what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back
* * LAURIE! * *
I'm Laurie. I have hair that makes Richard Simmon's hair looks good. I like giraffes and monkeys. I especially like monkeys. When I was born, my dad said I was either a boy or the ugliest girl alive. It's things like that that makes my self-esteem so high these days. I like a mixture of music from Tool to Weezer to Billie Holiday to Flock of Seagulls. I have an extreme love for the 80s that will never cease. I think I've seen The Breakfast Club about thirty eight times, even though I only like parts of it. Emilio Estevez is my boyfriend. I have a lawn gnome named Clyde. He's dear to my heart. Bruce Willis sings stalker songs to me at night. I watch TV a lot. I love movies to death. I hate the feeling, sound, word, thought of fleece. My nanny gave me a fleece sweater awhile ago. I like the smell of gasoline, freshly cut grass and chlorine. I like when my skin smells after I get out of the pool. I tend to bite my nails too much so my nails are gross and short and creepy. I can't stand having bumps in my hair. I have to have music. I cry during scenes like the ending of Revenge of the Nerds. Unpixelated Sims is funny, and kind of creepy. Laughing at drunk people makes for good times. Claire is my sex monkey. You just wish you were, too. I'm not on crack, although you'd think I was.
* * * LINKS
Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma
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* * * * Saturday, July 21 * *
You suck. And I don't like you. :P
Err, okay, n/m that. @@ How are muh homies? I know I don't blog here very often. I'll try to change that. ;-; Gomen!
My god, it's already eight o'clock? O_o Wow. I still have chores to do and all so I probably shouldn't be online too long. Mom *said* I could get online, yeah, but I know she'll fuss at me later for not having them done before I got on. x_x Dammit.
I want to go SHOPPINGGGG~~~GG!!! Really badly. o_o; Too bad I have what, twenty three bucks? :P And I hate going shopping alone or with muh mom. It's more fun with friends. ;-;
Ripped from Zephyr: XD What Rae-chan is Wearing at the Momenntttt-ah! Live on stage from H'ville! Dark blue jeans that zip off at the knee and are far too big on meh x_x a black crushy velvet-ish shirt that reaches to elbows, a gray-with-pretty-flower-designs-on-cup bra, black cotton undies, a redish scrunchy and two non-matching earings (the only ones I wear XP). Interesting, ne? o_o
My sister wants me to spend a week with her up in Maryland. *_* Fun fun fun. I love muh sistah. :D She's coo'. We may also be spending a weekend up in New York sometime soon. o_o DUDE! I want to go to New York. *_*
Oh, guess what, yo'? I finally finished my school work for the year! XD Yay fah me!
Anyway... that's about all I have to say. o_o Feeling better now, thanks mostly to Zephy. ^_^v *waves*
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:20:14 PM * * *
Listening to: Lifehouse Wearing: Wrinkled red shirt and Mickey boxers, with new bra and new different-colour boys-style white undies ^^; Eye Candy: Seann William Scott *grin* He's so HOT!!
