what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back
* * LAURIE! * *
I'm Laurie. I have hair that makes Richard Simmon's hair looks good. I like giraffes and monkeys. I especially like monkeys. When I was born, my dad said I was either a boy or the ugliest girl alive. It's things like that that makes my self-esteem so high these days. I like a mixture of music from Tool to Weezer to Billie Holiday to Flock of Seagulls. I have an extreme love for the 80s that will never cease. I think I've seen The Breakfast Club about thirty eight times, even though I only like parts of it. Emilio Estevez is my boyfriend. I have a lawn gnome named Clyde. He's dear to my heart. Bruce Willis sings stalker songs to me at night. I watch TV a lot. I love movies to death. I hate the feeling, sound, word, thought of fleece. My nanny gave me a fleece sweater awhile ago. I like the smell of gasoline, freshly cut grass and chlorine. I like when my skin smells after I get out of the pool. I tend to bite my nails too much so my nails are gross and short and creepy. I can't stand having bumps in my hair. I have to have music. I cry during scenes like the ending of Revenge of the Nerds. Unpixelated Sims is funny, and kind of creepy. Laughing at drunk people makes for good times. Claire is my sex monkey. You just wish you were, too. I'm not on crack, although you'd think I was.
* * * LINKS
Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma
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* * * * Saturday, October 27 * *
Pissed off. Severely. But not as much as I was before. Okay, here's the dillyo:
I went to bed around 12:30-1 last night because we all logged off, nothing was on TV and I was sleepy. So then I had a pretty nice sleep until around 9:30, when I woke up. I could hear Brad clacking on the keyboard so I decided there was nothing else to do - went back to sleep. I was then woken up at 12:05 by Brad opening my door and calling me. I ignored him the first time, hoping he'd get the hint that I was, you know, SLEEPING. Finally, I rolled over and uttered some sleep language gargle. Him: "Some guy from Arby's is on the phone." (Now, for you's that are relatively new, I had a job interview with them a couple months back. Got a call back but no job :P) Me: *sits up* "Serious? What?" Him: "Yeah, some guy from Arby's is on the phone." Me: *runs around room dazed, trying to clear voice* "Where's the phone?!" Him: "I dunno...*shrugs*" Me: *finds it on the hook, clicks TALK and calmly says* "Hello?" ...dialtone... I hung up the phone and just started hollering at Brad. I like pranks, you know, nice ones. But to wake me UP at noon and get me all excited over a possibility of earning money! I just was not a happy camper. My dad heard me yelling and grounded Brad. And then, I couldn't even get back to sleep! So I just came online. And I have to clean my room, says Mom. Blah. So I'm going to call people. I have all day to clean my room.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:44:50 PM * * *
This shiznit is all good and wholesome fun. Like Cheerios, but this is more exciting! Yes! Even more exciting than buying leaky soup from Tim Horton's and getting a refund! Yep, this is so much more better. Don't give me that lip. I post here, alright? Alright.
:P Mess with me, foo'. There ya go, Rae. PUBLICITY AND LINKAGE! Mwah.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:28:01 AM * * *
* * * * Friday, October 26 * *
Listening to: Trooper - "Boys in the Bright White Sports Car" :D Thinking: My wrist smells like my watch...
I checked my Hotmail inbox. Here are the contents that I oh-so-squealed over: From: You make me feel bea... Subject: You make me feel beautiful! From: WantMyPussy-dgyqsp@i... Subject: Vagina, Vagina, Vagina! I hate junk mail. M'eh. Thanks Rae, for the descriptiony thingy. ;D Today was just cool. I mean, not much happened but it was cool. In Peer Tutoring, I got to leave early, woo for mai. Then I rushed to meet Mr. Supryka, but there WAS no PT meeting :P So I ran to Tech and finished off my science poster and magazine cover. I talked to Kirk all period long -- he's such the shiznit. Anyway, then I followed Jen and Julia to the cafeteria. We sat down with Shannon, Josie, Tara, Brianne, Katrina, Danielle, Chantale, Josslyn and whoever sat by us. Went to the library so I could finish off my PT assignment, but forgot about it so goofed off with markers and construction paper with Jen and Josslyn. Ashley, Julie, Katrina or Maggie wasn't there in Art so Curtis and I sat alone, just chillin' and listening to the monk music our teacher played. Talked about tons of stuff. He IS the best guy. Rawr. I was getting my math books when Chantale came up to me (we always walk with Karie to Math) and asked me if I wanted to skip with her and Karie. Without a thought, I dropped my books in my locker, grabbed my coat and slammed my locker shut. Haha. We agreed we'd meet