* * * * Saturday, July 14 * *
Current Mood: Waiting for Rae to come online ^__^; Current Song: "American Psycho" - Treble Chargers
Today, I did nothing but talk to Yu-chan. =D On the phone, on MSN mic-chats...whatever it was, we did. By the end, we had nothing else to say so we said goodbye XD We had just gone silent. Tomorrow, she's coming down to my house and we're going to hang out. ^_~
My "new" Japanese name is Sabishii Aiyoku. Ain't it purdy? It means Lonely Love/Passion. Awww...>D
....I need to shave my legs. >___< Badly. Very, very badly.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:05:10 PM * * *
Disorder / Rating Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Low Antisocial: High Borderline: Low Histrionic: High Narcissistic: High Avoidant: Moderate Dependent: Moderate Obsessive-Compulsive: High
I'm not anti-social. I just get intimidated by large groups of people my own age. >P
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:05:43 AM * * *
* * * * Friday, July 13 * *
Current Mood: A little giddy really, but more happy-genki-cheery Current Song: "Special" - Garbage
MOSH PIT!! WOO!! ._. No, I'm not going to the Waterfront, but I don't have to. I'll do something else (yeah right XD) more exciting! But...I *do* want to see Treble Chargers...oh well. I'm looking at a LIFE "The Best Magazine Photography of the Year" magazine-y and it's showing some picture of a woman who's, like, posing with a stuffed swan on top of her and it looks like she's orgasming. O_O! Certainly different...Helmut Newton is ingenius. I've been playing RollerCoaster Tycoon almost all day with my cousin and talking to Yu-chan on the phone. Since neither one of us felt like actually getting up and meeting at one another's house, we just talked. :D We're so lazy. But tomorrow, we *WILL* do something. Yeah, I say that every day but >P IT WILL HAPPEN, OKAY?! ^^; I'm just perfectly ducky today. A blah bla la la
I'm going to record my cousin and I's coversation:
Aaron: *opening shirt* Hey ladies, I once fit 64 Barbies in here.. Laurie: *L* You're so skinny! A: *repeat* Hey ladies, I can fit 62 in here *sucks in* Wait....63! L: *silent laughter* IGUANA PORN! A: Hey, type in this -- www.iguanaxxx.com L: No! That's gross! A: *lifts jacket off* I have sweaty, sticky armpits...AHH! *rampages at me* L: *pokes his stomach so he goes away* Yucky. A: *points to screen* Who's that? L: Amber. A: *sits down and attacks electric guitar with pick madly* Ambe~r....die die die Ambe~r... L: *closing online windows* Harsh, Aaron. *laugh* You don't even know her! A: Yes, yes I do..we're the best of friends. We sit on hardwood floors, eat porpcorn and look at pictures of iguanas L: *giggles* You make a good match
Whew, that was hard to catch up. Good thing he stutters a little. ^__^ That was in *NO* way insulting speech impediments to anyone!! --;;
* You're so silly, Nanny! 4:43:25 PM * * *
* * * * Thursday, July 12 * *
Current Mood: A tad angsty but genki! Current Song: "Around the World" - Daft Punk "Digital Bath" - Deftones
Today, too, was a boring waste of a day. I laughed my bum (censored for some ^___^;;) off with my cousin. Hm...everyone sucks!! Nobody can go anywhere!! ;-; Jen got a job interview so I'm applying where she applied. >_< I HATE SUMMER!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:12:50 PM * * *
Thank you Yukari! ^_^ I happen to like it too. @@
Boring day la la...
