what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back
* * LAURIE! * *
I'm Laurie. I have hair that makes Richard Simmon's hair looks good. I like giraffes and monkeys. I especially like monkeys. When I was born, my dad said I was either a boy or the ugliest girl alive. It's things like that that makes my self-esteem so high these days. I like a mixture of music from Tool to Weezer to Billie Holiday to Flock of Seagulls. I have an extreme love for the 80s that will never cease. I think I've seen The Breakfast Club about thirty eight times, even though I only like parts of it. Emilio Estevez is my boyfriend. I have a lawn gnome named Clyde. He's dear to my heart. Bruce Willis sings stalker songs to me at night. I watch TV a lot. I love movies to death. I hate the feeling, sound, word, thought of fleece. My nanny gave me a fleece sweater awhile ago. I like the smell of gasoline, freshly cut grass and chlorine. I like when my skin smells after I get out of the pool. I tend to bite my nails too much so my nails are gross and short and creepy. I can't stand having bumps in my hair. I have to have music. I cry during scenes like the ending of Revenge of the Nerds. Unpixelated Sims is funny, and kind of creepy. Laughing at drunk people makes for good times. Claire is my sex monkey. You just wish you were, too. I'm not on crack, although you'd think I was.
* * * LINKS
Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma
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* * * * Saturday, December 21 * *
oh man i love BACK TO THE FUTURE!!!!!!!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:14:48 PM * * *

things i learned today
1. My brother hates when I'm dormant, and do nothing all day. 2. My dad is a horrible winner at boardgames -- he gloats and lords it over you for days. 3. My other brother thinks I'm a shrimp-hog. Which I'm not; I only ate about eleven. 4. Insomnia is predictable, slow and boring. 5. I am a really big oldies fan. Like. Really big. 6. I still need to buy my mom a present. 7. I have no money to do so. 8. I hate when I profess my love for a band, singer, or a song and then suddenly someone else says they love it. And you can tell it's not just a neat coincidence. 9. The 5th Wheel is a really slutty show. And when a shy boy goes on there, they make it so completely obvious and focus on his shyness. 10. I need to cut my bangs really short, like when I first originally chopped them off. Because I liked that length better. This one is getting too much like my grade nine-grade eleven days. Eww. 11. My brother and I get one-hour shifts, at a time, online. He feels the need to tell me, if I've been on 45 minutes, that I have 15 minutes left. As if I couldn't PUT THE PIECES TOGETHER.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:08:57 PM * * *

Yes or NO.... +you keep a diary = this one +you like to cook = not really +you have a secret you have not shared with anyone = yeah +you fold your underwear = nah +you talk in your sleep = no, and if i do, it's just a mumble here or there +you set your watch a few minutes ahead = no +you bite your fingernails = yes +you believe in love = yes
last... x. movie you rented = i don't remember that far back x. movie you bought = 'heat' for my dad x. song you listened to = bobby darin - "dream lover" x. song that was stuck in your head = bobby darin - "dream lover" x. song you've downloaded = i tried downloading "colorblind" by counting crows x. CD you bought = two cd's i bought for my brother x. CD you listened to = franki valli & the 4 seasons x. person you've called = ashley x. person that's called you = aimée x. TV show you've watched = the simpsons "stabbing hobo" x. person you were thinking of = my mom
do... x. you wish you could live somewhere else = sometimes x. you think about suicide = no x. you believe in online dating = not really x. others find you attractive = i doubt it x. you want more piercings = yes x. you want more tattoos = more? i want ONE x. you drink = no x. you do drugs = no. no. no. x. you smoke = no. x. you like cleaning = if i get really angry, i do x. you like roller coasters = yes x. you write in cursive or print = i do some odd combination x. you carry a donor card = no
have you... x. ever cried over a boy/girl = yes x. ever lied to someone = yes x. ever been in a fist fight = no x. ever been arrested = no
What... x. toothpaste = colgate x. perfume do you use = i don't x. shoes do you wear = my clumpy brown ones with white laces heh x. are you scared of = the dark, sharks
Number... x. of times I have been in love? 0 x. of times I have had my heart broken? i don't know. x. of hearts I have broken? probably just 2 x. of girls I have kissed? 0 x. of people I've slept with? 0 x. of people I consider my enemies? i'm not sure. x. of people from high school that I stayed in contact with? still in high school x. of CDs' that I own? about 14 x. of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? a bunch x. things in my past that I regret? 5758843
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:17:22 PM * * *
* * * * Friday, December 20 * *
i didnt hand in my grad write-up it needed to be in by today i wanted my profile in!!! is there anyway i can still have it in? like by the time we go back so they dont say "silent graduate" because i would cry . friggit.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:57:56 PM * * *

