what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back
* * LAURIE! * *
I'm Laurie. I have hair that makes Richard Simmon's hair looks good. I like giraffes and monkeys. I especially like monkeys. When I was born, my dad said I was either a boy or the ugliest girl alive. It's things like that that makes my self-esteem so high these days. I like a mixture of music from Tool to Weezer to Billie Holiday to Flock of Seagulls. I have an extreme love for the 80s that will never cease. I think I've seen The Breakfast Club about thirty eight times, even though I only like parts of it. Emilio Estevez is my boyfriend. I have a lawn gnome named Clyde. He's dear to my heart. Bruce Willis sings stalker songs to me at night. I watch TV a lot. I love movies to death. I hate the feeling, sound, word, thought of fleece. My nanny gave me a fleece sweater awhile ago. I like the smell of gasoline, freshly cut grass and chlorine. I like when my skin smells after I get out of the pool. I tend to bite my nails too much so my nails are gross and short and creepy. I can't stand having bumps in my hair. I have to have music. I cry during scenes like the ending of Revenge of the Nerds. Unpixelated Sims is funny, and kind of creepy. Laughing at drunk people makes for good times. Claire is my sex monkey. You just wish you were, too. I'm not on crack, although you'd think I was.
* * * LINKS
Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma
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* * * * Saturday, April 5 * *
holy crap. oh my wow. our living room is SO DIFFERENT. !! i can't wait for julia or jen to see it. because clearly they are the only ones that come over to my house. because clearly i am that much of a loser. oh well. i rented "trapped" and "legally blonde" tonight. watched the latter by my lonesome. i had already seen "trapped" but my mom wanted to watch it. it was good, again. I am..

Take The Test! The wisdom of the test has concluded that you are not cool. You may not be good-looking, you may not be smooth, and you may not be cool, but at least you'll always have Star Trek!
please register at my message boards! why can't i be cool like the fonz.
emma, i fully support your pottery cafe idea. it sounds so cool and awesome. you should make your neat cup lamps for it. ralph (pronounced RAFE, according to jen) fiennes is so homely but his character in "red dragon" is sexy. shut up, i know he's a eye-removing serial killer. but you know...his nice side is pityingly attractive.
why is julia going to toronto tomorrow? maybe i can come if i wake up early and clean my room.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:21:33 PM * * *
im at jens.shes still sleeping. my dad is coming to pick me up in half an hour.TO GO TO WORK. meuhg.
we watched: revenge of the nerds (best ever...i must show shannon all the nerdery), red dragon (really good!) and ghost ship (surprisingly scary and disturbing...shocking too, with good music)
anyway. im talking to brad on msn.mydad's coming to get me now.gotta brush my teeth and wake up jen :)
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:53:57 AM * * *
* * * * Friday, April 4 * *
chopstick retarded. i like the sound of that. hmm.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:55:05 AM * * *

APPEARANCE hair: brown w/ red higlights, poofy, frizzy, curly eyes: dark brown height: 5'3" or something style clothing: anything that fits and is clean. well...just fits. ahah. ew. body shape: like a pear. with creepy poofy hair.
RIGHT NOW wearing: striped green shirt and plaid green boxers. sexy. listening to: celine dion & andre bocelli, of my mom's doing. she's cleaning to it. woo. she stood in the doorway, serenading me. thinking of: beauty & the beast movie feeling: like a vegetable
LAST THING YOU bought: a mcchicken meal on friday did: asked my mom what cd she was listening to ate & drank: breakfast (bacon, eggs, potatoes) & orange juice watched on tv: "without a trace" with my mom last night
WHERE DO YOU eat: where the food is, yo. dance: anywhere i can. cry: my room usually
WHAT IS... The most embarrassing CD in your collection? blink 182 or something. i liked them alot but uhh...now? no. Your bedroom like? super messy. Your favorite thing for breakfast? cinnamon toast or bagels. Your favorite thing for lunch? subs or poutine. Your favorite thing for dinner? anything. anywhere. Your favorite Restaurant? kelsey's or montana's. i just remembered a dream from awhile ago where i lied to a waitress about it being my birthday. freaky.
ARE YOU... A Vegetarian?: no, i'd probably forget and eat a steak. A Good Student?: no. i would be if i applied myself. Good At Sports?: much too lazy for that kind of exercise. A Good Singer?: heh, no. A good Actor/Actress?: let's just put it this way...i'm like those bad tv actors who are in those commercials for house alarm systems or something-o-matic beds A deep sleeper?: generally A Good Dancer?: i'm not given weird looks when i do so i guess i'm satisfactory. Shy?: yes. Outgoing?: yes. A good storyteller?: no. i tell pointless stories, i laugh hysterically at the "good" part, which only i find amusing. of course.
