what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back
* * LAURIE! * *
I'm Laurie. I have hair that makes Richard Simmon's hair looks good. I like giraffes and monkeys. I especially like monkeys. When I was born, my dad said I was either a boy or the ugliest girl alive. It's things like that that makes my self-esteem so high these days. I like a mixture of music from Tool to Weezer to Billie Holiday to Flock of Seagulls. I have an extreme love for the 80s that will never cease. I think I've seen The Breakfast Club about thirty eight times, even though I only like parts of it. Emilio Estevez is my boyfriend. I have a lawn gnome named Clyde. He's dear to my heart. Bruce Willis sings stalker songs to me at night. I watch TV a lot. I love movies to death. I hate the feeling, sound, word, thought of fleece. My nanny gave me a fleece sweater awhile ago. I like the smell of gasoline, freshly cut grass and chlorine. I like when my skin smells after I get out of the pool. I tend to bite my nails too much so my nails are gross and short and creepy. I can't stand having bumps in my hair. I have to have music. I cry during scenes like the ending of Revenge of the Nerds. Unpixelated Sims is funny, and kind of creepy. Laughing at drunk people makes for good times. Claire is my sex monkey. You just wish you were, too. I'm not on crack, although you'd think I was.
* * * LINKS
Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma
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* * * * Saturday, June 30 * *
Full name: Zephyr Gender: Female Born: 09.09.85 Handles: Zephyr Lives in: A small village in Ontario -__- Starsign: Virgo School: A Catholic high school Pets: Doggy, Taboo. Where are you from: Nova Scotia What color are your eyes: Mahogany *blink* Haircolor: Red-purple-brown Piercing/tattoos: None Q_Q Marital status: Single
01. Are you a Virgin: Yup. *grin* 02. Are you a right or a lefty or an ambidextrous: Righty. 03. What are your personality traits: naive, sarcastic, chatty, hyper, moody 04. What do you like most about yourself: My second toe or my eyes 05. Pick a song that describes yourself: "Just a Girl" - No Doubt 06. What's your name backwards: Ryhpez - sounds like a acne medecine, eh? 07. What does your name mean: No meaning. 08. Do you believe in yourself: Yeah... 09. Do you have an accent: I supposedly have what they call a "Canadian accent" 10. Do you believe in God: Yup. ^_^ 11. Do you go to church?: Nah, my parents don't like it. Wheee! I hate it! 12. Can you swim: Yep. 13. Do you drink: I drink orange juice but I don't think that's what you meant...o_O 14. Do you do drugs: Nope. 15. Do you smoke: Naw. 16. Do you bite your nails: >< My not-so-secret uncovered. I chew horribly 17. Are you addicted to the Internet: Yes indeedy. =D 18. How many times do you check your e-mail per day: MSN tells me when I get mail, and I check envy.nu every once in awhile 18. Do you ever have AOL conversations: All the time. 19. Do you have ICQ: Used to. 20. How long can you hold your breath: Hmm...let's see...ten seconds? @@; I suck at doing that. 21. Nosehairs (on you): Pardon? 22. Nosehairs (on your boy/girlfriend or potential other) long or short: Pardon? 23. What hobbies do you have: Being a horrendous sarcastic twit takes u most of my time but...reading, writing, eating, hanging with friends, shopping, *trying* to straighten my hair with Aimée's help...la la la 24. What kind of Deodorant do you use: Some Secret Spring Fresh... 25. Do you think you're attractive: It really all depends on that person, but I'm not *yucky* to look at...o_o; 26. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: I did not have sexual relations with that bear.... XD Aren't I funny? 27. What do you wear to bed: A tank top and boxers/PJ pants 28. One Pillow or 2: Three 29. What's your bedtime: Depends on what I'm doing, really. I can stay up until 3 a.m. typing but....m'eh! I stay up late. 30. What do you think about before you go to sleep: Whatever's on my mind. 31. First thought in the morning: M'ehhhh........*grunt*......sleeeeeep......*snuggle under sheets and blankets and pillows*...ahh... 32. What's under your bed: Boxes of memorabilia [baby stuff] and a bag of stuffed animals 33. Are you an optimist or pessimist: Both. 34. Better to cry or laugh: The two. 35. Ever been in love: No. Q_Q 36. Right now, who do you want to marry and spend the rest of your life with: A man ^_^v 37. