what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back
* * LAURIE! * *
I'm Laurie. I have hair that makes Richard Simmon's hair looks good. I like giraffes and monkeys. I especially like monkeys. When I was born, my dad said I was either a boy or the ugliest girl alive. It's things like that that makes my self-esteem so high these days. I like a mixture of music from Tool to Weezer to Billie Holiday to Flock of Seagulls. I have an extreme love for the 80s that will never cease. I think I've seen The Breakfast Club about thirty eight times, even though I only like parts of it. Emilio Estevez is my boyfriend. I have a lawn gnome named Clyde. He's dear to my heart. Bruce Willis sings stalker songs to me at night. I watch TV a lot. I love movies to death. I hate the feeling, sound, word, thought of fleece. My nanny gave me a fleece sweater awhile ago. I like the smell of gasoline, freshly cut grass and chlorine. I like when my skin smells after I get out of the pool. I tend to bite my nails too much so my nails are gross and short and creepy. I can't stand having bumps in my hair. I have to have music. I cry during scenes like the ending of Revenge of the Nerds. Unpixelated Sims is funny, and kind of creepy. Laughing at drunk people makes for good times. Claire is my sex monkey. You just wish you were, too. I'm not on crack, although you'd think I was.
* * * LINKS
Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma
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* * * * Thursday, March 27 * *
Carson says: WHORIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whorie says: WHAT? Whorie says: I think your desperation is showing, Carson.
I am not quite sure what to say. I said some things last night I meant, but worded wrongly. It's not jealousy or a feeling of exclusion or anything. I just like being around my friends, and lately I feel like I have to be a certain way to do so. Don't try analyzing that, I can't even explain it. Don't be angry with me. I don't mean to point fingers of blame, I don't blame anyone.
When will I start my rag? It's due already. I hate feeling all the symptoms and getting nothing. Two substitute (or is it three) teachers for History class in a row? She's sick. Aww. History test tomorrow. I'm screwed. I can know the information off by heart, but there will be, undoubtedly, a question on that test that I did not cover while studying. I hate that. I've failed all my quizzes and I hate that too. It makes me feel so stupid, especially next to Candice, who gets 95% on a quiz that she barely studied for. Justice, I guess.
English monologue on Tuesday. I'm the Mistress. Ooh la la. So sultry. My costume: fake eyelashes, fishnet stockings, black skirt, some black shirt, and probably no shoes. So sexed.
You're right, Julia. I was fine today. I realized I overreacted last night. I said basically some things I did feel were on my mind, but in the wrong way. I apologize to Julia and Zach for that. Today, Mary got her labret pierced.
Carson's a really nice guy. We've been talking a lot lately. They were discussing gross stuff on the bus today. Ew. I'm the only girl in the last seven seats on the bus.
"Duh...stay out of Riverdale!" - best Simpsons line ever, if I do say so myself
Today was alright. Tomorrow I sleep over at Aimee's. I must get up early to pack and do any other things that need doing. Well put, Laurie. Yes, I agree. I need to be shot.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:46:38 PM * * *
* * * * Wednesday, March 26 * *
our big collective amoeba group has split apart. i hate to say it, but there's been an impenetrable clique formed. zach and julia are the ringleaders. i'm not handing out blame or anything. this just saddens me. it's the rawk show people. they basically only blog about inside jokes and such. i dont know why im writing this but it bothers me. i cant even read people/s blogs anymore without becoming annoyed. im soryr. i dont want to read about war, i hear about it everyday. why should my escape from it be bombarded as well? honestly though, read one of (example) zach or josie's recent posts. what do they consist of? inside jokes from tech or art class or whatever. yeah i've posted inside jokes and stuff alot. but i dont know. maybe its my period coming soon. i have no clue but its so frustrating. i feel so bad because this is my last year and i can only stand to be around certain people now. and this really bothers me. i dont want people mad at me and i dont want to be mad at them. but i cant help but feel extremely angry around people lately.
i handed in my history essay today. i dont think she'll like it. she never likes it. my drivers ed is drilling me into the ground in the worst way. it wastes my useless time. the only good thing is some guy named zach in it. he's okay. i am so sick of habitat work. ive done my share! i am not becoming a stupid waitress for him. english monologues on tuesday. i am screwed for that. just screwed.
this weekend i might as well as stay home and work. no rawk show for me. theres no definite ride anyway. so friday night, i work homework style. then saturday, work until aimee's sleepover with movies galore. then i work sunday. i hate my life osmetimes. it is so full yet not in the same aspect.
that drivers ed zach guy is nice, i suppose. looks like a guy i used to know a lot. he asked how old kristina and i were. i was writing a story on kristina's notepad "i think im gay / by: kristina n" and i was laughing hysterically. he sits kinda beside her, so he leaned over and asked what was so funny. he offered us cola. he goes to ths.