Karie, Tracey, Madison and Ashley S. at Wal-Mart. Chantale and I left, and it was SO windy @@ Our kilts were flipping majorly and I'm sure lots of cars got peep shows. So Chantale bought a toothbrush for herself and we bought fries at McDonalds. By then, we were wondering if Tracey, Karie, Madison and Ashley S. had gotten caught. They showed up and we left in Karie's car. Rallied around town and stopped at Canadian Tire so Madison and Tracey ran in. The three of us in the car just chilled to music and laughed about nuthang. Time was extremely short, so we were getting impatient. Finally, we drove back after they ran back to the car. (Note: Ashley S., Tracey and Madison were SO surprised when they knew I was skipping and that I'd skipped before too, haha) Arrived back at school just in time and I caught my bus home. Mwah. Then Mom and I were looking at baby pictures together, laughing and aww!-ing. So that was my Friday. And tomorrow (most likely) Ashley P. and I are going to some concert-coffeehouse thing to see Curtis play in his band Empty Method. Go me.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 5:19:50 PM * * *
* * * * Wednesday, October 24 * *
* You're so silly, Nanny! 5:28:07 PM * * *
* * * * Sunday, October 21 * *
WALLET: Fuschia and blue zip-up with a chibi-style boy and girl holding hands on front HAIR-BRUSH: Purple and black round-tipped one TOOTHBRUSH: Bright orange with a nice handle. It's sexy. JEWELRY WORN DAILY: A pearl ring, a crisscross thumb ring, my watch, earrings SOCKS: Any that are relatively clean, matching and whole that I find anywhere PILLOW COVER: Whatever I pull out of the drawer, really BLANKET: All five of them are floofy and comfy :D COFFEE CUP: Can't say I have one. My hot chocolate one is this giant, rounnd burgundy P&G mug SUNGLASSES: Black narrow ones that curve up ever so slightly at the edges UNDERWEAR: Anything clean mostly, but I love my pink ducky, yellow and red, and blue and white polky-dots ones SHOES: Some random neon-ish Adidas runners, worn comfy sandals and the shoes I wear sacreligiously - my school shoes NAIL POLISH: None at the moment, or usual. If so, it's purple and borrowed from Aimée or Jen HANDBAG: My black messenger bag, slung over my chest, which holds everything I need possibly...ever KEYCHAIN: I don't have one...? COMPUTER: Some Hewlett Packard Pavilion, I do believe. It's nice but quite a rebel with obeying FAVOURITE TOP: Oh...my gray Converse tee, my cream UBS tee and my new sweater FAVORITE PANTS: My dark blue cords (^_^) SOAP: I think I use Dove...I don't really check PERFUME: My apple body spray (Eli! *_*) and some stuff Josslyn owns CD IN THE STEREO RIGHT NOW: My mixed birthday CD from Julia CAR: Something small, for all I care, that has a great sound system that can bump across town =D IN THE FRIDGE: Whatever Mom shoves in there, I guess. Leftovers, apples, juice...dunno TELEVISION: Boys are watching TV in living room, but I can hear it TATTOOS: Getting one in a few months with Mom PIERCINGS: Single in each ear (at 18, bellybutton is getting done and possibly tongue) and getting them all up my ears PHYSICAL: 5'2" (or 5'1"), red-brown hair, glasses, big smile, clothes on the rather tight side (with an except for hoodies haha)
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:40:27 PM * * *

SURVEYS GALORE=BOREDOM EXTREME 1. Favorite band(s)? Blink 182, Alien Ant Farm, The Clash, Jack off Jill, Bif Naked, Matthew Good Band, Michael Jackson, Weezer 2. Do you enjoy concerts? Never been :( 3. What was the last concert you attended? -- 4. Music you couldn't live without? Matthew Good Band, alternative and punk 5. Kind of music that would fall off the face of the earth and you wouldn't care nor miss it? Country 6. About how many CDs do you own? *counts* Five. =P I wanna buy more but I have no bling-bling. 7. How many CDs can your stereo hold at a time? One. Haha! It's old and sucky. 8. Do you have a discman? Yep, but I broke it (stepped on it, lol) 9. What CD could you listen to for hours? Blink 182's "Take Off Your Pant and Jacket" and Matthew Good Band's "Underdogs" 10. Can you sing well? lmao, NO. ---------------- How many CDs do you own by... 11. Britney Spears? 0. 12. City High? 0. 13. O-Town? 0. 14. Eminem? 0. 15. Incubus? 0. 16. Blink 182? 2 - Dude Ranch and Take Off Your Pants and Jacket (green version) 17. Everclear? 0. 18. Mandy Moore? 0. 19. Backstreet Boys? 0. 20. N' Sync? 0. 21. Dr. Dre? 0. 22. Fuel? 0. 23. Linkin Park? 0. 24. Destiny's Child? 0. 25. Dream? 0. 26. KoRn? 0. 27. Limp Bizkit? 0. 28. Missy Elliot? 0 29. Nelly Furtado? 0. 30. Jessica Simpson? 0. 31. Christina? 0. 32. Eve 6? 0. 33. Sum 41? 0. 34. No Doubt? 0. 35. Mariah Carey? 0. ---------------- What lyric comes to your mind when you hear... 36. Goo Goo Dolls? "...and everything's made to be broken..." 37. Lifehouse? "I'm hangin' by a moment here with you..." 38. Vertical Horizon? "And you're a god and I'm not..." 39. Vitamin C? "Put a smile on your faaaace, make the world a bettah place.." 