* * * * Saturday, January 11 * *
i think i ungrounded myself. since tonight all i did was watch tv. um. yeah, that lady never called me to tell me about my job or lack thereof. tomorrow, jen & julia are coming over to watch "signs." so i have tomorrow until around 8 pm to work on my isu's, and all of sunday basically. except until 7. when degrassi is on, then alias and tra la la.
i watched the best shows today: roseanne and seinfeld. it was the one where puddy is religious and the "it's me" phone call. mwah seinfeld rocks. as does puddy. roseanne had like four episodes and i was excited.
ahh today was so hilarious but creepy nonetheless. brad and i, right off the bus, were walking up the driveway. i was loaded down with my discman-holding and my heavy backpack and immobilizing coat. we had a snowball fight, but he got a friggin shovel and started chucking it at me. i was running around the house in calf-high snow, laughing so hard i'm crying. i was trying to get away from him, but he cornered me against the side of the house and pelted me. then. it happened. i started to pee my pants. see, i don't really have a problem saying this because i think i do have a easy bladder or something. anyway, i fell down laughing and crying and peeing. it wasn't full-blown pee. just "trickling" as my mom called it :D eww. gross. anyway, yeah. that was pretty nasty but fun at the same time.
Reminds you of an ex-lover: our lady peace
Reminds you of an ex-friend: our lady peace
Makes you cry: the smiths
Makes you laugh: the four tops
You never want to hear again: 98 degrees, i guess
Sums up your teenage years: jimmy eat world, weezer, dashboard, 80s bands
You want to get married to: coldplay because they're not wussy but they're not macho
You like to wake up to: i have no idea.
You like out of your parents record collection: barry manilow, fleetwood mac
You love that you wouldn't know about if it wasn't for a friend: ashley - coldplay
Makes you think of someone who died: bright eyes.
You love the video more than the tune: that "she blinded me with science" one, it's a class act
Reminds you of your first crush love: to sum it up, metallica.
Reminds you of your now crush love: hahaha same! man i'm such a geek.
Makes you think of sex: lifehouse.
Makes you think of being alone: definitely coldplay.
Has only been released recently but you love already: uhh...i don't buy new cd's.
Are you embarrassed to admit you like: i'm not embarrassed of any music i like.
Perks you up: 80s bands all the way.
Do you love to sing: everything.
stupid survey.
STUFF 01. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: it's not love,. 02. Have You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex Did: yes. 03. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: claire or my mom. 04. Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: yes. 05. Ever Liked a close Guy/Girl Friend: i don't think so. 06. Are You Lonely Right Now: a tad. 07. Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: no. 08. Do You Want To Get Married: yes. 09. Do You Want Kids: when the time comes.
FAVORITE 01. Room In house: mine. 02. Type of music: 50s/60s & 80s 03. Song: too many. 04. Memory: every single one 05. Day Of The Week: friday and saturday 06. Colour: orange 07. Perfume Or Cologne: i don't do perfume 08. Flower: i don't know 09. Month: december.january. 10. Season: winter 11. Place to be kissed: lips. 12. Location for dates: probably movies, driving or dinner. i'm a cheap date to please. i'm happy with a burger and "dumb and dumber".
SOCIAL LIFE 01. Best Friends: claire julia aimee ashley my mom 02. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none 03. Current Crush: mehhh 04. Hobbies: creating, talking, whining, reading 05. Are You Center Of Attention Or Wallflower: wallflower 06. What Type Automobile Do You Drive: the bus 07. Are You Timely Or Always Late: on time, i hate being late, it makes me extremely nervous 08. Do You Have A Job: not yet.