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:58:01 PM * * *
* * * * Wednesday, July 11 * *
Current Mood: Blah. I can't define right now - not bored and not completely hyper-giddy ^_^; Current Song: "Runaway" - Linkin Park "Crawling" - Linkin Park
I just read Rae's new bloggita. And her 200-ish survey:
69. Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you: Zephy is lovahly and spiffy and fruit-scented. :D
=D Wheee for Rae-chan and me! *_* It's not a good thing to try to sing along with Linkin Park when the vocalist goes *really* rough, loud and scratchy. -_____-; Anyway, almost everyone's been updating their blogs or getting new ones. XP My stupid compy was reading that it was Thursday, not Wednesday. Went to the library with Mommy again today. Catergorized some online files, shelf-read and then just read in the YA section, in a corner to myself. ^_^ I love the library. I now have 21/40 community service school hours done! Woo! Um, I want to blog a lot right now....o_O;
Monica Keena is friggin' preddie, baby. I just love her as sexpot Tinka Parker in "Strike!" And both Tom Guiry and Hayden Christiansen are hotties. ^_~ Well, Tom *was* when he was in "Strike!"....^_^;; I'm obsessed with that movie. And Hayden was Tinka's date who...spent himself in his pants when they were dancing XD Anyway...
Yukari came over yesterday. We went in the pool immediately. We brought out our big tub-thing of grapes and tried to see how many we could fit in our mouths -_-;; I got to 27 over numerous attempts and gagged, which made her turn around [it reminded her, the gag reflex, of vomiting...x_x] so she didn't watch. All the grapes went down to the bottom of the pool o_o So we fished for the bright green grapes for about half an hour. My stupid solar blanket smelled disgustingly of fishies so I couldn't swim near it >_< Then we dried off, watched "Anywhere But Here" with Natalie Portman with the family and then went on the computer.
My brother lent us all his PC Gamer Demo Games so we installed Space Bunnies Must Die!, Lara Croft III Gold, Oni and Trespasser. We got frustrated with SBMD, LCIIIG and Oni so we played Trespasser until she had to go. ^___^
Was Natalie Portman in Mighty Ducks? O_o; Just curious...
...can I dance for you, chica?
* You're so silly, Nanny! 8:06:46 PM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, July 10 * *
As you can tell if you glance towards your... *stops to check sides of hands* ...left, I've redone my personal blog and Sapphire's just gotten his own. o_o Enjoy.
Dancey dancey boredness...
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:08:55 PM * * *
Current Mood: Grumpy Current Song: "Fat Lip" - SUM 41 "One Step Closer" - Linkin Park
Just watched "Strike!"...it was a frigging good movie. ^__^ We *were* supposed to go to the mall but complications arose. When Aimée calls, I'll get Scott to drive me over. -_- Not in that great of a mood. It's really humid in here, I'm pissed off at people and this music is getting me more angsty. Brad's complaining, since this computer has incredibly horrible bass, that playing "One Step Closer" really loud sounds so retarded. Like.I.Care. Honestly, I'm listening - do I really care *how* it sounds bass-wise?? I just got disconnected. I locked the computer door because he was bothering me. I'm either going in the pool or going in a nice bath. Probably pool...too hot for a bath. I'll play my CDs *REALLY* loud while sunbathing. Some car just pulled up...@@; I'M SO FREAKIN' BORED!!! Call, Aimée!!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:49:02 PM * * *
* * * * Monday, July 9 * *
I GOT MY LETTER!!!!! ^_________^
* You're so silly, Nanny! 8:00:27 PM * * *
....I'll scan the pictures later once Mommy hooks it up....
