* * * * Saturday, July 19 * *
So far, I like what I'm hearing of Nine Inch Nails. Sometimes I surpise even myself.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:51:40 AM * * *
I worked from 1-9 today. And it went superfast. So I was pleased. I got candle wax powder-dust-residue all over my black shorts though. Karie S. came in today just before we closed. And since no keyholder was around, I talked to her for awhile. She's coming back in tomorrow too, with Amy. Heh. Seriously, that shift zipped by. I'm halfway through re-reading "Catcher in the Rye." I read it awhile ago, got bored and didn't finish it. So I vow to finish reading it. I will make around $450 dollars after these next two weeks.
Tues 22nd: 8:45 - 6 Weds 23rd: 9-6 Thurs 24th: 1-9 Fri 25th: 1-9 Sat 26th: 11-4 Sun 27th: OFF
Mon 28th: 11-4 Tuesday 29th: 10-5 Weds 30th: OFF Thurs 31st: 5-9 Fri 1st: OFF Sat 2nd: 11-4 Sun 3rd: 12-4
Ah. Not too shabby, I say. Not too shabby at all. I work until 6, the night of our Christmas in July work party. Heh. Well, boo actually. Jen's my guest - she better come! My brother is eating peanut butter toast and it's making me almost gag. The smell - ugh. I ate lasagna at 9:30 this evening. And drank a toonie strawberry shake from Reid's Dairy. So filling. I am dehydrated. My mom brought me home all these Harlequins that I can keep. Heh. Except they're all like "Father of my Child", "Expecting Parents", "Baby's Daddy". They're all pregnancy-love ones. Ew. I like my Harlequin couples single and virile ahahaha. Ew. I'm superthirsty. I like that Solo cellphone commercial where the digital people are dancing to the cellphone ring of "Superfreak" - hee hee. "the kind you don't take home to mothaaaaa!" Some snooty people came into the store today. They were snooty and I disliked them immediately. Karie disliked the "creepy" Anne of Green Gables doll collection we have. Tsk. I am tired. I came home, sat down in front of the TV and watched some television. Woo. I want my "Dirty Dancing" DVD and my "Footloose" video back from Aimee! I am REALLY thirsty. I shall go get a drink. Notice a pattern? I I I I I Aha. I woke up at 8 this morning. EIGHT O CLOCK. I WORKED AT ONE. I thought that I worked at 9, so I freaked out and hopped into the shower. As soon as I got the shampoo in my hair, I realized my almost-comedic predicament and proceeded to take a half-hour shower. Mwaha.
Is it possible for orange juice to give you a brainfreeze? Because my orange juice just did.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:59:58 AM * * *
* * * * Thursday, July 17 * *
lookit me go...
1. talking on the phone to people i like 2. good music 3. making fun of people i dislike 4. writing 5. reading books (and not just harlequins) 6. going to the movies 7. fun dates 8. clicking with someone 9. guys with big curly shaggy dark hair 10. cheesy movies 11. seeing people i haven't met in awhile, catching up on things 12. being nerdy with your friends and not caring one bit 13. when a work shift goes really fast 14. things that make you think 15. photographs 16. having a good body day (good hair, good makeup, good clothes) 17. laughing until you're sick 18. having a battle of wits 19. swinging on swings that don't pinch your bum 20. hanging out with my friends 21. swimming 22. falling asleep to music 23. reminiscing good memories 24. rambo movies 25. back to the future trilogy 26. die hard 27. fitting into a nice dress 28. getting lost in the moment 29. singing along with songs 30. being in the car and the perfect song comes on and its awesome 31. serenading people with cheesy songs (ie: "rock your body" by justin timberlake to my dad) 32. meeting people and just connecting 33. 50s-80s-90s music 34. listening to the oldies with my mom 35. rick astley 36. the christmas tape my mom loves and plays every year 37. orange juice 38. my dog, taboo 39. cuddling 40. fun nicknames 41. calling my friends hoes and sluts and skanks for fun. 42. sleepovers (best sleepover ever: precipitation is imminent!) 43. realizing i lost weight 44. richard simmons 45. crazy infomercials 46. when i realize i want the product that is advertised for three hours straight 47. thinking up half-innocent fantasies at work when i'm bored :D 48. cute little old people 49. "grammer is stoopid!" hee 50. when i realize my bra cup increased slightly haha 51. superstation movies 52. saved by the bell, full house, california dreams 53. old dawsons creek episodes 54. fireworks that don't work heh 55. dumb & dumber 56. cankles (REPRESENT!) 57. my family and friends 58. relating to lyrics i love, unless they're depressing lyrics 59. gerbert 60. collages 61. making crappy zines with julia 62. thrift-shopping 63. gnoming! 64. having a clean room 65. ostriches 66. sister sister 67. the disney/family channel 68. ted. 69. reading my harlequins (coincedentally, this takes place on a perverted number) 70. reading my old journals from when i was in grade two, where i was a chronic liar 71. being a chronic liar at age 8 72. sidewalk chalk 73. skipping rope 74. singing those handclap game songs (miss mary mack mack mack...) 75. mc hammer 76. the words "beef oven" 77. watching john cusack movies with steph 78. nintendo 79. clairol's monkey noise 80. the 80s dance 81. hilarious 3-4 am conversations online 82. milli vanilli 83. trying to figure out if tracey chapman is a boy or girl 84. spending a day debating whether birds have penises or not...and still not knowing 85. michael jackson 86. playing tag 87. playing the game risk with all my friends 88. playing cranium (bookworm) 89. making things 90. baking and not screwing up 91. when someone says "ugh, that movie looks stupid" and you really want to see it and you tell me haha 92. funny phonecalls 93. blaring bad music and dancing in the car 94. strawberries 95. playing badminton 96. being outside 97. reading my friends' blogs 98. dancing and singing 99. vegging out 100. there's more
* You're so silly, Nanny! 4:21:29 PM * * *
just because im trendy...
