* * * * Sunday, August 3 * *
what? what's going on? i'm so confused is he joking what .
* You're so silly, Nanny! 2:27:01 AM * * *
concrete blonde - "joey"
hehe, i like this song.
oh joey, i'm not angry anymore
* You're so silly, Nanny! 2:16:39 AM * * *
pete yorn - just another
two week work shedule
monday 4: OFF tuesday 5: OFF wednesday 6: OFF thursday 7: 10-6 friday 8: 10-5 saturday 9: 9-6 sunday 10: 12-5
monday 11: OFF tuesday 12: 9-6 wednesday 13: 9-6 thursday 14: 1-9 friday 15: 1-9 saturday 16: OFF sunday 17: OFF
= $441
is there ever a proper time to say "booyah"? who cares. BOOYAH. aw.
flah. i have my LAST (!) driver's lesson on tuesday 11:45 am - 1:45 i'm going to try and convince bruce to work me into a g2 appointment before september ;) we'll see!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:40:39 AM * * *
* * * * Saturday, August 2 * *
my dad has been to:
- greenland - arctic circle - brazil - venezuela - peru - mexico - costa rica - egypt - israel - new york - chicago - oregon - washington - california
i thought he'd only gone to chicago, california, new york, peru, egypt and israel he's a WORLDLY man, haha. oh shannon, oh cheese.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:48:10 PM * * *
martina mcbride - whatever you say
I'm finding myself downloading music from work. Ahh. So frightening. I just washed a whole wackload of dishes. I worked 11-4 today. This song is actually good. Minus the countriness of it. I was in such a foul mood this morning. I bought my mom a lilac votive - and I was mad at her. How's that for unconditional love? YEAH. Saturday Night Live is on tonight - I shall watch. Oh, Jennifer Paige's "Crush" - best song ever. "Not like I faint" = she totally mangles that line Yeah, I dunno either.
magenta feelings says: i used to listen to a lot of rap/r&b music when i was little magenta feelings says: because my neighbours were black
Little did I realize how stereotypical that sounds. Oh my. Haha, still funny though.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 5:38:17 PM * * *
relient k - softer to me
yawn. just watched "the life of david gale" all alone it was okay kate winslet doesn't cry right.
grade seven songs are so nostalgic. zach and i would've been best friends/enemies as kids. i was basically a boy when i was younger, what with hockey, country music, dinky cars and WRESTLING yah, i was a huge fan. ah. i need to shave my legs - they're so prickly.
i just remembered when, once late at night presumably, shannon said "kill one bird with two stones" and that's so funny. its liikel...way to torture the bird, shannon. hahahaha im so tired.
nobody fun is online back to my harlequin dude, i hate this one she barely KNOWS the guy and she tells him that she loves him when they first sleep together, THE FIRST NIGHT THEY MEET UP after like 15 years holy commitment issues no wonder the guy ran geez.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 2:14:17 AM * * *
* * * * Friday, August 1 * *
I work 11-4 tomorrow. Why do I feel the need to keep blogging? Really now. Someone interesting better log on. My bra is itchy.
i didn't realize that it is officially august. wow. in exactly one month, i'll be starting to make new friends. no, i won't. i'll be hiding out at home, avoiding other kids.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:57:32 PM * * *
this shirt feels like its closign up on my neck i really really dont like it its like its choking me very weakly
im so very hungry but there is nothing to eat of quality in this house. my dad just called me a loudmouth. tonight's party....i realized afterwards that it's like the one time that i was not even slightly tempted to smoke. not like i do it at all, ever. but sometimes it's like "hmm, i wonder..." not tonight, nope.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:36:21 PM * * *
pedro the lion - rapture
party recap: - stayed there a total of 1 1/2 hours - thugs thugs thugs - the house REEKED of pot - devon was really cool, so was talking to her on the stairs - so many creepy lookalike guys
yeah. what a terrible thug-hoe party. ugh. i smell like weed.
meeting devon was awesome though.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:32:06 PM * * *
party? whaa.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 8:33:31 PM * * *
i was just in a bland mood until blondie's "heart of glass" came on and i am happy. oh debbie harry. oh cheese.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 5:05:49 PM * * *
smashing pumpkins - landslide
WHERE ARE YOU, DEVON? I am mad. Not really. I drank a bottle of water. Ate my pizza pockets. Browsed Livejournal.
what day is it? friday? hmm.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 4:59:21 PM * * *
After Devon cleans her room, maybe we can hang out. We shall see.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 3:08:40 PM * * *
spoon - everything hits at once
i'm downloading from this huge eclectic list i made once. except half of them are unheard of so kazaa can't find them. grah. such fun songs though! i have NOTHING planned today. i went to bed like 3 am last night. heh. woke up half hour ago. i have a slight headache and thats it. hehehe. i love the song "mack the knife" by robbie williams it's so fun!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:12:15 PM * * *
i am so excited for the last week in august! yay ottawa! whee.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:15:34 AM * * *

dion & the belmonts - run around sue
i just watched the amazing race. non-elimination leg. bah. i am sleepy. i like the movie "edtv"
there's absolutely nothing to blog so i shall fill out a survey.
