what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back
* * LAURIE! * *
I'm Laurie. I have hair that makes Richard Simmon's hair looks good. I like giraffes and monkeys. I especially like monkeys. When I was born, my dad said I was either a boy or the ugliest girl alive. It's things like that that makes my self-esteem so high these days. I like a mixture of music from Tool to Weezer to Billie Holiday to Flock of Seagulls. I have an extreme love for the 80s that will never cease. I think I've seen The Breakfast Club about thirty eight times, even though I only like parts of it. Emilio Estevez is my boyfriend. I have a lawn gnome named Clyde. He's dear to my heart. Bruce Willis sings stalker songs to me at night. I watch TV a lot. I love movies to death. I hate the feeling, sound, word, thought of fleece. My nanny gave me a fleece sweater awhile ago. I like the smell of gasoline, freshly cut grass and chlorine. I like when my skin smells after I get out of the pool. I tend to bite my nails too much so my nails are gross and short and creepy. I can't stand having bumps in my hair. I have to have music. I cry during scenes like the ending of Revenge of the Nerds. Unpixelated Sims is funny, and kind of creepy. Laughing at drunk people makes for good times. Claire is my sex monkey. You just wish you were, too. I'm not on crack, although you'd think I was.
* * * LINKS
Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma
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* * * * Friday, August 3 * *
Post post post post buwah hah hah hah hah. XD!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:54:23 PM * * *

Listening to: "Promise" - Eve 6 "Dammit" - Blink 182 Wearing: Toronto U boxers, gray-black-white tank top with caramel-coloured panties and white silk bra Talking: Prince Nyanko
;-; Sadly, one of my favourite sites: CHEESYNESS [link seen somewhere below] is closing its door. That irks me; not offending Leslie, the owner, but sometimes people love sites. And mahh. She's got so many links that it's gonna take me weeks to filter through them all and figure out which ones I'll check daily obsessively or smirk at. I smirk, yanno. I shouldn't...I can't do webdesign. I'm so cruel.
"You are worth exactly: $1,349,000.00." = Human For Sale >P What do they know...
Today: -woke up to telephone ringing at 8:40 a.m. - Nancy asking for Scott's work number ._. -drove with Mommy to hair appointment, got hair thinned out -went to the library for three hours of volunteering with Mommy -came home -went to Wal-Mart, bought a school shirt and hair dye [Spiced Tea] -came home again, read for awhile and ate whatever - got in a fight with Dad -made up with Dad, got thrown in the pool by Dad -swam alone for about half an hour -came inside, watched about an hour of TV -logged on...
*_* It's all about the Pentiums, baby...
I want a boyfriend. I never thought before I need a guy to make me happy or anything. But lately, with summer being incredibly hot and a quarter-boring, I want a companion. A mate; DOWNLOADING SHOCKWAVE.
Steak and Cheese...crackhead shtuffs 13th Street...wicked shtuffs
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:45:33 AM * * *
* * * * Wednesday, August 1 * *
ummmm....i have nothing to say and yukari says not to blog if you have nothing to say but dammit! we went swimming and then watched maury's makeovers and put on mud-clay masks and wrestled and yukari injured me...;-;
Y: lol, she over-exaggerates everything. all i did was drag her off the bed (so that the wind got knocked out of her). my face feels so smooth........... LOL, i spelled smooth "smoot", and "just for laughs" the tv show had this comedian who said 'smoot?! what are you - a retard?" hee hee hee
Y: owww..... zeph's being ABUSIVE! i should sue her. crow face is my sign
Z: Anyway, we're not really that hyper at all. Swimming kind of wiped us out. We had a big water-balloon fight :D I had a little red heart water-balloon that looked like a kitty. ^^; Kawaii. And Yu-chan had a lumpy egg-shaped pink...THING.
Y: her's looked like a pair of boobs. that's worser than an egg.
Z: ._. Worser?
Y: i don't care if it's not a word!!!
Z: I want to go swimming again. She don't want to. But she will....^_*
Y: um..... no i won't.....
Z: This is getting boring for the audience, Yukari.. O_. < a ha! does that face not look like a Sherlock Holmes spectacle-thing? whatever...my parents are fuckheads
Y: she's just mad at them cuz they're being ignorant of her and shit.
