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what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back

*   *    LAURIE! *     *
I'm Laurie. I have hair that makes Richard Simmon's hair looks good. I like giraffes and monkeys. I especially like monkeys. When I was born, my dad said I was either a boy or the ugliest girl alive. It's things like that that makes my self-esteem so high these days. I like a mixture of music from Tool to Weezer to Billie Holiday to Flock of Seagulls. I have an extreme love for the 80s that will never cease. I think I've seen The Breakfast Club about thirty eight times, even though I only like parts of it. Emilio Estevez is my boyfriend. I have a lawn gnome named Clyde. He's dear to my heart. Bruce Willis sings stalker songs to me at night. I watch TV a lot. I love movies to death. I hate the feeling, sound, word, thought of fleece. My nanny gave me a fleece sweater awhile ago. I like the smell of gasoline, freshly cut grass and chlorine. I like when my skin smells after I get out of the pool. I tend to bite my nails too much so my nails are gross and short and creepy. I can't stand having bumps in my hair. I have to have music. I cry during scenes like the ending of Revenge of the Nerds. Unpixelated Sims is funny, and kind of creepy. Laughing at drunk people makes for good times. Claire is my sex monkey. You just wish you were, too. I'm not on crack, although you'd think I was.

   * *      * LINKS
Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma

          *    * *   * Friday, July 5     * *

1. Biting my nails.
2. Chewing on my fingertips.
3. Rubbing my eyes.
4. Gum-cracking.

1. My dad, probably.
2. Scott.
3. Brad. (Probably, again)
4. Nobody else.

1. Gasoline.
2. Any food :D
3. Jen's perfume.
4. Aimée's strawberry body spray.

1. Bellbottoms.
2. Animal prints. (Exluding underwear)
3. Acid-washed jeans.
4. Huge dangly earrings, unless it's some 80s thing.

1. Monkeys.
2. Dogs.
3. Hippos.
4. Giraffes.

1. Degrassi.
2. The Simpsons.
3. Fear Factor.
4. Malcolm in the Middle.

1. Anna Kournikova.
2. Julia Roberts.
3. Christina Aguilera.
4. Greg Kinnear. (He's just so boring and blah)

1. Welsh's Grape Juice.
2. Orange juice. (Religiously)
3. Sprite.
4. Water. (When I brush my teeth)

1. Strawberry.
2. Neopolitian.
3. Coffee Crisp.
4. Butterscotch.

1. I get scared being in a pool alone.
2. I hate what I can't see. (In the dark, etc.)
3. I have poofy hair.
4. I can't stand going without a bra.

1. My mom once owned all the $500 bills in a game of Monopoly with me.
2. My dad's really hairy.
3. I have a picture of Scott last summer shoving a bowl of ice cream in his face.
4. Brad has a friend with an afro.

*   You're so silly, Nanny! 2:30:49 AM    * *       *

one of those weird tiny flicky bugs that like the computer screen light tried going up my nose. stupid kamikaze bug. and you know...i'm the biggest loser because i want to see that "like mike" movie so bad. none of my friends do, but i know i'll drag clairol along. she's my best friend and i can drag her anywhere. she's much too "okey dokey" to really protest. hee.

laurie = loreal
claire = clairol

that's cute. i'm so clever. another thing, because i feel like talking a lot tonight, is that almost every teenager is like "i can't wait til i go to college, etc! i want out of this place!" haha, that's FUNNY. i'm living with my parents UNTIL i graduate college. mwah. i'm clingy, and i'm going to a community college so it's not like i need to stay in residence, really. so there. i'm reading funny pick-up lines off some site, to chantale. some are retarded. but i like a lot :D

*   You're so silly, Nanny! 1:55:38 AM    * *       *

          *    * *   * Thursday, July 4     * *

i'm so very very hyper. yeah, i'm half freaked about my uncle's wedding date. september 12? like, that's kinda spooky for me. i hope nobody blows anything up. but anyway, it's like a 6-7 hour trip. i need tons of batteries, a new discman and plenty of CDs. cards and cargames (portable battleship) and all that jazz. and josh, aaron, rebecca, brad and i are all staying in the same hotel room. that's fun. i love my cousins and we love hotels. weee.