* You're so silly, Nanny! 3:26:30 PM * * *

XD Funny crap from a book - "Do Unto Others: 1000 Hilarious Ways to Screw with People's Heads" by Justin Heimberg & David Gomberg.... here are *SOME* crackheaded excerpts:
*Unbelievably Unsettling Things to Do in a Job Interview 1.On job application, under criminal record, write: Arrested for a) indecent display of plaid b) obscene use of an overhead projector c) stalking the Golden Girls 2. If they ask, "What are your hobbies?" You answer a) cabbage stacking b) ghost-writing hate mail to midgets c) summer: sorcery; winter: indoor sorcery 3. Avoid eye contact; invariably stare at his/her a) hair b) chin c) left hand d) crotch 4. Answer all questions in interpretive dance 5. Call interviewer "Daddio"
*Divinely Disturbing Things to Do to End a Relationship 1.Nickname your penis 2. Nickname other people's penises 3. Fake orgasm (on the bus)
*Endlessly Entertaining Things to Do in School 1. Purposely get caught passing note around. Have the note just say "Pouridge" over and over 2. Open desk drawer, whisper into it, "Soon you will all be free!" 3. Two words: Protractor earrings
*12 Things to Do on a Test That Doesn't Matter 1. Take test in a) lip balm b) blood c) a wet suit 2. Color entire test in black crayon with the word 'help' written in scissor scratches 3. Answer every question in the form of a question
*5 Things to Do on a Term Paper 1. Have a written lisp
*8 Things to Do If You're the Teacher 1. Illegalize the use of the letter "R" 2. Have chalk stains all over your crotch. Pretend to be oblivious 3. When grading papers, write "Whatcha talkin' about Willis?" near rambling nonsensical answers. Write "Whoomp, there it is!" by impressive responses
*Splendidly Strange Things to Do in an Elevator 1. Scatter birdseed on floor. Upon receiing quizzical looks, assure them with gentle smile and say, "For Pepe." 2. Look at person, then scribble notes furiously. Repeat sporadically. 3. Wear a silver vest and sombrero. When others enter, cry "Where's your uniform?!" 4. Start a game of Hacky Sack. Laugh at others' mistakes. Be arrogant 5. As person exits, whisper "I love you" just as doors shut 6. Air guitar to elevator music
*Things to Do at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles 1. As you buckle in for driving test, pull out frozen fish sticks and place them on the dash, State, "I never go anywhere without these guys," Call one of the fish sticks Francis and scold him repeatedly throughout the test
*1 Thing to Do When Visiting an Amish Farm 1. Put taffy in butter churn
*5 Things to Do with Larry 1. Take Larry to the supermarket 2. Call Larry late at night. When he picks up the phone, ask for Barry 3. When you meet other people named Larry, ask if they are related
*Wonderfully Warped Things to Do at a Gym/Health Club 1. Work out in Underoos 2. Swim with knee pads 3. Tell ghost stories in steam room 4. Wear tight spandex shorts and insert any of the following objects into the crotch: a) hammer b) Barbie doll c) banana bunch. Wink at the ladies
*Things to Do in a Public Bathroom 1. At urinals, start conversations with strangers. Be a little too friendly 2. Flush, walk out of stall with arms raised in triumph. Sing Queen song of your choice
*Decidedly Disconcerting Things to Do to Freak Out a New Roommate 1. Give your arm a hickey, adding one each successive day. Say you're getting a disease 2. Stock the refrigerator with three hundred sticks of butter. Quickly change the subject anytime he/she mentions it 4. Feign masturbation to: a) Fozzy Bear b) a poorly drawn crayon picture of your roommate 5. Use his/her deodorant. As a Popsicle 6. leave odd things drying over the shower rod like bacon, a wedding dress, or damp pieces of paper that red "Rectangles amuse Gino."
*6 Things to Do to Annoy Alex Trebek If You're on Jeopardy 1. Call Alex "Wink" 2. Write on screen during Final Jeopardy: a) I can't feel my legs b) Red Rum Red Rum Red Rum c) Up yours, Alex!
*Things to Do During Sex 1. Break into "We are the Champions" upon reaching orgasm 2. Explain that you cannot perform sexually unless witnessed by Tom Selleck. Unveil giant picture
*4 Things to Do at a Birthday Party 1. Fill piñata with a) beef fat b) hot oatmeal c) live bees 2. When offered cake, act offended, and say, "I don't eat meat, murderer!"
*4 Things to Do in a Beauty Pageant 1. Have terribly and embarrassing stains during swimsuit competition 2. No matter what the moderator asks you during the interview, answer "I am stuck on Band-aid and Band-aid's stuck on me!"
