what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back
* * LAURIE! * *
I'm Laurie. I have hair that makes Richard Simmon's hair looks good. I like giraffes and monkeys. I especially like monkeys. When I was born, my dad said I was either a boy or the ugliest girl alive. It's things like that that makes my self-esteem so high these days. I like a mixture of music from Tool to Weezer to Billie Holiday to Flock of Seagulls. I have an extreme love for the 80s that will never cease. I think I've seen The Breakfast Club about thirty eight times, even though I only like parts of it. Emilio Estevez is my boyfriend. I have a lawn gnome named Clyde. He's dear to my heart. Bruce Willis sings stalker songs to me at night. I watch TV a lot. I love movies to death. I hate the feeling, sound, word, thought of fleece. My nanny gave me a fleece sweater awhile ago. I like the smell of gasoline, freshly cut grass and chlorine. I like when my skin smells after I get out of the pool. I tend to bite my nails too much so my nails are gross and short and creepy. I can't stand having bumps in my hair. I have to have music. I cry during scenes like the ending of Revenge of the Nerds. Unpixelated Sims is funny, and kind of creepy. Laughing at drunk people makes for good times. Claire is my sex monkey. You just wish you were, too. I'm not on crack, although you'd think I was.
* * * LINKS
Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma
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* * * * Saturday, October 19 * *
julia & i are so freaken hyper she asked to get off the phone an hour ago. YEAH. like that's gonna happen anytime again!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:52:56 PM * * *
"HEY" Linda, you're a bitch!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:50:06 PM * * *
Inigo: Vizzini, he can...fuss. Fezzik: Fuss, fuss, I think he likes to scream at us. Inigo: Probably he means no...harm. Fezzik: He's very very short on...charm. Inigo: You have a great gift for rhyme. Fezzik: Yes, yes, some of the time. Vizzini: [overhearing Fezzik] Enough of that! Inigo: Fezzik, are there rocks ahead? Fezzik: If there are, we all be dead. Vizzini: No more rhymes now, I mean it! Fezzik: Anybody want a peanut? Vizzini: Aauuuggghhhhh!!!!!!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:58:10 PM * * *

SHES GOT THE LOOK says: hola Steph says: hooyooo Steph says: HOT DAMN! Steph says: jack johnson is playing in T.O. in nov! Steph says: but it's not sold out Steph says: yet i cannot find one ticket!! Steph says: explain! laurie explain to meeee Steph says: i'm melting....meltiiiin! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: sory SHES GOT THE LOOK says: my computer froze Steph says: laaaarrrgh. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: ahh, you're melting all over my shoes SHES GOT THE LOOK says: not even on ticketmaster.ca? SHES GOT THE LOOK says: try calling them? Steph says: i vill.. Steph says: this is sad..what a sad day. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: aww, no it's not SHES GOT THE LOOK says: are you in ttown? Steph says: yeah Steph says: i'm in your backyard. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: haha Steph says: watching you type to me. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: creepiness SHES GOT THE LOOK says: that's IMPOSSIBLE! Steph says: i'm waving! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: lol i looked over my shoulder Steph says: hahaha SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i'm the type to fall for "hey! look!" while someone takes something of mine Steph says: liar. no you didn't. i can tell. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: lol SHES GOT THE LOOK says: no serious, are you in ttown? Steph says: nope. Steph says: why's that? SHES GOT THE LOOK says: you could come over today SHES GOT THE LOOK says: julia's coming over today SHES GOT THE LOOK says: IF SHE EVER GETS HOME!@ Steph says: i don't like julia. Steph says: she's mean. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: haha. Steph says: and a liar. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: why is this Steph says: because she was mean to me once. she lied. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: how so Steph says: she didn't really see dashbored. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: heehe SHES GOT THE LOOK says: she signed her shoe herself Steph says: ...this joke is wearing thin..i think i'll stop.. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: in politics, she drew a picture of her shoe. we called her a geek and threw things at her SHES GOT THE LOOK says: WHY ARENT YOU TALKING TO ME SHES GOT THE LOOK says: you're breaking my heart slowly, steph. Steph says: . Steph says: .. Steph says: ... Steph says: liah! LIiaaaaahhh SHES GOT THE LOOK says: you're creepy too. Steph says: i'm gonna name my child liah. then people will mispronounce it "leeah". and i'll make her say, "no. i'm liar. not leeah. liar." SHES GOT THE LOOK says: that's a form of abuse, brotha! Steph says: admit it. you're obsessed with me. Steph says: YOU're a form of abuse. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: muaha, are you giddy or just super bored? SHES GOT THE LOOK says: ... Steph says: i can't tell anymore!! