what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back
* * LAURIE! * *
I'm Laurie. I have hair that makes Richard Simmon's hair looks good. I like giraffes and monkeys. I especially like monkeys. When I was born, my dad said I was either a boy or the ugliest girl alive. It's things like that that makes my self-esteem so high these days. I like a mixture of music from Tool to Weezer to Billie Holiday to Flock of Seagulls. I have an extreme love for the 80s that will never cease. I think I've seen The Breakfast Club about thirty eight times, even though I only like parts of it. Emilio Estevez is my boyfriend. I have a lawn gnome named Clyde. He's dear to my heart. Bruce Willis sings stalker songs to me at night. I watch TV a lot. I love movies to death. I hate the feeling, sound, word, thought of fleece. My nanny gave me a fleece sweater awhile ago. I like the smell of gasoline, freshly cut grass and chlorine. I like when my skin smells after I get out of the pool. I tend to bite my nails too much so my nails are gross and short and creepy. I can't stand having bumps in my hair. I have to have music. I cry during scenes like the ending of Revenge of the Nerds. Unpixelated Sims is funny, and kind of creepy. Laughing at drunk people makes for good times. Claire is my sex monkey. You just wish you were, too. I'm not on crack, although you'd think I was.
* * * LINKS
Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma
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* * * * Wednesday, March 5 * *
well i babysat for five hours today got $20 i played n64 with the kids lauren told me she hated me like fifty times because i kept winning AHAHAHA. i'm a cruel babysitter, i never let her win i love the book "dreamland", my favourite character is rogerson he's so....gahh, i want him. oh yeah, minus the abusiveness behaviour. but he's such a sexy character, i'm attracted to fiction boys. muaaaaaaaa. hello, rag! when is this "the ring" party going to happen? march break, hopefully. i work all this weekend. it's probably the scariest movie -- looking back, it was really frightening. but when i was in the theatre, i was all "gasp! meh. gasp! meh." now i watch the commercials and i'm practically backed up against the wall my stomach feels funny. bye.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:18:51 PM * * *
things are better. yes im using PMS as an excuse i can because it was, and i didn't even know it of course, certain events made it worse but anyway, im okay. i'm trying to smooth things with people (check your email, julia) because i'm not overly obvious here. snow day. at least there's no ash mass. but i have to call the school to see what's going on for driver's ed. hmm. i am curious. its too early. i'll go watch the last episode of saved by the bell. hee every snow day, i call aimee whisper "snow day", to which she goes "okay" or "YES!" (today, for example) and i hang up no conversations. she always goes back to sleep. hee.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:31:19 AM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, March 4 * *
what a horrible day. i spaced out during spare. i was thinking too much. and something clicked. i couldn't be there. there was no way i was staying. so i stole a quarter from aimee's locker and called my mom. at first, i sounded all casual "yeah, i'm on my spare..." she knew right away. i started to cry. my dad picked me up half an hour later. i read, watched movies and talked to my mom. what a stupid stupid day.
eminem can actually sing when he's not all rapping-whiny. his voice sounds nice. ie: hallie's song i am having a big problem with people lately. it's because of me i wanted to call julia on almost everything she said today. i don't know why. i heard the worst news during homeroom and i felt like crap and i was being cranky. so i stopped talking for an hour and just stared and thought. i cried three times during the movie "strike" which i usually love tinka said something like "leave now or we start swinging" (all girls start clicking field hockey sticks menacingly) and i immediately started crying i don't know WHY. what is wrong with me. so i shall listen to "mad world" by gary jules its one of my favourite songs. my parents like it too. which is rare. my head hurts.
i feel like im collapsing. somethings wrong. i cant figure out what. i hear back from loyalist on monday. first day of march break. i start drivers ed tomorrow night. i dont care. i hate msn. why am i such a hypocrite. i hate that. people whine about things incessantly and then turn around and do whatever they hate. shut up laurie. SHUT UP> i want to have something warm is that what youd call a stream of consciosness piece, josie? going nowhere....
