what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back
* * LAURIE! * *
I'm Laurie. I have hair that makes Richard Simmon's hair looks good. I like giraffes and monkeys. I especially like monkeys. When I was born, my dad said I was either a boy or the ugliest girl alive. It's things like that that makes my self-esteem so high these days. I like a mixture of music from Tool to Weezer to Billie Holiday to Flock of Seagulls. I have an extreme love for the 80s that will never cease. I think I've seen The Breakfast Club about thirty eight times, even though I only like parts of it. Emilio Estevez is my boyfriend. I have a lawn gnome named Clyde. He's dear to my heart. Bruce Willis sings stalker songs to me at night. I watch TV a lot. I love movies to death. I hate the feeling, sound, word, thought of fleece. My nanny gave me a fleece sweater awhile ago. I like the smell of gasoline, freshly cut grass and chlorine. I like when my skin smells after I get out of the pool. I tend to bite my nails too much so my nails are gross and short and creepy. I can't stand having bumps in my hair. I have to have music. I cry during scenes like the ending of Revenge of the Nerds. Unpixelated Sims is funny, and kind of creepy. Laughing at drunk people makes for good times. Claire is my sex monkey. You just wish you were, too. I'm not on crack, although you'd think I was.
* * * LINKS
Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma
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* * * * Saturday, November 9 * *
i found my soulmate. or just a really amazing guy who writes what i think.
julia's dad reminds me of this guy's tall, large see-through-shirted teacher (his nipples were always showing and erect) and i told julia this. it cracked her up.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:33:54 PM * * *
Googlism for: laurie
laurie is also a long time friend and vocal buddy of spanky mcfarlane of spanky and our gang who was also a member of the group at the time (hehe, spanky) laurie is that rare breed who can sing (not likely) laurie is the third of four children; nearly all of the doyle "clan" (haha, i just liked the "clan" part of it) laurie is combing her hair (hee, NO IM NOT) laurie is not a big eater (HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.) laurie is the lonely (aww, poor me) laurie is approximately 507 (hmm, i'm 510 years off than i thought i was)
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:48:44 PM * * *
I'm givin' her all she's got, Captain, but we need more dilithium crystals!
mahahahahahahahahahhahaha. nerdspeak!! THAT DOES NOT COMPUTE
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:33:51 PM * * *
gaston = gas station boy
he's my boyfriend. he's got SHAGGY HAIR. and he's seen me in my pajamas, pulling up with ashley singing ace of base. and he's seen me buy caramel cakes. i love him. but i still like J! haha.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:30:46 PM * * *
Yeah. I think I've got my parents.
Conditions That I'll Be Allowed to Go
- clean my room - do a whole whack of chores - come up with half of the gas money (Julia, you'll have to pay the other half, sorry) - pay for my own ticket
Hee. I can make my dad laugh whenever I want. I just stare at him calmly, and he'll crack a grin. Muahaha. Daddy's Girl.
Man, this whole J thing is stupid. But I still want him. I have ketchup chip dust on my knuckles. Boytouching! HAHA! My dad was all "You can't go to the concert" because it's on Thursday. JUST BY LUCK, it's an early dismissal the very next day. HAHAHA.
// series one - as usual -- Name: Laurie -- Birthdate: September 9, 1985 -- Birthplace: Canada -- Current Location: Hicktown, Canada -- Eye Color: Brown -- Hair Color: Reddish brown -- Righty or Lefty: Righty. -- Zodiac Sign: Virgo. -- Innie or Outtie: Innie.
// series two - describe -- Your heritage: Scottish, England and Irish. -- The shoes you wore today: Brown school shoes with bright white laces for "dorkorations." -- Your hair: Bushy, wild, bangy, floofy. -- Your eyes: Just dark brown. -- Your weakness? Shyness, a library. -- Your fears: Jen touching my neck a lot. -- Your perfect pizza: Lots of cheese, sauce, mushrooms and green peppers. With a hot boy serving. With Aerosmith singing. -- One thing you'd like to achieve: Getting my license and a job. Heh.