Anyway... Daddy and I drove to get Josh from Silver Lake [he's staying a week here] and yeah. Got back around 2:30. Very bored. I want my supper now. It's spaghetti (mmm) Wahh! I want the new Weezer CD and the Janet Jackson one too. Q_Q My eyes are chlorine-sore. Blah. Blog boring. Ooh, Mommy just got a new book from the library for me:
DARK DREAMS Sexual Violence, Homicide, and the Criminal Mind
O_O! Sounds like my kinda book. Later, chicas.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 4:54:39 PM * * *
Listening to: "Lady Marmalade" - Lil Kim, Mya, Pink and slut Christina Aguilera Wearing: Plaid boxers, white Gasoline tank top over red tank top and boys-style gray undies ^_~ Lovahly Eye Candy: Ben Affleck
Ryouri Kenkaku: *changes back to a guy* o.o Ryouri Kenkaku: *gets a bunch of bean bag chairs and lays on them* ^________^ IndieEyes: Back. Ryouri Kenkaku: Join me in the ocean of bean bag chairs o.o IndieEyes: *swims in them* Ahh. 'Tis bliss. Ryouri Kenkaku: I know *-* *sinks* IndieEyes: *saves him* You can't do that. David Hasselhoff might try to rescue you. Ryouri Kenkaku: But I wanted to sink o-o it's so comfy IndieEyes: But...*frantic* David HASSELHOFF! *shudder* Ryouri Kenkaku: *sprays himself with hasselhoff repellent* IndieEyes: XD Gimme some. No wait. Ryouri Kenkaku: oo IndieEyes: *sinks* Davidy! Save me oh save me! Ryouri Kenkaku: *sprays him in the eyes with repellent* IndieEyes: *kicks Davy boy in the crotch* Ah-ha! Now! Ryouri Kenkaku: *sets him on fire* IndieEyes: He's in water. ~_~ Ryouri Kenkaku: No he's in bean bags IndieEyes: Oh yes. ^_^;; IndieEyes: *hums the Baywatch theme as Davy shrivels up and dies* IndieEyes: BURN BABY BURN! Ryouri Kenkaku: cool o.o *changes into a kitten* IndieEyes: He's melting your fur. Ryouri Kenkaku: Fire doesn't do anything to me >o o< *makes him poof and disappear* Ryouri Kenkaku: *rolls around in the bean bag chairs* >^^< IndieEyes: *drowns* Ryouri Kenkaku: You can't drown in bean bags IndieEyes: Oh. *climbs out alive* Damn, you spoiled my death. Ryouri Kenkaku: I'm a kitten, it's my job >^ ^< IndieEyes: XD Ryouri Kenkaku: Mew >^ ^< IndieEyes: DONOVAN LOOKS AT IGUANA PORN. Ryouri Kenkaku: Nu >o o< IndieEyes: Well I do. *pouts* Everyone should do. Maybe I should start the Iguana XXX Revolution... Ryouri Kenkaku: Sure why not >^ ^< I'm kawaii! IndieEyes: *pets the kitty* Ryouri Kenkaku: >^ ^< *purrs* IndieEyes: *flicks at the kitty's ears then mwah's them* Ryouri Kenkaku: >o o< IndieEyes: *mwah* Ryouri Kenkaku: Mew >o o< IndieEyes: Be thankful plastic barbie Christina Aguilera didn't mwah you! IndieEyes: The kissy sound. '_'; Ryouri Kenkaku: Oh >x x< Ryouri Kenkaku: >^ ^< *purrs*
Yes. Well. Anyway. I'm feeling bloggita-ish so I decided to blog. What mood am I in? Sore, a tad sleepy and wide-eyed. o_O;
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:30:07 AM * * *
Current Song: "What Would You Do" - CIty High
Meehhhhhhh i SO dont fell like bloggin but you-kno-who um oh yeah Ky told me to. CANTV SPELLL. >P
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:12:50 AM * * *
* * * * Friday, July 20 * *
lol, oopsies. we were hyper last nite o_0 duh! i couldn't even type straight! it turned out like this "otwjoi ehtlknskg ioj twj tjjhglew oiwueothb jkld kjewtoi!!"
well...um....the sidewalk sale *totally* sucked! they had absolutely nothing there! and i woke up at 8 to get an early start too...... after only getting .... *counts*.... about 5 hours of sleep. i need 8!!! it was mostly old people and kids there. x_x they had tacky clothes, ugly jewelry, and other junk. and then there was this woman singing kiddy songs to the.....dun dun dun....kids!!! and u could here her all down the street!! i mean, pokemon? puh-lease! that stupid fad ended....when?!?! -_- we didn't even last an hour there. it was *so* unbelievably hot!!! *dies* x___x aimee couldn't come cuz of babysittin, and gemini couldn't come cuz she couldn't get a drive.
