what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back
* * LAURIE! * *
I'm Laurie. I have hair that makes Richard Simmon's hair looks good. I like giraffes and monkeys. I especially like monkeys. When I was born, my dad said I was either a boy or the ugliest girl alive. It's things like that that makes my self-esteem so high these days. I like a mixture of music from Tool to Weezer to Billie Holiday to Flock of Seagulls. I have an extreme love for the 80s that will never cease. I think I've seen The Breakfast Club about thirty eight times, even though I only like parts of it. Emilio Estevez is my boyfriend. I have a lawn gnome named Clyde. He's dear to my heart. Bruce Willis sings stalker songs to me at night. I watch TV a lot. I love movies to death. I hate the feeling, sound, word, thought of fleece. My nanny gave me a fleece sweater awhile ago. I like the smell of gasoline, freshly cut grass and chlorine. I like when my skin smells after I get out of the pool. I tend to bite my nails too much so my nails are gross and short and creepy. I can't stand having bumps in my hair. I have to have music. I cry during scenes like the ending of Revenge of the Nerds. Unpixelated Sims is funny, and kind of creepy. Laughing at drunk people makes for good times. Claire is my sex monkey. You just wish you were, too. I'm not on crack, although you'd think I was.
* * * LINKS
Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma
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* * * * Saturday, March 16 * *
YOUR ANALOG! says: Yo' ma cheese-bitch! YOU! WITH THE MOZZARELLA! *amuses herself*
Your cheese is STILL making me uncomfortable. says: LOL. XD
YOUR ANALOG! says: Cheddar: MOZZY! You're cheating on me!! :-(
Your cheese is STILL making me uncomfortable. says: XD
Your cheese is STILL making me uncomfortable. says: The drama.
YOUR ANALOG! says: *nudges Rae* play along, dumbass! ;D
Your cheese is STILL making me uncomfortable. says: Mozzy: *gasps* Cheddar! What are YOU doing here!?
YOUR ANALOG! says: Cheddar: Don't act so surprised! Swiss TOLD me what you were up to! She even started cutting herself because of the stress!! *runs away on stubby orange legs*
YOUR ANALOG! says: (Swiss = holes = cutting)
YOUR ANALOG! says: >P *lame*
Your cheese is STILL making me uncomfortable. says: LMAO.
Your cheese is STILL making me uncomfortable. says: Mozzy: Oh, the agony! *commits suicide by microwaving himself into chili conqueso (sp?)* ----------------
I haven't roleplayed fun stuff like that in awhile so that was great fun. Yay cheese.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:06:34 PM * * *
Normal View Back View Left View Right View Schoolgirl (I created the uniform) Them
I am such a trendsetter ;D You just wait.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 2:23:14 AM * * *
:D My dad took me to this Buy & Swap store in town and I went in being all bored and skeptical but CDs were 2 dollars! Do you KNOW how good that is, with the quality of the CDs?! I was racking every disc for any ones I could buy and my dad had to drag me away. I didn't get to buy anything :-( but I'm making him take me back there tomorrow, armed with money
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:16:57 AM * * *
* * * * Friday, March 15 * *
![](I'm a slut) Wha† do people say behind your back? Find out @ digitalcharisma
:D No way am I a slut. At all. In fact, the very opp-- wait, I'm a TEENY bit ;)
* You're so silly, Nanny! 5:15:26 PM * * *
I hate cycles. Especially one certain cycle. It really pisses me off and I don't think women should have to suffer from it. This may turn into some annoying feminist rant, but honestly. We get EVERYTHING. From sex to pregnancy and oh yes, even menstrual cycles.