40. LFO? "Chinese food makes me sick..." 41. Savage Garden? "To the moon and back" 42. Papa Roach? "Cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort/suffocation, no breathing/don't give a..." 43. The Bloodhound Gang? "Yes, I'm Siskel/Yes, I'm Ebert/ and you're getting two thumbs up..." 44. Toni Braxton? "He wasn't man enough for mee..." 45. 98 Degrees? Agh. "...give me just one night, ona noche!" 46. Our Lady Peace? "...and I'll be waving my hands, watching you drown..." 47. The Verve Pipe? "...the freshman.." 48. Craig David? "Fill me in..." (I can't figure out the lyrics :P) 49. Willa Ford? "I wanna be BAD..." 50. AQUA? "...and we're having a fieeeesstaaa..." 51. 311? --- 52. Mikalia? "So in love with two..." 53. The Fugees? "...killing me softly with his words.." ---------------- 54. Britney or Christina? Britney, definitely, Britney. Although her new video is a soft-core pornographic orgy. 55. Punk or rock? Punk. 56. Edited or un-edited? Unedited please, radio stations. 57. Backstreet Boys or N Sync? Hmm...I have to say N Sync. I can't help but like *some* of there stuff. 58. Nick or Justin? Justin. Nick is disgusting. 59. Live or on TV? Both. 60. Amphitheater or arena? Difference is...? 61. Live band or recorded tape? Both, I say.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 8:25:56 PM * * *

1. What is the color of your room?: Sponged blue and white cloudy, bleh. 2. How big is your bed?: Pretty small, it's a twin so yeah. 3. Do you have personal pictures on the walls?: I have the one wall beside my bed a completely full collage of ads, pictures, drawings and such. 4. Did your parents let you pick out the colors of your room? Mostly but they have a say in it always. 5. Do you have magazine clippings taped to your walls?: See question 3. 6. How many windows are in your room?: Just one, in the corner. 7. Do you have a tv and VCR?: None. I have a CD player though ;D 8. Do you have a CD player?: Haha, yeah. 9. Do you share your room with anyone else?: Looks like it (very messy) but no. 10. What kind of atmosphere does your room have? Messy, cluttered, girly, busy 11. Is your room where you spend most of your time?: I guess so 12. What's your favorite thing about your room?: My bed and the collaged wall 13. What's under your bed?: Boxes of junk, stuffed animals in a bag, shoes and papers 15. Do you have a desk in your room?: Yup, though it's completely covered (cluttered) in candles, paper, CDs and such 16. Do you always do your homework on that desk?: Who says I do my homework? Nah, usually I do it on my bed. 17. Do you have a phone in your room? If so what kind?: Well, yeah, but it's not connected. Heh, my parents don't want one in my room but I collaged one and hung it up on my wall at random, unhooked. 18. What color is your phone?: Off-white, but completely collaged now. 19. Do you have stuffed animals in your room?: Randomly around my room and under my bed. 20.What color is your carpet?: Naw, hardwood. But I have a polar bear rug that desperately needs a vacuuming. Bleh. 21. Do you have a mirror in your room?: But of course. It's a full length with phone numbers written in eyeliner on it and a spray-painted silver border. Rawr. 22.What do you dislike about your room?: Very messy, I guess. And it needs to be painted. But I can't paint my one wall (collage). M'eh.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 8:00:28 PM * * *
Louis Armstrong - "What A Wonderful World." Makes me bawl.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:24:41 PM * * *

Listening to: Foxy Brown - "Oh Yeah" Wearing: Dark blue cords and huge red-black hoodie Thinking: I wish my dad would stop drilling in the kitchen...
Nice shoppaholic weekend for mai. On Saturday, I got a call from Ashley who wanted to go shopping. Aight, so I asked and got picked up after my chores. We ate, met up with Julia briefly, shopped, went to Chapter's, and browsed. Overall, shiznitty time with her. She bought this crazy mofo book by Tim Burton "The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories" :D It was so twisted. I watched TV, talked on the phone and went online until around 3:30 a.m. Sunday. Haha. Mom woke me up at 9:40 a.m. to go shopping to get my jean skirt, which I put on layaway. It was too big in the waist (I never tried it on with Ashley) so the salesgirl and Mom looked for cheap pants for me. Alas, the dark blue cords. They're extreme comfort. Oh yeaah. Then, we went into other stores and Bluenotes. Mom noticed the baggy red-black hoodie in the guys' section and gave it to me. I fell in love with it, so we bought that too. We then went to Chapters, Goodwill (lol, I was buying eighties' stuff for my Halloween costume) and the grocery store. To Burger King and then home. I'm here. Tomorrow is a half-day, woo.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 4:06:47 PM * * *