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: A ritzy hotel where we can order room service ^_~ 38. When you notice somebody of the opposite sex what do you notice first: Their clothes and face/hair 39. Bois-If a girl ever asked you for the shirt on your back, would you give it to her: 41. Bois-would you ever ask a random girl for her shirt: 42. Do you think men and women can ever just be friends without wanting each other: I have tons of guy friends so...*shrug* Sure. 43. Who's better, Bois or Girls: BOTH! ^^; 44. What's your "type": lean, dark-haired, taller than me, innocent and naughty ^-^, sarcastic 45. Internet Boyfriends and Girlfriends-- stupid or neat: Can't say. 46. Are you a player: Nope. 47. Did you ever cry over someone of the opposite sex: I don't think so... 48. Did you ever have a crush on a cartoon character: *giggle* That was, I think, the most retarded period of my life. I totally regret anything that followed that too. 49. Are you a good friend:...I can be. 50. What's your biggest fear: Drowning; covered with bugs *shudder* 51. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: Eh? 52. Do you make fun of people: I think I do it too much, but oh well. :D 53. What is the stupidest thing you have ever done: Being friends with certain people 54. What is the smartest thing you have ever done: Ditched those people 55. Do you eat chicken fingers with a fork: Not usually, unless it's greasy or hot 56. How do you eat an Oreo: Put in whole inside my mouth, crunch on it and swallow. o_0;; 57. Do you eat the stems of broccoli: Doesn't everyone? 58. Is the glass half empty of half full: I drank it. 59. Which came first-The chicken or the egg: >< This question gets to me, with all its logic and IT'S TOO CONFUSING!! @@; 60. What color is your toothbrush: I boughts a new orange one yesterday! 61. What color is your toothpaste: Red-whire-blue stripey Aquafresh kind. 62. What's on your walls in your room: ripped pictures, words, sayings, yadda. 63. What is on your ceiling: fading glowy tack-on stars 64. Have you ever been attacked by a big dog: Not that I can remember... 65. Words/Phrases you overuse: "Meh" "La la la" "Just when you thought it was over....DUN DUN DUN!" 66. Do you get along with your parents: Yes. 67. Craziest/Silliest person you know: Aimée, Genital Jenny [*grin* Jen] 68. What sucks about school: Homework and I'm-right-you're-wrong-because-I-say-so teachers ._. 69. Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you: I stole it from some girl...~_~; 70. Do you like to swim: Yeah...I gots a pool! 71. Do you watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer: I used to but I don't anymore 72. Do you sing in the shower: No, because everyone else is sleeping so I sing everywhere else 73. How do you want to die: Sleeping peacefully in my bed, with my husband beside me 74. Would you ever go bungy-jumping: If someone I trusted, convinced me to...I'm not *too* risky 75. Do you like dressing up: Definitely!! 76. Do you enjoy reading: Yeah, it's a lovely thing to do! ^_^ 77. Do you watch TGIF: Used to when it was "Boy Meets World" and that... 78. What movie do you really want to see: Scary Movie 2, crazy/beautiful, legally blond 79. What is your biggest wish: To excel in life 80. Would you ever have cosmetic surgery: Naww 81. Do you like to dance: I *love* to dance 82. What do you think of people who drink: I don't think of people *because* they drink... 83. What do you think about people who do drugs: Potheads. 84. What do you think of people who smoke: Black lungs! Nyah nyah! 85. Do you shun nudity: M'eh, hard question. We were meant to be naked so what's the deal? But I don't like me naked. 87. Do you watch Happy Days: I wish I could. The Fonz and Potsy and Ralph Malph and Chachi =D 88. Do you organize your CD's: I hate two CDs. What's there to organize? 89. Do you read the newspaper: Comics, Dear Abby and articles that pop out to me 90. Who is the loudest person you know: Mary 91. Who is the weirdest person you know: All my friends are weird! ^^; 92. Do you sneeze a lot: Occasionally...O_o;; 93. Are you a vegetarian: No, but I can't *stand* some meats just 'cause.. 