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: hee SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i can hear you laughing. stop that laughing! you're scaring my dog who's roaming in the backyard Steph says: you took my look. give it back. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: (she's not even outside. she's curled up on a chair) SHES GOT THE LOOK says: HYPA STEPHA! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i can picture a retard saying that SHES GOT THE LOOK says: ina weird accent SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i'm so politically incorrect. Steph says: returd is the new word. Steph says: i checked. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: haha okay dokay Steph says: that's not really your dog... Steph says: ...i dunno. just ignore me. Steph says: i'll go back into my corner sooner or later. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: hehehe SHES GOT THE LOOK says: it's okay SHES GOT THE LOOK says: it's funny when you're sporadically random and hyper and weird. i feel more fit-in. Steph says: you'd think so, eh? Steph says: ... Steph says: ??? SHES GOT THE LOOK says: YEAH ID THINK SO Steph says: hehe id. what a funny band. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i was watching the simpsons episode where freddy quimby's like "say it! CHOWDER!" and the guy's like "CHOW-DAAAAR!" Steph says: numbchucks. how do you spell that? knumchucks? nunchucks? SHES GOT THE LOOK says: nunchucks Steph says: nunchucks. ahhh. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: nunchucks, id & returd! OUR NEW BAND NAME Steph says: hahaha i love it! chowdar Steph says: you should go to ace's sub's one day. they have a really cool arcade there. Steph says: ya-aya-ay! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: there's creepy men in there! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: YOUR BOYFRIENDS! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i like that poptart commercial with all the cars and the "hot" girls and the guy who goes "baaaaaaaaow!!" Steph says: that guy is so intense! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: so intense SHES GOT THE LOOK says: his acting skills astounded me Steph says: i want to slap him. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i fell of my chair. OFF MY CHAIR! Steph says: yeah, really. he tries so hard to keep from looking at camera. Steph says: dammit, i wanted to say something about u falling off ur chair SHES GOT THE LOOK says: too bad for you, stephy-poo Steph says: but i was halfway typing about the intense guy SHES GOT THE LOOK says: hee Steph says: stop that. Steph says: you're rude. Steph says: read me bloog. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: otaaaays Steph says: rudiger. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: we're annoyinhg mauahaha SHES GOT THE LOOK says: HAHA SHES GOT THE LOOK says: where was that from, i heard it last night!! Steph says: you mean WE'RE annoying. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: ...i said WE'RE Steph says: lol simpsons! Steph says: impsons. imp. pimp. pimpsons. Steph says: right? Steph says: yeah..i think so. Steph says: NO! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: haee Steph says: WE'RE annoying. Steph says: UGH! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: UGH! Steph says: UGH! Steph says: i bet you're thinking something perverted. Steph says: cause i'm not. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: ahhaa SHES GOT THE LOOK says: of course not SHES GOT THE LOOK says: to both things Steph says: "haee"??? what, it was funny enough to be haha funny, but ended up just being a "heehee?" SHES GOT THE LOOK says: I HATE YOU!! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: for some odd reason. most likely laurie. (that bitch!) <--- haee Steph says: oooOOOOoooo!! O O O O O (swings arm arseneo hall style) SHES GOT THE LOOK says: and this is my cue Steph says: haee SHES GOT THE LOOK says: baaaaaaaaow!! Steph says: ubeet! Steph says: uptown girl ! she's been living in her uptown world.. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: wheee Steph says: for as long as anyone with hot blood caaan! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: I bloggéd Steph says: i'm singing to you laurie, my uptown girl. Steph says: can i be your downtown man? SHES GOT THE LOOK says: im your uptown girl? SHES GOT THE LOOK says: YOU CAN! Steph says: coo baby, coo. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: makin' me now sing "downtown" SHES GOT THE LOOK says: ya chica SHES GOT THE LOOK says: that's my spanish imitation SHES GOT THE LOOK says: isn't it mind-blowing! Steph says: my mind literally blew up. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: eww. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: you gots cooties Steph says: from YE! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: ... Steph says: they're mine! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: yes "ye" Steph says: all mine! Steph says: don't act like you're better than me Steph says: just cause you don't say "ye" SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i'm not acting!!! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: hahahahaha Steph says: that was mean. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i know. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i'm sorry Steph says: i'm leaving. Steph says: no you're not. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i'll grovel?? Steph says: good bye. Steph says: no you won't. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i'll throw roses at your feet! Steph says: no. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: and give you logs of cheese SHES GOT THE LOOK says: that could last you from here to next week Steph says: that'd be mean. Steph says: like ye. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i'd give you dandelions to put in your hair SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i'd give you soft razors so you don't cut yourself shaving Steph says: i'll give YOU dandelions...to put in YOUR hair! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: haha, the threat! Steph says: all the things ur saying could be a threat SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i'll give you a declawed kitty that has no rabies SHES GOT THE LOOK says: that won't turn evil near the middle of the episode SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i mean.. Steph says: lies...all lies.. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: LIAH! Steph says: what? Steph says: that's my middle name. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: have you ever seen the princess bride? Steph says: yep i owns it! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: ME TOO Steph says: AAAAAGH! jumps up and down. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i kept thinking of "LIAAAH! LIAAAH!" part Steph says: i hate the book. Steph says: lol with the..what...old woman Steph says: hag. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: the one that gramps reads? Steph says: no, the book "princess bride". it was what the movie was based on. but the ending sucks. Steph says: they escape, then the giant gets lost, the spaniard dies, wesley goes into a coma, and the princess is captured. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: that's sad. Steph says: i know.. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: *runs away crying into a dark field* Steph says: dammit. why do all my convos end with someone running away crying into a dark field? SHES GOT THE LOOK says: preeeetty spooky. Steph says: yep SHES GOT THE LOOK says: somebody just had a baby on tv. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: iTS MY BABY! Steph says: slut. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: ...that cut me deep, step-on-me!@!! HAHHAHAHAHAHA Steph says: i was talking about the baby! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: oh.....err....uhh.....see ya! Steph says: heeey! how'd you know about "step-on-me"????!!!! Steph says: lol SHES GOT THE LOOK says: it was obviously on full house!! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: they call steph that and she cries Steph says: NO WAY! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: yeah, she's a dickface Steph says: people used to call ME that, andi'd cry! Steph says: actually, i'd step on them. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: to prove a point? Steph says: prolly cause that was when full house was popular. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: or be ironic? Steph says: mypoint IS, Steph says: you're mean. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: you steph-poser Steph says: rude. Steph says: what?! THAT steph wasn't even really a steph! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: YOU'RE NOT REALLY STEPH AT ALL! Steph says: I"M real! TV fake! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: you're.....ALAN THICKE FROM STEP BY STEP! Steph says: no, i'm busy from ready or not. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: I WATCHED THAT TODAY!! Steph says: ddammit. i dont' even know her real name. Steph says: did ya see me? Steph says: cool SHES GOT THE LOOK says: yup! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: you picked up amanda from the mall after she snuck in afterhours, and slept there? but she was caught SHES GOT THE LOOK says: and your mom drove you there to pick her up, so the cops didn't come SHES GOT THE LOOK says: it was intense Steph says: y did amanda sleep there? SHES GOT THE LOOK says: her parents were getting separated, and she couldn't confide in you because you were eating pizza and being a happy family, and she was helpless SHES GOT THE LOOK says: and she loves the mall SHES GOT THE LOOK says: and you were also in another episode today too! which i also watched Steph says: cool what happened there? SHES GOT THE LOOK says: you don't remember? pssh okay SHES GOT THE LOOK says: you're in a new apt building (moving in) and you meet (chris from student bodies) this boy with creepy crimped-ish hair SHES GOT THE LOOK says: she start liking him, but he makes everything into a joke. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: sorry, not YOU. amanda. Steph says: i knowthisone SHES GOT THE LOOK says: and then he insults YOU & your boyfriend troy SHES GOT THE LOOK says: so you get angry SHES GOT THE LOOK says: and he's a big loner geek because amanda also gets angry at him SHES GOT THE LOOK says: and i didn't stay to watch the ending. Steph says: i remember another one with chris SHES GOT THE LOOK says: BUT HE HAD CRIMPED HAIR! Steph says: where he's all zitty SHES GOT THE LOOK says: this kid is a mess Steph says: and amanda sneaks him acne medicine and he gets mad at her. Steph says: ewww! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: CRIMPED HAIR + ZITTY FACE = Chris, you need help. Steph says: twue Steph says: so twue Steph says: twue luv SHES GOT THE LOOK says: hee hee SHES GOT THE LOOK says: AHHAHAHAHA SHES GOT THE LOOK says: luv, twue luv Steph says: lol SHES GOT THE LOOK says: mawwiage Steph says: hahha SHES GOT THE LOOK says: is what bwings us togewer Steph says: i love that movie so much SHES GOT THE LOOK says: *togetha SHES GOT THE LOOK says: *togewa SHES GOT THE LOOK says: hee. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: me too! Steph says: i love the medicine man SHES GOT THE LOOK says: the shrieking eels part used to scare me. and kinda still does SHES GOT THE LOOK says: "she makes this fabulous BLT..." Steph says: yeah, i used to hold my breath when wesley and that girl were under quicksand SHES GOT THE LOOK says: HAH! ME TOO! Steph says: and..i dare say..it is impossible to hold your breath that long SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i know!! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: they were under there like five minutes SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i liked the lispy guy SHES GOT THE LOOK says: viccini Steph says: the giant? SHES GOT THE LOOK says: no, the one from clueless Steph says: clueless... Steph says: who was he? Steph says: OH YEAH! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: "DONT TRICK A CICILIAN WHEN DEATH IS ON THE LINE!! AHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH...THUMP." Steph says: the sicillian! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: hee! Steph says: lol SHES GOT THE LOOK says: and then andre the giant, who rhymed SHES GOT THE LOOK says: muahaha Steph says: lol Steph says: "anybody got a peanut?" SHES GOT THE LOOK says: hehehe SHES GOT THE LOOK says: that just made me giggle Steph says: aw i want to watch that movie now! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: did peanuts even EXIST then? Steph says: lol of course not. i invented them. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: prince humperdink! ahahhahahaha Steph says: lol SHES GOT THE LOOK says: and his swirly skirt Steph says: hahaha yeah Steph says: buttercup! ahh that was her name! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: yuyipp SHES GOT THE LOOK says: that was supposed to be a simple "yup" Steph says: i want to be in that movie. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: who can we be? SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i'll be... SHES GOT THE LOOK says: hmm... Steph says: i'll be... SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i'll be the kid in the beginning SHES GOT THE LOOK says: who's not even sick Steph says: lol eww SHES GOT THE LOOK says: just eats yummy sandwiches and gets mad at his grampa Steph says: he's playing the shittiest video game Steph says: it's funny SHES GOT THE LOOK says: and has a weird santa paper thing on his closet door Steph says: that wonder years kid! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: fred savage! brother of ben savage, spongehead from boy meets world SHES GOT THE LOOK says: "brillo head" hee Steph says: i'll be..eesh there's no people left. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: you can be the indigo mantoya Steph says: they're brothers?! really?? SHES GOT THE LOOK says: or the six-fingered man Steph says: LOL AWESOME! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: yeah! note the last name SAVAGE Steph says: indigo mantoya!! Steph says: sorry! i don't know the full names of all the people i stalk! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: hehehe Steph says: i should learn from you. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: "my name is indigo mantoya. you killed my father -- prepare to die." SHES GOT THE LOOK says: my mom loved him SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i';ve seen that movie like eleventyseven times, so i learn to know the names SHES GOT THE LOOK says: and what they're going to say next... Steph says: okay i'll test you. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i know grease more though. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: yay test! Steph says: just once. then i got to do hmwrk Steph says: kay.. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: hehe ok SHES GOT THE LOOK says: (nerd) lol jk Steph says: hmm... Steph says: after buttercup kisses the king, what's he say? SHES GOT THE LOOK says: the old man king? SHES GOT THE LOOK says: the dad? Steph says: yeah SHES GOT THE LOOK says: hell if i know SHES GOT THE LOOK says: lol SHES GOT THE LOOK says: BUT I KNOW WHO YOU CAN BE!!!!! Steph says: hahahha Steph says: who??? SHES GOT THE LOOK says: YOU CAN BE THE GARBAGE LADY1#!@%#@ Steph says: if you say the hag.. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: its perfect!!!!!! Steph says: DAMMIT! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: HAAAAAAAAAAAA SHES GOT THE LOOK says: im lagyiungn SHES GOT THE LOOK says: laughing Steph says: she's not a garbage lady! she's a "hag". it's much more classy SHES GOT THE LOOK says: she had a coldsore on her lip SHES GOT THE LOOK says: and a big mole Steph says: "garbaaage! filth!! rubbish!!" SHES GOT THE LOOK says: hahahahahahahhaahahahaha Steph says: a coldsore??? lol SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i'm shaking with laughter. literally, shaking. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: cankersore, meh Steph says: no, just that Steph says: it's funny cause she did have acold sore Steph says: but it's so lame! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: hwehe, why Steph says: cause it's a cold sore! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: ...right Steph says: ... Steph says: yes.... SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i'm sorry i can't find the humour in that Steph says: ...ugly people are funny.. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: but ....HAHAHAHAHA SHES GOT THE LOOK says: lol Steph says: *sigh* Steph says: go home. Steph says: dont' say it... SHES GOT THE LOOK says: thats why you laugh when you pass my picture in the yearbook! Steph says: who told you!??1 SHES GOT THE LOOK says: *runs away crying into a dark field* SHES GOT THE LOOK says: ROSCO! Steph says: lol again?! goddamit. Steph says: OH i'll get you bird... SHES GOT THE LOOK says: he's TRYING to be a stoolpigeon SHES GOT THE LOOK says: get it? bird = pigeon? SHES GOT THE LOOK says: stool-pigeon!! Steph says: heehhe stoolpigeon SHES GOT THE LOOK says: HAHAHHAHAHAHA SHES GOT THE LOOK says: he's a poser though SHES GOT THE LOOK says: he can never BE. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: it's sad really Steph says: oh he's got the stool part down SHES GOT THE LOOK says: or is it...he's got the TOOL part down SHES GOT THE LOOK says: mauhahaha Steph says: lol that was so crappy SHES GOT THE LOOK says: SHUT IT! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: go home, sissyboy! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: ....sissygirl!1 Steph says: go to www.sissyfight.com SHES GOT THE LOOK says: run home to your mama! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: I LOVE THAT SITE!!!!!! Steph says: ...i am home..with my mom Steph says: lol seriously?! whoa! maybe i've fought you before! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: whats your name? Steph says: it used to be bobolina Steph says: but i haven't played in a long time. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: lol i made my brother sign up, and his was called fattbutch and it had a mullet Steph says: lol SHES GOT THE LOOK says: hahaha mine was like zephymonkey or something SHES GOT THE LOOK says: but i havent gone on in awhile either SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i was labelled a cheater. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: in the forums Steph says: did you cheat? SHES GOT THE LOOK says: because this girl and i would plan our attacks through msn Steph says: oh you suck! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: and talk during it SHES GOT THE LOOK says: lol i know Steph says: i hated pple like u! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: me too!! that was the funny part SHES GOT THE LOOK says: well go do homework! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: YOU COLDSOREY HAG Steph says: okay..sounds like the thing to do.. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: COLDSOREY HAG = Corey Hart (the names look similar) Steph says: coinceidence? SHES GOT THE LOOK says: OR NOT SHES GOT THE LOOK says: HE WAS THE HAG!!!@ Steph says: ooooOOO! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: oky, go already Steph says: i'm already gone. sob. SHES GOT THE LOOK says: i'm gonna post this whole convo SHES GOT THE LOOK says: heheh SHES GOT THE LOOK says: darnit Steph says: you bum! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: its FUNNY SHES GOT THE LOOK says: it should be framed Steph says: i'll frame YOU! Steph says: bye! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: byebye!!! SHES GOT THE LOOK says: creepy hag. Steph says: heyuk yuk dats mee SHES GOT THE LOOK says: HAHA SHES GOT THE LOOK says: bye! Steph says: jerkass boy. bye1
my fingers are sore.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:51:08 PM * * *
returd: the new word
only the cool kids use it! TO THE MAX! HAEE.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 5:48:23 PM * * *
WHY ARENT YOU HOME JULIA IM VERY VERY ANGRY i got your french dad on the phone. i seduced him.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 5:30:08 PM * * *

Today is going extremely content, but boring. Okay. I made the dog sleep with me tonight because I didn't want her to sleep curled around the door, waiting for my parents to come home. Brad had a friend sleep over, and they slept in the living room. I watched TV, talked to Julia on the phone, and finally went to bed. Taboo with me. Woke up at 8:18 a.m. to Taboo snuffling around, obviously needing to pee. So I go to let her out, and she trips over the alarm clock cord Brad set out in the living room. It fell to the ground, and Adam and Brad woke up. I let the dog out, and the boys got mad at me for being up too early. So we all went back to bed. Except 30 minutes later, the phone rang. My parents were at the airport gate, waiting for their flight to go. We talked for a bit, and then I took a nice shower. (I'm so boring and dull.)