IN THE LAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU: 01. Cried: almost. 02. Bought Something: hash browns & orange juice from school cafeteria 03. Gotten Sick: no 04. Sang: yes 05. Said I Love You: i think 06. Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them, But Didn't: hehe 07. Met Someone New: no 08. Moved On: gradually 09. Talked To Someone: of course. 10. Had A Serious Talk: probably 11. Missed Someone: yes 12. Hugged Someone: yes 13. Kissed Someone: yes 14. Fought With Your Parents: i think so 15. Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: daydreaming thinger 16. Had a lot of sleep: not really at all
im so bored.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:37:49 AM * * *
* * * * Thursday, January 9 * *
i am done ONE thing. i worked all tonight on my stupid socio isu. it's out of the way, basically. big relief. it was a stupid one too. easy but stupid. it's 1293 words -- it's supposed to be 1500. i could GIVE A...you finish this sentence instead. anyway. law isu and politics isu to do. i grounded myself. tonight still: study chapter 7, email chapter review to myself, write newspaper article, do newspaper chart, make stina's card for her week-long cruise
umm. yeah. it's what? 930? oh poo. i had my job interview today @ taste of country she's calling tomorrow to say if i got it or not. i have a feeling i did. but i don't want any pity if i didn't.
mike & pat are fun to laugh at. but not when they're flinging spitty candy necklace pieces at your face. i got hit in the chin.
but yes. i guess the auction sounds ok. ashley said she'd buy me. i was FREAKING OUT silently today in socio about my heavy huge amount of assignments, tests, exams and isu's. i was really panicking and i almost cried. but then joe made fun of me a lot by talking in a woman voice. i'm really super tired. i haven't slept regularly in a week. that kills me. i wake up early, go to bed late. and repeat. and repeat. and repeat.
the pay is 6.85. 3-4 hours every night. all weekend. i totaled every hour i'd most likely be working...37 hours per week. that's a bit but i think my extensive availability impressed her. muah! maybe i REALLY suck at math, but doesnt 6.85 x 37 = 253.45 which means in two weeks, i'd make around 400? is that even possible? i think i screwed that one up.
EUVIL ASIAN LAUGH! haha, i suck at spelling on p.p's. especially emma's. josie got so impatient with me.
Somebody sure knows how to push your buttons today. You can try to respond as logically as you can, but this person might not be in the mood to be reasonable. If you become emotional, don't get down on yourself for it. You can be your own harshest critic, so if you can forgive yourself, you'll calm down pretty quickly and be out of this messy situation.
that's not really accurate. maybe my brother? or mr brisbois? meh. whatever. i dont believe in these but they're just there to mock. i guess i should just blog, finish talking to stepheroonie and finish all my work.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:04:49 PM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, January 7 * *
Best and quite possibly the longest conversation ever. I can't even begin to copy and paste all that. But I'll try.
casual viewing says: i'm kind of excited to see everyone. unless you're talking horny-talk again. casual viewing says: are you? horny talking? casual viewing says: HORNY angle to his dangle ! says: Haha. Horny-talk. I speak it fluently.
angle to his dangle ! says: He's so not even attractive hahhhaa but one day, he walked in late down the hall and had a scarf over his shoulder and a nice black coat. i said he was a supermodel, to josie. casual viewing says: and he looks good. angle to his dangle ! says: aww lol casual viewing says: lol casual viewing says: he does! casual viewing says: and msforder told me a story angle to his dangle ! says: he looked like a supermodel though! with the scarfy thing happening casual viewing says: of when he first started teaching at st.paul's, and she was in OAC casual viewing says: and at a dance, he was chaperoning casual viewing says: and one of her friends PINCHED HIS ASS! and he was DANCING with the STUDENTS!!
casual viewing says: gabe taught us that. casual viewing says: he said "sexual" many times. angle to his dangle ! says: of course he would. angle to his dangle ! says: it's such a gabe thing to do. angle to his dangle ! says: what's WITH him lately? so sex. casual viewing says: he's gabe the science babe. angle to his dangle ! says: haha casual viewing says: with gabe? casual viewing says: i dunno, but he's ALWAYS sex.
casual viewing says: oo nerdier! angle to his dangle ! says: "calc YOU later!" AHHH I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE IT FORMED THE WORD CALCULATOR HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH BEST EVER!!!!! casual viewing says: "hey baby, let's go out back and i'll tangent your curves" angle to his dangle ! says: opjpweut0346u0e9uehdh!@@@@@@!!!$!@$ casual viewing says: oh god casual viewing says: noo.. casual viewing says: no. casual viewing says: just. no. angle to his dangle ! says: "cosine ME!"