1. when i can't figure out what some song lyrics are 2. bad screamo 3. my brother's choice in music 4. when my family fights 5. headaches 6. missing out on making money 7. spending money. 8. lowrise jeans on girls with backfat 9. when i bite my nails too low and they hurt 10. really loud thunderstorms 11. dark water 12. sharks 13. crocodiles and alligators 14. being hungry and being without food 15. music that you hate to like 16. crappy music videos 17. jay leno (except for 'headlines') 18. morning breath 19. being wrong 20. sleeping in 21. hypocrites 22. burning my fingers with lighters 23. getting repeatedly lectured on the same thing 24. people who flaunt their skankiness, etc. 25. having to admit that im wrong 26. when computers mess up 27. when good radio stations go fuzzy and staticky during a good song 28. loneliness 29. when your stomach rumbles in public and its really quiet 30. creepy people who leer at you quite obviously 31. annoying drunk girls 32. music that feels it has to be loud to be good 33. cold pools 34. sunburns 35. springtime 36. showering in other people's houses (except jen's) 37. people who try to hard to be different and out-there 38. when kazaa shuts itself down 39. feeling left out 40. rejection 41. bad dates 42. when people can't even try to enjoy the simpsons 43. when i get picked on for making lists 44. being poor 45. loud people during movies 46. maxim magazine 47. chlorine messing up my hair 48. bad pop songs 49. odd numbers, i hate them 50. there we go 51. math 52. not getting the grade that i know i deserve 53. conceited people 54. people who talk just to hear their own voice 55. boring parties 56. vomiting 57. when time slips by unknowingly 58. sweating 59. fainting 60. expensive stuff 61. cheap nail polish 62. fake, ditzy girls 63. building something up...then being let down 64. guns 65. dialing the wrong number 66. creepy phone calls from drunk/stoned people 67. snotty youth group cliques 68. regrets 69. books that let you down, or leave you hanging 70. cutting myself shaving 71. getting shampoo taste in my mouth in the shower 72. headphones with short cords 73. greasy hair 74. painfully long nails on other people - creeps me out 75. when macho guys try and race you driving 76. when people drive by playing the worst music really really loudly 77. when guys say they love porn 78. when you feel a sneeze coming but it won't 79. realizing your dreams are crap and won't come true 80. peeing the bed :( 81. when people take movies from me and don't return them 82. movies and/or bands that are so overrated and suck (the rolling stones) 83. when people can't understand you 84. the smell of mothballs 85. breaking things accidentally 86. shopping in a bad mood 87. when someone ruins a book/movie for you by telling you what happens 88. balloons popping unexpectedly 89. warm water 90. when printers dont work 91. people who ruin your pens by gnashing and chewing on them - ew 92. when people find this blog..people who i don't want to find it 93. biting my nails 94. keeping secrets 95. dirty computer screens 96. when my glasses fog up 97. when msn signs me out 98. when brad and i argue stupidly 99. people making snotty comments during a show/movie i like 100. spending half an hour writing about stuff i hate
* You're so silly, Nanny! 3:48:32 PM * * *
i just remembered how much i love three doors down's song "down poison" i remember loving it like in grade ten now its popular tsk.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 2:55:03 PM * * *
ohyeah im sick today and i didnt go to work boo for me i lose money.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 2:54:22 PM * * *
i didn't realize "semi charmed life" by third eye blind was about drugs.
"I'm packed and I'm holding"
"Chop another line like a coda with a curse"
"The sky was gold, it was rose I was taking sips of it through my nose"
"Doing crystal myth, will lift you up until you break"
"And then I bumped up, I took the hit that I was given"
"And when the plane came in, she said she was crashing The velvet it rips in the city, we tripped on the urge to feel alive"
hmm. thats something new.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 2:53:09 PM * * *
spent an hour on the phone with jeff. i have to go write another chapter. what time is it?