// series three - what is -- Your most overused phrase on aim: "lol" probably or "haha" -- Your thoughts first waking up: "Is there any way I can sleep in a little longer?" but it's more like "More time mghhhg." -- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Face. -- Your best physical feature: I like my back and shoulder blades. Not many people see it though. -- Your bedtime: I have to turn off the TV and computer at 11:30, but I can stay up reading and writing and whatever for how long. -- Your greatest fear: Wasn't that in series two? -- Your greatest accomplishment: Learning about good music. -- Your most missed memory: This isn't the most missed. But the most recent? I wasn't there. And I should have been.
// series four - you prefer -- Pepsi or coke: Neither. -- McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King. -- Single or group dates: Heh. Both are okay. Double dates can be more awkward though. -- Adidas or nike: Adidas. -- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Neither. -- Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla. -- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappucino, I guess. Iced though. Hee. -- Boxers or briefs: Boxers. So much sexier.
// series five - do you -- Smoke: No. -- Cuss: I try not to. -- Sing well: Too much. -- Take a shower everyday: When I remember! Snort snort! -- Have a crush(es): Every five days, I swear. -- who are they: J, K, J (those two Js are different) -- Do you think you've been in love: Never. -- Want to go to college: Yeah. -- Like high school: Yup, very much so. -- Want to get married: Oh, a lot. -- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: Yeah, so much so that I don't abbreviate short simple words like "with" but I can write a bunch of questions. Imagine that. -- Believe in yourself: Sometimes. -- Get motion sickness: No. -- Think you're attractive: Sometimes I'm like "hey wow i'm hot" but then somebody corrects me. What was I thinking? -- Think you're a health freak: The very opposite, in fact. -- Get along with your parents: Lately, more so. -- Like thunderstorms: No. -- Play an instrument: I played the ultimate girl instrument in grade eight -- clarinet. And sucked so badly. Eww, my music teacher was gay and smoked gross cigarettes and had GIANT pit stains.
// series six - in the past month, did/have you -- Drank alcohol: No. -- Smoke(d): No. -- Done a drug: No. -- Have Sex: No. -- Made Out: Yeah right. DECEMBER FIFTH WILL BE THE DAY! Hah. -- Go on a date: Yes, actually. -- Go to the mall?: Yes. -- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Eww, no. -- Eaten sushi: Nope. -- Been on stage: Technically, yes. Candice and I laid on it during our Spare. -- Been dumped: No. -- Gone skating: Haha, all the time. No. -- Made homemade cookies: Nope. -- Been in love: Never. -- Gone skinny dipping: It's almost winter. That's freaky. -- Dyed your hair: Not yet. -- Stolen anything: No.
// series seven - have you ever -- Played a game that required removal of clothing? No. -- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: -- -- Been caught "doing something": Haha, I wish. Wait. Do I wish? -- Gotten beaten up: YES. Jen abuses me almost every day :-( Help me, Kids Help Line. -- Shoplifted: No. -- Changed who you were to fit in: Yes. But not to fit in. I just changed who I was...because.
// series eight - the future -- Age you hope to be married: 23 or 24. -- Numbers and Names of Children: Two girls Charlotte (Lola for short) and Betsy. -- Descibe your Dream Wedding: It would take too long. -- How do you want to die: In my sleep, of old age. Or for my beliefs. Like Cassie from Columbine. -- Where you want to go to college: Local community college. Hah. -- What do you want to be when you grow up: Journalist. -- What country would you most like to visit: Iceland. And I have absolutely no idea why.