actually, turn'd out for the better anywayz. cuz me and zeph went to the mall!! her mom (my 2nd mom) offered us!!! whee!!! we went to like, almost every clothing store. we laughed at the ugly clothes, and tried on some kewl clothes we liked. i bought 2 tops, but i *might* return one. i'm not sure i like it as much anymore.... personally, i don't like summer clothes. >.< i'd rather go for the autumn sales. so as soon as fall clothes are up for sale, zeph & i will go again. and maybe bring jen along with us. *claps* ^-^ or....both jens? o_0 confuzzling!!
omg, the inside of the car was BURNING HOT!!! u couldn't even *breathe* in there! and the mountain dew zeph left in there was like as if u put it on a stove and boiled it!! she drank some anywayz. burned her lip tho. lol, serves her right. =P but it was nice and cool in price choppers. really cold around the refrigerated sections!!! *.*
we just hung out at zeph's house after the mall. i borrowed zeph's bathing suit and she eventually dragged me in there. not literally -_- but the chlorine ruins the hair!!! ack!!! at least i got some conditioner. lovely...conditioner..... *.* then we watched TV!!! how exciting, eh? no, but really. we were watching 'just for laughs' and this one comedian was making fun of chinese and japanese people. not in the physically racist way (damn right), but the languages. whew, good thing i'm korean. ^.^
he said the chinese language sounds like a normal tape (in english) being played backwards. of course, he imitated chinese people (typical jibberish racists do sumtimes). not very nice, but funny. *huggles jen* sorry jen!!! anywayz, he then said the japanese talk as if they're lifting a building or something. then he imitated the japanese, pretending to lift a building and letting out a very quick "hai!!" i laughed *so* hard at that. and i accidentally said one of homer's lines "it's funny cuz it's true!!". and now, zeph's constantly teasing me about that. lol
eep, gtg! i hafta e-mail jen back! i miss her *so* much!!! sorry i didn't blog last nite, zeph!! i got home and i totally zonked out (after having a shower!!!).
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:52:53 PM * * *
* * * * Thursday, July 19 * *
Freaky deaky ;; Boy's underwear ;; retarded singing (courtesy of zephyr)
Z: *laughs maniacally* i'm retarded and you're retarded no i'm NOT retarded Y: lol. u *r* retarded! Z: LOSER! remember 1-2-3-4!!! Y: oww. that hurt!!! what's was the dsong? Z: that song was gay and i don't want to say the title but..... HOT RED MOUNTAIN DEW BURNING ON ME!!! Y: parking metre.......LOL!!! clothing rack!!! a ha ha!! klutzy zephy!!!! Z: hee hee hee hee *annoying nasal laugh* owwie you punched me. hoe. Y: really? that *was* on purpose! stop the retarded l;auigh, lsoser!! Z: wasaaaabi!! wazzap!!! oh yeah and remember our trying to put sunscreen in each toher'[s hair Y: eww!!! lol. remember "pokemon boogy"?!? at the sidewalk salwe. LOL SO GAAA~AAAY!!!! Z: BLACK WATER!... "it's all CRAP!!"...see-thru THONGS!! Y: TANYA ST. JEAN"S despierate attempt to fit into THONGS!!!! Z: *LOL*!! playing linkin park in the car across from the post office after mommy told me not to blare it...we did to attract the potheads down the streetQ!! Y: oh yeah! that rocked! linkin park rulz!!! z: AND YOU DROOL!!! NYAAAAAAAAAAH Y: CRAWLING IN MY SKIN, THESE WOUNDS THEY WILL NOT HEAL!!! Z: i'm seeing fuzzy shtuff.. AHAHH i just remmeber things;; me trying to blow my burp (ew i hate that word) onto you, my humping youyr back in the pool and when we vboth went to hug each other @ the same time lol Y: DOGGY-STYLE MAN!!!! *LOL* j/k j/k!!!! LMAO!!!! Z: ...oops i snorted again. ...that's not funny. '_' Y: -_- no, it's not. A HA HA!!!! Z: and i told you i always got diarhea AFTYER i went in the pool LOL j/k Y: eWwWw!!! oh yeah, the cute doggy at the sale!!! poochie!!! Z: Yeah, we're a bit calmer now. Y: bwa ha ha ha!!!! HYPER HYPER HYPER fading.....fading.....rising...... Z: ;-; She's going away...bye bye!! Oh yeah, I now remmeber her corny Elvis impersonation.. XD
...I'm calm now. She's left with her dad so no more hyper. Ah well. O_O It's *SO* hot out...m'eh..
