* * * * Saturday, November 16 * *
![intelligent%20sexy](http://images.quizilla.com/W/wickednottocare/1034379866_ligentsexy.jpg) What's your brand of sexy? brought to you by Quizilla
* You're so silly, Nanny! 5:25:18 PM * * *
1. Name: Laurie.
2. Were you named after anyone? No, my mom thought it was a unique name.
3. Do you wish on stars? Not really. I wish on shooting stars when I see them.
4. Which finger is your favorite? My thumb. I just like it.
5. When did you last cry? Last night.
6. Do you like your handwriting? Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't.
7. Who do you admire? Really talented people.
8. What is the #1 priority in your life? God.
9. What is your favorite lunch meat? Mock chicken. 10. Any bad habits? Biting my nails, tugging hair down from a ponytail (you'd have to see me do it) and some other stuff.
11. What store would you never be caught dead in? The Gap. They suck. So expensive, and rather ugly plainclothes.
12. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? I'd think so.
13. Are you a daredevil? Hardly.
14. Have you ever told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? Yes.
15. Have you ever stolen anything? Accidentally. When I was five; I returned it.
16. Do looks matter? To a certain extent.
17. When was the last time you wanted to punch someone? Hmm. Friday morning.
18. Are you trendy? No.
19. What do you do to prevent anger? Nothing, I let it come.
20. Are you passive or aggressive? I don't know.
21. Who is your idol? I don't have an idol.
22. Who is your second family? Umm, if I'm understanding this question right, my aunt & uncle's family? Or Aimée's, because I am (not really anymore) always over there.
23. Do you trust others easily? I'm pretty naive, but I've been getting paranoid about people lately.
24.What did you play with as a child? My friends, skipping rope, pogs, marbles, dinky cars, Barbies, insects. I loved insects. Demita and I collected spiders. Hah.
26. Do you like sappy love songs? When I'm in the mood. Some are really well done, and I enjoy listening to them. Others are badly done, and cheesy.
27. Have you ever been on radio or television? Yeah, been on both. I'm so special.
28. Have you ever intentionally hurt someone? Too much.
29. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? No.
30. Do you feel understood most of the time? Depends on who's trying to understand. Or not trying.
31. Would you rather have a sore throat or an upset stomach? Sore throat, because you can take lozenges and things to help it feel better. Upset stomach makes your body react really bad.
32. Do you know what `scteif' is? No. Do I want to?
33. What is/are your nicknames? Crackwhore, Fluff, Whorie, Miss Piggy, Loulabelle and a thousand others.
34. Could you be a vegetarian? Yes. I'm actually considering it. Just because I don't like any meat, besides KFC. Or chicken burgers. Hmm. Screw vegetarianism then.
35. Would you ever bungee jump? Yes, if I got up enough nerve.
36. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? No, my shoes are so accustomed to my fit that I can slide and wiggle my feet right out.
37. What are you worried about right now? Nothing really. I'm sure I was supposed to do something today.
38. Do you ever wear overalls? Not anymore.
39. Do you think you are strong? Physically, I can be when I need to. Emotionally, no.
40. whats your favorite popsicle? Grape.
41. Who is most likely to respond? Julia, she likes surveys.
42: Who do you think won't respond at all? Jen probably.
43. When's your birthday? September 9.
45. Favourite Colour(s): Green. Orange. Red. Yellow.
46. Eye Color: Dark brown.
47. Do you have a driver's license: Not yet.
48.Last person who Called: Nobody. If it was, it was three days ago. I usually catch my friends online anyway.
49. Saw you cry: My family.
51. You had a fight with: Candice. Geez! I'm never playing Risk with her ever again.
53. You went to the movies with: Shane, Ashley and Dave.
54. You went to the mall with: Ashley, to some small dirt "mall" (it was a plaza but indoors)
55. Sent you this email: Aimée, but I posted it on here.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:31:43 PM * * *
Oh yeah, Julia mooned a retarded driver. There was no playing of Risk. I have gas or indigestion or a stomach-ache. I can't differentiate all three at this point.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 2:27:13 AM * * *
Man, tonight was so...aaah.