5 things you hate 1) bad spelling 2) mean people/bullies 3) prejudice 4) math 5) short sheets in a bed
5 things you love 1) vintage things 2) goodwill/sally ann/etc 3) buying glasses 4) music 5) movies, any kind i don't care
5 things on your computer desk 1) my glasses 2) a paper with a military-time clock on it to help me 3) bills and papers of my parents' 4) calculator 5) post-its
7 bands/artists you love. 1) bright eyes 2) frankie valli 3) barry manilow 4) weezer 5) fleetwood mac 6) the eagles 7) deftones
[ x ] Spell your first name backwards - eirual (kind of like ariel...."but daddy i love him!" "ARIEL!" shoot me?) [ x ] The story behind your lj user name - shut up, foo' [ x ] Are you a lesbian - yes, i'm involved with manly dyke. shh. [ x ] Where do you live - canada. [ x ] 4 words that sum you up - stupid, goofy, sarcastic, hungry (perpetually)
DESCRIBE YOUR [ x ] Wallet - i have no such thing, dayna is going to make me one...marks my words, she WILL [ x ] Hairbrush - some weird blue one, meh [ x ] Toothbrush - electric, pink, got it as a present (happy birthday, brush your teeth, you dirty pig) [ x ] Jewelry worn daily - puka shell necklace always [ x ] Pillow cover - i change it [ x ] Shoes - they are brown and from walmart. they have lasted four years. they have white laces and are pretty tacky but comfy. [ x ] Handbag - my weird-coloured messenger bag. ahh, i love it. [ x ] Favorite top - i'm a shirt whore. i like a new one every week. [ x ] Cologne/Perfume - some stuff of my mom's. i actually like it. [ x ] CD in stereo right now - i'm supposed to describe the cd? well, it has the song titles on it. its beige. shiny on the bottom. [ x ] Tattoos - none [ x ] Piercings - ears and belly button [ x ] Hair - thank you, captain repeat yourself (oh my, i'm stupid) [ x ] Makeup - mascara (for no other reason to cry ridiculously and then have big black rivers down my face. no, not really.) and eyeliner.
WHO or WHAT (was/is/are) [ x ] In my mouth - my fingernail, chewing [ x ] After this - i'll eat breakfast [ x ] Talking to - nobody [ x ] Eating - nothing [ x ] If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason - nobody, the guilt would eat me alive [ x ] Something you're looking forward to in upcoming months - graduation, prom, college [ x ] Do you believe in love - yeah [ x ] Do you believe in soul mates - ehh [ x ] Do you believe in love at first sight - lust at first sight [ x ] Do you believe in Heaven - yes [ x ] Do you believe in forgiveness - yes [ x ] Do you believe in God - yes [ x ] Who is your worst enemy - nobody really [ x ] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be - a monkey. but they like masturbate in public and do creepy things. i think i just like the noises they make. in that case, i'll have a koala and i'll call claire for the monkey sounds. [ x ] What is the latest you've ever stayed up - all night [ x ] Ever been to Belgium - no. [ x ] Can you eat with chopsticks - no, claire tried to teach me multiple times. i am chopstick retarded. [ x ] What's your favorite coin - quarter
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:52:23 AM * * *

two snow days in a row! whee. no history presentation. no english test. no writer's craft story editing. i am freeee.
i worked last night 5-9. whew. i had maybe fifteen customers for those four hours. crazy. i priced linens all night long. after the bakery side people went home, there was three of us in the store alone. pam, barb and i. kinda spooky. especially because pam's all "perfect time to rob us." and i'm standing beside the full till. heh.
i want to go to the rawk show tonight. i'm a rawk show virgin. tee hee.
i NEED TO FIND MY TWEEZERS!!! my eyebrows are like men's. scary. and i absolutely refuse to shave off the stray hairs. seriously, i hate having creepy eyebrows, i've had them up to grade twelve, people! give me some slack. someone buy me tweezers. stat!
no more pressure concerning colleges anymore. i have to apply for OSAP this weekend. yes indeedy, i do. i'm not entirely sure what else to say. it's like 7:30, i'm awake all alone. boohoo me. gonna go watch an episode of saved by the bell, then a bunch of old dawson's creek episodes. hey, i liked that show when it first came on. no disrespectin'! hee.
at noon, i will call julia about the rawk show. hopefully the roads clear up by tonight. doubt it though. oh well, if not, i have highspeed dsl and i'm ready for my downloading spreeeeeeeeeeeeee.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:24:38 AM * * *
* * * * Thursday, April 3 * *
kiel is the biggest hypochondriac. he's actually not that bad. kinda funny. when he's not talking about pot or douchebags. he was convinced that: he's going to die, he has SARS (which resulted in the biggest, most pointless conversation about SARS ever) and a cancerous mole. oh dear.
Steph says: hope not to see you tomorrow Whorie says: hahaha.....thanks?
snow day? we'll see. 1) history presentation 2) english test 3) writer's craft edit
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:16:14 AM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, April 1 * *
Received my acceptance letter from Durham today. Yeah, no. Haven't heard back from Algonquin...I never took that mandatory test. Heh. Oh well. I would laugh so hard if I got accepted anyway. I don't even care about Durham. If I didn't get into Algonquin or Loyalist, I wouldn't even go. It was just there.