Oh by the way...I found this very very amusing. I've created me, my family and even my friends when I got bored :D It's very boss.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:31:34 PM * * *
* * * * Thursday, March 14 * *
1. Full Name: Laurie something, tee hee. 2. Age: 16 3. Birth date: September 9, 1985 4. Zodiac (astrological) sign: Um, Virgo. 5. Birthplace: Halifax, Nova Scotia. 6. Hometown: A small town in Ontario, woo. 7. Hair and eye color: Changes frequently (red-brown) and dark brown. 8. Shoe size: 6 or 6 1/2 in Ladies. 9. Parents' names: Sue and Greg. 10. Siblings (if you're oh so fortunate to have any): Scott, 18. Brad, 14. Yay me in the middle! :P 11. Favorite Bands/Artists: Look at the sidebar, hon. 12. Top 5 Favorite Songs: Ah, I have no idea. It always changes. 13. CD You Can't Stop Spinning: Claire's Linkin Park CD I stole but she recently stole back >P 14. Top 5 Albums You Own: Ginger Snaps, three mixes, two Blink 182's and Amy Grant (lol) 15. Favorite Movies: Sidebar again. 16. Favorite TV Shows: :P Don't make me repeat myself. 17. Favorite Male Celebrities: Ohh, Ben Stiller, David Spade (Joe Dirt) and a bunch of others. 18. Favorite Female Celebrities: Angelina Jolie, Rose McGowan (in Jawbreaker) 19. Best Friends: Claire, Aimée and Ashley in random order. 20. Talents (bad or good): I can type, talk on the phone, and listen to music at the same time :D And my dreams are entertainment! 21. Hobbies: Hanging out at Aimée's house or with my friends, shopping, movies, TV, reading, laughing :D 22. Favorite Hangout: We don't have a hangout, unless you consider the last bench until you reach the portables, lol. Or Aimée's, or Josslyn's or even Jen's. Rarely mine. 23. Favorite Board Games/Party Games: For board games -- Monopoly, Scrabble, Taboo, Rat Race, Life. For party games -- none, I suppose. Throwing Fritos into each other's mouths while sprawled on a kitchen floor and laughing so much that you nearly pissed your pants? Does that count? 24. Favorite Sport to Play: Badminton!! Yay grade ten gym class! 25. Favorite Sport to Watch: I don't know. 26. Jay Leno or David Letterman?: Letterman, because Jay Leno sucks. Muah. 27. Weakest Link or Millionaire?: Neither.GOODBYE. :D Lame humour there. 28. Favorite Candy: :P I don't know, fuzzy green ring-things? 29. Favorite Food: I have LOTS of favourite food. 30. Favorite Restaurant: McDonald's. Or Kelsey's or Golden Valley. 31. Favorite Place to Vacation: I don't do vacations. 32. Favorite Store: Lots of stores. 33. Favorite Brand: I don't notice...? 34. What's your wall calendar of?: -- 35. What shampoo do you use?: My mom always changes them around on me but the one I've been using for a week now is Pert Plus. We have like fifty shampoo and conditioners or 2 in 1's or special treatment ones. Like what the frig. 36. Drew Barrymore: Um, she's a good actress. 37. Favorite director: Steven Spielberg or somebody. I don't know these things. 38. Do you like '80's music?: YES!!! 39. Favorite animal: Monkey. Oh yeah, hands down. 40. Bugs and spiders: Ugh. I liked them when I was eight, don't ask me why. I tried to catch them but now I flip out when they're near me. 41. Ever been to another country?: I was in the States twice -- in Florida for a week and in Syracuse for an hour... :P 42. Ever been to California?: No, but my parents will be this summer, I think. 43. Favorite city: The city that's closest to the town closest to our village. Haha, I don't want any stalkers. 44. MTV or VH1?: MUCHMUSIC!! >:P Stupid. 45. ABC, NBC, or CBS?: Okay, those are all American. We have CTV, but I don't know. 46. New York or Los Angeles?: New York. LA is creepy. 47. Do you own a car?: My parents are buying mine. 48. Dream car: I have no idea. 49. Dream job: Some magazine editor, I suppose. Or an advertisor, but a good one. 50. Favorite radio station: 95.1 now because Aimée showed me the way, lol. Or if my radio sucks and can't tune into it, 97.1 the classic. 51. Macintosh or Microsoft?: I had a Mac and didn't like it. Except it played this cute birthday game called Fatty Bear :D But Microsoft is better, I suppose...? 52. AOL or Internet Explorer?: Internet Explorer. 53. What's your e-mail address?: laurie_poet@hotmail.com (I've had it since grade six, heh) 54. Pink Floyd or Led Zeppelin?: Pink Floyd. "Another Brick in the Wall" is classic. 55. Lost your concert virginity to: I'm a concert virgin. 56. Favorite websites: I don't know any ones offhand. Besides, I have links in the sidebar. 57. Ever been on a motorcycle?: Yeah, when I was right young. 