what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back
* * LAURIE! * *
I'm Laurie. I have hair that makes Richard Simmon's hair looks good. I like giraffes and monkeys. I especially like monkeys. When I was born, my dad said I was either a boy or the ugliest girl alive. It's things like that that makes my self-esteem so high these days. I like a mixture of music from Tool to Weezer to Billie Holiday to Flock of Seagulls. I have an extreme love for the 80s that will never cease. I think I've seen The Breakfast Club about thirty eight times, even though I only like parts of it. Emilio Estevez is my boyfriend. I have a lawn gnome named Clyde. He's dear to my heart. Bruce Willis sings stalker songs to me at night. I watch TV a lot. I love movies to death. I hate the feeling, sound, word, thought of fleece. My nanny gave me a fleece sweater awhile ago. I like the smell of gasoline, freshly cut grass and chlorine. I like when my skin smells after I get out of the pool. I tend to bite my nails too much so my nails are gross and short and creepy. I can't stand having bumps in my hair. I have to have music. I cry during scenes like the ending of Revenge of the Nerds. Unpixelated Sims is funny, and kind of creepy. Laughing at drunk people makes for good times. Claire is my sex monkey. You just wish you were, too. I'm not on crack, although you'd think I was.
* * * LINKS
Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma
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* * * * Friday, September 28 * *
Woo for applications and clubby me. I'm now in nerdy Comtek and popular Habitat for Humanity. Resumés and unversities love me.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:55:06 PM * * *
Listening to: "Not Guilty" - Jay Z. feat. R. Kelly
I'm not sure how I feel. Very emotional, sleepy, sick ( I'm getting a cold ) but nonetheless happy. Because the first school dance was last night. It rocked my socks utterly. And since I'm a loser and I have a couple hours until Josslyn calls, I'll bloggit! :P
Julia, Jen ( N. ) and Josslyn and I got off the bus at Josslyn's. We rummaged around in her clothes, tried hairstyles and experimented with Julia and Josslyn's makeup. We finally choose what we were going to wear ( Julia: half-backless red silk halter-thingy and black shiny pants; Jen: medium jean skirt and pretty top; Josslyn: short jean skirt and some sailor-ish red and black striped shirt; Me: red Guess 81 tanktop-shirt with tight blue jeans ). XD I had to lay on the ground and wriggle in the jeans! Since Josslyn's got practically no butt, and I do...it was a struggle, to say the least ^^; We put on our homemaker aprons and started making supper ( For us and Josslyn's mom ) but it was cooking so we sat around the kitchen, talking and laughing. We were looking in the fridge and found some Smirnoff's vodka. Jen and I took a sip. DISGUSTING. Okay, yeah, it's vodka and I didn't expect it to be good straight. But it tasted like I'd expect rubbing alcohol and nail polish remover to taste like combined. ._.; It burned my throat, lip, and stomach. But it was fine after awhile. ^_^ After dinner, we got ready completely. Makeup, hair, last minute clothing checks and finally left. Waited for Martine, Julie, Louis-Philip and Stéphanie outside for half an hour. We took two, maybe three, breaks out of the three hours we danced. I get blitzed out there - I don't lose myself in the music most of the time, but I do having a craving for dancing. Most of the kids who are in the Peer Tutoring class looked a big surprised that I was dancing the way I was. :P "Smooth Criminal" came on, and I was on the main dancing box ( set up in front of the three video screens ) and I see three guys running towards it. Stéphanie, Julia, Julie and Martine were on with me. Raymond, Pat and Eli jumped up went psycho. Jumping, screaming - I was laughing and dancing with them. I just love drunken boys at dances. Josslyn and I called my dad right after "our song" XD and he picked us up. *So* many people were drunk/stoned! -_-; I mean, it was so obvious.
But anyway, off the dance topic. I have a job interview tomorrow at Arby's! *_* After, like, three months of wondering, I guess Leslie pulled some strings for me. I have to dress dressy-casual. So I'm wearing some soft burgundy turtenecked tank top ( lovahly! ) and my cargo pants. I'm not nervous yet though. Julia and Josslyn and I are going to Josslyn's tonight and watching a movie and just chilling. :D Mahhh...I'm sniffling hardcore, sneezing and trying to swallow softly. But wai for Echinachea. ^_^;; I suppose I'll blog tomorrow before and after my interview. Oh frig, now I'm getting nervous. =P Oh well, I can always weasel my way into a job at Wal-Mart from Candice ^_~
* You're so silly, Nanny! 5:27:32 PM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, September 25 * *
Listening to:"Name of the Game" - Crystal Method // "Happy Holidays, You Bastard" - Blink 182 Wearing: Converse shirt, plaid skirt ( not kilt ) and Airwalks Talking: Josslyn, Aimée, Jen N.
