what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back
* * LAURIE! * *
I'm Laurie. I have hair that makes Richard Simmon's hair looks good. I like giraffes and monkeys. I especially like monkeys. When I was born, my dad said I was either a boy or the ugliest girl alive. It's things like that that makes my self-esteem so high these days. I like a mixture of music from Tool to Weezer to Billie Holiday to Flock of Seagulls. I have an extreme love for the 80s that will never cease. I think I've seen The Breakfast Club about thirty eight times, even though I only like parts of it. Emilio Estevez is my boyfriend. I have a lawn gnome named Clyde. He's dear to my heart. Bruce Willis sings stalker songs to me at night. I watch TV a lot. I love movies to death. I hate the feeling, sound, word, thought of fleece. My nanny gave me a fleece sweater awhile ago. I like the smell of gasoline, freshly cut grass and chlorine. I like when my skin smells after I get out of the pool. I tend to bite my nails too much so my nails are gross and short and creepy. I can't stand having bumps in my hair. I have to have music. I cry during scenes like the ending of Revenge of the Nerds. Unpixelated Sims is funny, and kind of creepy. Laughing at drunk people makes for good times. Claire is my sex monkey. You just wish you were, too. I'm not on crack, although you'd think I was.
* * * LINKS
Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma
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* * * * Saturday, May 4 * *
Just got back from Jen's. After watching "Ali," we listened to Michael Jackson, Tiffany and Celine Dion ALL night long. Then we watched some shows until she fell asleep. I wasn't all that tired so I stayed up and watched stupid programs until 1 a.m. Finally, around 8:30 a.m. I woke up and got out of bed. I watched TV some more until Jen woke up. We ate breakfast, watched the Brady Bunch and played "Sequence" until my dad came.
Around 3 - 4 p.m. today, Christina's going to call. Ashley's birthday party's today. I'm going out to dinner with Ashley, Christina, Steph and Shannon. Well, that's all we know so far. I need to finish Ashley's birthday present. I'm tired and warm. I'll go take a nice shower - I smell like smoke from Jen's dad, he he.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:25:50 PM * * *
* * * * Thursday, May 2 * *
Basketball game tonight at 8. Picnic suppers on bleachers with Ashley. Planning Civies Day with Aimée. Playing e-mail tag with Julia. Pat pulled really hard on my hair yesterday, on the bus, and ripped some out :D It was funny though.
To recap last Saturday: "What's down there, Charley?", the rocket bed, throwing chicken wings at cars, sitting at the masonic lodge eating, the IGA, wearing pajamas downtown, Fright Night, Shakma!, the yard sales, scary grocery-bag man, the bat in the woodstove, crazy Typhoon, The Blob, girl falling on cans, nurse being attacked :D
There's millions more but I cannot even remember. I'm listening, on repeat, to Pete Yorn's "Closet." It's a really good song. My thumb fingernail is hurting, but I like feeling the pain when I squeeze on it. Oh lovely. I completely failed my Religion test -- I did so horribly. I was like laughing from being screwed so much. We watched the ending of "Nine Months," watched some funny video of a penguin falling on Mr. Rashotte's computer and stuff. I think I did well on my English test, but you never know with my teacher. Keeps surprising me :P
* You're so silly, Nanny! 5:04:43 PM * * *
* * * * Monday, April 29 * *
I got my channels back :D Yay. Jen got her pictures developed but I have to wait until tomorrow to see them. They'll be hilarious. Survey time!
