what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back
* * LAURIE! * *
I'm Laurie. I have hair that makes Richard Simmon's hair looks good. I like giraffes and monkeys. I especially like monkeys. When I was born, my dad said I was either a boy or the ugliest girl alive. It's things like that that makes my self-esteem so high these days. I like a mixture of music from Tool to Weezer to Billie Holiday to Flock of Seagulls. I have an extreme love for the 80s that will never cease. I think I've seen The Breakfast Club about thirty eight times, even though I only like parts of it. Emilio Estevez is my boyfriend. I have a lawn gnome named Clyde. He's dear to my heart. Bruce Willis sings stalker songs to me at night. I watch TV a lot. I love movies to death. I hate the feeling, sound, word, thought of fleece. My nanny gave me a fleece sweater awhile ago. I like the smell of gasoline, freshly cut grass and chlorine. I like when my skin smells after I get out of the pool. I tend to bite my nails too much so my nails are gross and short and creepy. I can't stand having bumps in my hair. I have to have music. I cry during scenes like the ending of Revenge of the Nerds. Unpixelated Sims is funny, and kind of creepy. Laughing at drunk people makes for good times. Claire is my sex monkey. You just wish you were, too. I'm not on crack, although you'd think I was.
* * * LINKS
Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma
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* * * * Saturday, August 18 * *
* You're so silly, Nanny! 8:06:08 PM * * *
* * * * Friday, August 17 * *
I want a webcam because I want to be a camgirl. Why not me. Plus: Jacy's ( this girl is ONE EFFIN HOTTIE and an awesome designer! ) James' ( this guy is HOT but he's older than me...oh well, I love his layouts! )
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:07:05 PM * * *

Listening to: The wind outside Where You At: rawr ( this site rocks my socks ) dirty-socks.net ( this site takes the cake ) Wearing: school gym shorts and a gray tee
Last night, my dad kicked me offline around 1 a.m. He said he'd probably just check his e-mail. So I obliged and sat there until 2:30 a.m. when he finally told me to go to bed since he'd be on for awhile working. ¬¬ Whatever. So I laid in bed for an hour, restless, just *thinking*. So I finally turned on my light and read for another hour. Normally reading makes me sleepy, but this just kept me awake. It was 4:30 when I crawled out of bed and into the living room to watch TV. I watched the "Wayans Bros.", I think and at 5 a.m. I went back to bed. I laid there for half an hour, wide awake yet tired. -___-;; So I was all getting into reasonable logic and decided: "Well, I might as well watch the sun rise. But I was too paralyzed with laziness to get my pillow, a blanket and a mug of milk/juice/cide ^^; and get all comfy on the swing we bought. So I fell asleep arounjd 5:40 a.m. And I had to get up at 8:30 to go town with Mommy. :D But when she rangled me out of my tangle of sheets, I felt as sick as a dog. Mind you, I just started my period ( lovahly! =P ) so I was feeling gross already. But I had the vomit sensation in my stomach along with menstrual shtuffs. So I took a shower and crawled back into bed since Mommy said I was too sick to go to town ;-; I wanted to go. Anyway, I slept until 2:30 p.m. and then I watched golf with my dad, while waiting for Brad to get offline. I dragged a pillow, blanket, book and the cushioner onto the swing outside. It was so windy and bright out.