// series nine - opposite sex -- Best eye color?: Green. But I prefer any colour. -- Best hair color?: Brunet. -- Short or long hair?: Shaggy. Or cute-short. -- Best height: Medium height, or at least taller than me. -- Best weight: Lanky. -- Best articles of clothing: Shirts, definitely. Tight shirts, rawr. Not wifebeater-tight. -- Best first date location: I wouldn't know from experience. I've just gone to the movies. -- Best first kiss location: Wouldn't know. AT A CONCERT, heh.
// series ten - number of -- Number of drugs taken illegally: -- -- Number of people I could trust with my life: My parents. Because I already have. -- Number of CDs that I own: Twelve maybe. -- Number of piercings: 2 (or 3? do both ears count?). -- Number of tattoos: 0. -- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: A couple times, for dumb things. -- Number of scars on my body: About thirteen-ish. -- Number of things in my past that I regret: 10949247826429465.
My Father thinks I am: silly. My Mother thinks I am: dorky. My sisters think I am: nonexistent. I don't have one. My brother thinks I am: a complete loser freak. My grandma thinks I am: funny. My Grandpa thinks I am: strange. My Boyfriend thinks I am: No boyfriend. My best friend thinks I am: Freaky and loud and weird and hyper.
EGO.... +your three best qualities= always laughing, obsessed with the 80s, fast typer. +three worst qualities= shyness, corniness and nervous habits. +three things you are often complimented for: i don't know. +a compliment you got that made you blush: they're not a common occurrence. +you get embarrassed when: i'm yelling something stupid really loudly just as everything goes quiet. +makes you happy: movies, music, dancing, friends, the 80s, saturday afternoons, inside jokes. +upsets you: rejection, being left out, unreturned crushes.
Yes or NO.... +you keep a diary: technically, this is my diary. +you like to cook: not really. +you have a secret you have not shared with anyone: yes. +you fold your underwear: haha no. +you talk in your sleep: maybe. i mumble, i think. +you set your watch a few minutes ahead: unless it's on accident, no. +you bite your fingernails: too much yes. +you believe in love: yes.
last... x. movie you rented = some movie with ashley. x. movie you bought = footloose. x. song you listened to: screaming infidelities - dashboard x. song that was stuck in your head: jen's stupid made up song!! x. song you've downloaded: hold - saves the day x. cd you bought: weezer, way back in the summertime x. cd you listened to: the greatest cd ever from juha x. person you've called: ashley, yesterday x. person that's called you: ashley, yesterday x. tv show you've watched: i don't know. x. person you were thinking of: julia, because she told me to blog HYPER HERPES
do... x. you wish you could live somewhere else = no. x. you think about suicide = no. x. you believe in online dating = that's how my uncle and aunt met, heh. x. others find you attractive = shane and bah do. creepy. x. you want more piercings = a lip ring, a tongue ring. x. you want more tattoos = one tattoo would be nice. i don't know of what though. x. you drink = no. x. you do drugs = no. x. you smoke = no . x. you like cleaning = sometimes. when i'm angry. x. you like roller coasters = yup. x. you write in cursive or print = a mixture. x. you carry a donor card = no.
have you... x. ever cried over a girl = a friend, yes. and a boy? yes. x. ever lied to someone = yes. x. ever been arrested = nope.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:24:44 PM * * *
So Julia and I might be going to this Saves the Day concert so we can make out with random hot boys, be unashamedly loud and screamy and be dorky in public.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 8:35:23 PM * * *
My final decision?
I'm mean-spirited and I can't seem to like any guy BACK. Because I'm asking J to semi-formal. I am I am I am. My dad's watching Ghost because he likes Whoopi in it. Man, I want a chicken pot pie. (chicken pot, chicken pot, chicken pot piiiiiiiiiie!
Nah, I had this weird leftover soup that didn't quite melt so it was lumpy. Heh. Then I moved onto ketchup chips. I'm going to throw up after this. I think my stomach hates me.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:36:45 PM * * *
Went to the movies last night. Had fun. It was supposed to be a date with Shane, and Ashley & Dave would kinda follow us (because she was driving us) but not in a double-date way. It turned out to be a double-date. It was really fun. Shane's pupils were dilated because of some freaky eyedrops he had to take, hah. We didn't hold hands or anything, but it was easy to talk to him before the movie started. All my friends were there! Hah. It was great.