[[ Name ]] - Laurie [[ Nicknames, including from family ]] - Miss Piggy, Crackhead/Crackwhore, Fluff, Leaky Laurie, Lesbian Laurie, Anal Aurie, Retard, Laurie-Lou, Loulabelle, Laurie Laurie and many more... [[ Birthday ]] - September 9, 1985. [[ Age ]] -16 [[ Astrological sign? ]] - Virgo. [[ Chinese zodiac sign? ]] - Eh, I don't know these things. [[ Location ]] - A small village that everyone loves, whether they want to admit it or not. [[ Sexual Preference ]] - Straight as an arrow. [[ Current Hair color ]] - Reddish brown. Hairdye doesn't work anymore. [[ Eye color... W/ & W/O contacts ]] - Dark brown. [[ Parents still together? ]] - Yeah. [[ Siblings? ]] - Scott, 18. Brad, 14. [[ Pets? ]] - A dog, Taboo. I love her :D She's a psycho and has really big eyes. [[ In school/graduated? ]] - 11th grade. I'm graduating next year, then returning for a semester. [[ Rent, lease, or own your home? ]] - Psh, I don't know. [[ What do you do for work? ]] - Ha ha ha. That's FUNNY. [[ How much do you make? ]] - $25 a month for allowance. Woo me. I might be getting a job at the local Bingo Hall. Yay for chainsmoking old ladies and lung cancer for me! [[ What do you drive? ]] - Another funny one. [[ Black and White/Color ]] - Colour. COLOUR. Focus on the U, people! [[ Black/White ]] - M'eh. [[ Red/Blue ]] - I like both. [[ Dogs/Cats ]] - Dogs but kitties are cute. [[ Roses/Daisies ]] - Daisies. Roses are so cliché. [[ Beer/Liquor ]] - Eh. [[ Underwear/Thongs ]] - Well, I have both. I like both. [[ Hair: Short/Long ]] - Depends on the face or person, I suppose. I have medium hair. [[ Boots/Shoes ]] - Shoes. Sexy screw-me boots are hot too though... [[ Food: Mexican/Italian ]] - Italian. Mmm, spaghetti and pizza and ravioli! :9 [[ Dark/Light ]] - Both. [[ Day/Night ]] - I'm boring, but both again. They both have their pros and cons, you know? [[ City/Country ]] - Um, the city's confusingly big and scary but lots of shopping malls and stores. Country's quiet and rural and nice. [[ Sheets: Solid/Animal Prints ]] - I would like animal prints, but I depend on pale flowered ones my mom buys me. [[ Sub(missive)/Dom(inant) ]] - I don't know. Both, I suppose?
Favorites [[ Color ]] - Blue, yellow, orange, red [[ Animal ]] - Monkey :D [[ Vehicle ]] - I don't do vehicles. I would but you know...I don't know piss-all about cars. [[ Flower ]] - M'eh, I'm pretty much indifferent about them all. [[ Beer ]] - It smells gross. [[ Liquor ]] - Wildberry Coolers. [[ Soda ]] - Anything Jones Soda. [[ Food ]] - Don't even get me started. I'm an ashamed eataholic. You don't want to know how far I've gone to eat something. [[ Book ]] - Too many. [[ Author ]] - I'm currently liking James Patterson and Jonathan Kellerman. [[ Band ]] - Right now, Jimmy Eat World. I'm obsessed. [[ CD ]] - "Hybrid Theory" by Linkin Park. "Bleed American" by Jimmy Eat World. "ABBA Gold" by ABBA. [[ Song ]] - Waaaaay too many there. [[ Movie ]] - Currently, I'm enjoying "Fright Night" but I have way too many favourite movies. [[ Director ]] - Hmm, maybe Quentin Tarantino. I don't know...ignore me. [[ Extracurricular Activity ]] - Comptek. [[ Color your hair? ]] - Nearly every month. [[ Have tattoos? ]] - I wish! [[ Piercings? ]] - Lobes and navel.