94. Best net friends: Rae, Amber, Ky, Kotori 95. What was the last CD you got: I stole the two CDs from Josslyn @___@ I'm a bad girl. 96. Who do you trust the most: Yukari 97. What color is your computer desk: Stained brown, with a huge coffee-mug white mark >] 98. Do you have a pager: Nah. 99. Do you have a lava lamp: No. 100. What's on your mouse pad: Plain dark blue with a black underside 101. Worst feeling in the World: Loneliness, rejection 102. Best feeling in the World: Knowing you're going somewhere exciting soon 103. Favorite thing to do on a weekend: Go online, veg, go shopping [secret confession: almost every weekend, I do ^.^;;], hang with friends 104. Where do you see yourself in 10 years: I don't. 105. Do you get motion sickness: Nope! 106. What do you drive: I don't drive yet. 107. Who are your best buds: Yukari, Aimée, Meghan, Gemini 108. What's the name of the person you talk to most online: Rae, probably, my little Chia Pet 110. Have you ever been convicted of a crime: No. Yay for me! Whee. 111. Most humiliating moment: Well, my 'stuffies' fell out of my shirt at Youth Group... 112. Have you ever called a 900 number: No, but I want to. [Just kidding, Mom! :)] 113. Which movies have you cried at: Really....TOO MANY! 114. Summer memory: Going to my cousins' every single summer. 115. Idea for a perfect date: Staying home, feeding pizza to each other, renting a cheesy movie to giggle together at 116. Future son names: *shrug* 117. Future daughter names: *shrug* 118. What is your favorite brand of gum: Trident Cappucino....mmm, yummy! 119. Which is your favorite Mentos commercial: The one where the geeky kid gets into the concert--oh wait, that's the Foo Fighters commercial, mocking Mentos! *_* 120. What's your favorite color to paint your toenails: Sparkly blue, dark purple, peach, or some cool shade of green from Jen 121. Which do you prefer cool ranch or nacho cheese Doritos: Cool ranch, baby! 122. What's your favorite flavor of Snapple: ...>< Hate Snapple 123. Who is your favorite character on Seinfeld: Kramer or the Boy in the Plastic Bubble 124. Which one, Coke or Pepsi: ...>< Hate cola 125. Which pez is your favorite: Goofy! 126. What's your favorite room in the house: Kitchen, compy room, my room, living room 127. Which is your favorite Arnold movie: *laughs at Arnold* Terminator I and II; they crack me up! 128. What is your favorite store: Wal-Mart ^_^, Smart Set, Pantorama, Jean Machine, Suzy Shier, Garage Clothing Co. 129. What is your favorite Jell-O flavor: Strawberry! 130. Which do you prefer mud wrestling or Jell-O wrestling: Hmm, both. Jell-O would come off more easy and more slippery, you'd think... 131. What's the best number in the world: Three! 132. Boxers or Briefs: Boxers. 133. Favorite color Bra: Black, white, yeah the usuals. 134. Favorite Salad Dressing: Catalina....mmm Catalina...*drool* 135. Favorite Shampoo: Outrageous!, Pantene Pro-V, Herbal Essences, Citrus stuff 136. Favorite movies: -_- Scary Movie, Save the Last Dance, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Sixteen Candles, Can't Hardly Wait, 10 Things I Hate About You, American Pie 137. Favorite kind of music: Hard Limp Bizkit-stuff, like SUM 41, Treble Chargers, Linkin Park...la 139. Favorite Food: Ravioli and canned spaghetti, yo! 140. Favorite town to be in: Town? Pssh, dunno. 141. Favorite ice cream: Cookies n Cream, Butterscotch, Strawberry, Neopolitian [which I call Napoleon ^^] 142. Favorite Soda: Sprite, 7UP, Grape 143. ADIDAS, NIKE, or REEBOK: Adidas 144. Favorite cologne or perfume: Clinique Happy 145. Favorite song: I think I have a *bit* too many songs... 146. Favorite school subject: English 147. Least favorite school subject: Math *shudder* 148. Favorite sport to watch: Soccer, badminton 149. Favorite holiday: Christmass 150. What do you look for in the opposite sex: Didn't we go over that somewhere up top? o_o; 151. Would you rather go to Disneyworld or Disneyland: There's a difference? @@ 152. What is your favorite color: Orange, white, yellow, black, silver, green 153. Favorite cartoon hero: *grin* Hmm...-______- I can't think. 154. Favorite Actors: Nicholas Cage, Heath Ledger, Rob Schneider, Jason Patric 155. Favorite Actresses: Fairuza Balk, Julia Stiles, Sandra Bullock 156. Pro-life or Pro-choice: Pro-life 157. Do you prefer pools or ocean: Pools. I'm terrified of sharks. >_< 158. Pencil or pen: Pen. 159. Who's the best looking person you know of same sex: Yukari, Aimée, Cindy, Meghan, Gemini, Chantale, Tara 160. Who's the prettiest Disney movie gal: Ariel 161. Gold or silver: Silver 162. Would you rather be short or tall: I'm short so short. 