when barry came on, i screamed his name. my mom was in the shower so i banged on the bathroom door and yelled his name. she was quite confused. then, i ran back to the tv and hugged a pillow while singing. i started crying, i have no idea why. like, just teary-eyed and such. when he started up "i can't smile without you" i punched the pillow as hard as i could. you have no idea how much i love that song. that's all i play in the car with my mom. and then copacabana came on, and he told everyone to stand up and dance, and I DID. he gets all excited during the shows, his eyes went so wide and funny, it was cute. i said he was sexy to my mom, and she laughed a lot. well. he is. we play his 1978 greatest hits cassette tape a lot. we're quite the barry freaks. i want a shirt that says BARRY IS MY BOYFRIEND. i'm bored.

going to josslyn's tomorrow. guess what'll be playing while driving there? :D i'm so stupid. today, i did nothing. i had a freaky pre-dream last night. it was almost like some scary daydream. daymare? :P anyway. i watched myself get into bed, and put my hand on a slimy frog, that was stretched out. he was on this rail-thing but it was supposed to be my pillow. and i yelled out. nobody heard me yell at 4 am. i'm so loved. i'm bringing my total of three records to josslyn's tomorrow. all the girls (well four of them, hee) are supposed to go, and she has a record player. weee for the carpenters, men at work & of course, the MAN himself.

you know what i hate? brad comes into the office (during watching TV next door) and tells me to turn down the volume on my music. i turn it down slightly, but he stands RIGHT outside the door and complains it's still loud. well YEAH. if you're standing right there, of course it won't be the same if you unmute the stupid TV and actually sit down to see. duh hoy hoy.

scott's leaving for trent university in like a month or so. i ask him if i can tag along when he drives nancy home - i like driving in a car. i was bored, and he said no because he didn't feel like it. yeah, thanks. it's not like i'll start breakdancing in the front seat, or talking like some brooklyn crackhead, you know? i'm not that annoying. and i even told him, this'll be like the last time you'd ever drive me somewhere. thanks, brother. he wants to have a good relationship because he's leaving and i won't ever live with him ever again, so he wants this relationship to be tight and friendly. whatever -- he blames ME for our lack of a relationship. i'm such a snot and i'm selfish and i constantly scream and yell and i can't seem to have an "adult, polite conversation" with someone. I'M SIXTEEN. i am not forty! my arguments and opinions are based on pure emotion, not actual thought process. you're rude and you ignore me when your girlfriend's around and you can't seem to imagine the fact that you're part to blame. i have to fight to keep his attention span, so we can have a stranger-like conversation every once in a awhile. if THAT, we'll converse about shallow topics: what seinfeld episode is on next? is scrubs on tonight? it's been a long time since we actually talked about something serious. i wrote him a letter right before summer started about all of this. no reply. he acts if i don't exist. he comes home, works, has nancy over, goes to nancy's and fights with me about stupid stuff. i'm his only sister. treat me like i'm actually here. he has the best relationship with brad. i can't talk about bass, or cars or dirtbikes. i'm sorry "friends" is the only thing i can talk about to you.

sorry. i got a little ahead of myself...

*   You're so silly, Nanny! 10:18:03 PM    * *       *


he played copacabana and i can't smile without you and weekend in new england and let freedom ring and another one!$K@!%y20465

my mom and i are SO SO SO going to a concrt of his!$!!$ also, on september 12, im going to pennsylvania for my uncle's wedding. staying in a hotel room with five cousins - ack lolfdbfhogiqdf


*   You're so silly, Nanny! 9:42:16 PM    * *       *

what if he sings "i can't smile without you" or "i write the songs" or "copacabana"!?!?!? i will DIE. i'm the biggest retard ever.

*   You're so silly, Nanny! 8:18:50 PM    * *       *

I was flipping through the TV programs coming on. Something called "Pops goes the Fourth!" was on. Boston Pops America Day three hour concert special, I guess. Anyway, I was reading the info when this popped out at me:

"Barry Manilow performs some of his classic hit songs."


So now I have to sit through three hours, listening to this half trumpet half opera crap, waiting for my Barry. I'll keep you posted.