The Ring was really scary. I kept jumping. I had to turn my head and cover my eyes at the horse part. I started to cry a little. He kinda laughed at me for it because at other times, I wouldn't watch. After the movie, we all drove to Starbucks. We wandered around, but the couch was taken so we found chairs. There was no room for me and I wasn't comfortable SITTING ON HIS LAP, so I jokingly walked away all huffy. Then I found Jen P. and Paul. So we were talking and stuff. Ashley joined me, and we found two chairs across Starbucks. We sat there, while Dave and Shane sat on the other end. Funny. They finally joined us. We made fun of so many people. This guy (who looked like he was sleeping?) kept "crotching it at me." That made me laugh so hard, I had to go to the bathroom to calm down.
After that, we were daring each other. The only dare was for 5 dollars. It was to sit with the couple on the couch that we wanted. I was going to do it when the 80s-haired-tight-jeans-sleazy-floozy girlfriend went to the bathroom. But m'eh. So finally THEY left, and we piled onto the couch. Dave's hand looked like it was going for Ashley's chest, so I laughingly slapped it away. I kept glaring (jokingly) at him all night because he kept (not groping)...fondling (??) her from behind. That sounds so wrong. But he was standing behind her, and puts his hands around her waist. Get it now? I didn't ignore Shane, but I didn't talk to him a WHOLE lot.
When Starbucks closed, we walked out to her car. She didn't want to waste gas, and we didn't know where to go at 11 pm. So we stood around the car, talking. Finally, we decided to go to Burger King so she could pee. So we went. Played a lot of the Ace of Base CD that night. When we got there, Ashley and I skittled around to the bathroom and talked (how stereotypical of us) while she peed. We returned, and I bought a poutine and orange pop. They all else got drinks. I couldn't figure out how the door worked and they all laughed at me. Wahh. So I started eating my poutine in the car and it was SO DISGUSTING. We drove around the city, planning on going to the bay. Except we found the creepy part of it, near an abandoned doll factory. That's the creepiest thing. So we found a park. Shane and Dave ran out and started playing with the playground. Ashley and I said in the car, and playfully mocked them both. We didn't want Shane to think I was ditching him, so we joined them
However, I didn't feel all that comfortable cuddling him or anything right then, so I wandered around the big playground. They were kinda watching me as I climbed these wooden steps (at which point, I said "ow" because I tripped, and Ashley swore I was making a porno noise) and slid down the slide and fell at the bottom. So all in all, we left and dropped the boys off. It was a fun double-date. Shane's a good guy. Kinda quiet, but he sang to "The Sign." Hee.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 8:27:15 AM * * *
* * * * Friday, November 8 * *
Yes. I gave blood. Yes. I fainted afterwards. Yes. I pilfered the cookies they handed out. Yes. Carson gave me the thumbs-up after I came to. Yes. I'm still going out tonight with Shane. Yes. I don't want to. Yes. I drank way too much Tang today.