163. Which Winnie the Pooh character is your fav: Eeyore or Pooh himself. 164. What's your favorite Nintendo game: Um, that Duckhunt game! 165. Who is the least attractive person you know: Too many people! =D I'm so mean. 167. Do you like Marilyn Manson: Not particularly but I give him credit for being different. 168. Favorite stations: 97.1, 98.9 169. MTV or VH1: Uhh, none. 170. What are your favorite musician, bands or band: -_- Limp Bizkit, SUM 41, Weezer, Poe, Joydrop, No Doubt, Eve, Mya, Rammstein, Treble Chargers, Linkin Park, Our Lady Peace and more 171. Best place to hang out: Mall, friends' houses, my cousin's house 172. Do you prefer to date people old or younger then you: Same age. 173. Favourite TV show: Full House, Clueless, Just for Laughs, MuchMoreMusic 80s, The Simpsons, Malcolm in the Middle, Boston Public, Gilmore Girls, My Wife and Kids, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, Jay Leno and David Letterman :D 174. Blondes, Brunettes, or Redheads: Brunettes ^_^ I being one of them 175. Glasses or Contacts: Glasses - easier to apply, easier to clean, easier everything 176. What's the weirdest first name you've ever heard of: --- 177. Brandy or Monica: Brandy...I've been caught up in "Moesha" lately... 178. Favorite game: Monopoly, Uno 179. Favorite drink: Iced Cappis from Tim Horton's, orange juice, Fruitopia Strawberry Passion Awareness 180. Favorite sound: Rain, music, Aimée's clicking retainer 181. Favourite smell: Body mists, Clinique Happy, gasoline, Jen ^_- 182. Rollercoasters- deadly or exciting: Exciting!! 183. Chocolate or Vanilla cake: *shrug* Cake is blah. 184. Thunderstorms cool or scary: Scary AND cool. 185. What is your favorite quote: "Who are you and where are you taking me?! Oh wait, you have candy. Let me follow you!" 186. If I could shave one thing into your hair what would it be: "breathe" in kanji 187. If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: Bright fire-engine red [which didn't happen '_'] 188. If you could have a tattoo what would you get and where would you get it: A teeny white bunny on my shoulder. 189. If you could turn into an animal real or imaginary, what would you be: Dog, giraffe, unicorn, horse 190. If you could meet one person in the world who would it be, Living and nonliving: *sigh* You ask these questions, where I have too many answers!! Argh. 191. If you were a dog what would your name be: Foo Foo Monkey Dog-Girl 192. If you could be anything in a kitchen what would you be: Toaster or microwave 193. If you could be one gardening tool what would you be: Hoe! =D 194. If you could be a shoe, what kind of shoe would you be: Pump, flat, ballet slipper or wedge shoe 195. If you could be Corn, what corn would you be: kernel corn?? 197. If you had a genie, what 3 wishes would you make: Love, bright red hair, money 198. Purple: Purple Monkey Dishwasher! 199. If you could meet a Net Person who would it be: Rae, Ky, Amber, Kotori 200. If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be: Writer, criminologist, psychologist, mother 201. If you were to kill someone, which method would you choose: Pushing them intoa flat wide solar blanket/pool cover 202. If you could do anything to the person you hate the most, what would you do: Make them unpopular and ridiculed and teased and taunted forever. But I'd hate myself for it, because that's just not right. -_- Horrible survey! 203. Think of the person you love most in the entire world. Thinking of them? OK, now that person will die a horrible death if you don't have sex with your mother/father.....would you do it: >< You are a *SICK* survey...but...I guess... 204. If you could streak in front of one person's house who's would it be: Aimée's...Yukari owns a store!! @@;;; 205. Better pre-sex foods: Pie! >] 206. You are a virgin. You're going to die in one hour. That's right! You have ONE HOUR TO LIVE!!! So...you lose your virginity as fast as you can? or you call all your close friends and relatives to say goodbye: Say goodbye. Like that movie "Cherry Falls" 207. Worst way to die: Drowning 208. Your favorite STD and why: Excuse me? FAVORITE STD? Clymidia or however you spell it and only 'cause it's just itchy and that's it. I saw it on some Canadian show 209. Does gay/lesbian sex turn you on: Nope. 210. What would your porn name be: Kinky Monkey Girl XD 211. Do bananas turn you on: O_O;; 212. Condoms: glow-in-the-dark, flavored, or ribbed: ---- 213. Full body massage or dry sex: Full body massage... 214. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being I may have sex...sometime in my life...maybe when I'm like 80...and 10 being whips, chains, and automobiles with my dog and my gramma in the back seat of my grandpa's car. where are you kinkiness-wise: 5 215. My most graphic sexual fantasy was when...: Sorry, I don't have *THOSE* fantasies, but I had a dream with a slippery cake fight in a wedding dress....*grin* Even my dreams are married fantasies! Whee. 216. Would you have sex on your kitchen counter: We have practically no kitchen counter so screw that! 217. Place I'd get it on if I could: That ritzy hotel, on my wedding night :D Aren't I the virginal one? 218. The person I'd like to have sex with the most is: My husband :P 219. If you were gay/lesbian, then would you have straight sex if someone paid you $1,000: --- 220. Premarital sex: No.No.No. Okay, I'll put it this way - You two love each other madly. If you *really* loved each other, you could wait, unless it was just lust. Which is not love. I'd rather wait than to lose it to some fling, thank YOU!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:44:52 PM * * *
* * * * Friday, June 29 * *
I'm gunna steal this survey thingy & fill it out for myself. ^-^
I'm Sitting: On a chair. How interesting, eh? Who would've guessed that I'd be sitting on a *chair* of all things? *rolls eyes* I'm wearing: A peach-colored flowery shirt and black pants. (I don't try to coordinate outfits and colors at home!) The taste on my tongue is: Artificial raspberry. I'm chewing gum. The time of day: 9:58pm The other people in the house are: My mom, my bro, and my daddy, who's downstairs working in the store. Tomorrow I am going to: I have no idea. I don't plan my days. Hopefully, stay away from Amber. >.< I need to: Go shopping. Seriously. I have like, no clothes. By the end of the summer I plan on: It's a secret. Shh. ^.~ I always get confused by: why poor families always seem to have more children than wealthy families. I miss: My old friends back in Mississauga. If I could change one thing about me I would: change everything. A better feeling in the world is: Knowing that u'r gunna get something expensive, do something exciting, or go somewhere far away.... Something that always makes me smile is: ma friends! literally, most of them are funny I want to: do something more worthwhile with my life My most life-altering moment so far: I have no idea. I guess moving, but then again, I've done that at least 7 times. Given that I had 46 billion dollars: Ooh......I would get surgery of all sorts, travel around the world, go on a shopping spree, go to Japan and buy the complete manga series of both Fushigi Yuugi & Ayashi no Ceres & all the cels of Tamahome, and anything else worth buying there, go sky-diving *.*, buy a season pass to Canada's Wonderland, go to the US and visit every theme park, and bribe expensive business people into giving me a permanent career as someone who makes a LOT of money. 46 billion dollars just isn't enough when u have it in ur hands. Oh yeah, and laugh in the faces of people who think 1 million dollars is a lot. HA! (That'd be me right now. >.<) My one regret: Wasting my money on stupid pokemon. Ugh. While traveling on a trip around the world the 1st place I would stop would be: Korea, I really need to count just how many relatives I have over there. @.@ Stupid is: what stupid does. ^.^v Most people don't realize it but: I'm not as innocent as I may seem *smirk* If I had to wear one color for the rest of my life it would be: Black or a really nice dark red. If I had to wear one shirt for the rest of my life it would be: That shirt Jen lent me once! It was a dark red color and I really liked it. I don't really know: why my bro can't think of any other insult than "U'r gay!" for everything I do. Oh yeah, and why some people really are gay, not homosexual exactly, but just....gay.