Then, Adam went home. I did the laundry, fixed up the living room. Brad went online, did the dishes VOLUNTARILY (ahhtgoiwy5hw1%$@^%) and then we just did whatever. Man. I suck. It doesn't feel like a weekend. It doesn't feel like Saturday. Scott comes down tomorrow. For those who didn't understand my rant about Scott's lateness, yesterday, I'll explain.
I was watching TV when Nancy called. I'll write out the conversation [sic].
Nancy: Laurie, have you talked to Scott in the past four hours? Laurie: Uhh, no, why? Nancy: Well, okay. Because he was supposed to leave (his university) at 6 pm to meet Adam (different Adam) in Toronto. He said he was gonna leave then. It's 11:30 pm, and they're freaking out because they haven't heard from him yet, and he hasn't called or arrived yet. And nobody can get ahold of him. And I don't know what to do. The weather was really bad there, and something was wrong with his car, and it only takes about an HOUR to arrive from Trent U to Toronto! Laurie: Ummm....I dunno? Frig. Uh, well if you hear from him, call me. And I'll do the same if he calls me.
So we hang up. She calls back five minutes later.
Nancy: Do you know his lisence plate number for his car? Because I tried calling all the police in that area, and they need to know the number, so they can tell me if a car of that number had been in an accident? Laurie: (spends twenty minutes going through my parents insurance bills and stuff to find his car claim thinger, unsuccessfully finding the number) What about a picture? There's tons of pictures of his car around. So basically, we spend nearly half an hour, almost on the verge of crying (which I did but cleared it up when she called) and finally. He called her. Boy. He didn't leave Trent until 8. Blah, stupid boy!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:01:04 PM * * *

Happy Moments of the Day The hypnotist Switching groups in Socio Lunchtime
Sad Moments of the Day The drunk driving hypnotist My parents leaving Being freaked because Scott was 4 hours late driving to Toronto and I was utterly helpless to do anything. And I wanted so badly for him to be home Thinking about my brother dying Thinking about my parents dying Thinking about the drink driving thing
I've been such a mess today. I've cried all day. I'm still crying. I have such a bad headache, and I have too much stress right now. My parents have their flight early tomorrow and I'm going to wake up extra early, just in case they call. My mom called earlier (after they left) to say they got to the hotel alright. And she's like "Are you okay? I was really worried about you when I left because you were just standing in the driveway, crying."
In novels, when people say they had lumps in their throats before/after/during a cry, I never understood. Now, for some random reason, I do. I've never had this lump before. I'm so whiny, but I don't care because I think I have good reason to be.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:07:24 AM * * *
* * * * Friday, October 18 * *
I like Grissom. And Warrick. And Greg. And maybe Catherine. Everyone else bothers me. Oh, and that old boss dude who never talks much.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:12:05 PM * * *
My parents just left. For a week. To California. I bawled and my mom cryingly giggled at my messiness. Ahh. I can't live without her or my dad.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 5:48:06 PM * * *
* * * * Thursday, October 17 * *
"omigosh!!! she is sooooooooo good!!! IM UR BIGGEST FAN AVRIL!!!! U TOTALLY ROCK!!! CANT GET ENOUGH! UR SONGS R SOOOOOOO KEWL!!!! too all u ppl who think shez fake ur sooo WRONG"
Ew. Just ew. And I swear, I got that from some girl in a forum. Ew.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:21:48 PM * * *

Okay. Frig. I hate Socio class. I got stuck in a group of three potheads. Dirty ones too. They're so gross. Well, Tyler is. Ugh. I hate it, they make me feel so dirty so I ignore them talking about dealing, and do my work or doodle. Thank goodness this is just for one assignment. Christina got paired up with Joe, Aaron and Brianne. They were talking about Slick Shoes, and how badly I wanted to join in to talk about Jughead's Revenge and Craig's Brother!!#$ It's no fair.
