies. He'll protest to my truth. He'll say forget it. I'll be calm. Him and Mom will fight incessantly while I go upstairs and watch TV until I go to bed. o_o I should do my Careers homework - bye bye! *waves and clomps on a cowboy hat*
* You're so silly, Nanny! 5:47:27 PM * * *
Feeling: Kickin' and just naffly [^_^;; I made up that word...naffly = cool, happy, chillin'] Doesn't it sound cute? ^-^ Comment: SURVIVOR!! @@ Three...hours...of...Colby...o_o I hate Keith, he's icky >_< And only limited Careers homework - yay! Song: "Sandstorm" - Derude
XD Naffly! Ugh, the monthly princess arrived, demanding to be pampered. -_-;; I hate her!! I basically had a "naffly" day with an uneventful day but it kicked cookie. In Science, we went outside to work on a sheet. In Religion, we had a supply teacher [one of the student's older brother ^-^] and had to read and write. Lunchtime was quite blah with walking to Bravo's and then sitting in the halls. +Gemini+, Yukari and I depicted each other's one recent fault - +Gemini+ is becoming too cutesy-happy @@, Yu-chan is being way too mean to people and I, supposedly, am becoming to act like Aimée. -_-; It was a bad idea. Oh wells! In Careers, we did this weird partner-thing and in History, we took notes and talked about the Lifeskills people and Survivor. Tomorrow's a Civies Day - I'll probably wear my baby blue | blue-gray top with my khakis | blue jeans....so many decisions! I just put in a load of my laundry so I have a big pile of clothes to sort through! ^_<
Rae-chan, if you're reading this: *PLEASE* help us with HTML and background work and just our blog!!! *pleads* Preeeeeedddddddiieeeee please??? x____x We're desperate!! XD Ja ne, minna-san! Have a good one! < What does that mean?
* You're so silly, Nanny! 4:04:50 PM * * *
* * * * Wednesday, May 2 * *
Feeling: Hap-PAY ^-^ Feelin' sort of proud of being a teenager o_o; Comment: I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby... Song: -_- "Teenage Dirtbag" - Wheatus
Whew, is it ever hot! XD I realized today that I *LOVE* high school! ^_^ Maybe it's just that I always thought I'd be a geek and I recognized how many people I wave to or say hi to in the hallways! I mean, o_O I'm not being all "Oh, everyone just loves me! I'm so pretty and popular and friendly and cute and smart and...*giggle* What?" but I like knowing I have friends. That's all, folks. WAIII!! >_< Gettin' kicked off because I left a glass of juice on my desktop. -_- Oh, +Gemini+ and I are buying Dir en Grey CDs off CD Japan! YAY!! @@ This will kick serious cookies having j-rock CD's [and not burned ones x__x] well Yu-chan just called! Buh bai!! ^_-
* You're so silly, Nanny! 3:53:30 PM * * *