After school, I went home with Julia. We did a bunch of dumb silly things. Ate. Danced to Ace of Base...multiple times. We dressed in "emo" (haha) layers. Jen arrived at 6. We danced more to AoB. Took many pictures, like of me eating a pear close-up, or Julia and I pelvic-thrusting. Sexually. Haha. Then we ran outside to wait for Josie. She drove up, as I was pelvic-thrusting in her direction. We popped in Madonna's Immaculate Collection. Oh yeah.
Danced, sang at the top of our lungs, and blasted it to the coffeehouse. That was pretty fun. Joustin wouldn't play. The couch smelled like B.O and old Barbie hair. A whiny singer sang a lot. Repeatedly...annoyingly. We got free coffee. Yay. Josie mocked the coffeehouse "look" by wearing a black turtleneck shirt. Hee. Finally, it got boring and dumb so we left. This is where it gets creepy.
Okay, I hoveled down the stairs (hoveling is some kind of troll walk, hunched over, elbows pointed out and waddling around in circles) past John. Josie, Julia and Jen were behind me, following. I was hoveling to the car, and then I hear them all shriek and laugh. I turned around and this drunk guy is hoveling along with Josie! So Josie started running for the car and he laughingly ran after her. We were all freaking out, screaming and desperately trying to get into the car. So freaky. Drunk hovel man! It was 9 pm on a Friday night! You geek!
Then, we drove to Wal-Mart, blaring Madonna again. Jen and Julia went to go get McD's ice cream. Josie and I went into the bathrooms. I stood at the sinks, while she was checking for an empty stall. Supposedly, she pushed open a stall door and this lady had her back to her, squatting like a man over the seat. Josie looked so startled and we ran out, all frightened. Again with the creepiness! Ttown people are scary on Friday nights, I tell you. We got ice cream, and got REALLY hyper (as if we weren't already). Julia pushed me in a cart across the parking lot.
We got into the car, where Josie sat with her ice cream so nobody drove. The music was cranked, so Julia and I ran out around the car, yelling and dancing. She looked so drunk. She was like a stripper, only not stripping. But she pretended some scarf thing was a whip? She climbed on the front (over the engine) hood and fell off. Hahahaha. Best ever. These two guys stared at us until we piled back in and drove away.
From there, we drove to my house and tried playing Ego. Didn't work because that game sucks. Then Jen got this brown & pink like paisley sash and tied it around her head ala Rambo. Then, my brother gave her these HUGE oddly-shaped 80s reflective sunglasses. She looked like SUCH a reject, I nearly pissed my pants just looking at her. We brought out the Hulk. Then decided to drive back into Ttown. Josie would drop Jen off, drop me off at Tim Hortons (where Scott would pick me up, since he was going into town too) and then Julia. Whew. So that was all fun and games and stuff. Jen dropped off. Scott took too long to get to Timmy's, so I ordered Josie to drive Julia and herself home & leave me there for Scott to pick me up. She was reluctant. But Scott came soon enough. I didn't want Josie to be late.
Scott and I talked...A LOT. About nearly every topic. Even after we got home, we sat in the car and talked for nearly an hour. Then another two-ish hours inside the house. It was very off-the-shoulder relief and comforting and nice. The strong bond of trust is there, that we so didn't have when he lived here. Aww. Family love. I'm beat. It's almost 2:30. Am I doing anything tomorrow? Let's hope not. I'll never get up.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 2:24:50 AM * * *
* * * * Thursday, November 14 * *
So Impossible says: indeedo So Impossible says: ahiiie kiss me hard 'cause this'll be the last time that i let you says: indeedo in a speedo
We played Risk today during spare. So tomorrow, here are the extremely tentative plans: - Coffeehouse - Ace's - Back to my house? Whoever wants to come & sleep over? We can play Risk. My parents would pick us up.
I have a side cramp. It sucks. I have nothing of substance to write.
Things I Should Have Done Tonight Instead of Goofing Off As Usual - Law paper - Politics newschart - Sociology scrapbook - Sociology questions
My brother said this one guy at my school is really funny and cool. The minute his name was mentioned, I immediately jumped down his throat with an absolute refusal of anything he said. "He's not cool, he's not funny. He's not smart, nor is he in any way, shape or form, a nice or good person." But with more oompf.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:16:53 PM * * *
* * * * Wednesday, November 13 * *
Talking to Shane and Betsy, checking out websites. Just got home. Don't feel like watching the kids - bleh. I think Julia got really mad playing Risk with the four of us (Josie, Jen, Candice and me). She looked like she was really frustrated and angry. We played the game for politics class. Pointless and stupid, but fun. Talked to Joe about classic books and classic novelists. I want to read Hemingway and Plath and Salinger (for the second time). He only like the bands (from the 80s) The Smiths and The Cure. I concurred highly on his reasoning. The Smiths are amazing, as are The Cure. Whee.