okay. worst day ever. i stayed home. no, i did not fake at ALL. i needed to come to school today to hand in politics, socio and law. i NEEDED to. but i couldn't. here's what happened.
4:45 am - woke up, feeling sick 5:00 am - ran to bathroom, threw up
from 5:00 am to 1 pm, i've thrown up eight or nine times. i haven't eaten ANYTHING. i hate throwing up, and today was the day to do so. i tried different positions so as to ease the nausea/pain. nothing worked. then i TRIED so hard to focus on my politics book to work on it, so my dad could drive in to hand it in for me. i fell asleep. i could not concentrate on anything. once, i sat on the bathroom floor and everything went blurry-black. i told my mom i was fainting, and the next thing i remember is her hoisting my body over the toilet so i would vomit in there. then i got incredibly cold.
and just right now, my parents are gone and so's my brother. i was on the toilet, and i leaned over to rest on something. and then i knew i was blacking out, so i ran the coldest stream of water in the sink and forced myself to stick my hand under it.
meh. bleh. feh. cindy called, she was my homeroom rep partner, whom i had to do an important skit with her today. i MADE brad tell her this morning that she had to find someone else. i felt so bad.
i'm throwing up absolutely nothing. i have a "stomach bug" and i hate this so much. there goes my politics rough copy and law thesis. i have to wait until january.
why does the winslow family insist on singing christmas carols on the stairs EVERY christmas episode? it really bothers me.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 2:02:08 PM * * *
* * * * Thursday, December 19 * *
im waking up tomorrow at 5:00...to finish my politics, law and work on slutsy/stina present. yay me. i have some random eighties song stuck in my head. i'm really, just lately, getting annoyed with a few people. i am not sure why they're suddenly bothering me to no end, and i try to put it past me, but then they say/do something and it starts up again.
you know its lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with youuu....giddyup, giddyup, giddyup let's play, a horse in the hay...
i think those last words are different.
i had kfc tonight. it was good - but i feel gross now. i'm dehydrated, and my lips are cracking a lot. tomorrow would be fun, if not for all these stupid things due.
politics - isu rough copy law - thesis approval form socio - surveys completed
i hear the tv on? but its not on. oh. yeah i think it is. im cracked out. i need to work on my homework then fall asleep. then wake up dark and early to bake and work some more. woo.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:14:26 PM * * *

oh yes. i failed my politics test so badly. i didn't do my law thesis or my politics isu rough copy. hahahahahaha AND I DONT CARE EITHER> meh. i'll eventually do them tonight. BUT I GOT MY G1! yeaaaaaaaaah. and i applied at "a taste of country" some crafty store, blah.
i have to make slutsy and stina's presents tonight. it's food, hee. i think maybe i'll make cookies for everyone tomorrow.
so cindy & i know what's going on. fine. ok. yay. i borrowed vic's santa hat. yay.
ashley gave me soap, a candle, and FUN FUN FUN mittens for christmas. stina gave me a bright yellow AE shirt that says "pepito's burritos" which is so amazing, i nearly died laughing. BURRITO! im going through my archives and i found:
"Julia just slapped my bottom. I feel so violated."
september 7th - burrito joke was born august 23rd - "do you remember bob? his job is going NOWHERE." ( i don't know why this was so funny but it was at the time )
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:28:46 PM * * *
i forgot.
1) scott's home. i'm happy. 2) done christmas shopping. i'm happy. 3) getting my G1 tomorrow (most likely, i really don't see any reason why not, but if something comes up, it wouldn't be my fault). i'm kinda happy. 4) i'm so tired. i'm unhappy.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:00:21 AM * * *
* * * * Wednesday, December 18 * *
ugh. homeroom rep meeting tomorrow. cindy can't go. friggit. i have to tell her EVERYTHING afterwards that's going to happen (she's literally going to be so confused during this retarded skit).
"on the fifth day of christmas, mr rashotte gave to me....5 couch cushions!"
yeah. best i could come up with. emma's WILL BE THE BEST. i don't HAVE a santa hat, mrs carleton! i'm wearing my reindeer antlers tomorrow. woo. politics rough copy...heh. mine will be all handwritten, but do i sound like i care?
i wanted kenny & gerard to win tonight. but stupid flo & zach won. i was happy for HIM because he's the only reason they won. she's so stupid and whiny and even my brother said he hated her. teri & ian are creepy. but they weren't HORRIBLE tonight. for once.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:56:55 PM * * *