58. Ever been/wanted to go skydiving?: No, but I want to. 59. What school do you currently attend?: St Paul's. 60. Favorite classes: All of them (Law, Media, Religion and English) except English because of my retard teacher. 61. Favorite teachers: In this semester? Mrs. Mason, Mr. Stuart, Mr. Rashotte (He's the best pushover, lol). 62. Future plans: Graduate, go to college, graduate, find husband, marry, have great wedding, have kids. The usual. 63. Favorite cartoon show and character: Spongebob Squarepants, and his best friend. 64. Ever seen Saved By The Bell?: I watch it everyday before school :D! I love it, even though they're all repeats. 65. Favorite cereal?: Cheerios with bananas in them, I guess. 66. Any piercings or tattoos?: Lobes and navel. No tattoos. 67. Ever rode one of those mechanical ponies or rocket ships at the grocery store?: A couple years ago, for fun and when I was little. 68. Do you sleep with stuffed animals or a blankie?: Just a plush monkey Rae gave me. 69. Favorite article of clothing: Too many. I like all my clothes ;D 70. Do you prefer candles or incense?: Neither, unless the candles have a pretty fruit smell or something. 71. Are you allergic to anything?: Fake metal or something like that, on my skin. I get a rash :( 72. Favorite flavor (yes, flavor) crayon: Don't they all taste the same? 73. Favorite color lava lamp: Electric blue, but I don't have one. 74. Do you prefer TV or movies?: Both. 75. Favorite flower: I don't know. 76. Favorite flavor ice cream: Strawberry or Maple Walnut with walnuty chunks >D 78. Do you get Cartoon Network?: On satellite, yeah. 79. Do you get Comedy Central?: Yup. 80. Idols: I couldn't say. 81. If you could play Twister with one person, dead or alive, who would it be?: David Bowie or Bif Naked. Because they're both really nice people. 82. Do you/did you actually like gym class?: When I had in grade ten! Those were the best days. 83. What color are you bedroom walls: Sponged sky-blue. It really sucks. 84. Forgive me, but 'NSYNC or Backstreet?: Neither. 85. Blur or Oasis?: Oasis. 86. Ever seen the video "Clint Eastwood" by Gorillaz: Yeah, but it's tiring after awhile. 87. What about "Weapon of Choice" by Fatboy Slim: Yes, that's a good video. 88. Favorite magazines: I only read girly ones to cut out cool pictures or something. But Spin or something maybe. 89. Favorite books: Lots. Almost all Caroline B. Cooney's and Francesca Lia Block's and John Saul. Now, I'm reading psychopathic killer books but whatever. 90. Favorite authors: I basically just said them. 91. Ever met a celebrity?: Uh...uh...no. 92. Are you just too above that kind of thing to care?: What? No, I just don't get the chance to meet celebrities. 93. How many people are on your buddy list?: MSN - 40something though I don't talk to three quarters or them, and maybe 12 on AIM because I finally cut them all back. 94. Worst fear: Things in the dark, being alone in a dark house (contrary to popular preference, Aimée!) or my parents dying 95. Best feeling in the world: Being with friends and laughing until your cheeks hurt and you need Depends. 96. Ever been in REAL love?: No. 97. Are you dating anyone right now?: No. 98. Got a crush on anyone?: Yes, but all you will know is that he's known as whatshisface. 99. And now, to change gears, what did you think of the movie The Grinch?: Yes, both the cartoon and modern one with Jim Carrey. 100. Favorite classic TV show (you know, like I Love Lucy, Bewitched, or M*A*S*H* or anything on Nick at Nite): Ahh, my dad used to make me watch M*A*S*H when I was little. But "Carol Burnett and Friends" was always good for a laugh. 101. Favorite month: All of summer and September/October. 102. Favorite day of the week: Friday or Saturday. 103. Are you more passive or assertive?: Both. 104. Are you an individual or a conformist (better known as a sheep)?: Both, I don't know. 105. Have you ever been really drunk?: -- 106. Have you ever been stoned?: No. 107. Are you more of an English/Arts or a Math/Science kind of person?: English/Arts. 108. What's your style?: Lazy. Cheerful. Hyper. Loud. Crazy. Bored. Motherly. 110. When is you bed time?: Whenever my eyes start to go. 111. How long are your showers?: 15 minutes exactly. 112. What do you do to relax?: Listen to music, distract myself with infomercials and TV or friends. 113. If you saw Osama bin Laden on the street, what would you do?: I'd be too scared/stunned to do anything. 114. Have you ever had braces or a retainer?: No. 115. Do you wear your watch on your right or left wrist?: Left wrist. 