It was strange passing out. I was done giving the blood, and Aimee was standing over me talking. I can't remember a THING she said. I started getting woozy, lying down, and I knew my eyes were really heavy and all floppy. The nurse passed me and I wanted to reach out and touch her leg to say "I'm fainting." Heh. But then I had a dream. Apparently, I was out for 30 seconds. I thought it was half an hour. I woke up to opening my eyes and all these blurry people were looking at me and fanning my face. I had a dripping cold cloth on my face and neck. They told me to keep my eyes open and talk to them. When I was more stabilized, Carson called my name. I looked up and he gave me a grinning thumbs-up. People were staring at me. I was lying on my side, and after twenty minutes, I sat up. Aimee came over again (they kept shooing her away) and we were talking. I drank more Tang and had some Fudgeeo's. Then my vision got really weird, and I knew if I didn't lie down, I would faint again. Then the nurse couldn't find my blood pressure. Finally, I was fine and we walked back to school. EVERYONE I passed basically were all like "I heard you passed out. Are you okay? You sure?" Heh, it was so strange. My dad picked me up and I slept for 3 hours. I have to call Ashley. My elbow hurts, and it's bruised and nasty-looking around the puncture wound.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 4:48:48 PM * * *
* * * * Thursday, November 7 * *
In August, an issue of Seventeen magazine published an article titled "Am I Emo?" I guess a lot of those emo kids got angry and one wrote in:
"I was completely outraged to read "Am I Emo?" [August]. Emo is underground music that is meant to stay underground. Seventeen is a teeny-bopper magazine, and it should stick to music like Britney Spears and B2K. Jimmy Eat World has been around foreer, and just because one music video met the MTV requirements does not mean you have to promote emo/hard-core music so drastically. Keep all the emo kids happy and stick with the crap you've published before."
They replied with:
"Let's get this straight -- you're mad because we covered music you like? When we do write about Britney Spears and B2K -- because our readers want to hear about them -- we usually get a bunch of letters as pissed off as yours, asking why we're pushing such sucky music. We're a magazine for a huge range of readers -- including you, apparently -- and we try as hard as we can to cover everybody's interests in a cool way."
I want to see Eminem's new movie. Tomorrow is the date with Shane. Urgh. I want to date J more than ever right about now. He's all bumble-haired and I love him! And I'm pissed off because I can't find that article on Leif Garrett that I just saw today. Where WAS it? It's going to bother me now. Oh yeah. My original plan for blogging. A list of all my remembered boyfriends: *purely fictional*
Craig T. Nelson Bob Saget David Hasselhoff Shane (NO HE'S NOT!) Joustin Michael Jackson (actually, he's Jen's) David Bowie Corey Hart The nerd from Breakfast Club
There must be more than that. I'm sure of it. Yeah, there's plenty. I'm a fictional boyfriend whore. Waah. Why does Justin Timberlake have to be so...sexy? It's not I want to think he's hot. But you can't deny it. I'm sure some people can (TOOLIA). But you know. HES MUH BOYFRIEN'! Hee.
Steph is possibly the funniest person EVER> EVER EVER EVER. Besides me. And Magilla, the monkey from Survivor.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:11:26 PM * * *
My plans with Shane have flip-flopped above five times. Movies? Party? Movies? Party? Movies. Starbucks. I'm kind of nervous. Almost all my friends are going. Sigh. Hee, that'll be fun to see them try and be all cool but staring at us nonetheless. I might ask J to semi-formal in December if plans with this Shane guy fall through. Which I'm hoping will, just so I can be with J. I think I scare him.
They played Matthew Good today on the PA. I was extremely happy. THE MAN FROM HAROLD WOOD! is one of my favourite songs. It's really not written like that. But my fingers are frozen into little frozen fishsticks so screw you.
i said do you speaka my language? he just smiled at me and gave me a bit of his sandwich!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 4:52:54 PM * * *
* * * * Wednesday, November 6 * *
i remember when "lets talk about sex (baby, let's talk about YOU ANDME, let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be, let's talk aabouuuuut sex!)" was the rudest raunchiest song ever. hee.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:59:55 PM * * *
Okay. My last post was just pathetic. I feel like writing a lot. Whee. I did a whole lot of panicking, for no good reason, today. We had a flip day, which means periods 1 & 2 switched. And 3 & 4 switch, too. So my schedule now is: Politics, Law, Spare, Sociology. Blah. I was kind of late for Politics but he didn't notice. Josie sat with us because Candice wasn't there today. We got handed some Making Choices sheets, which we were convinced opinion papers sent right to the government to know what we're thinking. Freaky. But anyway, Josie is Kevin! Haha! And I seen my boyfriend on that MC sheet -- he was a dead sexy alien-like Olympic boy. He was hot. And black and white cartoon-form.
