what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back
* * LAURIE! * *
I'm Laurie. I have hair that makes Richard Simmon's hair looks good. I like giraffes and monkeys. I especially like monkeys. When I was born, my dad said I was either a boy or the ugliest girl alive. It's things like that that makes my self-esteem so high these days. I like a mixture of music from Tool to Weezer to Billie Holiday to Flock of Seagulls. I have an extreme love for the 80s that will never cease. I think I've seen The Breakfast Club about thirty eight times, even though I only like parts of it. Emilio Estevez is my boyfriend. I have a lawn gnome named Clyde. He's dear to my heart. Bruce Willis sings stalker songs to me at night. I watch TV a lot. I love movies to death. I hate the feeling, sound, word, thought of fleece. My nanny gave me a fleece sweater awhile ago. I like the smell of gasoline, freshly cut grass and chlorine. I like when my skin smells after I get out of the pool. I tend to bite my nails too much so my nails are gross and short and creepy. I can't stand having bumps in my hair. I have to have music. I cry during scenes like the ending of Revenge of the Nerds. Unpixelated Sims is funny, and kind of creepy. Laughing at drunk people makes for good times. Claire is my sex monkey. You just wish you were, too. I'm not on crack, although you'd think I was.
* * * LINKS
Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma
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* * * * Saturday, June 16 * *
^_^;;; One last thing: I PASSED SCIENCE WITH A 71!! ^^ I'm *SO* happy!! Well....bye. o_o;
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:49:49 AM * * *
Feeling: Downright exhausted, sore and whatever-ish Comment: I hate sunburns. Song: "Rollin'" - Limp Bizkit
-_- I feel so burnt. I have a giant sunburn down my back, across my shoulders and neck and *some* on the back of my legs. A little on my face. It's not hurting right now but I couldn't sleep well at first last night. O_O;;; My mom came in my room and whispered my name and I shot up *SO* fast. >< Oh, yesterday, at the beach was fun. But Meghan sprained/broke her thumb and I hyperventilated when I was swimming. The dance was cool; a lot of people were smashed though. Some girl accidentally *caressed* Julia's cheek when we were walking by to get some drinks and she's all "OH! I'm SO sorry!" ~_~ I sort of lose myself in the music, so when "Rollin'" came on, I liked how I was dancing. I love dancing to punkish-hard-heavy-screw-the-parents-and-defy-all-laws-of-bass music ^_^; I gots a glowstick! ^^ I put it on my lamp, but it's probably faded now. And I have a lei of flowers ^_^ Yay for me! My my my, this girl Christina is dating Nathan. They're close, so I see. At the dance however, Christina and Ryan were sucking face and practically humping hardcore. ;-; Poor Nathan...he was so upset. I saw Christina get hugged by her friends because she was bawling and it just makes me think: If people drink at social events, don't they know things like this could happen? *sigh* :D I was talking to a half-drunk guy who's pretty cute, when me, Chantale, Victoria, Adam, Shannon, Mark and some other people sat in the weight room. We were watching the basketball game [not me or Chantale...we just didn't want to dance for a bit ^^;]. The guy was funny, because the TV was losing cable so he slapped the screen and it un-fuzzed itself. He looked up triumphantly and then tried it again, but this time on top of the TV...it went blue. He looked so surprised and scared so he slapped the screen again. Chantale and I were laughing at him XD Then the TV went out, so all five of them [or whoever came in, Nathan did at one point...] crowded around it, trying to fix it. Tara and Lindsay came in and we chatted in the hallways until Scott picked me and Chantale up. Mullets are funny :D YAY! ^_^ My mommy bought me two Garage Clothing Co. tops, one of them I *really* like ^_-. Next Friday, I'm going to Canada's Wonderland with: Nancy, Scott, Cindy and Chantale. But first, today, I have to do the dishes and scrub the bathtub. I love scrubbing the bathtub - I get so into it, I get all hardcore-scrubbing. She likes it when I scrub the bathtub...^_^;; I'm going to take a shower because I need to fix my hair; I fell right asleep last night without brushing it out >_<; and I feel all sunburny. Aw damn, I suppose the shower's going to hurt me. Well, in that case, I'll take the shower tonight. I need to finish the bathtub anyway.