I'm such a nerd. *adjusts her super-sized glasses and pocket protector* ( Rae-chan ) Me and Jen signed up for Comtek. It's basically an after-school program ( Thursdays ) where we teach elementary kids to use CorelDraw, design web sites/pages and all that lovahly shiznit. :D It looks good on applications, okay?! Today included: -Sitting with Marc in math, having the best time with him as well. ^_^ We love Nickelback, and sat together listening to his Discman. Rawr. -Laughing at Curtis pretending to have a wooden painted loon for a dick in Art class -Putting up with Claire's white-out dick on my Tech binder ._.;; -Had an hour long conversation with Marc too -Laughed at Eli in homeroom, Peer Tutoring and at our lockers
Marc B. and I are bonding so well. We were chatting about how he punched a wall today, smelly feet, our prison-guard teacher, Nickelback, the actual math work and the dance coming up. He can't go because --
frig. I'll report later! It's lightning and thundering. Gotta go...
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:58:41 PM * * *
* * * * Sunday, September 23 * *
Listening to: Nothing. Well, my mom talking to Brad. How mundane. Wearing: Gym shorts and creamy tee and knee high socks Watching: My neighbours from the window
Sleepy. Pissed. Grouchy. Well, yesterday was awesome and totally kewliez. Ech. Today was fun until everyone left. Alright. Recap for those who weren't there:
Around two, the two Jen's arrived with Josslyn. We opened my presents, laughed, listened to CDs, watched TV and chilled until four. Mommy came home, and an hour later we arrived at Pizza Hut. Tanya met us fifteen minutes after we got a table. Mommy sat by herself =P We had two large pizzas...nobody finished more than three pieces each. ^_^;; We had a new, cute waiter Jason. He kept blushing because he was dropping forks. So we felt bad but agreed he was a cutie with braces! :D We never saw Pat though, so Jen N. was a little sad about that. Right after we finished the pizza, Tanya handed out those mint strips. I took mine and said it was slimy on my tongue ._.; But Jen N. spazzed on her strip. She started choking, coughing and basically gagging on it. She didn't take it well, and made a scene XD We gave her ice cubes to suck on -- she spit them out of her mouth...landing in front of us. We're all killing ourselves, laughing and giggling and crying and turning red at poor Jen!
After we cleaned her up, we drove to Wal-Mart to kill time. Found Candice in the shoe dept., and started chatting while trying on random ugly shoes. Rampaged through the clothing section, with Josslyn and I in the cart, singing songs loudly. ^_^v We left early and we were dropped off at the movies. Bought tickets to 'Rat Race.' Funny movie!! I laughed really hard at that flick ( "You should have bought a squirrel", "Rainbow House" ) and just had a fun time. Tanya and Jen Z. were picked up early, and then Josslyn, Jen and I were picked up by my dad.
Turned out that Josslyn *could* sleep over, so we made up the couches and a mattress bed in the living room. We watched "Valentine," which rocked my socks! I so was not expecting the ending. Good. Josslyn fell asleep soon after. We took dozens of pictures of ourselves, group piccies, Taboo ( the crazy mofo doggay ) and all that jazz. When we finally confirmed Josslyn was fast asleep, we took markers and wrote on her arm. ^^; "SKANK! I'M A HOE!" from her shoulder to her wrist. Then took a picture of her arm showing >D We watched stupid stuff like "Sex Files" and cartoons. Jen finally drifted off and I was sleepy but the season premiere ( I think ) was on, so I watched it. I fell asleep at the last two skits, woke up at the very ending. ~_~; Fell fast asleep at three.
Josslyn slapped my head and said something, and I woke up. It was eight in the morning. ;-; I tickled Jen awake so we all laid there, sleepy and groggy. We made toast and bagels and ate. Watched dumb TV until everyone woke up. Josslyn was picked up early, before ten. Parents went out for breakfast, so Jen and I played computer games, checked our e-mail and stole the last two extra loot bags. =D Speaking of which, everyone loved the loot bags ^_^v
Presents I Got Yesterday ( If I remember all of them o_o; ) . A tiny silver "Flirt" glass mirrored case . . A floating pink candle that screams PUNK in silver . ( glow in the dark ) . A floating purple candle that screams CUTIE in yellow, I think . ( glow in the dark ) . A fuzzy floral journal for writing . . A leopard-print headband . . A statue of two kawaii doggays snuggling . . A package of "I <3 Me!" napkins ^^; . . A silver crisscrossing thumb ring .
Whee. I had tons o' fun. Now I need a bath. Use my CUTIE candle. I want to save my PUNK one. ^___^ .
* You're so silly, Nanny! 3:27:25 PM * * *