I like calling Betsy "Slutsy." She calls me Whorie. Julia calls me Jaurie, although her own personal reasoning behind that still confuses me. Muaha, I'm dumb. STTTTTTUUUUPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 3:44:03 PM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, November 12 * *
I'm really hating myself right now. I'm kicking myself. I feel like such a loser. And a dick. And a tool.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:53:20 PM * * *
Well. I've started to slide out of my slump. My mom asked me if I was on drugs. If I was depressed. Hee. I so called her on that. Gilmore Girls was one of the best, intense, funny episodes I've seen in a long time. I have way too much to talk about so I just won't. I have a kagillion posts to read on TWoP forums. They rock. The posters are so clever. I'm missing Smallville. I have to watch it on the review Sunday night.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:34:57 PM * * *
* * * * Monday, November 11 * *
i really have not much to say. i feel...so slow and numb. like nothing can touch me right now. it's not a good feeling. i don't feel like laughing and i don't feel like fighting. i think my parents think i'm depressed or something. all i've done lately is sleep under blankets on my bed and listen to my dashboard cd. i fall asleep to that cd. it's become my escape. when i'm angry, crying or even happy, on come the headphones. is that healthy? it's not like anything severely depressing has happened in my life. well, in my opinion yes. in others, no. i felt dumb today. i felt really hyper during lunch. but then i felt incredibly annoying and dumb again. it's amazing how much i would want it happen, but know it never would because of her. we're so much alike, it kills me to know we could be great together. there i go off again into a girly whine about the injustice of boys. a girl in the rememberance day ceremony behind me was so incredibly irritating i wanted to hurt her. how could she be so mean. 27, 000 soldiers died and you're chatting it up with a guy that doesn't care about you being his bridesmaid. shut up. just shut up. nobody likes you, nobody. nobody can even stand to hear your laugh, or your squealing pitches of talking. you are not funny. everyone avoids you when they can. you talk to people as if they're your friends. but we're not. nobody is. get over it. you're as fake as barbie. even she has friends.
she picked my topic. and she talked on and on. i can't stand her. i want to hurt her. she makes me so infuriated. nobody has actually done anything to me; i could have a reasonable reason for hating them so much. but i want to hurt her so much. she blathers on and on about the topic. nobody cares anymore. i cared because i disliked her with such a burning passion. i hate the way she stands, walks, talks (especially talks), laughs and jokes around. i hate how she brags. how she wrestles the guys. how she can be so snotty and not many people realize it. she didn't have any friends. why does she now?
i have black x's on my hands. i'm so straight-edge. i'm listening to saves the day "at your funeral." nothing else. i'm surprised my parents haven't asked me if i'm on drugs yet. it would be a reasonable question; i act like it. i sleep a lot, eat a lot and don't talk a lot anymore. what's wrong with me? i'm not bipolar. but i have these giant mood swings and i can't seem to control them. there are the days where i'll fake my laugh, and put on a happy face and laugh everything off. but when i come home the mask comes off? that sounds so stupid. i'm not depressed. because when i get to school, i'm happy. or a fake happy anyway. most people can't tell the difference.
im gagging on my own self-pity choking on something that could be called normalcy; or passes as it there's no good television on monday nights.
shane wants another date. well. i don't know about that. i don't know at all. i don't feel that particular feeling about him. i haven't built up expectations about him; i haven't longed after him. he's just there. it's somewhat flattering, but not really. i'm the most shallow person and i hate it. i'm selfish and stupid about this. all i want is my own self-happiness and that's all i care about. he doesn't fit into the box that i categorize guys as being hot. i'm such a snob. i hate people like me. i absolutely hate them. why am i so mean? i don't mean to be. i just want someone i can hold hands with, can have an intelligent argument with, and will challenge me. i need that. i'm a stubborn person and i manipulate people when i can. not my friends, generally. i need a guy that i can't walk all over. because i'll do it. shane is a doormat. someone else's doormat, please.