*   You're so silly, Nanny! 8:18:05 PM    * *       *

          *    * *   * Wednesday, July 3     * *

Just because I'm trendy....

(1) The singular boring question: What is your name? Laurie

(2) If you had been born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name have been? Steven Lee. My mom had to tell me that one. Steven and Lee were both guys my mom had crushes on :D

(3) Would you name a child of yours after you? After myself? No, much too unoriginal.

(4) If you had to switch first names with a friend of yours, who would you switch with? Aimée. It's very French and cute. She signs her notes with "Mé" ;D

(5) What's the way people most often mispronounce any part of your name? Well, my last name. They add letters. It's very annoying.

(6) If you were to become famous, would you drop your last name (like Madonna, Cher, Roseanne)? Ha, no. That's rather stupid. I wouldn't want to be compared to Cher.


(7) Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell? Yeah.

(8) Do you think God has a gender? Male. Anything's possible though.

(9) Do you think science counteracts religion? Biblically? ...What does counteract mean? I think my answer is no, if I'm interpreting this the right way.

(10) Do you believe in organized religion? Well, I'm one of those organizations...

(11) Where do you think we go when we die? Heaven or Hell.

(12) Do you feel a little funny thinking about the questions in this section? Nope, it's not like I having anything to be ashamed of so yeah.


(13) How easy is it to make you laugh? Very.

(14) What person you know makes you laugh the most? Everyone.

(15) Do you laugh at jokes you know you shouldn't? All the time.

(16) Do you tell jokes you know you shouldn't? I don't tell jokes...I make fun of myself and other people.

(17) What words instantly make you laugh or at least smile? "Crack" :D Enough said.

(18) What do you think is the funniest thing you've ever said or written? Oh, there's PLENTY where that comes from. Trust me ;D So conceited.


(19) Do you ever dance to music when nobody's watching? Yes. AND when they're watching. I bump and grind, baby.

(20) What is/are the worst song(s) you have ever heard? Hmm. That Blu Cantrell song is high on my list.

(21) What song(s) do you wish you could understand a little better? Some Deftones songs.

(22) What song(s) are constantly in your head? Sublime - "Date Rape"

(24) If you were to serenade the object of your affections, which song(s) would you use? Dashboard Confessional - "Hands Down"

(25) If the object of your affections were to serenade you, what song(s) would you hope he or she used? Never been done. "Tainted Love" by Marilyn Manson would make me swoon :D I absolutely love that song, redone by him.


(26) What movie(s) do you love that nobody else seems to? Any 80s horror movies, The Breakfast Club....I can't think of any others.

(27) Do you agree with the idea that sequels are always worse than the original? That's usually the case, but occasionally the sequels are better (American Pie 2, Wayne's World 2, Terminator 2)

(28) Who's your favorite Star Wars character? I don't do Star Wars. I like those little fuzzy forest bears though. Wookies or something?

(29) What kind of movie do you think there should be more of? 80s horrors. Although it's not like they can go back and make more. But I'd love that.

(30) What movie(s) do you simply not understand the appeal of? Action. I hate them


(31) When eating, are you more concerned with taste or healthiness? Taste. Hardly healthiness.

(32) What's your favorite kind of cheese? The Kraft singles. Yay for processed cheese.

(33) What do you think your answer to the previous question reveals about your personality? I'm a processed girl living in a processed world!

(34) If you knew exactly what went into Chinese food, hamburger meat, etc., would you still eat it? Yeah. Food is taste. I don't care where it came from.

(35) Do you ever feel guilty eating meat? I only eat steak. So I don't feel much guilt.


(36) Mac or PC? PC. I had a Mac. It was my second computer. I played "Freddi Fish" and "Fatty Bear." I LOVED Fatty Bear.

(37) How much do you actually care about the inner workings of your computer, as long as it works? I don't care at all.

(38) Do you ever begin preferring IMs to other forms of conversation? Not really. You laugh as three letters (lol). Not as fun.

(39) Do you find you're different talking through IMs than face-to-face or on the telephone? Yes.

(40) Have you ever ended bid on something on eBay and regretted it later? Ha, I am much too poor for that fancy business.