I HAVE NEVER KISSED A GUY i did once when i was little but it didnt count b/c it was a dare so i have not yet been kissed im glad my first date was a good one. it was nice. i dont know how i feel about people. i think i need to leave this school. the sooner the better. its starting to infect me. im becoming what i hate. why do i almost always get into a discussion about premarital sex with guys? almost every guy i talk to. mostly online. or phone. guys suck,. thyw're so mysterious and '' ] i need soemthing for this. seroiusly. i dont know what. i need to be shot. right now. or given something. i need to be tranquilized. WHAT IS WRONG WTIH ME
* You're so silly, Nanny! 5:52:23 PM * * *
soliloquy = good history quiz = bad shannon saying "i should go stupid" (instead of study) = good having to mop the hallways for mr b = bad mall trip = good spending all $20 and owing candice $5 = bad mall pictures = good marking cake face's paper = bad hitting a speedbump at 60 mph w/ jen = good
jen got stuck in a snowbank in my driveway. i stood and laughed.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:27:42 AM * * *
* * * * Sunday, March 2 * *
i will have white hair after lunch tomorrow. mark my words. The King would speak with Cornwall; the dear father Would with his daughter speak, commands, tends service. Are they informed of this? My breath and blood? Fiery? The Fiery Duke? Tell the hot Duke that -- No, but not yet. May be he is not well; Infirmity doth still neglect all office Whereto our health is bound; We are not ourselves When nature, being oppressed, commands the mind To suffer with the body; I'll forbear And am fallen out with my more headier will To take the indisposed and sickly fit For the sound man [looks at Kent] Death on my state! Wherefore should he sit here? This act persuades me That this remotion of the Duke and her Is practice only. Give me my servant forth. Go tell the Duke and's wife I'd speak with them -- Now, presently. Bid them come forth and hear me. Or at their chamber door I'll beat the drum Till it cry sleep to death."
that was right from my memory.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:44:10 PM * * *

Whorie says: Wow. I feel like I'm stuck in a really bad afterschool special. Whorie says: I'm the CTV-esque hoodie boy stuck in a "bad white" neighbourhood, slouching over the good preppie kid. I am holding out a "joint" and motioning all badboy-like "C'mon, do it. You know you want it. It feels good." i'm frightened says: haha you evil evil girl Whorie says: Then the words "JUST SAY NO" print emphatically on the screen in bold letters. Whorie says: End scene. Whorie says: The "good" kid goes home and gets high with his white-trash mama. i'm frightened says: hahaha Whorie says: The "bad" kid goes home to a British tea-drinking mother and diplomat father. Whorie says: With a maid. Whorie says: Named Tina. i'm frightened says: diplomat. i'm frightened says: tina. Whorie says: And a dog named Pooch. i'm frightened says: why the dog? Whorie says: With fancy lace curtains. Whorie says: Completes my British family picture. Whorie says: I have to fulfill my fantasies here. Whorie says: The "bad" kid's room is all brass and wood. Whorie says: Yanni is playing on the stereo. i'm frightened says: hahahahahahaha Whorie says: His mother's tennis instructor is showering upstairs, after a sweaty match. Whorie says: Tina quickly hops in and seduces him. i'm frightened says: ewwwww Whorie says: But he is done with her for the day. Whorie says: She claims the waterhose (get it? hose? penis?) sprayed on her outside in the garden. i'm frightened says: i must deparrrrt Whorie says: The gardener Gerald has a crush on Tina. He's married, but wants her. He's wanted her bod since she first started working. Whorie says: WHY. My fantasy isn't DONE! Whorie says: Go home to your white-trash mama, "good" CTV drug commercial kid! GO HOME!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:35:31 PM * * *