*3 Things to Do at Sporting Events 1. Try to start unusual chants like, "Go home Carnies!" or "Put in Clooney!" 2. Use giant video screen to ask for a divorce
*5 Things to Do If Pulled Over by a Cop 1. Offer him a spoonful of gravy if he'll let you go. Slyly show him the bowl in the glove compartment. Wink
*Marvelously Miscellaneous Things to Do to Mess With People's Minds 1. Supplement bland waiting-room periodicals at the dentist with hardcore porno magazines 2. Enter spelling bee, spell every word C-H-E-W-B-A-C-C-A
=D I love those. I just bought the book at Chapters. I went shopping with Mommy, and I bought two tops from Suzy Shier! ^_^v We got our developed piccies back and there's some with Yu-chan and I and our snowman, Doug. ^^; Doug is my hero. >D I also bought this cool plaid-ish backpack for school and my book. Tomorrow, I'm going shopping with Yukari and Jen. I have twenty dollars left over so woo! I'm gonna buy me a CD. I've had "Elevation" by U2 stuck in my head all day. -______-; I didn't go to Aimée's today...I'll probably go on Thursday. Byeee! ^__^
* You're so silly, Nanny! 3:23:28 PM * * *
* * * * Sunday, July 8 * *
Current Mood: *Really* hot and bored Current Song: "Imitation of Life" - R.E.M
WOO! This new layout kicks! Scott, Aaron, Brad and I were gonna do a sorta-midnight mad-dash down to Gabby's to rent 5 movies. Q_Q They're closed, we think. I called and just get the answering machine. >_< Isn't that a shexshi piccie of Shirley, being all coo' and provocative? ^_~ Thankies, Rae Chia Pet-chan!! ^^
GENKI GENKI GENKI!! XD *dances around with muffins* I've been in a good mood for awhile now! =D Go carrot, go carrot *chants* >D Woo carrot!! I made a homemade hodge-podge collage of magazine clippities and a song we wrote together about our hatred for math [:D I'll copy it in a second] and some other bunchies for Aimée and I'm going over to her house tomorrow. I'm *obviously* going to bring it @@; Aaron's asking who's Shreddies are the ones on the counter. SHREDDIES! >] Bah-ban-jooo!
Aimée and Laurie's Song About Math:
L: Math sucks! A: Wrecks my life L: My problo's because of Mathos! A: I hate those ho's! L: We gotta turn pathos A: Because MATH SUCKS! L: You destroyer Math! A: You wrecked my life!
The Chorus is ripped away ;-; I'll ask her about it tomorrow. It has tame swearing in it though...'tits' and 'dick', I think. WAII! ^___________________________^ I can't *WAIT* until tomorrow!!! I'm so hyper!! *_* I need a nap...
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:28:41 PM * * *
100%, Zephy! ^_^
So the new layout is up and, yeah... it's all... Garbage-themed and black and pink. I love those two colors together. *^_^* I hope Zeph and Yukari can tolerate it. XP I will be changing the links at everyone's blogs and such eventually... it's just that half of our blogs aren't working for the time being so that may have to wait, ne?
I really should go restart my compy now. o_o; CpuIdle did this weird POPUP POPUP POPUP POPUP POPUP CLICK FLASH CLICK DZZZT thing a few minutes ago and now everything's all super slow and half the windows I have open won't work. >_o But only have seven more minutes, so... *shrugs* What does it matter. :P
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:26:22 PM * * *

Current Mood: A little excited, hungry and angry at my dad Current Song: "A Letter to Elise" - The Cure "Lullaby" - The Cure
I woke up at 10:30 a.m., had *another* fight with my Dad, watched trash TV, fought again, came online. Hopefully the day will turn out better. Yukari is coming over, and I'm going to ask if she could possibly sleep over too =D We're going to the mall when she comes over, if Mommy lets us. *THEN*, on Tuesday, Yu-chan and Jen and I are going to the mall. o_o I can't spend all my money today. Well, if I *do*, that's fine. I'll just be broke for Tuesday, so what?
Q_Q I want a domain. Stupid Geocities. Our new layout should be started [finished??] today so look forward to that, courtesy of Rae-chan. We plotted all last night what names, words, layouts, pictures and such should be used. *Finally* we picked them. And our result is just perfection XD I'm just ducky right now, reading other blogs and sites and clicking randomly around the screen. @@; I'm bored, really. I'll go call Yu-chan to see if she's awake. -_____-;;
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:37:01 AM * * *