The house feels so dead. Robbed of silence or something. Eerie.
Brad and his friend (I wrote friday instead) Joey are downstairs. Joey was all upset about breaking up with his girlfriend, who lives across the street, so he came over. I thought he was stoned, because his eyes were red. He was crying.
John, Vanessa, Kiel and I had a big discussion on being different in History class. Kiel and Vanessa don't want to be weird-different. They want to be normal. I said I wanted to be different, weird or not. Just different. She's like "Yeah, you are different. I see how you are." But in a mean kind of way. Oh well, different is good. John didn't really comment at all about it. Kiel was convinced he had SARS because he coughed, like, twice in class.
I slipped and nearly fell in my secretary heels in English class. Oh dear. But I was witty under pressure. "What kind of mistress am I!" Then I was just standing there, waiting for her to finish marking Stina's rubric before watching my monologue. So I stood in front of the class. And stood some more. Then finally Kirk's like "I bet you feel pretty awkward right about now?" Indeed, I did. His was hilarious. He recited his first sentence, then was like "Line?" But Carson's beat everyone's. It was priceless. "Golly! Gee whiz! Wow, what a looker!" And then he tried to say (three times, unsuccessfully) "Pop proud". Oh my, I laughed hysterically.
I tried on my mom's wedding dress. I'm getting too fat. I guess my mom was uber-skinny, because it wouldn't zip up. Man, I'm such a cow. I'm getting a slow progressive headache. I watched TV from the time I came home to 6. I was so bored. Our highspeed isn't working right. Gah.
How do I feel about college? I'm not sure. It will probably be just another high school. I hope, shallowly enough, that there are cute Print Journalism boys in my class. That would be distracting. But exciting. Anyway. It's cool that all these people are getting in. I'll know 12 people going, whether or not they're in my course.
I can't wear my eighties velvet purple dress for prom. I tried dancing all bouncy to it, and I nearly popped out. What little I have almost came out, so that's a no-no to the best dress ever. Bye bye dress with shimmery B.O-smelling boob ruffle.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 8:54:45 PM * * *
* * * * Monday, March 31 * *
1) We get DSL tomorrow. 2) I got into Loyalist. 3) I don't give one crap about my monologue anymore. 4) Taboo keeps licking my legs when I'm wearing stockings. Creepy. 5) School Reach sucked. 6) Writer's Craft agitates me further every day. 7) Steph wrote "Never stop running" on the blackboard and I realized it half an hour later and laughed. 8) "Adirondaks"
I owe: $20 - Jen (Montana's) $6 - Mrs Wodja (OAC Auction) $3 - Shannon (Subway)
That's nearly $30 right there. Blargh. I'm happy I got into Loyalist. I really am. I nearly cried in the post office. But I'm okay now. I tricked my dad, telling him I didn't get in. Hee.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:00:36 PM * * *
i never knew that zach's brother went to this school haha i was amazed and i hate the smell of muiffins
* You're so silly, Nanny! 8:58:46 AM * * *
* * * * Sunday, March 30 * *
movie talk with carson. gotta still write my monologue. i wont know it by tuesday, no way i put my mp3 list on shuffle & this is what i got:
112 - peaches & cream nelly - country grammar deftones - mascara beatnuts - off the books veruca salt - seether coolio - gangsters paradise eagle eye cherry - save tonight air - high school lover
gotta love variety. all those rap songs are brad's.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:35:36 PM * * *
All I have to say is:
WE'RE GETTING DSL~!!!11/1111113111111111!!! FINALLY!!!!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:21:14 PM * * *

"the core" was pure cheese. but great because of jen trying to do her "haaaay" but getting cut off by her own hacking. and then that one guy's sneeze. so priceless. i don't know why. no popcorn express :( i work in an hour. man, montana's was so fun. everything good happened. in the car ride home, we went silent, listening to frankie valli then the chicago soundtrack. nobody talked.
highlights: the sneeze, jen's haaaay, jen trying to write her name upside down, GANGLY DYKE, cold hand luke!, "that gives new meaning to buffalo wings, eh?" (which made no sense at all), trying to steal the napkins, creepy janitor guy, taking a picture of creepy popcorn express boy inconscpiciously, jen honking to the tune of 'all that jazz', sneaking into julia's house, julia's horribly stinky feet, throwing milk duds at those ugly girls, creating a rendition of the rapper situation that went on a couple weeks ago, julia and i rapping in famous players, justyne's manlaugh, my old lady sweater, KELI, the napkin, the girl who should've gotten fired for not spacing out the horseshoes, the music in montana's, dancing to earth, wind & fire ("do you remembah?"), creepy lady who scared julia & i in the next car, 'ranch hands only' - dirty!, and oh so much more.
it was a great fun night. upload the pictures, julia! NOW>
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:04:59 AM * * *