So we finished that, and goofed off. My Politics mark is 75. Piece of crap, it should be higher. I need to make honour roll this year. Oh well, someone handed in ONE assignment and their mark went up 7 percent. Ha. He's so easy. Anyway, then we went to Law. It was pretty fun because we did nothing. Then we went to the Library to work on our ISU project. I would say something loudly then Mike would echo what I said. For example:
Me: It smells in here Mike: You smell in here Me: No, I think YOU smell in here
Because that's the maximum mental capacity that our arguments can hold. So I researched my topic (Serial Killers: A Psychological Profile) on the computers with Jen. She kept singing this one made-up song with retarded tunes and lyrics like "I looooooooooooveeee yououuuuuuuu..." Just the way she'd sing it. Ugh, haha. It was so funny but she knew it was annoying.
During lunch, everyone teased me about my date with Shane this weekend. They threatened to go to the movies and follow us. Creepy friends. But since we're going to the party instead of movies, ahahah on all of you! You suck. But you know the love is there. Then we moved to against the wall, where I waved to Emma a lot. Then walked around with Ashley, talking about the party.
In Spare, I worked on my pamphlet while encouraging Betsy to study her geography but she fell asleep instead. Tsk squared. So I talked to Shannon a bit until I was paged to the office. Jen and I had to talk to an old man about Habitat for Humanity for awhile and get a bunch of papers, cards. Then we had to haul this huge bulletin board to Mr. Politics' room. Heavy piece of dung.
In Sociology, he had left for Indiana and we had no teacher. So the janitor let us all in where we took our own attendance, then left. Ashley and I went to her house where we "did homework" but really talked it up and drank pop and watched crappy Much Music "indie rock" videos. Pssh.
JOUSTIN IS MY BOYFRIEND!! WE HAD RANDOMNBRHrpoirhidsafpogsaodigfoas (s-e-x)
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:43:47 PM * * *
1) ali larter is ugly
2) no more movies w/ shane
3) party w/ shane
4) amazing race is on in 5 minutes!! you better be watching, juicy penis!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 8:58:52 PM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, November 5 * *
INFO: Date Of Birth: september 9, 1985 Location: hicktown, ontario Religion: christian
APPEARANCE: Hair: reddish brown, wild bushy, with short bangs Eyes: brown Height: 5'1" or 5'2"
STYLE: Clothing: basically everything but some gross skinny-girl mall clothes Music: everything except some pop & country Bodyart: does a belly button ring count? i scribble on my hands.
RIGHT NOW: Wearing: sheep "fat pants" pajamas and a purple egyptian "DAHAB" shirt Listening to: hollies - "he ain't heavy, he's my brother" Thinking of: how much my throat feels gross Feeling: kinda horrible
LAST THING YOU: Bought: hmm. probably cafeteria food. Ate & Drank: orange juice and ravioli Read: i'm going to start michael moore's "stupid white men" since my mom has it Watched on tv: roseanne
EITHER / OR: club or houseparty: i dunno. beer or cider: cider. smells SO wonderful. drinks or shot: drinks? cats or dogs: dogs because they're much more outgoing. single or taken: single but dating this weekend pen or pencil: pen gloves or mittens: mittens rule! UNPROTECTED MITTEN SEX! food or candy: food cassette or cd: i like old cassettes, but cd's are much more efficent coke or pepsi: neither
WHO DO YOU WANT TO: kill: whoreface, sex legs get really wasted with: clairol, because she's an alcohol virgin tickle: my mom :) i miss her look like: tina fey or amelie be like: janeane garofalo avoid: bah
LAST PERSON: talked to: brad instant messaged: shane, ehh
WHERE DO YOU: eat: living room cry: my bedroom wish you were: having a movie day with julia or ashley
HAVE YOU EVER: Dated one of your best friends? no Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? nope, it wasn't love Drank alcohol? -- Done drugs? -- Broken the law? i don't know. Run away from home? i used to run out back into the woods a lot. Broken a bone? nope. Played Truth Or Dare? yup & that's how i got my first kiss Flashed someone? not yet ;) Mooned Someone? no Kissed someone you didn't know: well he was ONLY my neighbour Been in a fight? NEVER!!! haha. i fight with my family when i'm on the phone with my friends. Come close to dying? yup actually. Cheated on your Boy/Girlfriend?: no. i don't sink that low.