[ .001. ] first name: laurie [ .002. ] middle name: ashley [ .003. ] last name: doesn't matter [ .004. ] nickname(s): whorie mainly [ .005. ] gender: BOOBS [ .006. ] age: 17 [ .007. ] birthday: september 1985 [ .008. ] height: 5'2" [ .009. ] hair color: black [ .010. ] eye color: dark brown [ .011. ] race: caucasian [ .012. ] do you wear glasses or contacts: glasses [ .013. ] do you have braces: no [ .014. ] is your hair long or short: both [ .015. ] where were you born: nova scotia [ .016. ] current location: ontario [ .017. ] zodiac sign: virgo [ .018. ] how many languages do you know: one [ .019. ] nationality: ahaha i'm so stupid. caucasian? [ .020. ] bad habits: biting nails, cracking gum, fidgeting [ .021. ] piercings you have: 3 [ .022. ] piercings you want: lip [ .023. ] tattoos you have: 0 [ .024. ] tattoos you want: at least one [ .025. ] today's date: 3/2/2003 [ .026. ] the time: quarter to nine, i think [ .027. ] ready for a bunch more questions: meh
: Family : . [ .028. ] mother's name: sue [ .029. ] father's name: greg [ .030. ] step-parent's names, if any: n/a [ .031. ] brother(s)'s name(s): scott, brad [ .032. ] sister(s)'s name(s): n/a [ .033. ] favorite aunt: aunt joanne [ .034. ] favorite uncle: uncle brian [ .035. ] favorite grandparent: i can't pick [ .036. ] worst relative: none [ .037. ] best relative: can't choose between three [ .038. ] do you get along with your parents: usually [ .039. ] Does anyone in your family understand you? mostly my mom
. : Pets : . [ .040. ] do you have any pets: yes [ .041. ] what are their names: taboo [ .042. ] what kind of animals are they: dog
. : School : . [ .043. ] are you still in school: yes [ .044. ] did you drop out: no [ .045. ] current gpa, or last gpa you got: no idea [ .046. ] favorite grade: 12 [ .047. ] least favorite grade: 8th [ .048. ] favorite teacher: mr rashotto, he cracked me up [ .049. ] least favorite teacher: mrs kenny [ .050. ] favorite subject: writer's craft [ .051. ] least favorite subject: math [ .052. ] do/did you buy lunch or bring it: depends if i have money that day, or if my friends feel generous :D [ .053. ] play any sports on the school's team: no [ .054. ] do/did you do any extracurricular activities: habitat for humanity [ .055. ] are/were you popular: well, technically in grade 7 [ .056. ] favorite dance: footloose dance [ .057. ] favorite memory: too many [ .200. ] do you go by looks or personality: both [ .201. ] ever kiss a friend: no [ .202. ] are you still friends: n/a [ .203. ] so moving along..do you smoke: no [ .204. ] do you smoke weed: no [ .205. ] ever trip on acid: no [ .206. ] how about a little x: no [ .207. ] crack, heroin, anything else: no [ .208. ] beer good or beer bad: never tried it, i hate the smell [ .209. ] are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: blah [ .210. ] do you like smirnoff ice: i don't know, do i? [ .211. ] prefer beer or liquor: alcohol is dumb (I feel like an after school commercial) [ .212. ] what kind of cigarettes do you smoke: n/a [ .213. ] are you a virgin: yes [ .214. ] if no, when was the last time you got some: n/a
. : Would you ever : . [ .215. ] bungee jump: maybe [ .216. ] sky dive: maybe [ .217. ] swim with dolphins: possibly [ .218. ] scuba dive: maybe [ .219. ] go rock climbing: yes, with lots and lots of cords [ .220. ] eat shit for $1,000,000: haha probably. i like money. [ .221. ] turn your back on your friends for personal gain: no [ .222. ] steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend: no [ .223. ] cross-dress: yeah [ .224. ] lie to the police: no [. 225. ] run from the police: no [. 226. ] lie to your parents: i know i will eventually in the future [. 227. ] walk up to a stranger and kiss them: depends [. 228. ] be an exotic dancer: ew, no [ .229. ] walk out of a restaurant without paying: i'd would run back an hour later to pay [. 230. ] streak: probably not
. : Your friends : . [ .231. ] best friend: i have a few [ .232. ] known longest: claire [ .233. ] wish you talked to more: claire [ .234. ] wish you saw more: claire [ .235. ] how many friends do you think you have: as many as i need [ .236. ] who drives you insane after a while: the most? probably julia, haha, she knows it. [ .237. ] who can you stay around forever and never get sick of: jen. well, that's not true, we complain. but she's still fun. [ .238. ] ever lose a good friend because you took it to the 'next level': no [ .239.~.257.] MISSING. stupid moron