when my mom's having a personal conversation on the phone, she goes into my room. she lies on the bed and talks. i don't like that. i mean, it's not like i have things like my diary under the pillows or anything. but it's like she thinks i'm fine with it. maybe it's because i've never confronted her about it. for all i know, she goes through my things. i have random notes and journal pages all over my room. for all i know, my parents search my room for any sign of depression or drugs or abnormalcy in my room when i leave for school. i would be surprised. my mom did find a letter that i wrote to a friend which described how and when i'd have a party (involved drinking) last summer. she found it "cleaning." i found it somewhat hard to believe and got really defensive about it.
today at supper, it was my parents and me. i talked maybe five times, only to answer questions, throughout the whole meal. i was hunched over my hash browns, piling them up and playing with them. i find i just go through the motions of acting normal sometimes. i feel like screaming and crying and ripping papers up and kicking things over, but i'll sit there and talk calmly. it's not like i bottle up my emotions. because i think that's the last thing i do. but sometimes, it happens. i won't want to cause a scene. so it gets pushed to the back and shuffled around until it's not a big deal anymore. or at least so i don't make a big deal out of it. i'm not even making sense anymore.
i used to like gossip about the other people in my grade. i find i don't even care anymore. i honestly don't. they're so shallow and self-obsessed. maybe they're really just my best friends. all they do is drink on weekends, copy off people's homework and fake being nice just so this goes about happening. it angers me, how so many people are taken advantage of just because they want someone superior to them, to like them. i was like that. some girl didn't do her homework so she copied off me. i did mind. i didn't want to get caught. i'm a nerd at heart, and i worry about getting caught when these things happen. but i wanted her to share a smile with me and possibly think of me as cool. this was in grade ten, i believe.
i realize that maybe i'm not so self-obsessed. sometimes i'll give something important of mine just because i want to make them happy. i want that smile. i want that shout of laughter or shriek of happiness. i've handed over things i loved just because i wanted to hear those sounds. it's not like i wanted them to like me. i don't know if there was any underlying self-motive under that, but i just like doing it. i like making people happy, but not in a way that screams "accept me."
somebody's ugly slouchy shuffly girlfriend was staring at me today. i don't know why. they were cuddling in the space between inside doors and outside doors. she was leaning against the wall, and he was positioned, leaning over her. he just standing upright then falling, leaning heavily into her. it looked somewhat perverted. i would glance over every once in awhile, and she'd be staring at me. their whole relationship is based on making another person feel like crap. how healthy can that be. you'd think she'd start realizing her boyfriend isn't really over his "ex" if all he does when she passes, is make some inferior remark to make himself feel better. to make himself feel like he's corrected a "mistake" but it wasn't. the mistake was himself. he was the bad part of the equation. he knows it. everyone knows it. he was erased, just not replaced.
my stomach hurts. these black x's are so ugly to me right now. the word "overlord" is written on my arm and i can't remember why. i know that i meant to say some other similar word, but instead said overlord. it was funny to me and apparently julia, who scrawled it. i'm listening to radiohead. they are good. "fake plastic trees" is my favourite. the live version is nice. i need a job and my g1. i seriously do. i'm buckling down this week and the next week to come. i need them both. i'm studying for my g1 before i go to bed. i've been phonebook-job hunting. so far, i'm going to apply at roger's video, pizza pizza and independent. the first two are not local. they're about a half hour drive away. yeah well. it's my only option. i hate my neighbouring town. everyone else and their dog has a job except me. i'm so discouraged.
i've been writing for over an hour. somehow it seems like less. i have so much more to write. but these x's are distracting me. and i don't want to bore anyone. as if i haven't already. mark hasn't heard of pedro; i was mightily surprised. he likes a lot of great bands. he's fun. his eyebrow ring bothers me only because it looks like it's barely pierced. the photography shoot is this weekend. the pictures i'm posing for are: i'm turned to my side, cupping my breasts, and showing off my "slim" stomach; a close-up shot of my "slim" stomach turned to the camera; turned head-on, i tuck my arms behind my back (and wearing probably just a bra, but it'll be cut off below the breasts) and a guy's hands are placed on my lower stomach/hips. although we haven't decided who's hands. who am i that comfortable with? i don't know any guys who i'm close enough with. and no. it's not going to be shane. if i decide that i don't know any guys that well, ashley's going to clip her nails and do it. yay.
i feel really uncomfortably hot all of a sudden and i don't know why. i'm sleepy and cranky and quiet. apparently, ashley likes my stomach. when i hate it. i just found a crumpled up piece of paper on the desk. my brother wrote something.
there was the girl she had a pet squirll her name was marisa
huh. marisa is crossed out. squirll is spelled wrong - although, probably to look like girl. my brother's a crackpot.