WHAT IS: The most embarrassing CD in your collection? nothing, i love them all Your bedroom like? extremely horrendously messy, pink walls (haven't been redecorated yet) Your favorite thing for breakfast? peanut butter toast with milk and orange juice PART OF A WHOLE BREAKFAST Your favorite Restaurant?: the blue room. that's what i call it anyway.
Finish each sentence:
Let's walk in the: dark Let's run through: falling snow Let's look at the: stars What a nice: gnome When will they: break up Why can't you: just leave her? Closer than: a banana to its peel Look at my: stubbly legs I'll stay if: you'll let me The sky is: filtered Hide me: underneath your kisses Love me: forever I hate the stupid: skipping cd's My mom thinks you're: bipolar Can't you: be mine Lovely little: loser slut
What's on your bedside table? everything imaginable. lamp, wrappers, notes, pennies, burger king toys, portrait of conan, my housekey, glasses, spilt orange juice stain What is the geekiest part of your music collection? tiffany, hehe, just kidding jen! What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? anything i can get my hungry fingers on Your secret guaranteed weeping movie? my dog skip. SHUT UP. that and ghost. it's such a weepy movie. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? hmm. my thighs or my stomach. i love my small boobs. Do you have a completely irrational fear? sharks What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moment? chewing at my fingernails You ever have to beg? with my parents, sometimes Are you a pyromaniac? yup Do you have too many love interests? yes Do you know anyone famous? my dad's friend met david bowie. so no, i don't. Describe your bed: big queen sized, with many a quilts, two pillows and soft Spontaneous or planned? both Who should play you in a movie about your life? her (aimee said so) Do you know how to play poker? nope What do you carry with you at all times? usually my messenger bag How do you drive? haha, i DON'T What do you miss most about being little? i only cried about physical pain. Are you happy with your given name? yes, it's different. How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? a lot. i like the internet a lot. you get a lot more talking done. What color is your bedroom? pink. What was the last song you were lisening to? lipps inc - "funky town" Have you ever been in a play: i think Who are your best friends? i'm a best friend whore Have you ever been in love? no Do you talk a lot? yes Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? usually Have you ever done any illegal drugs? -- Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? there's none around here (well, sure, poor but they don't bother me) Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? when i want to be Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends? 86 on the boyfriend, so all friends
* You're so silly, Nanny! 5:20:32 PM * * *
i finished my stupid scrapbook. onto my pamphlet. then a 250-word paper which'll be done tomrorow hehe
* You're so silly, Nanny! 4:13:26 PM * * *
i finished my stupid retarded stupid newspaper scrapbook. seriously, i spent a total of 14+ hours working on it. and it's not even that good. ugh. and i'm sick, and i have a reading headache. i keep coughing and my throat hurts. i'm so angry and pissed off. i have to do an ironic pampphlet on "how to deal with anger" and i made it fun. well, i tried. anyway, i started working on this assignment as SOON as i got in the door yesterday. had to leave at 5:45 for the town meeting. got back at 7:30. worked nonstop until 11:00 when i couldn't even keep my head up. so i set my alarm for 5 a.m. after conferring with my parents that i'd stay home for the morning to finish it.
