what the frank
layout by Rae
baby got back
* * LAURIE! * *
flick: dumb and dumber
click: seinfeld
sniff: hotel pools
poison: orange juice
chew: pasta
spin: radiohead - the bends
* * CURRENTLY: * *
read: ann brashares - sisterhood of the traveling pants
played: josie & the pussycats - you don't see me
watched: the lizzie mcguire movie
* * * LINKS * *
Shannon, Josie, Emma, Zach, Steph, Julia, Betsy, Gemma
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* * * * Saturday, June 28 * *
Dress = on Makeup = done Hair = done Shoes = on Purse = full Pictures = half taken Corsage = on
Going to Jen's soon to take MORE pictures. Ehe. Yay for Ursula's uber-Italian last-minute prom date! ALL BECAUSE OF ME, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I so deserve the world.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 4:33:50 PM * * *
Ahh. Ursula thinks he's hot! It's so the hair.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 3:56:10 PM * * *
look at the time i wrote this yup.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 3:49:35 AM * * *
Me tired. Me too lazy to log off. Me playing Truth or Dare secretarcade style.
Aaron leaves "today" Prom is "today" Blah.
DOoo dooodoooo.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 2:53:07 AM * * *
* * * * Friday, June 27 * *
probable sleeping arrangements:
2 in my bed (jen and i, haha suckers) 2 in scott's bed 4 - 5 in the living room
that should cover it? someone can sleep on my floor if there's no room.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:38:29 PM * * *
While shopping on Wednesday, all I kept saying was: "Pourquoi, mon frere?" But I would pronounce "frere" terribly and totally butcher it. So, um. I don't know. My parents are going to be here tomorrow night - BUT don't worry they're staying downstairs, they won't come up unless I ask them to. They'll be using earplugs and all that. They don't care, just as long as there's not people outside shrieking their heads off at midnight. Today was tiring I lost my waterbottle somewhere in the store. I finished reading two books today too.
Tomorrow consists of: CLEANING bathing (& shaving, of course) more cleaning a tad of decoration and getting ready (ie: hair, makeup, dress) la la la la.
I am so not even excited. That will change by tomorrow.
My cousin & I are mocking my dad for, a long time ago, saying "what's the diff?" ahehehe.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:34:28 PM * * *
I'm hungry. And playing online Truth or Dare here. Um. I'm still hungry. We set off fireworks tonight. They were really bright. Talking to some kid named Alex. He's from Hamilton. He's alright. I work 10 - 5 tomorrow morning. But I could care less. It'll be a longer, but blah shift as usual. My neck hurts from sleeping on Jen's bed funny. I can't twist it back. I need new lenses for my glasses - my prescription has shifted. Breh. That sounds like a unfinished "bread."
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:01:43 AM * * *
* * * * Thursday, June 26 * *
Blogger's all different! Weeeeird.
Okay, anyway. Last night was a lot of fun. I got there at like 6, and mingled til we got our gowns, caps and flowers. Ehe, Mr. Lattner appreciated that I unzipped for him. Woo. We marched in and I got stuck in between two very pessimistic Kyle's. Some of the speeches bored me, some of them were interesting, but they were not HALF as long as they were 2 years ago! Then came the awards. Seriously, when the pictures develop, they'll be of me like "Whuh? Huh?" because I was seriously not expecting any to come to my name. Well, I was pleased/confused. I kept hitting the people in front of me when I was trying to get out of my row. Sorry, Steph!
Emily as valedictorian was perfect. I teared up only because she did, but I'm like that. It was a very nice speech though - not just about inside jokes, like some people have done before. Mr. Rashotte getting cheered on by the graduates was awesome. He took it so calmly too. Mr. Guay up there, ready to present his award, looked so cocky and smug. Hee. Kyle Woodford and I laughed at that. Then, whenever whoever called Mr. Gomez "Dick." We were like dying. Heh. I talked to Jen and Kyle a lot. I ignored the other Kyle. A lot of kids didn't graduate this year! I was really surprised at the numbers.
Afterwards, it was these huge sweaty masses of people like crowding everyone. I was trying to find my parents and friends. My nanny (see layout) attacked me and made me pose a lot. A LOT. Then I found Jen, and everyone, and posed for a lot more pictures. Talked with Mr. Stuart briefly. We couldn't find Mr. Rashotte or Mrs. Demaiter. Her shattered wine glass means everything now. Then I got my bag, returned my gown and went home with Jen. We ate cake with her family (and adorable but deaf grandparents: "Mayfield? Wakefield? Windfield?") and her mom gave me a present - a framed picture of Jen. Ahaha, I laughed so hard.
We then went to Julia's, where I had to remove my fake nails (one had already fallen off in the ceremony - I made Kyle subtly put it on the floor, which my dad had noticed!) so as to ease my own comfort. I swam, attacked Jen, listened to Jen's unsexy gargly seduction noises, and was spooked by the dark pool water. Boo. We all got our collages (I liked it! Thanks, Bool!) and left for Subway. Ate, teased Dayna, gaped at Candice's lack of morals concerning pickles, and then tiredly left. It was a good, fun night.