My mommy gave me all these new YM magazines. I'm not sure why. But I'm flipping through anyway. I hate these magazines because they're SO repetitive. "I told my guy friend I like him!" "How do I hide a hickey?" "My crush is ignoring me!" Like, shut up. Some girl makes awfully strange noises during Duran Duran's "Hungry like the Wolf." Or maybe I imagined it? Eww. No, nevermind. I heard her do it.
And I can't watch Boolia on Much Music because I don't GET MM. So there. If you ask him a question for me, ASK HIM WHAT HIS FAVE 80s song iS! Uh, yeah. Anyway. This is like the longest entry I've done in awhile. I think I have an acute case of ADD> Or something.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 3:52:50 PM * * *
julia's gone bye-bye.
hot sex is next!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 3:29:51 PM * * *
Betsy smells. Ic ant' stop doing a man laugh. im illiterate today. UAHAHAHA. i hate sue. and im going to pee my kilt.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:42:30 PM * * *
* * * * Wednesday, October 16 * *
I have Eminem's "Hailie's Song" stuck in my head. It's surprisingly not annoying. I wanna see his new movie really badly. Same with Punch Drunk Love with Adam Sandler. I really need to START my Politics. I have a presentation tomorrow. I'm #9 and nobody will trade with me. Everyone else is like in their 20s and I can't change it to 29 or 19 because he wrote it down. bleh.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 8:31:20 PM * * *
So I didn't fall asleep until 2:35 a.m. But anyway.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:55:32 AM * * *
um. yeah. anyway. it's late. or early. and i don't feel like sleeping.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:58:58 AM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, October 15 * *
happy birthday, emma!
i feel like singing my happy song.
happy happy happy happy happy happy happy song!
serious. that's how it goes.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:21:06 PM * * *
smallville was sexy.
dave was on gilmore girls. minus the argyle. lane's dyed hair was SUCH a wig!! but i'm not complaining. and it bothered me when rory wasn't even APPLYING the bleach nice, and ten minutes later, lane's hair was perfectly bleached? well, the wig was. URGH.
movie-bantering is fun. fun funf unf funf fufnfufnf im so bored.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:11:32 PM * * *
well then. gilmore girls & smallville is on very very soon. laurie is a happy girly. no school tomorrow. party on saturday. hee. i'm glad stupid julia found her ticket though.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:28:49 PM * * *

Hannon says: i wish i was a html geek Hannon says: that would be fun wootchie says: hehe no way wootchie says: because then you'd constantly be making websites wootchie says: and you'd talk about html with nerds at lunch in the tech room Hannon says: yeah exactly Hannon says: fun! Hannon says: muahah wootchie says: lol Hannon says: i do envy computer nerds though Hannon says: they must have so much fun Hannon says: always playing games... wootchie says: HAHA Hannon says: hey man im dead serious! wootchie says: "ok thats NOT cool man, your DOS is overtaking my analogue!" Hannon says: exactly Hannon says: sigh...if only they would accept me.. wootchie says: you'd be their queen wootchie says: they'd all want to have nerd sex with you! Hannon says: haha ewwwww Hannon says: no. i'd walk in and theyh'd be like "get out! GET OUT!!!!!" and then they'd start chucking mousepads at me untill i cried and ran away wootchie says: hee wootchie says: UH UH UH YOUR DESKTOP IS SEXY UH UH MORE POWER TO THE SPACEBAR wootchie says: hahahaha im dirty Hannon says: ewwwwwwwwww Hannon says: you freaky! Hannon says: hahah Hannon says: jk! wootchie says: im cracking myself up with that! wootchie says: that's what nerds would say during sex, i tell ya! Hannon says: more power to the spacebar? muahah wootchie says: "is that a spacebar in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?" Hannon says: hahaha Hannon says: and then they're like "no..it's just a spacebar..i keep it for emergencies!'
year 5 day tomorrow. i accidentally wrote "yea5 day" :P illiterate squeegie = christina
* You're so silly, Nanny! 3:50:32 PM * * *
* * * * Monday, October 14 * *
When I was little, I always thought the food I ate built up inside me. Then I pictured Jesus in my heart. But he wasn't really -- he was standing, seriously, on a mountain of mashed potatoes in my rib cage. I always thought I was slowly running out of room to fill my body up with food.
