what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back
* * LAURIE! * *
I'm Laurie. I have hair that makes Richard Simmon's hair looks good. I like giraffes and monkeys. I especially like monkeys. When I was born, my dad said I was either a boy or the ugliest girl alive. It's things like that that makes my self-esteem so high these days. I like a mixture of music from Tool to Weezer to Billie Holiday to Flock of Seagulls. I have an extreme love for the 80s that will never cease. I think I've seen The Breakfast Club about thirty eight times, even though I only like parts of it. Emilio Estevez is my boyfriend. I have a lawn gnome named Clyde. He's dear to my heart. Bruce Willis sings stalker songs to me at night. I watch TV a lot. I love movies to death. I hate the feeling, sound, word, thought of fleece. My nanny gave me a fleece sweater awhile ago. I like the smell of gasoline, freshly cut grass and chlorine. I like when my skin smells after I get out of the pool. I tend to bite my nails too much so my nails are gross and short and creepy. I can't stand having bumps in my hair. I have to have music. I cry during scenes like the ending of Revenge of the Nerds. Unpixelated Sims is funny, and kind of creepy. Laughing at drunk people makes for good times. Claire is my sex monkey. You just wish you were, too. I'm not on crack, although you'd think I was.
* * * LINKS
Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma
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* * * * Wednesday, October 3 * *
I skipped fourth period today with Chantale. We went to Wal-Mart, ate Supersize fries, shared a 25 cent pop and went back to school. I'm skipping second period tomorrow because Aimée's having a serious crisis with Rob. ;-; I like skipping school but you know, I don't want to do it repeatedly. This'll be the last time this month. I swear. :D
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:48:58 PM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, October 2 * *
i just dont want to talk about it
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:04:55 PM * * *
Listening to: The furnace clicking on and off randomly :P
It's too early. I had a shower last night so I skipped my usual morning one. Bleh. I need to iron a blouse, clean up my mess in the living room and scurry to finish my math homework. And I think I had something in my ear -- water or an ear infection? ;-; Anyway, since I haven't blogged for a little bit, I decided to again. I have another job interview today with Lonnie, the general manager. I'm so nervous AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M GOING TO WEAR! Probably borrow some black pants from my mom?
Time to: -Run to get uniform off floor to iron -Do hair and makeup -Wake up Brad and Scott ( they both slept in! ) -Turn on the TV while eating bagels, to watch Saved by the Bell
CIAO. Tell ya how my interview went later!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:54:47 AM * * *