what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back
* * LAURIE! * *
I'm Laurie. I have hair that makes Richard Simmon's hair looks good. I like giraffes and monkeys. I especially like monkeys. When I was born, my dad said I was either a boy or the ugliest girl alive. It's things like that that makes my self-esteem so high these days. I like a mixture of music from Tool to Weezer to Billie Holiday to Flock of Seagulls. I have an extreme love for the 80s that will never cease. I think I've seen The Breakfast Club about thirty eight times, even though I only like parts of it. Emilio Estevez is my boyfriend. I have a lawn gnome named Clyde. He's dear to my heart. Bruce Willis sings stalker songs to me at night. I watch TV a lot. I love movies to death. I hate the feeling, sound, word, thought of fleece. My nanny gave me a fleece sweater awhile ago. I like the smell of gasoline, freshly cut grass and chlorine. I like when my skin smells after I get out of the pool. I tend to bite my nails too much so my nails are gross and short and creepy. I can't stand having bumps in my hair. I have to have music. I cry during scenes like the ending of Revenge of the Nerds. Unpixelated Sims is funny, and kind of creepy. Laughing at drunk people makes for good times. Claire is my sex monkey. You just wish you were, too. I'm not on crack, although you'd think I was.
* * * LINKS
Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma
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* * * * Saturday, August 10 * *
Conan was hilarious tonight. No "Max on Max" or "Joel on Joel" skit, but it was amazing just the same. Tomorrow, I want to get my pictures developed. It's just a bunch of stuff from the mall trip with Jen and Claire and that welfare girl at Aimée's. However, I think I snuck in a picture of Clyde in there somewhere. Whee. I feel like making something. I need to shave before I head out to her place tomorrow. We always walk downtown and I'm always bristly and stubbled. I have no problem with that, but you know.
I'm going to make a scrapbook. Of high school. Even though next year is my last year, I have like NO pictures of my friends. I hate that. But I never have any money for disposable cameras and film, so I only take pictures at special occasions. But I have thousands of inside jokes with everyone, so that'd fill up some space. Aww, frig. Now I'm depressed that I'll be 30 and have no visuals. But anyway, enough self pity for one person, I guess.
Hee. It tickles me pink to see Mario Andretti cry "Sprinkles!" :D I love that commercial to death.
Some serious fans even have a "look" — short, greasy hair, dyed black with bangs cut high on the forehead; glasses with thick black frames; thrift-store clothes and chunky black shoes; makeup
I guess, because of how I look, I'm emo. I have semi-short hair. I have thick framed glasses. I shop neurotically at Goodwill. I have chunky black shoes. And I wear makeup. Only the black, high-cut banged hair thing is off. I hate this description. I really do. Heh.
I think my eyes are going to bleed soon. I've been watching things for too long (TV, computer screen, book). I'm going back to bed and my mix CD. Yay.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 2:34:46 AM * * *
* * * * Friday, August 9 * *
August 22. Ottawa Ex. Going to see Avril Lavigne, Trooper, Bif Naked, Simple Plan, David Usher and Remy Shand. I want to go, but I want Boolia or Aimée with me so we can scream for Bif, but boo at Avril. I don't care about Simple Plan, Trooper (they're boss) and I really like David Usher. Remy Shand is boring. But come on, this is supposed to be the punkest show ever, I guess. HEE!
On the Ex calendar site:
5:30PM Swiftkick <-- That's my cousin's band. Whee!
But anyway. I wonder who'll be on Conan tonight. He was really funny last night. EWW! The Max on Max or Joel on Joel is just WRONG. :P I love Joel and his big creepy smile. Hah.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:13:09 PM * * *

Who's your inner singer-songwriter?
Take the quiz!
I'm just glad it's not Avril. My CD's burning! :D Brad and I tried a first one and it finished unusually soon, and it won't even play. So we tried on another one. It's going it's usual slow rate so I'm glad.