(41) Have you ever wished you could experience being the other gender? Yes. Only when I'm on my rag.

(42) What do you love most about the other gender? They can be scruffy and girls love it. Most girls. Well, some girls. Okay...me.

(43) What do you dislike most about the other gender? Nothing. I love boys.

(44) What do you understand least about the other gender? What they're thinking.


(45) Do you sometimes see a movie or watch a show just because a good-looking celebrity is in it? Hee, yup.

(46) What celebrity's autograph do you want most? Ben Stiller, Conan O'Brien, Marilyn Manson, Luke Perry (:D)

(47) Have people ever said you looked like a celebrity, and if so, who? Sandra Bullock, but only told that once. I don't believe it.

(48) If there was to be a movie about you, who do you think should play you (in personality, looks or both)? I have NO idea.

(49) Does it ever annoy you when you know someone is a celebrity but you can't remember why? Haha, not really.

(50) If you could enter any celebrity's mind like in "Being John Malkovich", whose would you enter? Probably Conan's, hee :D

(51) Do you want to be them? YES BECAUSE IM OBSESSED WITH CONAN. Haaa, reminds me of that Sugar & Spice girl.


(52) Do you laugh when you hear or read the number 69? I did when it was funny...even though I didn't understand.

(53) Were you lying about your answer to the previous question? Ha, no.

(54) Do you actually know your Social Security Number? Nope.

(55) Do you actually know your IP address? The what?

(56) Do you know what an IP address is? I think I already answered this...

(57) Do you know the four-character extension on your ZIP code? ...What?

(58) Ever thought there were too many numbers floating around in our lives? Probably in math class sometime.

(59) Does your head begin to hurt when you think of infinity, imaginary numbers, irrational numbers, etc.? No. I leave math alone, it leaves me alone. Capisce?

(60) What do you think of pi? EASY AS 3.14! :D I'm SUCH a nerd now.


(61) Did you get a little frightened or uncomfortable seeing this as a section title? No - it's not like I have any sexy information.

(62) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? Flattered, but I would feel bad.

(63) Do you prefer getting to know someone first before dating them or going in "blind"? I don't do dating. But either is okay.

(64) Could you carry on a relationship with someone with the same first name as a family member? It would get a bit confusing, but who cares.

(65) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out? Nope. I don't care whatever society thinks about it.

(66) What's your opinion on sex without emotional commitment? Shallow.

(67) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? Well, nobody else sees it, but me.

(68) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good-looking? ...Are you kidding me? You must be joking. I'm dead sexy.

(69) Would you be willing to give up sex in exchange for an emotional commitment you knew would last? Yeah.

(70) Do you think the number of the last question was a coincidence? Haha, I didn't even notice.


(71) What is your favorite possession? My burgundy "geek" glasses. I can't live without them...literally, I can't see at all. So yeah.

(72) What physical, tangible possession do you want most? Luke Perry in his Buffy days. Mmm, so friggin' sexy! :D

(73) How badly do you want it? Oh, you wouldn't believe...

(74) Have you ever seen 'The Exorcist'? Nope. I'll rent it someday when I'm bored.

(75) How long did it take you to understand why the last question is in this section? Hee hee.


(76) Does Christmas music too far away from Christmas annoy you? :D My mom plays this one tape that I know off by heart, and she plays it late November. So not really.

(77) How old do you think you will be before you stop liking getting older? Probably 25. But I want to grow old.

(78) What was the best Halloween costume you ever had? Hmm. When I was little, I had this cartoon costume. I'll scan the picture later. It's adorable.

(79) What was the worst Halloween costume you ever had? A dead hippie. It was rather stupid.

(80) What holiday do you think has still managed to retain its original meaning? Thanksgiving. There are no presents to freak out over. People do freak out over food though..

(81) There are currently no federal holidays during August- what should be put there? Celebrate the Monkeys Day.


(82) How good is your short-term memory? Ask me that again.

(83) How good is your long-term memory? Pretty good, actually.

(84) What is your earliest memory? I remember when I was about three, and Scott had the chickenpox. Brad and I were fighting, on the floor, over a pukegreen crayon while my mom was in the kitchen, on the phone. Scott was playing with Legos on this hideaway bed. Hmm.