"between 1983 and 1991, approximately 17, 630 canadians have died in traffic accidents where alcohol was a contributing factor, and another 1.1 million were injured. despite the reduced rate, in 1991, a total of 111, 307 (91% of them men) were charged with impaired driving." - that's despicable and disgusting. that's all i have to say. it's tragic and horrible and inexcusable.
my mother has been on the phone for an hour and half an hour. all this time, i've been writing. she's on the phone, so i can't be online. so i blog, which you can do offline. i need to get online, however, to post this whole crap thing. flinging juicy "penis chunks" (pieces of pears in fruit cups) at people is fun. breaking the spoon on which the flingage takes place, isn't. my first try, i broke it. i'm being really calm about the whole "getting kicked offline for nearly two hours" thing. surprisingly. it's just because i'm quiet. my parents and i had a major fight last night about my lack of a job and license. so behind their backs, i've been job-hunting. since last night. i think i'm going to get ashley to drive me to drop off my resumes. that way, if i don't get the job, my parents won't have to know.
i like planning for prom. i really do. we're all going to drive to the closest chuck e. cheese and overrun the place, with big giant poofy dresses and nice makeup. we'll play in that ball place. then we'll go to some hotel, having reserved it for one person. then we'll sneak everyone in the backdoor. or just get a bunch of rooms together. either way, prom will be the best ever. we're going to kidnap meghan from nova scotia. i decided that i wouldn't drive in the "sensible" car with jen, heh. i'd take my chances and drive with crazy aimee. we'll probably get arrested along the way, somehow. she'd find a way for that to happen. so her dad would come and bail us out. and we'd join the hotel party. hehe. i love prom planning. the thing though: mostly everyone in our grade will get right smashed, because that's fun right? well, not for us. we don't need to get drunk or stoned, because we'll be so hyper, ecstasy couldn't top the high we'd probably have. there has never been a night where everyone was all together. someone's always busy or not wanting to come.
i can't stand my brother. i can't stand this family. i really can't. i need to drive somewhere. i want to hurt my brother; i'm scared that one of these days i'll just attack him. one of these days. i know i will. it'll happen, and you know what? i won't be sorry when it does. he deserves so much more than a slap in the face. he is the most horrible little person. he's selfish and rude and he doesn't care what he's doing to my parents. he causes them so much grief, he doesn't realize it. or he does, but he just doesn't care. i cry about him. i do. he'd laugh at me if he knew. but i cry about what he's like to my parents, how he's behaving. he's the most selfish person i've ever met. he thinks it's perfectly acceptable for him to push my parents around. he knows they'll waffle around. he gets his way with them. i don't know how. he'll be grounded "for serious" yet after day one of a week's punishment, he'll suddenly be ungrounded. it makes me so angry, i can't help but feel utterly frustrated.
i'm crying now. my dad makes me feel like the worst person in the world. i don't know how he does it either. what's wrong with my family? my dad's got a way of making me laugh when i'm incredibly pissed off. and making me cry at the drop of a hat, because of his choice of words. today's the worst day that i've had in awhile. my mom won't get off the stupid phone. my dad's giving me the silent treatment. my brother's constant mockery is becoming punch-worthy. my dad ignores me. and it makes me feel like i'm not worthy of even talking to. i never want to see this house again. i want to walk away and just never come back right now.
seventeen paragraphs. you'd think i'd stop writing after four. i see my tears on the desk and it makes me even more sad. i don't know why i write about these things. when most people cry, they curl themselves up into a ball in their beds or somewhere private. i'm writing and crying at a desk. how sad i am. how sad am i. i like watching myself cry. is that wrong. only when i can i'm crying...calmly. when the tears slip down my face all quiet-like. the only crying i hate seeing myself act out, is the uncontrollable sobs. where your whole body shakes, and your face goes blotchy and you're constantly sniffling and your face is all distorted, twisted and streaky. and you feel so exhausted afterwards. and it's so obvious you were crying because your eyes are stained red.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:54:33 PM * * *