That's my blog for the week. Now Zephyr doesn't have to feel like a total loser being the only one that blogs! j/k
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:16:39 PM * * *
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:42:02 PM * * *

I'm Sitting: on my computer chair I'm wearing: Kiss boxers and a undie-set tank top The taste on my tongue is: nothing The time of day: 8:55 p.m. The other people in the house are: My brother, Brad, who's doing dishes =D Tomorrow I am going to: Have a nice bath, pack and clean my room I need to: Wash my swimsuit By the end of the summer I plan on: Being preddie ^_^ I always get confused by: stupidity I miss: childhood If I could change one thing about me I would: thin my hair every week instead of every month -______- A better feeling in the world is: 'I'm happy because something's going to happen soon!' Something that always makes me smile is: cheese I want to: lick Rae My most life-altering moment so far: All moments are life-altering...but probably when I was almost killed at a waterpark when I was five Given that I had 46 billion dollars: Go to Japan, go to university, *HUGE* shopping spree, pay off parent's bills/whatnots and buy a new house My one regret: Just one? o_o; While traveling on a trip around the world the 1st place I would stop would be: Japan Stupid is: Christina Aguilera Most people don't realize it but: I have pudge on me >P If I had to wear one color for the rest of my life it would be: Red or blue If I had to wear one shirt for the rest of my life it would be: My Japanese monkey shirt ^_^v I don't really know: HTML >____<
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:01:05 PM * * *
i'm still up. and if anyone wakes up . . .uh-oh for me :D
* You're so silly, Nanny! 2:38:04 AM * * *

Feeling: Shuddery but joyful that I'm back online ^^v Comment: I.HATE.BUGS. Song: I always put a different song every single day I blog, but I seriously listen to my songs repeatedly...Hmm... "Cocoon" - Joydrop
I've had to kill three bugs tonight. One didn't die and for some reason, I tossed him [the crunchy big black one ><] into the garbage. I was a little spooked but I went back inside my room. An hour or so later, I went to the bathroom again [I *am* on my rag >P] and it was crawling out under tissues over the top of the garbage! I freaked out and took some stick-thing and jabbed him under. I then, stood there for half an hour, armed with air freshener [which would cause him to stop crawling and kill him] and my safety stick-thing. Nothing. Then, I was just looking around the washroom, when I saw an earwig [I HATE EARWIGS *shudder*] crawl under the bathroom door. I grabbed him with wads of TP and tossed him in the toilet and flushed the yucky thing. Then, I noticed another on the wall. *THEN* >.< I saw a huge black bug above the bathroom door. By this time, I was practically hysterical, in tears and shuddering from fright/yuckiness. I begged my brother, who eventually did macho-like, to kill it.
On Sunday, Brad and I are leaving to Auntie Jo's for a week. Tomorrow, I'm buying a new bathing suit because my newest one is crap and is fraying. Stupid Wal-Mart. -.-;; My eyes are itchy from my pool chlorine and my hair is so dry from it. I need to condition it really good tomorrow. Saturday is my prep day. I'll take a Neet/Nair bath [I've grown out my leg hair long enough now ^^;] to prepare myself for Sunday. I'll pick out my outfits and pack.
Well....Gemini and I are on good terms again. Whew. Bye-bye! ^^;;
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:57:23 AM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, June 26 * *
Feeling: A little hungry but all-in-all OTAY! ^_^v Comment: I'm planning to go welcome the new neighbours and tell them I can babysit anytime. Wheee. I wanna bring 'em cookies. Song: "Deep Six" - Matthew Good Band
I have forty bucks and my parents are going to give me 190 dollars on top of that. Why, you ask incredulously? *WELL*, supposedly, they felt bad because they've been giving the boys dirtbikes and tools and luxuries like such, and me just clothes. So. ^_^ YAY! I want to buy CDs! Like, I have absolutely no CDs, only the two ones I stole from Josslyn. -.-; Hmm:
Weezer, SUM 41, Our Lady Peace....m'eh, I'll think of more. And, I still am planning to pay off Yu-chan. Shopping Spree For Zephy! ^_^ WHeeee!
Oh, Rae-chan! Thanks for finishing my layout! *huggles* I went to the URL and it said it didn't exist, so I was wondering..^^; I'm just in a *HAPPY* mood. I'm not all that excited about my brother's graduation tonight. But I'm forced to go. Wearing: simple white v-neck tee with a long Cindy-made Hawaiian skirt with zigzags slits. I wear that outfit to the dance; it's summery and casual-dressy. I'm organizing my closet into sections: [School] [Blues] [Reds] [Borrowed] [Mom] [Neutrals] and everything else along that line. *_* I have never organized my closet, which is basically a horizontal pole. ><
Gemini, there's no need to *not* speak about religion to others. But when you say that you're a Christian, which is a blatant lie, but then weeks before, talk about how you make up your own religion? That's not exactly sticking to your words there. And when you asked if my parents went to church 5x a week - I got defensive on my own behalf. They didn't like soulxchange. What, exactly, does church have to do with it? We are Christian, yeah. We believe in organized religion; we sure should. You implied my parents are holy-holy and consider everything a sin, which they *DON'T.* Maybe it's people like you who get down their back for being religious. And no, they don't live in a fantasy world. Maybe *you* are, and it consists of you going to Heaven or wherever you want with j-rockers and you can believe in many gods and you'll go because why? You try to commit suicide supposedly and you swear? There's your ticket inside then!