Schedule: Saturday - going to volunteer at the library with Mommy Sunday - possibly go see The Princess Diaries with Mommy and Yukari Monday - going to see a movie with Aimée and sleeping over Tuesday - picking up course schedules and locker no. with Yukari and Mommy Wednesday - ( could possibly go with Aimée to the school to decorate our lockers ^___^v )
GRADE TEN MEMORIES/INSIDE JOKES: 1. Skipping gym class to hide in bathrooms XD 2. Hiding in tiny cubicle with Shari and Leanne from substitute teacher 3. Sitting in equipment room, making fun of Kassandra with Leanne and Aimée 4. "C'mon! Let's PURGE! Tee hee!!" 5. Skipping in the the Wal-Mart parking lot during lunch period 6. Sitting in Aimée's house, frantically cutting up math cards ( preparing was the killer ) 7. Candice and Meghan having that cake fight after Aimée pushed some in my face >D 8. Meghan's pig squeal 9. Leanne and I laughing our heads off about my smelly feet in the library 10. Our regular walks around the school 11. "Is someone playing music?!" 12. Having a candy war - Guys vs. Girls in Careers class with those candy necklaces 13. Jen N. and I and our Popsicle tradition before History class 14. When I slipped and fell face-down in the cafeteria with Jen to get the Popsicles ( she had to sit down because she was laughing too hard ) 15. "Anal Aurie and Genital Jenny" 16. Chantale and I purposely smearing on lipgloss during Civics class, because the teacher hated that 17. Jen Z. and I being honked at by old people 18. My trouble with glowsticks ( "Oh no! The glowstick broke!"....."That makes it work..." ) 19. Chantale and I in the weight room during the dance with about eight other people; three were drunk and hilarious 20. During a test....Teacher: "Aimée, stop talking!!" ( to me ) and Aimée: "I wasn't!" XD We were the only ones whispering. 21. "Poopy poopy poopy poopy..." 22. Richard's boob shirt 23. Writing notes back and forth with Katrina, Mary, Chantale, Alicia and Jen during Careers class 24. Meghan's 'black' man on her poster :D 25. When me and Meghan cheated for Aimée during English 26. Jen N. and I trying to Candice's attention, while walking past her door ( ala banging on the lockers, saying our names loud, laughing extremely loud ) 27. When Candice fell out of the blue, sprawled in the hallway ^___* 28. Raymond's attempt for me to look at his nipples 29. In the library during English period, Mark F., Shannon, Aimée and I were playing with Aimée bright red lipstick. Shannon made it into nail polish and scribbled with it all over our hands; she wrote a note to Aimée that said: "To Aimée, Laurie said she was planning to kill you but SAY NOTHING! From, A Friend" XD 30. Our attempts at badminton with Shari, Melissa, Meghan and Aimée during gym 31. Everyone comparing leg hair lengths before school started 32. Jen Z. and I escorting Aimée to the dentist during lunch then being late 33. Beach Day ( stealing Mikey's hat, hyperventilating, Meghan's sprained thumb, everyone being horribly burnt ) 34. Adrian coming up behind Aimée, scaring the livin' daylights out of her by hugging her 35. Jen N. and her perfect, hilarious imitation of one of the retards who smiles funny 36. Tying to get gym teacher's attention by dancing erratically and all sexy-stripper-like to Mandy Moore =D 37. Finding that snow igloo during gym 38. Watching 'Half-Baked' in Yukari's science class, with Jen Z. and Jen N., eating ice cream 39. Waiting with Erica and Tara during that horrible snowstorm, afraid of being stranded in the school with some teachers and some students ( we were picked up soon ) 40. Our attempts to lie and confess it and lie again and confess that lie over and over again during Confessions 41. Mass. Everything about Mass was funny. :D
* You're so silly, Nanny! 5:04:14 PM * * *
* * * * Thursday, August 16 * *
WALLET: A pink and blue zippered slightly-chewed up one with two little kids on the front (from when I was five) inside my handy black messenger bag HAIR-BRUSH: A black and dark purple round-tipped one TOOTHBRUSH: It's orange and white one from Wal-Mart JEWELRY WORN DAILY: My silver earring studs I have to wear until November PILLOW COVER: Changes frequently... BLANKET: I have three. COFFEE CUP: A huge red and black P&G mug from my dad's former job; perfect for holding with both hands :D SUNGLASSES: Stylish yet simple black ones that ever-so-slightly curve up at the ends SHOES: My heeled Mary Janes; slip on Wal-Mart sandals and my retard Adidas sneakers for gym NAILPOLISH: Peach, dark dark purple or burgundy...usually taken from Aimée KEYCHAIN: House keys COMPUTER: Hewlett Packard Pavilion...we're a complete HP family FAVORITE TOP: My pale blue hooded Urban Life tight sweater *AND* my cream-beige Urban Systems tee with little symbols on the chest FAVORITE PANTS: My Garage Clothing Co. hiphuggers with the low waist SHAMPOO CONDITIONER: Some Australian Down Under stuff...smells like banana candy (ick) but works wonders PERFUME: Roxy's Hula, Clinique Happy CD IN THE STEREO RIGHT NOW: My burned mix CD/Save the Last Dance soundtrack CAR: Ha...If I dream, my little silver VW bug or a rally van with that giant Jolly Rancher watermelon painted on the side...dude... TELEVISION: We have two...the upstairs one though STEREO: Heh, ours are black and Sony but cheap. They work though, I suppose. TELEPHONE: Simple black cordless. CELLPHONE: I'm too cheap to have one. Besides, I only go to the movies, the mall and to friends' anyway. Why call? You know where I am. >P
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:47:42 PM * * *
* * * * Wednesday, August 15 * *
take this and smoke it
* You're so silly, Nanny! 5:26:30 PM * * *
Listening to: "Haunted" - Poe "When It's Over" - Sugar Ray Reading: Burning Up - Caroline B. Cooney Consuming: a smidgen of chicken sandwich, orange juice and harvest cheddar sun chips (lovahly brunch!)