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:49:29 PM * * *
Current Mood: You know my current mood because of the imood thing now so jack this question >P Current Song: "I Think I'm Paranoid" - Garbage "Flavor of the Week" - American Hifi
Am afraid to go to bed. Will possibly see bugs in room. Will possibly have to corner and kill and flush them with wads of tissue. Hate bugs. Forgot to take out recycling. Will probably get lectured tomorrow. Probably woken up tomorrow early to take it out. Want to write. Can't write. Have a cool outline for a demented story. Just yawned. Am semi-tired. Watched TV all night. Was just eating Cheesies. Have orange-stained fingertips. Am shuddering slightly. Have to sleep for tomorrow. Just yawned again. Have a big day tomorrow. Need sleep now. Want to read her new books. Am saying goodnight. Am not resisted. Need someone. Want sex. Like to shock people. Hate this squeaky chair. Need sex now. Am not horny. Laugh at stupidity. Laugh at myself. Need to say goodnight now.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:24:30 AM * * *
* * * * Wednesday, July 18 * *
Current Mood: SUCKY! Current Song: "Fat Lip" - SUM 41
I just had *the* worst hour. I came inside from being driven home, ate some things and read for about an hour. Then, out of absolutely nowehere, I got the WORST cramps. And not menstrual ones because I finished that about a week and a half ago. I began bawling, bowled over in the bathroom with them. I was sweating, couldn't see straight and then I layed down on the couch. I couldn't even squirm to fix my blanket and I swallowed three regular Tylenol. It got better but I still can't touch it and it hurts like a witch [^_^;] right now. Mommy thought it was my appendix but that's on the other side of me when mine's in my stomach and abdomen. >< It hurts so bad...
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:23:24 PM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, July 17 * *
Current Mood: Warmish and tiredish Current Song: "The Man From Harold Wood" - Matthew Good Band "Suburbia" - Matthew Good Band
This song makes me want to curl up and cry. It should be titled "Cheerleader's Funeral" though, for me anyway. Eugh, I got back from sleeping over at Aimée's. When I got there, she was babysitting at Leslie's. They didn't know where exactly she lived so I sat with her mom watching soaps for almost three hours. Then, Angie and Remco came home and drove me over. Bailey is a doll! He's got more thigh cellulite than me ^_^; and Bri is adorable. We took her two presents [Barbie Office Set and Barbie Kitchen Set] and assembled them. Aimée and I ate Freezies, hissed at the cat, yelled at Barbie and her conceited furniture and then went home. We took Brianne with us when Mike came home to Bailey. From there, we swam then ate. The three girls dressed up with the same style of sweaters [Brianne's four so Aimée's sweater on her was drooping majorly =D Cute!] and walked her home. After dropping her off, we wandered over to Becker's to munch on food. We both got [spiked] sour watermelon slushies and a ice cream thing each in packages. Those stupid Becker's Slushie caps *never* go on right so we were at the counter, laughing hilariously at them, shoving them on desperately. Since nobody was in there beside us, we started chatting it up with the smiley cashier, who laughed at our attempts. We began walking up and down streets, talking and slurping. About an hour passed until I realized we were going in circles XD So we bought ketchup chips and popcorn and went home.