116. What do you think of Monty Python?: Some guy flying over a castle or something. That's the only thing I've seen of any Monty Python movies or whatnot. 117. You would rather be shot than: watch my family/friends die. 118. Do you believe in ghosts?: No. 119. What's your cultural heritage?: Scottish, English. 120. Do you usually eat breakfast?: On weekends, yes. On weekdays, not unless I have nothing else to do. 121. What's you favorite lunch meat?: Chicken or turkey or something. 123. What deodorant do you use?: Lady Speed Stick, I think. 124. What cologne/perfume do you wear?: Some bodyspray stuff. 125. Favorite Disney movies: The Little Mermaid. 126. Most fucked up movies you've ever seen: Recently? The Pest and Sleepaway Camp. So far. 127. Saddest movies: 8 Seconds, I am Sam, My Dog Skip (shut up, it was) and any dog movies. 128. Saddest songs: I forget the title, but a Matthew Good Band song. 129. Favorite toys when you were really little, like 80's toys: Slap bracelets, Pogs, dinky cars, Popples and other things. 130. Have you ever tried skateboarding?: No, I just roll around and don't try anything. 131. What about snowboarding?: No. 132. Do you ski?: I have once. It was horrible. 133. Scariest movie ever: What Lies Beneath, Scream and Mouth of Madness. 134. Cheesiest horror film: Sleepaway Camp, hands down. It's THE best "horror" movie!! 135. OK, Disney Channel or Nickelodeon?: :P Canadian here. 136. Are you a thinker or a feeler?: Feeler, I suppose. 137. Blink 182 or Sum 41?: I don't know. 138. Who's you favorite SNL player ever?: Jimmy Fallon. Or the guy who does Mango :D 139. Do you like potato chips or pretzels better?: Chips. 140. Ruffled or plain chips?: I don't really mind either. 141. Speaking of chips, ever played strip poker?: No. 142. Do you/did you ever own a bean bag chair?: No. 143. DVD or video?: DVD's when I'm at Jen's. But otherwise, it's video. 144. Last TV show you watched?: Something yesterday morning. 145. Last movie you saw in a theater?: I am Sam, last night actually. 146. Bad habits: Nailbiting, the classic. 147. What do you want to name your kids?: Natalie and Jeremy. 148. Words to describe yourself: Hyper, loud, stupid, lazy, motherly (did I not just fill this one out before? :P) 149. Favorite philosophy of life quote: I don't know any ones offhand. I'll get back to you. 150. Do you think this survey was insanely long?: Yes, and my dad kept complaining I was "clacking" hard on the keyboard. Well, it's done and I don't care anymore.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:18:12 AM * * *
Spring Break. My jaw hurts like a mofo because my stupid dentist screwed my mouth over two days ago. And he wasted so much time talking to other clients and technicians and salespeople, DURING my appointment time, I have to go back in today so he can finish. And my jaw shouldn't hurt when I pull it back or move it slightly. I really really do not want to go back to that friggen retard again, after he ignored me in the dentist chair and flirted with another lady-client >:O
Last night, Ashley and I went to our craptacular local theatre "Centre Theatre" and got stuck in the smallest, smelliest cinema. Some lady with a mullet sat in front of us so I didn't want to move :D And another woman came in with this HUGE (and I am not joking) afro, bigger than my nanny's unintentional one. So yeah. We went to go see "I Am Sam," and it was so good. I cried like nine times, but I'm also a bit weepy these past few days. This lady behind Ashley and I had a laugh more annoying than Roseanne's and stated THE most obvious things that were taking place in the movie. Blah. After the movie, we sat in the warmness of the Royal Bank backdoors and acted stupid in front of the security cameras, and fooled around with the handicapped door buttons until her dad came.
Man, it's Spring Break and I've woken up EVERYDAY around 7-9 a.m. It's kinda cool because I'm the type of person that thinks if you wake up at noon, half your day is wasted. But it's Spring Break and I cannot stay up past midnight for the life of me. It's weird though; I'm a 2-3 a.m. bedtime girl during summer or any holiday breaks, but lately, nothing like that at all. I LEARNED TO COOK EGGS! :D It was a great accomplishment for me, and I've been making eggs everyday for breakfast. Ashley got a sweet green butterfly tattoo and called me a Monopoly whore :P I love that game. And what is it with me and really long surveys? But...
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:16:47 AM * * *