Z: I want cheese.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:43:50 PM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, July 31 * *
Listening to: the bleeps of Flash Boyfriend; Wearing: plaid boxers and white Gasoline tank top with black cotton panties Talking: None [It's early] Eating/Drinking: Nothing [Smelling my new body spray]
Aight :D Let's begin at the beginning. I ended up at Aimée's around one or two p.m. We walked downtown and rented: "Dude, Where's My Car?" "Black Light" and "What Lies Beneath" :D Aimée, her mom and I watched "What Lies Beneath" first around 8 after swimming. Her mom fell asleep halfway through and was insistent that the neighbours played a major role and not just a distraction XD She was so confused. Then came "Dude, Where's My Car?"...I LOVED IT!! ^_____^ It kicked serious! *L* I giggled my whole way through it at its stupidity and I drooled when Seann William Scott [Chester] and Ashton Kutcher [Jesse] sucked face in the car O_O!! Anyway, then we crawled into Aimée's bed around two. She has to be boiling hot to fall asleep so she had, like, eight heavy blankets piled on. I was sweating the whole night but I kicked one leg out so I cooled off a bit. ^^;; We woke up around eleven a.m., bumbled around then walked to Leslie's to pick up the kids. I was pushing Brianne's stroller and Aimée was pushing Bailey in his. Everyone we passed looked at us with the exact same look[s]: "Look at the teenage whores that got pregnant at age 14 and now have to pay the consequences! Tsk tsk..." or something relevant to that thought. Oh well, it was funny. Aimée, me and the kids wandered around downtown to her Auntie Mona's to talk. Stayed there for nearly an hour then practically ran home for Mike to pick them up. We ate randomly. >D After Mike came, Aimée and I walked around town. To this one "Eminem-wife-beater-shirt-on-ten-year-old-homie-boy", Aimée stooped down when passing by and yelled "What's up, YO?" XD. Then to this fat kid riding a bike by us, she laughed out "Got milk?" We made a few stops: got Sour Watermelon [the very best] Slushies @ Becker's; dropped by Laurie's for a few casual hellos ;stopped off at Yukari's and said hi and more. Then wandered to St. Mary's [where Aimée went] to play in the huge playground. We've grown up so much ;-; I can't do any flips on the bars anymore like I used to. Well, I *can* but it was hot out and my thighs were sticking to the bars ~_~; Later, we tried to watch "Black Light" unsuccessfully...we just forgot about it and did other shtuff ^__* Aimée and I then walked around her block. There was: one skater kid with another wife-beater shirt on; some screaming teenybopper boy; some dirty girl and her two friends; a loose puppy. The screaming kid was calling the dirt girl 'dirty' and to stay the hell away from his dog. The dog was resisting his owner and running free :D We watched the skater kid and he tried unsuccessfully to do some simple [well, skateboarders would consider it simple] flips or whatever. Aimée and I stood and watched, laughing at his pitiful attempts. So then the screaming kid was chasing his dog with curses, actually slapped him on the hide and we yelled at him: "If you hit the goddamn dog, why the FUCK are you surpised he's running away from you?!" He stopped, looked at us and walked away. ^_^v We played some N64 games until her dad drove me home in his big-rig [it rocked!!] and Aimée laughed about my village-hick-town >P I woke up at noon and I'm starving. Blahh....Mommy bought me this tropical kiwi body spray with a hair elastic attached ^_~ It's Scott's birthday today. He's 18. 18. Can he buy porn now?
Oh, yes. Another major freaky-deaky thing happened: When we were going to rent the movies, we saw this black car with two guys inside. I figured they were undercover traffic-people-cops. So we thought nothing of it and rented the flicks. Walked back; they were still there. Next day, when we were coming *OUT* [they were not there when we entered] of St. Mary's playground, they were sitting in the same car in the parking lot right beside the playground. O_O;; So we pretended we dropped a pen of Aimée's, walked back inside to pass by to get their license plate number. So we did. After this, every time we heard a car behind us, we'd whip around real fast. Paranoid much? o_O; Now I'm a bit paranoid. Aimée joked about how they were cops stalking me because they suspecting me doing drugs =D So now we figure they're stalkers. Because they just appeared out of *NOWHERE*. Coincedence or stalking?
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:55:15 PM * * *
* * * * Sunday, July 29 * *
Listening to: "Pop" - N'Sync Wearing: huge baggy plaid PJ pants and red tank top with floral bra underneath and tangerine panties Talking: None Eating/Drinking: None [I'm thirsty...]
:D I'm kickin'! Yesterday, "Planet of the Apes" rocked my world XD It was *so* good! Mark Wahlberg....he was so hot. And *WHY OH WHY* did he have to kiss that ugly blonde slut?! They didn't have any romantic background, so O_O! Why? She was "pretty face" or eye candy, but she just ran around in glitter and pretended to be a brave chick. Pssh. I'm pissed off at romantic angst. Mark *knew* that ape-chick had it for him all the time. They did kiss though ^__^ Wheee!
Anyway ;D I stayed online until nearly three a.m. and went to bed reading. I woke up at ten, which is *good* for me. ^_* I'm going over to Aimée's today if a) she has no relatives coming over and b) I get a drive Mommy won't and neither will Scott. ;-; I wanna go! We're going to watch "The Bone Collector" and "Playing God" [she rented them]. Angelina's in both >D We're so obsessed. I'm sleeping over. ^_________^ WOO!
Um, on August 8th, I'm invited to a huge bonfire-sleepover-camping-in-backyard shindig @ Josslyn's. She said to invite anyone. ¬¬ Aimée doesn't hang with them that often; Yukari doesn't sleep over; Candice would hate being outside =P; Meghan's in Nova Scotia [like Daddy! ^_^v Go Nova Scotia!] ; Jen Z. may already be invited and she probably will if not already. So, yeah, I get to hang around the old sleepover group.
Mommy and I were supposed to drive in Kingston today and shop. Oh well. Aimée and I almost never have sleepovers ^_~ and I love sleeping there. We stay up late, mix up drinks that we both hate but are dying of thirst so oblige anyway @@; , watch confusing but sexy movies and occasionally talk to Joel, Jeff, Rob or Andrew if she's lucky. I don't speak. I listen to the conversations on the cordless. A convo went like this once:
Aimée: Yeah, my friend Laurie's on the line. Skinny Laurie, not fat Laurie Laurie: *snicker* Andrew: Is she listening or is she gonna talk? Laurie: *silence* Aimée: *sigh* She's too friggen shy Andrew: TALK GIRL!!
^^; Ooh. What Awards did I win last night....? I think:
-Most Likely to own a Zoo -Most Likely to get pregnant by 18 -Biggest Slut [or something relevant to sluttiness] -Person who wants her bum poked ^__^;; -Most Likely to Dance for money XD
That's all I remember. *sniff* I'm so proud of my crackass whoreness and the people who acknowledge it!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:00:10 AM * * *