I am addicted to: SiSSYFiGHT Road Rules
^_~ Dan and Tara should fall in love! They are, but they're just cuddling right now! And stupid John is in love with sprained-ankle-Anne but she doesn't love him and he was going to cry in the van because she was sucking face with some hot stranger. ^__^ Too.Involved. Byeeeee.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 2:25:01 PM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, August 14 * *
Listening to: "The Rock Show" - Blink 182 Reading: Both Sides of Time (my all-time hands-down favourite book, a classic I read two years ago ^_^) - Caroline B. Cooney Consuming: A chocolate cake (Mommy and I split it into four huge slices and I'm eating my last piece :D) Talking: Rae
Tra la la la...
Kuro Samhain: I WANY MY KOIBITO!! WHERE IS MY KOIBITO!?!? >____o Kuro Samhain: BRING ME MY KOI-BI-TO!!!! XD Kuro Samhain: Okies, cool. =D IndieEyes: *brings a rubber ducky and Bob Saget* Best I could do. Kuro Samhain: *LOL* IndieEyes: All koibitos were sold yesterday ;-; Kuro Samhain: ;-; Wahahahahaaaaahh...
Mommy asked me today what I want my sweet sixteenth party to be like. Ahhhhh...my friends. A big party; who knows. I told her I want to wear huge furry boas and a fuzzy Happy Birthday tiara and I'll be a happy girl. ^___^; So easily amused. I've been doing nothing lately except: being an Internet geek, planning things with Aimée, volunteering at the library with Mommy (five hours left!!) and lounging with my lovahble books. I just got four Caroline B. Cooney books (3/4 I've read before and memorized) and I'm just starting the one I mentioned above.
Poem for You: I have to pee I am with glee I am me I am free I will not flee I don't pay a fee I hate that bee I have the key I don't like Lee I like my knee I can't see I am wee I pronounce it zee I still have to pee...
. .. ... .... ..... ...... ....... ........ ......... .......... ......... ........ ....... ...... ..... .... ... .. . .............................chicken nugget.............................
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:54:36 PM * * *
* * * * Sunday, August 12 * *
Listening: Ahhhh
Hi Rae!! XD You have 6 minutes until you have to go. I hate to say: I'm depressed because I'm addicted to this charming boy but he's half-dating this girl in his actual town (we live countries apart ;-;) and I can't have him. Flirting online helps a wee bit. BYEEEE!!! XD Blog a proper one tonight later. CIAO! *huggles*
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:37:21 PM * * *
Chicken nuggets solve everything. It's the answer to all our questions and problems in life.
If you can't answer a question someone asks you, just answer "chicken nugget" and watch as people melt at your feet. If you feel sick and blue and need a cure, eat chicken nuggets.
It's why most vegetarians are so anal retentive, snotty and uptight about stuff. They lack the spiritual karma of the Holy Chicken Nugget. I know i'm ranting like an idiot, but i'm too caught up in my chicken nugget manifesto. Just say "Chicken Nugget".
Next time I go to McDonalds. I'm going to order McNuggets and i'm gonna eat all but one. I'm gonna save that one and call it Sparky and keep it as a pet. I'm gonna collect them like Beanie Babies or Pokemon cards and draw happy faces on them with a Sharpie marker. Just you watch me.
© lipgloss assassin
XD I read this and giggled. So you read and giggle too. GIGGLE!! *crazed manic look*....pretty please?
* You're so silly, Nanny! 2:05:19 AM * * *