I'm just wondering how many people actually read this bloggita. Well, Meghan's messaging me, and so iss Julia..bye!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:44:32 AM * * *
* * * * Sunday, June 24 * *
I feel like shit. I don't feel like speaking to my brother and I am in a big scam of guilt-shame on behalf of my own selfishness and bitch-worthiness. I can't look my mother in the eye today and I don't want to talk to her at all either.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:02:55 PM * * *

Feeling: Rock-chick-ish Comment: Continued off that last blog ^_- Song: "Just A Girl" - No Doubt "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" - Cyndi Lauper
When we were driving home in the dark, Chantale leaned on Cindy and I fell over Chantale. We slept like that then started pinching and eating each other's hair :D We teased Chantale about the effects of her bean chili ^_^ and Cindy kept spazzing about her naked feet. o_o; It was nearly 11 when I told Scott I'd crash at Chantale's since they asked me so I did. I called my dad and he obliged, saying he'd pick me up at noon. We ranted for ten minutes [Gizmo, their dog, is "The Tampon" @@;; He curves and sleeps, fittingly to your body ^^;] and talked until we all changed into PJs [I had to borrow theirs], called Cindy "Kennyboobs!" and fell asleep. Well..not exactly. There was a drugdeal with potheads going on down the street so we watched them out the window for a bit. *THEN* fell asleep. I woke up at 10 a.m. and Chantale awoke around 11. We talked until 11:30, when my dad, unexpectedly showed up. Half my hair was matted with mousse and the other half was sticking up erratically and some of it was pushed into a spiky little ponytail. >_<
I did nothing until 4:30 p.m. when I went over to my neighbour's to babysit until 10:30. They didn't get home until 11. I got 30 dollars and I watched most of a *really* intriguing biography-live-video-footage of Madonna. It kicked! She got mad at her gay dancers because they were gorgeous and she wanted them. Her and her dancers [there was only *one* straight dancer!! o_O''] and her singers played Truth or Dare. Madonna dared one of her dancers to 'whip out his dick' so he did. *_*; She's one naughty girl -- she was wrestling with the same dancer and she landed on his lap and she yelled, laughing, "My God, you have a big dick!"
Then, I had a *TWISTED* dream half about Madonna, half about school. >< Stupid school. I'm going to see a movie with my mom tonight. Whee. We went berrypicking today and got maybe 11 buckets? *shrugs* So....tired.....need....sleep. O_O; You know what? I haven't had *ONE* night's sleep where I went to bed early and slept in! ^_^; Yay for summer! Oh my, this is *so* my summer to stay up until 4:30 a.m. watching trashy TV and infomercials.
" So, Ernie, you're saying that your brother's girlfriend slept with his aunt, who is a transvestite and then that aunt seduced you and you got AIDS? Audience, do you think we should bring out our first guest, the brother Roger? Come on out, Roger! *audience cheers* It's horrible that you fell victim to such low creatures as your girlfriend, Pam. Let's bring out Pam! *audience boos* Ernie, calm down. Stop ripping out Pam's hair! Now, wait. We have a surprise for you two...your Aunt Leslie, the transvestite, is here! Here's Leslie! *audience screams and rampages and boos* Roger, please! Get security! Pam, save that for the hotel room! Leslie, you're saying you have a surprise? You're pregnant with Roger's child? Ernie, put that chair down!!"
"See this fabulous hair-removal product? It only costs 19.99 dollars, but if you call now within five minutes, we'll reduce that low price to 17.99! Look at this average waxing kit? It's painful and leaves blotches but if you purchase our fantastic product, you'll see that it truly does work wonders!..." Yadda yadda.