toronto trip super-summarized
- left 7:45 am - sat with jen - hyperish drive - got there around 10 am - shopped @ old navy & a shoe store - bought tampons, drinks, and a camera in shopper's drug mart - left the eaton centre - walked to urban outfitters - josie & julia got checked out MANY times - left urban outfitters - went to burger king - stared at a really hot guy with josie - left burger king - went to toys r us - took idiotic pictures, got told not to - walked wrong way, trying to find paramusic - got directions from a nice guy - SAW A TRANSVESTITE!!!!!! - called steph, got a creepy robot message lady - walked on the "bad side" of town - bought three presents in paramusic, spent $32 - some guy barked at julia - pictures of julia with a cheesy-like statue with a big bulge - bought weird asian squishy-hard jelloy-like sticks (don't ask) - walked to the hummingbird centre - ballet (the "real" horse, male ballerinos & the kids in front of us) - got onto the bus - tried to eat betsy's gross onion & pepper sub
i dont even remember after that. julia and josie switched spots so me & juicy were sitting together. we dozed, with music on our headphones, together for awhile. then we ate at wendy's and got super hyyper. there are so many inside jokes, and i want to develop this roll of film!! i hope they turn out good.
best toronto trip with the school ever.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:41:18 PM * * *
im on my period so i feel incredibly crappy and so very very tired and worn-out im going to sleep on the busride there with my headphones on.
i can tell my mom doesnt want me to go. because of my physical exhaustion and nausea. im eating because i was hungry. i ate oatmeal with orange juice and a clementine. yum, healthy me.
i keep getting chills. what do i bring today? my messenger bag, possibly my lunchbox (i doubt it), scarf, mittens, toque, coat, etc. um. cd's, batteries, discman. seriously - julia is bringing my cords today for me, but i have my gray school pants on in the meantime. where do i put them? i won't have room in my bag. do i have time to dash to my locker?
we're leaving at 7 am. the expected arrival of everyone at the school is 7:30. man i want sleep so badly right now.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:52:15 AM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, December 17 * *
Using MapQuest, I'm figuring out the areas we have to travel tomorrow. I'm a planning nerd. Shut up. I HAVE TO GO TO PARAMUSIC.
eaton centre & paramusic
Paramusic - amazing music store, where I can buy Scott the CD's I need to get
I have $70. Thanks, Bob, from work. Hee. Today was funnish-boringish-okayish. I screwed up calling numbers. And only messed up giving the right amount of change back once. Yay me. I'm getting better. Next work day: January 7. Yes yes. I HAVE TO SLEEP. So I get up tomorrow bright and happy. I need to convince SOMEONE to go to Paramusic with me. Julia would but she needs to buy shoes. Wah. Watch us trek all the way 4-ish blocks over, for the store to be shut down. Haha. But obviously, Paramusic is kinda right on the way to the Hummingbird Centre, anyway. So poo. Someone come with me!!
oh by the way, julia, im wearing your dbc shirt tomorrow JUST BECUSE I CAN.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:57:45 PM * * *
* * * * Monday, December 16 * *
sherrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyy BAY-AY-BEE! SHERRY BABY!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:33:07 PM * * *

Slutsy (Betsy) made fun of me today because when I was ten, I peed my pants while running to a bathroom at Ontario Place.
Clash of the Titans was okay.
Longest day ever. Accidentally fell asleep watching "CSI: Miami" with my mom.
Took yearbook pictures today. Muah. There's one of me coming out of the boys bathroom, with a confused look on my face. And I screwed up two pictures - one's of the ceiling, and the other is a close-up of my face. Hee.
My teeth hurt from that stupid gum.
One of the shortest, but best spares ever. Josie, Shannon and I piled into Josie's car, blared Ace of Base and drove around town. Then we switched to Frank Valli & the 4 Seasons, which is THE BEST CD EVER.
My plans for buying possibly the best gift ever for my whole family are sucky, because the gift is $39.99. Then add taxes. BLEH. I would buy it on Wednesday, in Toronto. At Tower Records. I'm bringing $55 dollars. I have to buy a cheapo gift for Scott and a nice gift for my mom. I'm making things for Ashley & Christina.
Hahah. My mom told me that when I was 9, Scott and I started our own spy club. Kids would pay us 25 cents to spy on anyone they wanted; whether it was a crush on someone, or on someone they hated. Hahaha, we were the best kids ever. I think we got the paying thing from Encyclopedia Brown. Where he would charge people to solve their mysteries. Man. Encyclopedia Brown was the coolest.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:26:36 PM * * *
* * * * Sunday, December 15 * *

What fashionable underground band/style are you?
this quiz was made by the sunni bunni bear

this quiz was made by the sunni bunni bear
Sure. I got $40 dollars. I'm taking half for shopping. Sigh. I wish Christmas wasn't here, because I would have over a hundred now, considering I never spent that other $40 on the Christmas sharing basket. Ugh. Christmas really does me in every year. This week, I'm going for my G1. I don't know what day, BUT I AM. Or else my cousins will make my life miserable for not owning it, hee. They're like that.
The other day, my dad said (seriously) "What's the diff?" I think I cried laughing along with my mom.
I never had the patience to write in a diary for very long. I always forgot about it, or had nothing of interest to write, etc. Then, someone mentioned that this here is my version of a diary. And I hadn't even thought of it that way. But it's a public journal. I don't know where I'm going with this.
I watched Much while babysitting last night, and George's "The Punk Show" was based on Finch. I caught the last half. They showed the video of "Letters to You" which was good, but repetitive. The song, not video. Although, yeah, the video was repetitive too. Home alone with Brad. He's sleeping, thank goodness.
Monday: Politics ISU rough copy - Law essay question - Sociology questionnaire - Clash of the Titans @ 6:30 Tuesday: Work from 4-10 - do major homework - homeroom rep meeting Wednesday: Ballet trip in Toronto Thursday: Nothing yet Friday - Christmas assembly (not going to see the Hulk, boo) - Mr Rashotte's song - last day of school
Best week ever. Except for tomorrow. I have to get off to do all that Monday crap. Bleh.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:56:54 AM * * *