(85) What is your happiest memory (other than receiving this survey)? I have too many.

(86) What is your strangest memory? :D I can't remember any ones that stick out.

(87) What song, movie, etc. do you wish you could memorize? I don't "wish" to. I already have, probably. Hehe.


(88) What movie makes/made you cry? All Dogs go to Heaven, 8 Seconds, Romeo & Juliet, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (happy, sweet tears), Original Sin, Selena, and like thousands more...

(89) What book makes/made you cry? A Walk to Remember (seriously, so much better than the movie)

(90) What song makes/made you cry? A lot. Trust me.

(91) What makes/made you laugh so hard you cried? Everything. My friends and family. Stupid people. People, in general.


(92) Would you like to be cloned? No, I like me as me. I don't want to do an Olsen twin thing.

(93) Do you wish you could be alive when the world was ending, just to experience it? Not really.

(94) Scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the fandango? Oh, you better believe it, skank.


(95) Do you think that one hundred and one questions is too long? M'eh. I've had some twisted 200 question survey once.

(96) Do you think the one hundred interesting questions actually were interesting? I guess some of them were amusing.

(97) Are you sorry you began filling it out? Kind of.

(98) What question do you wish it had asked? No idea.

(99) How would you have answered it? --


(100) When was the last time you let the people you love know you love them? Most of the time, whenever I talk to them.

(101) What do you want the people who are reading this survey to know? Pat Benatar rules.

*   You're so silly, Nanny! 7:59:06 PM    * *       *

1 minute ago: I was swishing my ponytail back and forth.
1 hour ago: I was watching some talk show.
1 day ago: I swam consistently.
1 year ago: Liked stupid music.
Words to describe the situation now: Humid, boring, sad.
Things I want: That job.
Songs I listened to: Now? Sublime - "Santeria"
Things accomplished: I went for my job interview today.
Windows open: MP3, this and someone's livejournal page.
Things around the computer: Half-empty bag of chips, my glasses, the speakers, an empty can of Canada Dry, a broken Popsicle stick and some prop-up thing under the monitor to stop it from wobbling :P
Thoughts of now: Earlier today.
E-mails: Junk mail.
Lyrics: "i don't practice santeria / i aint got no crystal ball" - i dunno
Random: I'm chewing my thumb horribly.
Spell your name backwards:Eirual (Ariel, I guess)
Where do you live: A small village that has only one intersection.
Describe yourself in three words: Talkative, shy (sometimes) and strange
Who is your worst enemy? I have no idea, did I have one? Hee.
If you could have ANY animal for a pet, what would it be? Monkey.
Do you know what a spork is? Spoonfork thingy?
What is the latest you've ever stayed up? All night. ALWAYS with Aimée :D Never anyone else, of course.
Ever been to Belgium? Nah.
Toothbrush? Blue and white. I don't really care.
Jewelry worn daily: Um, a ring given to me from my Aunt, on my left hand, ring finger. My belly button ring...and um, that's it, I guess. My earrings have disappeared.
Underwear: Stripey rainbowy ones. They're shiny on the edges. La Senza, baby.
Shoes: Generic Wal-Mart slipon brown ones. Comfy and casual. Like I really care.
Nail polish: I hate nail polish. But I have this craptacular purple stuff.
Handbag: I only have a messenger bag.
CD in stereo right now: Dirty Dancing. And my Michael Jackson cassette tape... :D
Tattoos: None.
Piercings: Belly button and ears.
Current music: Rick Springfield - "Jesse's Girl"
Wearing: Drawstring short-shorts (eek) and my bathing suit top
Hair: A half-damp ponytail with curls flying out everywhere. I'm going for the messy but chic, just-came-out-of-the-pool look.
Makeup: None. Well, what's left of eyeliner anyway.
In my mouth: My fingernails. Blah.
In my head: Trying to answer this stupid question.
Hearing: My music, and the oscillating fan.
Wishing: That our pool wasn't so hot, and it was actually refreshing.
After this: Pool. Heh.