I'm dead serious. About all of that. I don't think I could make something like that up.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:38:02 AM * * *
* * * * Sunday, October 13 * *
 What 80's idol are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Did nothing today, but play Milbourne, go into town to shop a bit and eat a big Thanksgiving dinner. My mommy & i CRANKED Wham! all the way there and back. Possibly the best drive ever. Aww, poor Josie :-( I wish I knew where Steph lived, we could've crashed her house, stolen Rosco and drove away :D I'm listening to Roxette.
Ashley's photography unit is on Human Sexuality, and she's doing all these black and white pictures of her friends, but no obscenities, full-frontal nudity or faces. She's taking a picture of my stomach, my mid-section (there's going to be a bunch of us girls in black underwear, and she's taking a panoramic shot of all of them), my back and something else. I'M taking a picture of her back and her tattoo, since she can't take a picture of her own back. I have a thing for shoulderblades -- I think they're really sexy. Heh.
i LOVE aerosmith's "dream on", it's so....sexy and stuff, without trying to
My mom's all of sudden "GO GET MY FOOT CREAM!! NOW! HURRY!" :D She makes it sound like a nation-wide emergency just because her show's about to start
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:58:12 PM * * *

I don't write about my feelings. I don't write of anything of importance or meaningful. So I'll open up for once.
sharp The burgundy hush of music From my lifelines I trace back the liquid It leaves on my skin A delicate texture ...can i stay with you tonight? I’m scared to be alone with my hands So much damage Too much pain
mask im not myself i dont know whos mask im wearing anymore this is sad because im so messed up right now im being a pedestrian its halloween in july
And now I realize why I don't post such things - my poems suck. I've had such a dry streak lately - I can't seem to produce anything worthwhile and good. Screw that. Found this somewhere.
A - Age: Seventeen. B - Best Quality: I can fake cry. Probably not my best quality, but I'm tired. C - Choice Of Meat: Steak. D - Dream Date: We all know. E - Ex (most recent): Kevin. F - Favorite Food: Just one? G - Greatest Accomplishment: Leaving my elementary years behind. H - Happiest Day of Your Life: Tell me when I've had it. I - Internal conflicts: Constant. J - Jam or Jelly: Jam. K - Kool-Aid: had fun little cutouts you collected to win prizes. L - Love: is a distant hope. M - Most Valued Thing I Own: My family and friends. N - Name: Laurie O - Outfit You Love: Sheep pajama pants aka the Fat Pants and some tank top P - Pizza Toppings: Cheese, mushrooms, green peppers & pepperoni Q - Question you want to ask: "Why?" R - Radical thing you've done: I'm not a very radical person. S - Sport To Watch: Soccer or hockey. T - Television Show: Mostly anything. U - Unique habit: Pulling some hairs out of my ponytail on the left side of my head and playing with them until there's a bunch of free hairs V - Very favorite Verb: Dance. W - Winter: Snow. Y - Yesterday's best meal: Yesterday, we had crappy chicken. Z - Zodiac Sign: Virgo
I need to talk to Julia. I need to. This is going to kill me to wait until morning. I don't feel like sleeping at all. I just finished reading an amazingly strange, odd, original book. It blew my mind. I want to buy it. What is it, 2 AM? Good. I'm going to stay up all night. Now I wish I hadn't finished my two books. I'm going to have to read No Logo now, which is interesting but some parts are SO boring and I just fall asleep or put it away. But I'm doing my Politics ISU on it, so I guess I need to finish it, eh? Poo. My stomach hurts. Why? Cake + Shrimp + Cold beans = Yucky stomach. Go figure. I'm starting to hate my one teacher (who teaches 2 of my classes). Listen to my assignments and their due dates: Oops. I seem to have lost my binder with the list on it. Oh well. Next time.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 2:09:55 AM * * *