i had the CRAZIEST dream. honestly, it scared me so much after i woke up and thought about it. it was the most bizarre dream i've ever had and i can seriously say that no dream can probably top it. i was in the school with a big group of people. it's kinda fuzzy, but i knew everyone was there. there was this boiler room (i called it that, i think, but it was just an empty room...not surrounded by anything else, weird) and this little girl got killed in it by satan. he smeared her blood everywhere and brutally murdered her. i was talking to the mother and she was freaking out, trying to get inside the room. i kept saying she wouldn't be able to handle it but she ran into it anyway and started spazzing out. then satan came by and i felt like throwing up. he was holding my newspaper scrapbook, of all things. and he was smudging what looked like bird crap on the corner of a page but it was so disgusting and i hated it so much. then, comes the strange part. i was writing, and i was writing a letter to jesus in blood. i kept dabbing my finger in the letter D (which was written out of blood too) and writing from that. it was kinda like i was writing for satan to jesus. i was writing prophecies or commandment-like notes.
i had checked two or three times that i set my alarm correctly for 5. i woke up at 7:30, and the alarm was off. my family swore they never shut it off. my dad said i must've gotten up in my sleep to shut it off. SO WEIRD. man, i think i'm possessed.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 4:03:26 PM * * *
* * * * Sunday, November 3 * *
tephanie says: how goes it winniefield? i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: hee i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: it's going fiiine, ......suuuuuuuunnyy i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: lol Stephanie says: hahaha Stephanie says: we should be on happy days i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: oohhhh yeah i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: "eeeeeehhhhhhhh!" Stephanie says: hahaha i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: i get to be the fonz! Stephanie says: boo! Stephanie says: i wanna be richie cunningham. hahaha what am i talking about. other than him and Al, i know no one else's names on that show i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: you can be the ugly redhead Stephanie says: yesssssss Stephanie says: wait a minute.. i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: lol i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: richie, probably i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: the director guy Stephanie says: yeah, that's who i was thinking Stephanie says: ron howard i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: haha yeah i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: he was on the simpsons i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: he wore a robe and was on hollywood squares Stephanie says: i wear robes! and i watch hollywood squres!! Stephanie says: ...actually..i lied. i do none of those i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: WELL IM A WASHED UP HAS BEEN! i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: HAHHA I WIN! i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: lol Stephanie says: hahaha Stephanie says: i actually watch hollywood squares naked. i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: Stephanie says: fonz. he's such a grodie grodie man. Stephanie says: that face looks like an m&m i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: lol i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: i remember the happy days episode where richie tried to get this girl's attention by drawing " i love you" on the sidewalk in chalk. except he used drawings. like an eye for I. a heart for love. and a ewe for you. except she was like "i love sheep??" hahahahahhhahaha Stephanie says: hahaha i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: man it was great fun i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: poor ugly gawky richie
Stephanie says: if you had to draw "i love justin" i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: HAHA] Stephanie says: you could draw an eye, a heart, and a jousting match, then an arrow pointing into an open door
Stephanie says: he's like an exclusive night club, where only the cool people can be let in. Stephanie says: and there's this bouncer i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: im the fonz! Stephanie says: and i'm all lke "yo, let me in! i'm richie cunningham! i'm a living archie!" Stephanie says: and then he's all like "back of the line, loser" i want to be the one to walk in the sun says: HAHHAHA Stephanie says: and then you're like "eyyy" and he's like "right this way, fonzieisapoo"
man, steph's the best to have a convo with.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:41:56 PM * * *
So. Umm. Going out with Shane this weekend. Yeah.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 8:59:32 PM * * *
i will have you yes i will have you i will find a way and i will have you like a butterfly a wild butterfly i will collect you and capture you
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:16:47 PM * * *
I want a ride in Archie's jalopy.
I hate when good music happens to bad people.
80s kick today.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:00:34 PM * * *