My dad took me driving today in the tourist park. He made me back in, back out (etc.) like fifty times. I SUCK AT IT. He was pretending that I kept hitting kids everytime I didn't brake fast enough on unexpected command. Well. YAY! My CD works! :D Happy happy happy. Going to Aimée's tomorrow. Getting my G1 on Monday or something. Making a CD cover for my awesome disc. Woo. Laurie's happyeeeee.e
You'd think I'd smoke crack. But I don't.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:05:36 PM * * *
* * * * Thursday, August 8 * *
i saw you last night at the spelling bee i knew right then it was l-u-v i gotta spell out what you mean to me 'cause i can no longer be a silent g
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp me @! OH SAY CAN YOU ROCK!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:13:34 PM * * *
My zine sucks. It's not a zine. It's pictures. No actual content. I hate it. Boolia and I are thinking of collaborating one together. Hee. She does the content, I do the visuals. Works for me. I'm going to burn a CD tonight, once Brad comes home. Yay me. The songs? Some are depressing and some are romantic:
Cold - Bleed Dashboard Confessional - For You to Notice Deftones - Change Deftones - Digital Bath Deftones - RX Queen Deftones - The Chauffeur Goldfinger - 99 Red Balloons Goldfinger - Here in Your Bedroom Hoobastank - Crawling in the Dark John Mayer - Your Body is a Wonderland Ozzy Osbourne - No More Tears Pedro the Lion - Nothing Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody Taproot - Emotional Times Tool - Schism Tool - Sober Weezer - El Scorcho Weezer - No One Else
Whew. I will LOVE this CD when it gets burned.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:08:54 PM * * *

I was grounded yesterday, for like four separate fights with my dad. But we talked somewhat civilly today, so I'm back on the nerd train. I'm singing Goldfinger. I think I had a dream about them, or else I actually did see them on TV. But they weren't really Goldfinger. They were different, and emo-ish. Yeah, I guess it was a dream then. Hmm. I feel asleep with Jimmy on my headphones, and had pleasantness until I woke up to my dad taking his CD player back. Oops.
Isn't that guy from The Adventures of Pete & Pete on some Wendy's commercial now? I thought so. Anyway, I'm doing nothing today as usual. I think I'll swim, suntan and possibly clean my room. I don't know why my legs are so shiny today. They're like illuminating, hee.
You are ... Allison Taylor
 Take the Simpsons Quiz @ Space Monkey Mafia dot com
:-( It's not true. I'm not that big of a geek.
My thighs are really squishy. Hmm. My mom's going away for a weekend with her best friend, Annie, sometime in August. I'm going to be the one doing dishes, laundry and baking. I can't cook so we'll order out, ha. But what's quite creepy? In October or November, Scott's going to be at Trent U. My parents are going to California, and so Brad and I are left by ourselves. FOR A WEEK. Ahh, how can I deal. Eww, that sentence just reminded me of Jennifer Love Hewitt's song. Oh, and Boolia? I obviously haven't gotten sick of blogging, since I've been doing it for over a year. Hmm. I'm a loser.
I actually downloaded that stupid addicting song. You know when the Simpsons made a boyband, Party Posse? Well, that join the navy song got on my nerves too much. Also, the N Sync dance move song :D YOU KNOW IT JULIA! Werd. Boolia? What happened to that Clyde & me picture where I'm chucking him downhill? :-( Was it not good enough for your fancy "cool people" album, HUH HUH!
I'm bored. If I had friends, I would call them. HA HA HA HA HA HA. Man, I'm stupid. "Woooooo! YEAH! Aww right! ROCK woo!" :D I love how Ralph has the deepest voice. I want to marry Millhouse. He's so nerdy. I have nothing to talk about yet I'm still talking. I love when that happens. I should call Clairol, she's always bored. But you know, I'm so much cooler than her. Pssh!.
Me: (spooning chicken salad casserole in a bowl) Mom: What are you eating? Me: Umm, tuna stuff? Mom: What tuna? That's CHICKEN! Me: (mock crying) You fooled me?
Home alone. Boys out golfing for a couple hours. Mom at work until seven. What shall I do today? I cried yesterday watching Maury, because guys who had long beards/hair (down their backs and such) were all getting makeovers. This one guy who looked about 65 with his hairyness looked about 40 without it, and he looked SO cute! I was crying and so was his daughter and wife, and I was like "Awww...". Those things just too sappy sometimes. I hate the paterntity test results, they suck. My favourites are makeovers and boot camp ones.
I remember another dream. I don't even know this girl, yet I had a dream the other night about how I asked her if she ever had a twin. She's like "Yeah" and I'm like "We're twins!" :P So we were twins. And I've never seen her before in my life. Hmm.