After Jen and I got back to her house, we popped in the "American Pie 2" DVD and I fell asleep 3/4 way through. Woke up near the end, and went to bed. Bahhh. Woke up at 11, watched some of "Men in Black II" and got picked up. I am going to go swimming. I have an eye appointment at 4. I work tomorrow 10 - 5 which won't completely suck. I have completely (as much as possible) calmed down about after-prom plans. As contrary to popular belief, I don't really think about prom at all, nor do I fret over it. I haven't built it up to be this big thing - right now, I don't even think or care about it. So yeah. I am not like a certain Melanie. I hope she wears something decent that night though.
Over all, I received $750 last night in awards. $500 bursary, and $250 for whatever. That latter half is like, just for me. So we're putting it towards a car, or my digital camera. Which I desperately need for next year, or I'm up the creek without a paddle. Yes. All last night I had Puddle of Mudd's "She Hates Me" stuck in my head.
Sidenote: My dad was looking at himself in the mirror, and like gently pounding on his chest so I laughed and asked what he was doing. His response? "Holding my manbreasts." Almost up the par with Zach's dad's creepiness. But my dad was joking. Also, since when did "H to the Izzo" by Jay-Z become a teen anthem? That song doesn't even make sense. Sometimes I dislike you, MuchMusic. But you have George - so I really can't hold a grudge.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:26:04 PM * * *
* * * * Wednesday, June 25 * *
so today's grad. doesn't feel like it. i need to take a lukewarm bath (or else i'll boil), get on my nails, eat supper and go. better start my bath now.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:20:22 PM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, June 24 * *
so nancy just did my "grad" hairdo it kinda looks like my prom hairdo bleh,. both are fine. im just tired and i want to go on my own computer my cousin's writing an email to his "girl"friend hehe i was like "by girlfriend, you really mean boyfriend" anyway.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:02:55 PM * * *
i dont even want to go to prom. i dont want to have the stupid party and i dont want people telling me how i feel,.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:26:15 PM * * *
im grass so trample over me. you dont care if it hurts me.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:24:19 PM * * *
im suddenly really tired and i feel like curling up and crying.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:59:42 PM * * *
some people aren't understand the simplest concepts of the party. coming to the party would mean everyone can sleep over. people are so baffled by this, and it's not hard to comprehend,.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:59:11 PM * * *
Come if I like you. Come if you want. There is no pressure to show up because if you show up only because you feel forced, I don't want you there. Don't invite people you know that I don't like. Don't bring stupid things that would incriminate us all. Don't be ridiculous about the party, and whine constantly. It's a party. Just stop griping about other parties, and pick one. If there isn't another one going on, and you decide to come to mine because of a lack of choices, screw you. I am sorry, but this has made me incredibly bitter. I would swear at the moment but I'm not a swearing person. So come if you feel like it. If you don't feel like it, go somewhere else or stay home. I don't want you here.
side note: my grandparents & cousin aaron are here. i have a driving lesson in two hours. from 1:30 - 3:30. in the city. how frightened am i? not really. bruce is cool. my grandpa's fake laugh is awesome. it sounds like a hyena/squirrel on drugs. don't ask. i had a dream, a couple actually, that 1) someone ugly was really famous and it was such a big deal 2) i was shoe-shopping and i got REALLY mad at this stupid annoying customer (was i a salesperson?) 3) katie mcd and i were talking and we found out that we bought the same shorts - this was amazing news, of course.
my nanny gave me her oldschool mermaid soapdish!! i really am happy - i have loved that soapdish since whenever. it's so corny looking. aww, good times. family's here. graduation's tomorrow. nancy practiced on my hair and it was nice, but she agreed that i need to buy more bobby pins for it to work.
to buy: - liquid eyeliner - bobby pins - bathing suit top - hair elastics
i am such a drama queen. NOT.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:40:38 AM * * *
* * * * Monday, June 23 * *
all i have to say is:
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:44:00 PM * * *
worked 9 - 6 today BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. had to get that out of my system my cheeks feel like they're on fire. i love working with karissa she's short like me, mousy but in a good way SO QUIET. aww. she's cute. nancy's gonna practice my prom hairdo soon so, if she can't be here saturday night, my mom can do it
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:16:26 PM * * *
still awake.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 3:49:22 AM * * *
Steph says: plus my name is ted. Steph says: which is short for ted.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 3:17:34 AM * * *
oysters with beards. igor likes puppies and rockets.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:59:25 AM * * *
a janitor's pusihg a mop in my face a broom for my dreams a bucket full of crappy poems that i'll never write again becaus by then ive realized that slippery floors dont equal happiness
,,, okay, i JUST wrote that. out of NOWHERE> what the frig am i on?>
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:11:42 AM * * *
* * * * Sunday, June 22 * *
my heart hurts all of a sudden. i hate telling bad news.
tonight was good. i like swimming. i hate skanky girls. i hate watery slushies. i like my friends. i like taking pictures in the park.
i hate knowing i have to work tomorrow. i like knowing i'll get good money. i like listening to my music. i hate ignoring the obvious.
this is the place where i'm falling apart.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:53:16 PM * * *