Have you... [[ Stolen anything? ]] - When I was little, I accidentally took a package of bubblegum but I returned it three minutes later. [[ Smoked? ]] - A cigarette once. [[ Pot? ]] - Nope. [[ Crack? ]] - You'd think by my nicknames and crackheadedness but you know...no. [[ Drink? ]] - Yeah. [[ Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? ]] - Ha, no no. [[ Been so drunk you didn't care that you couldn't remember your name? ]] - No. [[ Posed for nude pics? ]] - Why no. [[ Considered a life of crime? ]] - Nah. I'm too much of a chicken and I have too big of a conscious for that. [[ Considered being a hooker? ]] - Oh yeah ;D [[ Maybe a pimp? ]] - I have the coat for it already! [[ Cheated on someone? ]] - Cheating is retarded. [[ Been married? ]] - I wish...! [[ Been divorced? ]] - I don't believe in it. [[ Are you psycho? ]] - I trick alot of people. [[ Split personalities? ]] - Naah. [[ Schizophrenic? ]] - My mom's uncle was. Yes...no, I mean, I'm not :P [[ Obsessive? ]] - Sometimes, though not dangerously. [[ Compulsive? ]] - M'eh. [[ Obsessive Compulsive? ]] - Yes, with certain things. The volume number on my TV has to be even or 5/10/15, etc. HAS TO BE. [[ Panic? ]] - Not really. [[ Anxiety? ]] - I'm the laziest, laidback girl.... [[ Depressed? ]] - Nah, I'm a happy monkey. [[ Suicidal? ]] - I had this stupid stage back in grade nine, for like a week. He he. [[ Homicidal? ]] - Ha. Ha. Ha. [[ Genocidal? ]] - What's that? [[ Necropheliac?]] - lol no. [[ Pedophile? ]] - Ew, yucky! That's gross. [[ Obsessed with hate? ]] - I hate people but I'm not obsessed with that. [[ Mutilate animals? ]] - That's horrible. [[ Idolize infamous criminals? ]] - Bonnie and Clyde :D No, I don't.
HAVE YOU EVER... [[ Kissed someone? ]] - Yeah. [[ Been in love? ]] - No. [[ Been so drunk you blacked out? ]] - Again, no. [[ Cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend? ]] - Nah. [[ Kept a secret from everyone? ]] - Yes. [[ Set a body part on fire? ]] - Just some hairs once. [[ Had an imaginary friend? ]] - Never. [[ Called or seen a psychic ]] - Nope. [[ Ever cried at a chick flick ]] - I'm the weepiest person you'll ever know. I cry when people cry! [[ Had a crush on a teacher? ]] - Once, in grade nine. That was a very naive stage though. [[ Found a cartoon character attractive ]] - Grade nine sucked. [[ Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the block tape? ]] - :D NKOTB!! No, but I watched a bio on them with Jen once. Hilarious. [[ Watched Punky Brewster? ]] - Heard OF the show. [[ Prank called someone? ]] - Yeah, it's fun. [[ Eaten a whole box of cookies and thought you were fat after? ]] - I'll eat like four and be full. Amazingly enough. [[ Been on stage? ]] - I pranced in a blue tutu in grade nine for some Christmas assembly, as a sugarplum fairy. [[ Gotten in a car accident? ]] - Thankfully not.
DO YOU... [[ Wear eye shadow? ]] - When I'm bored or something. [[ Have a dog? ]] - Yes. [[ Want a tattoo, and where? ]] - Something meaningful on my left shoulderblade. Cherries or some pretty thing. So girly. [[ Have any regrets? ]] - Yeah... [[ Crush? ]] - Yeah well, that's a difficult topic. [[ Do you have a best friend? ]] - Aimée, Ashley, Claire, Jen. I love them :D [[ Who do you go to for advice? ]] - Them, or my mom. Depends on the topic though. [[ Who knows all your secrets? ]] - Me. [[ Who do you cry with? ]] - Whoever I'm with and why.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN... [[ God/Devil? ]] - Yeah. [[ Yourself? ]] - I guess. [[ Your friends? ]] - Of course. [[ Aliens? ]] - No, that's kinda stupid. [[ Love? ]] - Yes. [[ The Closet Monster? ]] - I have no closet, therefore no closet monster. I have a horizontal pole mounted in the wall :P [[ One person for everyone? ]] - Eh, it's kinda complicated to me.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:35:45 PM * * *

:D I love it! I love it! Thanks Rae!! ;D It's so pretty...
Why is Josslyn online at this hour? :P I'm so pissed off! My parents are like "Oh, the movie channels are costing us too much so we're deleting them from our satellite choices." I was fine with that. But I get on this morning to watch Saved by the Bell and almost all my favourite channels are blocked! 334, which plays MadTV in the morning. 323 (TBS Superstation) which plays Saved by the Bell. And some others I know I like.
ARGH!!! What the frig is Will and Lauren supposed to watch when I babysit them?! Maybe I could get them to play LIFE on my mom's computer. Hmm. I'm bringing popcorn to school, woo hoo. I think I have to wake up Brad now. Ugh.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:16:33 AM * * *