. : Have you ever : . [ .258. ] flashed someone: no [ .259. ] told the person you liked how you felt: yes [ .260. ] been to michigan: no [ .261. ] gotten really REALLY wasted: no [ .262. ] gone to jail or juvi: no [ .263. ] skateboarded: actually no [ .264. ] skinny dipped: yes [ .265. ] stolen anything: WHEN I WAS LITTLE. aww, child delinquent [ .266. ] wanted to kick my ass for making this so long: nah, i didn't notice [ .267. ] kicked someone's ass: i tried [ .268. ] pegged someone in the head with a snowball: oh yes [ .269. ] broke a beer bottle: nope [ .270. ] gotten into a bar, under-aged: no [ .271. ] kissed someone of the same sex: cheek/forehead [ .273. ] gone on a road trip: somewhat, with parents :) [ .274. ] gone on vacation without adult supervision: my parents went to california for a week and left my brother and i alone at home. does that count? [ .275. ] been to a concert: no [ .276. ] been to another country: yes [ .277. ] talked back to an adult: yes [ .278. ] got pulled over: no [ .279. ] got in a car accident: no [ .280. ] broke a law: yes [ .281. ] given money to a homeless person: i think so [ .282. ] tried to kill yourself: no [ .283. ] cried to get out of trouble: probably [ .284. ] kissed a friend's brother or sister: no [ .285. ] kissed a brother or sister's friend: no [ .286. ] dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyways: five second rule, people! come on.
. : Opinions : . [ .287. ] what do you think...about pop music: meh, it grows on you. kinda like mold or moss. [ .288. ] about boy bands: i could care less. [ .289. ] about flag burning: awful [ .290. ] of the war on terrorists: i'm anti-war but i'm that selfish kind of thinker "if it doesn't affect me directly, i don't care". don't judge me, i'm stupid. [ .292. ] about people who try to force their opinions on you: they suck. [ .293. ] about abortion: pro-life here. [ .294. ] about rock/metal music: yes, sometimes. [ .295. ] where do you think you'll be in 10 years: NO IDEA. [ .296. ] who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: i'll be 22. i don't know. that's really odd.
. : What did you do : . [ .297. ] last birthday: i don't remember. aww. i really don't. [ .298. ] yesterday: worked, ate swiss chalet, bought a backpack, off and on computer time, read some of "death of a salesman", fell asleep [ .299. ] last weekend: work i think. [ .300. ] christmas: went to my aunt and uncle's, had a fun time. [ .301. ] thanksgiving: had good food. [ .302. ] new year's eve: went to stina's party, watched drunk people, got hug-crushed by seb, cleaned for four hours. [ .303. ] halloween: probably stayed home and watched a movie [ .304. ] easter: i don't do things on easter [ .305. ] valentine's day: can't remember.
. : What did you plan on doing :. [ .306. ] next birthday: getting friends together, partying. whoo. meh. [ .307. ] tomorrow: school. soliloquy. cry in front of class b/c i'm so nervous [ .308. ] next weekend: work ALL weekend. poo. [ .309. ] christmas: probably going to my aunt and uncle's if not working. [ .310. ] thanksgiving: eating. a lot. [ .311. ] new year's eve: party of some sort, most likely. [ .312. ] halloween: ignore the kids ringing the doorbell, while watching (undoubtedly) some crap reality show. [ .313. ] easter: nothing spectacular [ .314. ] valentine's day: unless i have a boyfriend by then (snark), watching a sap movie ("bed of roses", much?) with my mom
. : the last : . [ .315. ] thing you ate: spaghetti [ .316. ] thing you drank: grape juice [ .317. ] thing you wore: jeans, t-shirt [ .318. ] place you went: living room [ .319. ] thing you got pierced/tattooed: my bellybutton [ .320. ] person you saw: brad [ .321. ] person you kissed: my dad's cheek before work yesterday [ .322. ] person you fucked: NOBODY [ .323. ] person you talked to: brad [ .324. ] song you heard: a song on alias
. : Now : . [ .325. ] what are you eating: nothing [ .326. ] what are you drinking: nothing [ .327. ] what are you wearing: light blue jeans, dark blue t-shirt, no socks [ .328. ] any shoes on: no [ .329. ] hair: curly ponytail [ .330. ] listening to: the computer hum [ .331. ] talking to anyone: no, i'm an online antisocial when i want to be [ .332. ] are you pissed i made this so long: nah, it's amusing