I bought this coat. Make fun of me when I wear it.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 2:17:46 PM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, August 6 * *
I just had the funniest sixteen minutes of the day.
The Misadventures of Clyde - page 1 The Misadventures of Clyde - page 2 Goodwill Expedition
All of these make both trips completely worthwhile. I love them to death. I WANT DOUBLES!
>> Creepy men! << The one smoking was the guy who asked us if we wanted a ride home. The one with Boolia just stared and smiled like the creepy tourist he was. Eugh.
:D :D :D These made me so happy!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 8:28:06 PM * * *

Today wasn't that cool for me. I woke up around noon. Nearly two minutes after waking up, I realized I had a very sharp stabbing pain in my lower right side. I waited there for a couple minutes, wishing it away, but it didn't. So I crawled out of bed and called my mom. She came down the hall to see me, and I remember crying and screaming about the pain. I couldn't stand up. Suddenly, I was feeling very ill and my mom went to get the garbage can (it's like a square bucket) from the bathroom. She was patting down my neck and forehead with a cold washcloth. I blacked out. I woke up, with my head in the bucket and practically no vision at all. I remember a tiny fireworks-esque dream during my passing out. I came to, for only a minute or two before I fainted again. Another minute dream that involve people yelling and a bunch of colourful swirls before coming to again. By then, my intense nausea had passed but I couldn't see a lot. It was like someone has flashed a bright light in my eyes, so the huge shiny spots were still in my eyes. I could hear my dad calling 911. I could feel the intense cold on my hands and feet, but I could also feel the dripping sweat down my back. The paramedics arrived and I was put onto the stretcher. Very scary stuff. My blacking out-ness was over but I was extremely cold the whole ride. I waited in a hospital room with my parents for nearly four hours. Turns out it wasn't my appendix, which we thought. It was probably an ovarian cyst rupture. Blah. I wish that never happens again -- it was horrible. The whole five minutes of my fainting was the worst. But yeah. Enough excitement for the day.
GET YOR PICTURES DEVELOPED, BOOLIA! :-( Hurry. Hee. Oh yeah, I forgot Claire was a hospital volunteer there. Turns out, she was there when I was admitted. It was funny, because my dad found her walking around and pulled her in my room so we could talk. She had on this pukey pink vest :D Also, the paramedics Brad and Steve were very nice. Mike drove, and Brad attended to me. He kept asking me if I was cold, or if I was feeling nauseous still. It was nice of him.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 5:28:50 PM * * *
* * * * Monday, August 5 * *
Yesterday, I was all like "I'm bored. Boolia said she didn't work, so let's do something!" So I called Boolia. I got picked up at 1:30 p.m. We went to Goodwill. I bought an oldstyle long British-mod style peacoat. I love it. And a monkey shirt, and a blue hoodie. Anyway, we were going to Tim Hortons next door. We had just finished a yummy Chunky Chicken Salad Sandwich, when I noticed two guys kept looking at us from across the room. They left so I forgot about it soon after.
Then, Boolia and I went outside. There was a rack of old Goodwill jackets, so we started taking funny pictures. I was getting ready to take a picture of Boolia in some Coach jacket, the two guys walked behind us and in some heavily-accented voice (Italian? German? We couldn't tell.) asked to be in the picture. We were like "Uhhh.....okay??" Heh. I took the picture, and they walked away smiling. We were weirded out so we walked out into the parking lot. By the way, we were waiting to be picked up by my parents. Boolia was playing Snake on her cell phone, and I was freaking out hyperly (Dancing, spinning, yelling, singing, laughing, jumping, etc.) around some cars. Just then, a car drove up and stopped right by us. It was the guy. He asked (in a very thick voice again) if we wanted a ride. We said no to the creepy smiley man and he drove away, looking at us. So freaky.
We finally got home, swam, went online, and watched "The Glass House" which was terribly predictable. So we went for a 2 a.m. swim, saw a shooting star, and then watched some "CALL US ON THE PHONE!" informercials before we fell asleep. We woke up around noon. We went swimming (I think), then went into town. We brought Clyde, my lawn gnome, and a camera. Hee. We took a storyline roll of film, haha. It was awesome, she's getting it developed tomorrow :D YAY. Clyde had one great adventure. Then we went to go check out a soccer game, but there was a shortage of players on one team, so it was cancelled. That sucked.
And I'm done.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:20:35 PM * * *