my bus rides went from ok to bad. so many arguments, i hate it. just shut up, ray. just shut up, chad. gah. let me listen to my music and leave me alone. man im pmsy. i can even tell. my cheeks are flaming hot. our d.ed teacher gina was calling attendance. she said "corey" and i got up to give her my sheet. man oh man. kristina laughed at me. who wears high heels to drivers ed?
i got an email from adbusters today. im seriously considering an internship through college there. it would be amazing. i guess im sleeping over at aieme's friday night instead. sigh. im so tired so tired i feel exhausted. my tears are right there but i have no reason to make them go. i keep typing but with my eyes closed lets see how it tuns out, shall we? meh i odnt feel like opening my eyes ever again, i feel so. i dont even know anymore. people are so anti-prom. just DONT GO. not a big deal, people. just stop whining about it already. either pick up a dress, do the fancy bit or whatevre you want and go. if not, stay home or go out with friends that feel the same. just be quiet about it.
i hate opinions, i think.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:09:03 PM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, March 25 * *
i am dying my hair. it will not be radical or amazing. it will be basically the same colour i dye my hair everytime. it promises "stoplight red." but when it says that, i get "maybe red, maybe brown." if i was a hairdye company, i would not lie. c'mon people.
despite my recent whinings, i'm seriously debating whether to attend friday's rawk show. i've never been. so maybe i was in the wrong by calling people there fake. not everyone, mind you, but people i know that go are fake. SOME of them. don't get defensive, anyone who reads this - it's probably not about you.
im listening to my dad's 70s music. it is great fun. i love pink floyd. nothing is greater than pink floyd when you're depressed. honestly. or at least in a bad mood. i recently found my newly lost frankie valli cd, and i was greatly pleased. i've listened to it for the past few days. i love them. i just dont care what people think. it is catchy fun music and pooh on you if you dont like it.
shannon just sent me a picture of creepy samarra from the ring. hee. today's lunch was so hilarious. seriously, steph is the best ever. we have so much fun. mexico day was a flop, but a good fun flop. sombreros make for good fun. anyway. i found myself yelling the word BOOB a lot. it is such a creepy but great word to go around saying to strangers.
english class consisted of a bitchy debate. so catty. i marked down the cattiest group. one of the girls high-fived the other one so cockily because she made a "good" remark that nobody could rebuttal against. (that reminds me of the movie strike: "WHAT IS THIS? A HUNTAH?! *cue dramatic music*) great. anyway. yeah. so i gave them a lower mark :)
history class had a substitute with a creepy face, and fun/strict personality. i dunno. chantale drew all over my arms because we were both bored. then i made up a even creepier running song which made no sense. i nearly died laughing at myself. i am truly the funniest person alive.
this hair dye is burning my eyes. and headache. aww.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 4:49:47 PM * * *
Due today:
- Need to find a good history article - English proposal for ISU - Writer's Craft workbook - Writer's Craft introduction
meh. I spent all last night watching tv and doing my last st pauls article :( How tragic. I have joan jett stuck in my head. WHY. last night's newer episode of even stevens was sad. tawny should kiss louis already. lizzie mcguire was also new last night, of which i was so happy for! :D i'm SUCH A GEEK. oh well. it's a good show and i don't care that it's aimed at 12-14 year olds. bleh. i feel gross. brad's in the ahower. i just got out. there was adead spider at the bottom. kinda creeped me out. bye.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:02:51 AM * * *
* * * * Sunday, March 23 * *
You have no idea how much "Beverly Hills Ninja" amuses me. No idea. I feel sick still. Stupid delicious potato salad. The Simpsons was funny tonight - the whole black ink disguise thing had me laughing out loud. I watched some of the Oscars. Meh. Seriously, everything I felt before is so amplified right now. I watched "Drive Me Crazy" tonight. Probably the stupidest movie in history, EVER, but I can't help but watch it. Dorks are the best kind of boyfriends to have. I wouldn't want a smooth-talker. Because nerds and dweebs and dorks and geeks are funny in their unique kind of way, and they would worship the ground that you walk on. I'm talking to Aimee on the phone. I think I'm sleeping over at her house on Friday or Saturday next weekend. Julia asked me to go to the Rawk Show, but honestly, I don't know. I don't know anyone, and a lot of people that I know would be going, I detest. Not naming names or anything. But I can't stand fake people - not to use the word poser though, I hate when people call each other posers actually - but I just hate fake people.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:51:42 PM * * *
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:54:10 AM * * *
Emma, I am strongly compelled to ask: Did you get drunk last night?
Other than that, I feel totally like crap. I came online to email Carson about our debate. I seriously don't knwo what's wrong with my body. I called in sick. My mom made me.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:44:31 AM * * *