Calc YOU Later! says: heje casual viewing says: i dunno why, but that misspell made me laugh Calc YOU Later! says: i like that laugh Calc YOU Later! says: hahaha! Calc YOU Later! says: heje Calc YOU Later! says: "heebeejeebee's" casual viewing says: reminds me of "hebee jee bees"
ohhh my. steph rocks. seriously. so much.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:44:25 PM * * *
Julia. Make me a fun Christmas card thing too. Stupid whooore! I have Gloria stuck in my head. We were ALL extremely hyper today. I said something that sounded so completely wrong. But I didn't mean it that way.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:36:20 PM * * *
i really am stupid. ditzy too. but actually dumb and stupid. i cannot grasp things. i really want to cry. i really am crying. i missed work for what? MORE WORK.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:35:17 PM * * *
* * * * Monday, January 6 * *
Just because I'm trendy.
Laurie's ABCs of Self Improvement a) Accept the fact that not everything will happen to my advantage. b) Be more aggressive, or possibly less aggressive with certain people. c) Create more things in my sketchbook. I like my sketchbook, why not make it full of pretty things? d) Don't bite my nails anymore. e) Enough is enough for food. Three meals. No snacks. That's it. Think healthy! f) Forget about what people think. You're graduating in June and you won't see these people almost ever again. g) Gossip less. Or at least in front of people who could spread it quickly. h) Hair. Fix the hair. i) Imagine more. j) Joke a lot, don't be bitter. k) Insert boy that I like very much. Be his friend more than anything else. l) Like more people than you dislike. m) Murder my brother. Sibling love. n) Never accept second best. Actually, do accept second best. Maybe that's all that I'm meant for. o) Own five notebooks. Fill them up. With anything I want. p) Pick one person that I dislike and try and find the good side in them. q) Quit being such a nitpicky bitch all the time. r) Rest on nagging my brother. He deserves it, but it only stresses me out more. s) Stop complaining. Just stop. t) Try to not procrastinate. u) Under a tree, kiss a boy under a tree. Not just any boy. v) Vow to stop being so awkward around boys I like. Which sounds shallow, but I get nervous and fidgety. w) Whether it's thirty years from now, run a marathon. Hint: get in shape first. Heh. x) X-ray someone, because it looks like fun. y) Yodel. z) Zygote. Try and remember what a zygote is from science class.
They all suck. I realized what a crappy person I am from those. Yay? I didn't finish those two chapter summaries, nor did I finish my law homework, nor did I finish my socio surveys. Wow. I officially procrastinate at everything. Stupid "Joe Millionaire"! I liked Melissa and that crazy Asian girl with the funky hair and glasses. She was fun, but didn't get picked. Yeah. The only "chosen" girl out of twelve that I didn't totally despise, being that their all gold-diggers, was the "stunning smile" Melissa. And Katie, the other Asian. That sounds so horrible of me. I work tomorrow. Ugh. I seriously want to punch my brother out of this world. I cannot stand him for all he's worth. We were actually getting along tonight but he has to pull something so moronic and stupid. I have to repeat everything 9 times to him. He asks me a question, I answer. He appears to have heard and understood the concepts of my words. Obviously not, because he'll ask the SAME question five minutes later. And act dumbfounded when I get frustrated. Durhh.
Exam Schedule January 23rd - Politics January 24th - Law January 28th - Sociology
Ehh, not bad. Not bad at all actually. Goodnight, my fellow fiends. My stomach is not treating me well, I think I have intestinal problems tonight. I'll go read my Archies comics and finish Law homework. Hah. As if THAT'S going to happen.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:23:40 PM * * *

Summaring stupid boring chapters on the legislatures, house of commons, senate, judiciary and administration of justice. BORING BORING BORING. ugh. i have to print off five copies for my group. my hair's all wonky today. I let it down. woooo. My mommy's going to Goodwill tonight but I am lagged by homework. OBVIOUSLY that is why I'm blogging.