:D I have *way* too much time on my hands.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 4:59:41 PM * * *

Feeling: Tired and pissed off at my hair but hap-hap-happy! ^_^ Comment: Blaah. Song: None. Going to watch the movie "Clueless"
Went to Canada's Wonderland yesterday. FUN! ^_^ Rode:
Dropzone [1] Top Gun [1] DragonFire [1] Mighty Canadian Mine-Buster [3] Wild Beast [1] SkyRider [3] Shockwave [1] Vortex [2] The Fly [1] Swings [1]
Riding the Vortex the first time around, I sat beside a total stranger-guy but who was *so* nice. We were chatting as we climbed around the mountain :D He told me his dad said: "You know how people say the nets underneath rollercoasters/rides are to catch belongings like hats that fall? Well, that's wrong. It's to catch people who fall out of the rides during loops or sharp turns" O_O;; Poor guy. Second time around, I was up front and all the water leaves your eyes and streaks, like tears, down your face. ^^;; I nearly died on Top Gun, because I was at the very front. I started hyperventilating, but a mild case of it. I was so freaked out, I screamed *THE* whole way. I have been on TG before but not upfront. >< Shockwave *SUCKED*. I know it's a new ride and all, but there are, like, no thrilling scream-scenes. Most rides, you can scream and it's normal. These are little whoops or tiny shrieks and then it's over. ~_~; Sucked. We rode the Swings for fun. Since it was slightly raining, we still got soaked. Cindy's pants went clear o_O; and my glasses got all splattered. Cheesy and fun. Chantale got harassed by the swing-lady though. XD On the Fly, we were eating a yummy Funnel Cake waiting in line and we chatted it up with a mother-and-son peoples in front of us. Then, when the pictures on the ride were taken, we saw them. :D Hilarious!! Chantale was freaking out and me and Cindy had the same face but my head was completely down and hidden T_T DragonFire, I got *SO* mad. I was seriously ready to punch the guys ahead of me and the girls behind me. Alright, since I was left alone [three of us = unbalanced so someone had to be alone], I was trying to align my place in line with C&C's so we'd be on the same ride. I asked *TWO MALE PAIRS* behind me to go up ahead so we'd be even. *ALL* their friends crowd up ahead of me before I realized what was happening. Too many people in front of me, too less in front of C&C. I started acting total-bitch-way. Two smelly little girls kept jostling and touching me so I finally turned around and gave them evil glares. They stopped but then started up again. I whipped around and ordered them to stop. They did. >_< The ride itself was fun though! On SkyRider, we waited for a bit the first time around. Two guys in front of Cindy and me [Chantale was in the next line, lined up with us] kept saying 'pussy' like it means wimp or wussy. *shrugs* So Cindy and I totally went into guy-mode, slouching and dragging our feet and began calling each other 'pussy', laughing. Chantale leaned over the rail and said to Cindy quite loud, "I like your pussy." and Cindy repeated the 'compliment' back to Chantale. Me, giggling at this, said: "Well, I like *my* pussy!" The guy heard this and turned around. I laughed so friggin' hard at that. At lunch, Scott and Nancy were 20 minutes late so we began dressing and changing clothes because it got warmer and munching on our cooler-lunches. We were standing on the back bumper and looking over the cars for S&N. A car rolled by, blaring some rap/rock song I knew briefly and a bunch of guys were in it. Some guy waved to us all-macho-like so, since I *was* in Toronto and didn't know anybody, bent down and began dancing like I was in Electric Circus for, like, a minute to the music! Not even. The funny part of it, is that they were watching me :D Funny crack. Oh, lol, *THEN* I was eating my sandwich [S&N: still no sign of them] and didn't want the crusts so I got all fake-mad and screamed I didn't want them and wound up my arm to chuck them into the parking lot drive-part [??] so seagulls could eat it, but when I let go, the crusts slammed down onto the roof of the car [I was still standing on the bumper] and left a PBJ skidmark, but nonetheless stayed within a foot of my throw. ^_^; M'eh. Don't feel like talking more about the rides.
We left at 8:30 p.m. when the park was practically empty [and rides ^^] and around an hour later, we stopped at Wendy's. Chantale had chili *_* and everyone had Frosties or burgers and fries. Yummy! ^_^ We taunted a mean dalmation that was in the car beside ours while we munched. Oh, I just remembered something that was funny: --When we were coming into CWonderland, a car stalled in front of us and two guys hopped out and said goodbye to the driver. Chantale, anxious to get into the park, yelled "Hurry up, nerds!!" really loud and didn't notice that our windows were down fully. @@;-- Anyway, it was a cool day and it was *so* fun[ny]! My new favourite CW ride[s]: Mighty Canadian Mine-Buster, Wild Beast. Wooden ones are *really* fun since I can handle loops though, I like the creaky-sounding-like-it's-going-to-collapse thrills. ^_^ BYEEE!!!
Oh! '_' Almost forgot. Cut and dyed my hair. Cut: an inch or so past my ears. o_o;; Dyed: reddish-brown, a *TEENY* bit more red than my original colour. *throws a hissyfit* Ah well. I babysat last night and got 30 bucks, so I'm:
a) buying bright red hairdye [Mom approved since the newest dye was defective ._.] b) paying Yu-chan back that five measly dollars she's been ragging on me about :P c) purchasing whatever floats my boat with whatever's left
WHeeeee!!! I got *MUNAY!!!* [money ^_^;;;]
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:52:26 AM * * *