. : Yes or no : . [ .333. ] are you a vegetarian: no [ .334. ] do you like cows: to look at, yes. to eat, more or less. [ .335. ] are you a bitch: usually. [ .336. ] are you artistic: when i feel it. [ .337. ] do you write poetry: yeah. [ .338. ] are you a fast runner: used to be. then i gained my little pack of pudge and i run like a grampa. i wheeze after getting up from bed. [ .339. ] can you ski: haha no, i flipped over the last time i tried. [ .340. ] are you british: haha no [ .341. ] do you want to spear britney: she doesn't bother me anymore. she's just there. [ .342. ] do the voices talk to you: THEY SING TO ME INSTEAD MY HEAD. phantom of the opera yay. [ .343. ] did you ever give barbie a haircut: no, but i used to bring her in the bath and soap up her hair. then i'd rub the soap in her eyes to make them hurt. haha aw, i abused barbie dolls. [ .344. ] would you eat mac &cheese with hot dogs in it: yeah. beans & weiners are good too. [ .345. ] do you think disney creators were on acid when they made 'alice in wonderland': probably [ .346. ] are you straight: yes, i like boys a lot. too much sometimes. [ .347. ] are you stupid?, insane?, and another physically handicapped?: stupid, yes. insane, sometimes. handicapped, no. [ .348. ] are you fat: my brother claims i am. my mom says i'm practically skinny. meh. i'm a happy medium. [ .349. ] are you skinny: nah [ .350. ] are you short: yes [ .351. ] are you tall: no [ .352. ] do you own a hot pink shirt: sadly no [ .353. ] how about orange pants: no [ .354. ] can you see the flying monkeys: yes. they're flying behind you! RUN. i'm bored. [ .355. ] are you evil: when i want. [ .356. ] did you ever know someone who had a mullet: my old principal. hee. [ .357. ] is britney a whore: yes. [ .358. ] are you a teenage zombie: sure [ .359. ] am i annoying you: no [ .360. ] do you like marilyn manson: i only like two of his songs [ .361. ] are you secretly from another planet: hee. i'm bored still. [ .362. ] did you ever touch someone else's private parts: hahahahaha yes, i rape my friends often. [ .363. ] do you shop at hot topic: no
. : Random questions : . [ .364. ] if you could be any animal, what would you be: a dog. so stupid and fun and adorable. [ .365. ] if you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be: ravioli. it never gets old to me. [ .366. ] do you remember any of your dreams: usually [ .367. ] do you dream in color or black and white: i don't usually know [ .368. ] do you admit when you need help with a problem: yes [ .369. ] can people read you like a book: when i want them to [ .370. ] what's your biggest fear: drowning [ .371. ] do you talk a lot: when i'm hyper, yes [ .372. ] are you afraid of clowns: not really [ .373. ] do you like spiders: no [ .374. ] how about grape kool-aid: yeah [ .375. ] can you drive: technically [ .376. ] are you spoiled: sometimes [ .377. ] are you anti-social: no [ .378. ] do you see dumb people: yes [ .379. ] do you see dead people: no [ .380. ] any last words: i just burped. it tasted like spaghetti. [ .381. ] now that this is over, what are you going to do: talk wholeheartedly to julia
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:12:05 PM * * *
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:48:01 AM * * *
I had the weirdest dreams. 1) Scott was insane, in a big padded-esque room, and wanted his handscuff off. He pleaded and begged me to remove them, but I knew if I did, he would kill me. He got so angry at me. Frightening. 2) Rachel Dratch was on a game show, imitating an old woman. Lots of speedboats and crocodiles. I was so cold in my dream. I couldn't find socks. Someone else was there, I don't know who.
Because the power went out a few days ago and I didn't bother to fix it, my alarm was set at an odd time. I just woke up. BLAH. no work today. I need to fix my links It is incredible looking outside. Amazing. So much snow and ice, it's like WINTER WONDERLAND corny but true. I feel like I was put through to the other side of Lions, Witches & Wardrobes It was frigid in my room this morning
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:36:10 AM * * *