Got my Toronto and New Year's Party film today. 9/34 Toronto pictures turned out. I was right pissed off, but it makes sense since I took almost all of them indoor when it was an outdoor camera. I'm stupide :-( NYP pictures were pretty gay. I got a couple that I wanted.
I fixed up my collage mirror. I had this big old wooden mirror that is connected to my dresser. And a nice wooden frame. I put up some random pictures of friends. But now the mirror part is completely covered with a huge collage of friends and funny sights. On the border are glow-in-the-dark stars, school pictures of friends and mall photo booth pictures. Yay funness. Except I keep forgetting it's fully covered when I go to look at my hair :P
I'm going to be writing for the paper...?
Emma was strangely hyper during Spare today. it was fun. mcdonald's vanilla cone was horrible. I like hot pink boas/pom-poms. Hee. I think I'm in a rare for-no-good-reason good mood. Like altogether content with things. I mean, I really shouldn't be. I have assignments, late and future, up the kazoo. I have three exams to study for. A test on Friday. ISU essays to finish. ISU books to read. Two oral presentations. Socio test.
And yet I sit here, slacking and clacking.
Heeheheh! I'ma genius at fun word things liek that.
I'm listening to fun swing music on the radio. Wheee. Brian Setzer or something. I could really care less. I like dancing embarrassingly with my family. We're nerds but we embrace it quite wholly.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:16:01 PM * * *
Kill me now.
Eww. I am so creeped out. My dad is listening to 70s songs, and some porno-moany song by Donna Summer came on. She's like going "ohhhh" every second. It's creeping me out. My dad was dancing and moaning along with her. I am scarred by my father.
Ahaha, I realized how much of a puzzle piece I am to this family. My parents and I were dancing around, singing "Happy Together" by the Turtles. Ahh. Our family is ultimately demented. Like, my dad likes to sing Fleetwood Mac and wears the oldest grubbiest pair of sweatpants. My mom gets excited when oldies come on the radio, and is worried if her reddish-brown hair dye shows through too much. My brother is his own oddity.
supper. write more later. i am in new-found crushness. im such a geek. i really am.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 5:06:06 PM * * *
* * * * Sunday, January 5 * *
im a dirty pig because i'm not washing my hair tomorrow! HAHA. i love my hair in this fun ponytail so hahaha i'll be half-dirty tomorrow YOMOTTOE. i didn't read the chapters! the tub water was scalding hot i shaved my legs, watched degrassi then alias then high school reunion. yes, i succumbed to another reality tv show. then the first half hour of "meet joe black" which makes me smile and cry.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:56:10 PM * * *
wahtever i need to read the last two chapters in the tub then write some crap and type it all out tomorrow going to get my wally world film tomorrow during lunch i'm getting all these junk emails from real named people "ryan youngson" and stuff, i'm so confused man i'm nervous about my algonquin interview on the 24th A TESTING SESSION sorry. current affairs? eek. this gum hurts my teeth. aimee called. i won't call back until after my bath. because if i do, we'll get talking for two hours. AND I NEED TO READ THIS STUPID BOOK. i laid on my kitchen floor and fed taboo oranges. how sweet it is to be loved by you BY YOU my hair is fun and ponytaily-curly no more stress. i need smooth legs for tomorrow. I GET TO WEAR MY KILT AGAIN!! yay
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:35:02 PM * * *
i am fREAKING OUT. how is this politics isu rough copy supposed to be 7-10 pages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!3noiAHRAIHARHIAR
I SPENT 3 hours on it on friday and i hve WHAT? one and 3/4 pages!!!!!!!! thats TWO CHAPTERS OUT OF FOUR I"VE DONE IM SCREWED i will do everything then talk to mr. brisbois tomorrow there is NO WAY 7-10 p[ages....
UGH getting my film tomorrow
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:44:13 PM * * *