Aimée and I decided upon watching a movie, Stigmata, which I liked. I wasn't repulsed by the blood and everything, I rather liked it. Not in a macabre-way like that, it just didn't *bother* me. Five minutes in, she called Rob. I actually did talk to him on the phone. He's got a cute voice and I was babbling about the chips were were eating. @@; Anyway, I wanted *SO* bad for Father Kiernan and Frankie Paige to get together in Stigmata!! *pouts* Well, they did sort of. Right near the end, Angie came home and we talked for about half an hour about John Saul and furry thongs >D
Aimée and I then mixed up yucky GrapeBlueberry [*shudder*] juice and went into her room. We talked for about an hour and a half about everything we thought of and then I decided *not* to sleep in her bed, like everyone else does. She has too many rules. =P After this, we were thinking of all our inside jokes that we can write in the yearbook, which I'll try to list below for your own bored entertainment, of course. ^___^ We mixed up peach juice and Aimée began laughing contagiously and we couldn't even swallow it! Laying on the floor, dying, we finally sobered up after about five minutes of giggling about nothing in particular. Then both of us settled into bed and she began reading her new John Saul book aloud to me. I fell asleep in Chapter One [they was a *long* prologue!].
When we woke up, we moaned and lounged in our PJs. After watching "The Labryinth" which rocked my world ^_<, we laughed at David Bowie's tubesock-enhanced package XD Mommy picked me up half an hour early but nonetheless these are my opinions on the movie: The Gobling King [David himself] should be with Sarah [some actress girl] and she shouldn't be with Hoggle! He's *just* a friend, like Rudo or that fox-dog-thingamajig. >P
I got maybe seven thick books from the library *woo*, I need new books to devour! I fell asleep reading "Born Bad" by some person before supper, in my room, stretched out sleepily on my bed. Staying up until the wee hours of the morning really did a job on me. ^_^ Oh well, it was fun! And I'm going to the Sidewalk Sale on Thursday with Yukari, Gemini and Aimée with Bri and Bailey. Rob's probably meeting us: Aimée said she's going to tell him to a) hug me or b) punch me. '_' I'm scared...XD We said I'd go all shy-girl-squeaky-voiced and go into convulsions if he even touches me.
Anyway, I'm just bouncing around online, half-waiting for Rae half-stalling so I won't be told to do chores. >_<
Inside Jokes:
-"Congratulations....Rick" -" Do you have the time?" -Meghan walking the wrong way -"Aimée! Stop talking!" .. .. .. "I'm not, Mrs. Wojda!" -"poopy poopy poopy..."
Can't think of anymore. Bye-bye. ^_^;;
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:11:25 PM * * *
* * * * Monday, July 16 * *
...going to aimee's in an hour....sleepy....mehhh
* You're so silly, Nanny! 8:52:16 AM * * *
* * * * Sunday, July 15 * *
Current Mood: Peaceful and sleepy because I swam twice today and went fishing Current Song: "Annie" - Our Lady Peace [my theme song]
Aw, I just saw the *saddest* picture. It makes me cry but I'm keeping it on my files. Yu-chan came over today. We swam for a couple hours before we got out and wandered around my house aimlessly. We ate supper, went online for about ten minutes and then went on my swing. After that, Yu-chan and I headed down to cheesy little fishing spot, which is a bridge and water. These two fishies would ignore us. ._. Damn little fishes. Then we came back, went online for twenty minutes, I swam while she watched ^^; and then just did squat until Scott drove her home. She called me a jukebox. =D I know *every* song
I'm downloading Mudvayne. I've heard good things about them. I'm looking at O_O! pictures of Angelina Jolie. She's so preddie. ^_~
says: angelina loves bedposes, it seems. *~Thorné Princess ~* says: she can have some with me../
XD Lovahble Aimée...*mwah*
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:19:54 PM * * *