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:43:31 AM * * *
* * * * Wednesday, July 16 * *
"bad diary days" by pedro the lion has sad lyrics. we have a candle at the store called "indian summer" heh.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:53:46 PM * * *
no matter what mood i am in, "black betty" by ram jam makes me want to race a car
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:47:02 PM * * *
i worked 9-6 again blah blah blah it was a crappy day this brass.glass piece dropped and shattered and then i ran out of time and couldn't help melissa do a display
but on a good note, i had an awesome convo with steph
Steph says: byetedballcatjanetyannicardwineglas CHILDREN! ARROWED! says: eye tedballcateyeball
somehow, that makes perfect sense to us. that's the hilarious part. i am listening to mc hammer i like it. who doesn't! i ate a bean off the table it was gross. but i ate it anyway. i vow to write a chapter of my story every night i have been going to bed early lately i fell asleep, clock un-set, light on, music on. ah. i like the sound of thunderstorms, just not the loud booming thundercracks i work 1-9 tomorrow kinda cool shift. takes up my whole night BUT i don't have to get it incredibly early "ooh, rock me amadeus!" big brother's on in half an hour.
my summer: work, work, work, friends, work, work, work, tv, work, computer, family, work work work work WORK WORKWORKWORK but i'm not as bitter as i sound. i'm getting awesome money. i keep accidentally stealing the stonehouse exacto knife. oopsie. blaaaah,i think i could die to "street spirit (fade out)"
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:40:22 PM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, July 15 * *
i worked 9-6 today a nice shift, really nice. no pressure at all. i have lots to do tomorrow. my hands are still candley listening to "popular" by nada surf - i LOVE this song ran into leanne bugg today :D so there's no soccer game tonight, oh well hehe, i snuck a 15-second phonecall to emma during my shift today i work 44 hours this week.
tuesday: 9-6 wednesday: 9-6 thursday: 1-9 friday: 1-9 saturday: 11-4 sunday: 12-5
wait. i thought i worked 46. whateva.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:57:38 PM * * *
* * * * Monday, July 14 * *
songs i just downloaded:
etta james - at last jeff buckley - lover, you should've come over jeff buckley - your flesh is so nice donna summer - love to love you baby oasis - wonderwall take that - back for good gary jules - mad world nada surf - popular the cardigans - lovefool serial joe - mistake [hee hee] chad kroeger - why don't you and i sahara hotnights - alright, alright sahara hotnights - bit by beautiful teeth rufio - science fiction rufio - follow me ram jam - black betty radiohead - karma police radiohead - street spirit (fade out) mindless self indulgence - clarissa [gemma, i suggest these guys to you, heh] kind of like spitting - b side poetry jimmy eat world - crush guns n roses - november rain girls aloud - sound of the underground girls aloud - no good advice deep purple - child in time debelah morgan - dance with me peter cetera - glory of love bright eyes - it's cool, we can still be friends bright eyes - contrast and compare al green - let's stay together against me! - walking is still honest
because like the good movie "the new guy", i have whacks of continuity! yay continuity. also, yay music and fast downloading kazaa. yayaa. i have to remember to call emma on my break tomororw dun dun dund und u dndndudndudnidnddid yeah. bye.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:10:50 PM * * *
i just love how my computer decides to flip at me and screw itself up right before i'm about to post a big long blog. yeah, that's great. basically, emma reminds me of the song "lovefool" by the cardigans i don't know why. its not the lyrics. it's just emma's song to me. i've downloaded almost 50 songs within the past 2 hours. i am bored. boo to phil.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:36:46 PM * * *
beach was fun ripply guys were creepy especially ones with womanly voices i didn't get sunburned! yay! jasmine's friend myriam is really fun my foot was bright red this afternoon from playing soccer my hair feels all beach-gross i left a pile of bumcrack-sand on julia's bathroom floor hee jasmine singing bright eyes = excellente steve dropping by was unexpected and odd, but fun because we "bonded" over macaulay culkin, die hard and back to the future 2. ah yes. "stop making fun of me!" oh shane. hehe. i just accidentally downloaded some weird song against me! - "walking is still honest" hmm. the beat is fun. im looking up random lyrics and downloading the actual songs bands and artists i;ve never even heard of i like it. you find awesome songs that you'd never even know about
one of my favourite songs for driving and all around kicking ass will be: BLACK BETTY whooaaa black betty (bam ba lam!) YEAH.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 8:37:54 PM * * *
and just like the guy who's feet are too big for his bed, nothing seems to fit
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:24:49 AM * * *
* * * * Sunday, July 13 * *
emma says: true dat hello mcfly says: represent emma says: aw yeaa hello mcfly says: word
emma and i are so hip-hop. phil? anyway, my family has been arguing since i got home from work. i think my stomach hates me. so it grows. i hate it back. so i eat. i ate bread. fatty, caramel bread. im such a pig. im reading "the lottery" by beth goobie, based on the infamous short story. i am interested in this beach theory for tomorrow i like talking to emma when she's giddy. oh, phil and his crazy batman eyebrows and blond hair and french "witty" (hair) personality! i have that stupid techno-y-pop "and don't you forget it!" (glenn lewis?) song stuck in my head just that one line. bahg;. i have to call julia early tomorrow morning my eyes are beginning to ache so i shall go read. does that seem logical? it does to me. thats what makes me awesome. of course. that rent-a-cop security guard sucked at smoking cigarettes. he failed miserably. you have to make it look sexy (shut up) and he so didnt'. i dont think hes cute anymore. i am done talking. BLAMMO.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:58:26 PM * * *