*   You're so silly, Nanny! 4:29:45 PM    * *       *

          *    * *   * Tuesday, July 2     * *

I want: to go outside, to swim, to watch movies with Ashley, to watch "High Fidelity", to get the job at Gabby's, to learn how to park and parellel park, have my cousins come down, shop at Goodwill more, remember my dream, and uhh.

I think I'll go swimming now. I'll blast my Dirty Dancing soundtrack and be cool like that.

*   You're so silly, Nanny! 11:23:52 AM    * *       *

          *    * *   * Monday, July 1     * *

1 - I tried to make a funny Lego me. It's not really me though. But it's funny

2 - My cousin Josh and I are quite humorous. We were planning his trip here, which was cancelled because he got a job

If they don't work and the Image Hosted by Tripod shows up, just copy and paste the URL of the selected image into your web browser address thingee. HELP ME IM BORED OH MY GOODNESS SO BORED.

*   You're so silly, Nanny! 7:49:31 PM    * *       *

it was the gay pride celebration parade yesterday. i watched it on much music. rick and that new girl were wearing rainbow clothes. oh, did i laugh.

*   You're so silly, Nanny! 7:38:01 PM    * *       *

my life as a house was okay. i liked the son, sam. he was cool. but what was with all the non-relevant sex? the neighbour mom slept with her daughter's boyfriend? the daughter is a plain skanky slut who showers with sam - yet says they are just friends. my mom and i did not approve...

me: what's wrong with their neighbourhood? really now!
mom: it IS california, you know.

:D she's so...hee. yeah. i'm on a huge sublime kick. i like every song i download of theirs. my favourite? "date rape" lol. i'm also listening to jeff buckley. some of his songs are downright sexy. and rae doesn't know who he is. my mom and i are having a girly night. watching movies and such. it's fun. her ice cream melted downstairs and i laughed at her until i realized my seven freezies did too.

we still have high fidelity to watch. i was in the 82-degree pool today for nearly two hours. i played tag with my brothers and nancy. it got boring because the game soon turned to just between scott and nancy, kissing and laughing. you know, my belly button is healed. no yucky oozing, or purple lumps underneath it. i need to change the ring now. i want something new.

today, i had just changed and went outside to get my glasses from the side of the pool. my dad splashed me and i got angry with him. later, he tried to be funny and make me forgive him but i was pissed and said i wasn't in the mood. so he made this sound with his tongue my family EXCELS at making, and got pissed at ME. "i'm SO sorry i'm serious! HEAVEN FRIGGIN' FORBID!" :P my arguments are so heartfelt, eh?

it's canada day. i watched much music and that's my celebration. i rule.

*   You're so silly, Nanny! 7:35:45 PM    * *       *

haha. aimée and i watched richard simmons' "sweatin' to the oldies 2" and there was this big, rolly, VERY flamboyant manboy up there on stage and he was hilarious to watch. we watched so many movies:
- original sin
- crazy/beautiful
- buffy
- raising cain
- the babysitter's club
- teaching mrs. tingle

and probably more. i love movies. my mom and i got mad at this lady who parked in the handicap space, who clearly was not handicapped. then, we rented "high fidelity" and "life as a house." we'll watch them soon. i want the FOODSAVER product. it looks really gross with the food and such though. i want the product, orange clean, because in each bottle, it has 648 oranges! :D

when ashley and i went to the movie store on either saturday, it was funny. there's this guy, les, who's like 25-ish. he's kinda baldy and thick framed glasses and is the biggest movie nerd ever. he works at rogers video, and i want to marry him. he made a movie. i love les. he imitated the elephant man, and the shemale off sleepaway camp :D :D

ashley and i rented 5 movies. we only watched 2 - "i spit on your grave" and "cruel intentions 2" which was SO stupid. movies now :P

*   You're so silly, Nanny! 1:05:04 PM    * *       *

          *    * *   * Sunday, June 30     * *

sleeping over at aimée's. for two nights. yay :D she's babysitting a new baby, jagger. he's like four months and adorable. he's constipated though :-(

well. um. yeah, "original sin" and "crazy/beautiful" were really good movies. OS actually had a really interesting plot and i cried.

*   You're so silly, Nanny! 3:52:25 PM    * *       *