Although Beach Day was *fun*, I sort of wish I missed it. o_0;; Just cause of my burn and that's it! Oh, and the fact that stupid Tanya's sandals left a sore, sore blister on the side of my foot. >.< I wanna veg today, slump around [even though I have a Science exam on Tuesday] and watch movies. I WILL! ^_^;;; Bye-bye all! Ack, I better copy this blog entry or else it could erase itself. @@;
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:47:21 AM * * *
* * * * Thursday, June 14 * *
Feeling: A bit exhausted but HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!! ^_^ Comment: Kickin' day!! ^.^; Song: "Undone" [or "The Sweater Song"] - Weezer
^_^ Alright. I presented my poverty thingy and it was good! I wasn't actually *that* nervous! And, then Mr. Supryka told me that I got into Peer Tutoring!! ^_^; In Science, we had ice cream sundaes and then had TAG [we cleaned out our lockers and got signatures]. Careers class was candy and chat, not much. ^^ Me, Chantale, Seb and Tyler and everyone who had candy necklackes/bracelets, were whipping the candy bits back and forth. History class was *WAY* too hot inside, so he left us leave after fifteen minutes of chattering. Jen and I went to Yukari's science class, ate more sundaes then watched "Half-Baked." Then we went home. After this, it was extremely humid [-___- 30 degrees] so I invited Yu-chan over for a swim. She came at 4:30 and couple of hours later, Nancy and her sisters [minus Marianne] came over to swim as well. We played Tag and Marco Polo and Dolphins [*_*;] then whatever. It got cold, so we climbed out. We all sat around [Mom, me, Yukari, Chantale, Nancy (who left half-way to be with Scott @@;; and Cindy] [Scott was watching TV downstairs] and ate rhubarb pie or something like that. We all joked about how Chantale is anorexic and bulimic T_T Shes *SO* skinny. :P The conversation turned to sleeping behaviours and all that, and then my mom went to pick up my brother. We talked about outfits for Beach Day [tomorrow! YAY!! ^_^] and now, I'm wearing a wrap skirt I found in my drawers o_0; and borrowing Cindy's outfit for the dance. Then they went home. ^-^;;
*sigh* New poem, which I'm not really that proud of. It's not my best work but I feel like posting more.
Titled: pink slips
bow down child of them fall in line with those like you, among you clones clones clones barcode on your stomach tags on your tongue computer chip in your hand sheep sheep sheep exact faces same smile take a number shadows leapt across the faces cattle cattle cattle genetics of you no, of THEM you're not you you're them got life? twofold threefold allfold © Zephyr 2001
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:42:14 PM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, June 12 * *
What? I can't even speak for myself now?
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:38:46 PM * * *
* * * * Monday, June 11 * *
Feeling: A bit nervous about my Religion presentation tomorrow, but nonetheless HAPPY! ^_^ Comment: Deleting unnecessary files. Checking my slow e-mail. Working on my website. Song: "Undone" - Weezer "Fat Lip" - SUM 41
Wahh, I was *so* tired today. I slept when I got home for an hour, after reading a crappy R.L. Stine book of Jen's. ^^; I'm trying to find white-background piccies of Ryan Phillippe for my site. Even though, my site's about j-rock....*shrugs* I'm sick of my site. It's never updated and it's boring now. -___- I need spontaneity and change! Well. THANK YOU, RAE!! ^_^ ^_^ We deeply, *DEEPLY* appreciate the new layout!! ^_- Luv ya lots!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:47:54 PM * * *
* * * * Sunday, June 10 * *
Feeling: M'ehhh Comment: *ALMOST* done my Religion poster!! ^_^;;; Song: "Say It Ain't So" - Weezer "The World Has Turned and Left Me Here" - Weezer
Bah! I've been on a huge Weezer kick and my parents just bought a large cushiony loveseat-hammocky swing with a canopy. ^^; It's *SO* nice and cozy. I'm gonna swing in it after I'm done my poster. I've got my disturbing piccies, my title. But I'm cutting out my subtitle. @@ I bought a new bathing suit! From Wal-Mart :D It's "slimming" [Mommy] and black. Actually, I was being a bitch-queen a few hours ago. My parents were grinding me down about getting a job. All because I said I didn't wanna work at McDonald's. Oh wells, we are friends again! ^_^ Daddy helped me with the stupid printer. o_0 I had a printing scare. :D I'm looking up piccies of Ryan Phillippe. He's a hottie, ne?? ^_^ Bye! Oooh, Ky-chan just informed me that Angelina Jolie is bisexual. Kick.Ass.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:01:16 PM * * *
Feeling: Funny Comment: Jen's complaining about her burnt legs and her brother's imitating Cartman :D Song: None...watching "Hometime" ^_^;
We did the girly thing. We suntanned, painted our toenails, listened to music, watched "American Pie" and then "Home Alone 2" and then five minutes of "Saturday Night Live." >_< My parents are coming now or in half an hour. I have to get ready [a.k.a stuff my wet bathingsuit in my backpack, remove Jen's fishclips from my hair and run upstairs^^;] soon.
DUDE! Jen's leopardy-printy pants are trippy! o_0;; Yes...well....umm...I's going swimsuit [tankinis!! ^_^ Woo!] shopping with Mommy tomorrow night. And also, at lunch tomorrow, my Mommy's picking me up to see our chiropractor. Shh, I'm gonna try to record Jen and her brother's conversation...
"Nehh.." "Boom chakalakalaka boom...dahn dahn dahn!" "Oh, I should go out and mow the lawn." "Why?" "Mom.....*muffled conversation*" " *evil glare from Jen when I sang her name opera-style :D* "
Bah! Byeeeee.....when I get home, I'm going to have to work on my Religion project. That's all my homework. Oh, and maybe some Science or whatnot crap. I *HAVE* to bring my Discman tomorrow.AND AHHHHHHH I HAVE TO PEE!!!! @@ BTEee!~!!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:12:05 AM * * *