[x.] name = laurie [x.] birthday = september 9th [x.] piercings = technically 2, earrings and belly button but my ears are all wonky [x.] tattoos = none [x.] height = 5'3" [x.] shoe size = 7 [x.] hair color = brown [x.] length = past my shoulders, shorter when dry (curly) [x.] siblings = brother, brad - brother, scott [x.] pets = dog, taboo
Last... [x.] movie you rented = shanghai noon [x.] movie you bought = dirty dancing? [x.] song you listened to = josie and the pussycats - you don't see me [x.] song that was stuck in your head = hmm, i cannot recall [x.] song you've downloaded = maurice williams - stay [x.] cd you bought = one candle power [x.] cd you listened to = one candle power [x.] person you've called = jen [x.] person that's called you = jen [x.] tv show you've watched = amazing race 4 [x.] person you were thinking of = brad
Do... [x.] you have a bf or gf = no [x.] you have a crush on someone = it's kind of weird right now [x.] you wish you could live somewhere else = yup [x.] you think about suicide = no [x.] you believe in online dating = i can't really say - that's how my new aunt and my uncle met, they're happily married so who knows. [x.] others find you attractive = couldn't say [x.] you want more piercings = sometimes [x.] you want more tattoos = at the moment, i think [x.] you drink = eh [x.] you do drugs = no [x.] you smoke = no [x.] you like cleaning = if i'm in the mood [x.] you like roller coasters = yes [x.] you write in cursive or print = a crazy mixture [x.] you carry a donor card = yes
For or against... [x.] long distance relationships = depends [x.] using someone = against [x.] suicide = against [x.] killing people = against [x.] teenage smoking = against [x.] doing drugs = against [x.] premarital sex = against [x.] driving drunk = against [x.] soap operas = depends
Best... [x.] gum = excel or hubba bubba [x.] tv show = the simpsons ("careful! they're ruffled!" - hee) [x.] thing in the world = family, friends [x.] thing to collect = hilarious records, movie stubs, pictures [x.] colors of all time = orange, yellow [x.] thing to do on a rainy day = watch movies, cuddled in blankets on my couch, binging on chips and OJ [x.] feeling in the world = laughing so hard that you're crying
Favorite... [x.] food = pasta, i guess [x.] song = no can do, buddy [x.] thing to do = be with people i love [x.] thing to talk about = anything [x.] sports = badminton [x.] drinks = orange juice [x.] picture = oh goodness, i can't do that! pictures are all differently hilarious for different reasons! [x.] movies = dirty dancing, revenge of the nerds, ferris bueller, sleepless in seattle & many more [x.] bands = bright eyes, dbc, deftones, cat power, relient k, lots [x.] holiday = christmas [x.] cars = honda civic haha
Have you... [x.] ever cried over a girl/guy = yes [x.] ever lied to someone = yes [x.] ever been in a fist fight = my brothers [x.] ever been arrested = no
What... [x.] shampoo do you use = pert plus, mm [x.] perfume/aftershave do you use = noa, mm [x.] shoes do you wear = birkenstocks for whatever, sneakers for work [x.] are you scared of = dark water, sharks, crocs
Number... [x.] of times I have been in love?: ? [x.] of continents I have lived in?: 1 [x.] of drugs taken illegally?: 1 [x.] of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends?: about 6? [x.] of people I consider my enemies?: i have no enemies, just people that i mutually dislike [x.] of people from high school that you stayed in contact with?: well, it's the summer after grad and i haven't talked to a bunch of acquaintances, but i speak to most of my friends still [x.] of cd's that I own?: oh gosh, maybe 22? [x.] of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: quite a bit, i wrote a column for awhile, and i was written about for a little here or there [x.] of scars on my body?: knife scar on my finger, stair-fall bump on my knee, 4 parellel etches on my calf, and whatever else is there [x.] of things in my past that I regret?: a lot
Currents [x.] Current Clothes: beige tshirt, gym shorts [x.] Current Mood: blah talky [x.] Current Taste: nothing [x.] Current Hair: curly ponytail [x.] Current Annoyance: the fan isn't blowing at me directly [x.] Current Smell: my fingers [x.] Current thing you ought to be doing: going to bed [x.] Current DVD In Player: you don't leave dvds in the player, tool [x.] Current Refreshment: i wish [x.] Current Worry: attending college in the fall, i guess [x.] Current Crush: i'm iffy
On Dating... [x.] Long or short hair?: shaggy [x.] Dark or blond hair?: i don't care [x.] Tall or short?: taller than me [x.] Mr. Sensitive or Mr. Funny?: both, please. [x.] Dark or light eyes?: like i care [x.] Hat or no hat?: haha, now THATS shallow [x.] Pierced or no?: meh [x.] Freckles or none?: doesn't matter. [x.] Stubble or neatly shaven?: hmm, five o'clock shadow [x.] Rugged outdoorsy type or sporty type?: whatever he wants to be
On preferences... [x.] Chocolate milk or hot chocolate?: chocolate milk, yum [x.] McDonalds or Burger King?: both [x.] Sweet or sour?: depends [x.] Root Beer or Dr. Pepper?: root beer [x.] Sappy/action/comedy/horror?: comedy/horror [x.] Cats or dogs?: dogs [x.] Ocean or Pool?: pool, oceans scare me [x.] Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese?: depends on my craving [x.] Mud or Jell-O wrestling?: haha, neither? [x.] With or without ice-cubes?: with [x.] Shine or rain?: shine [x.] Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring?: fall, winter [x.] Vanilla or Chocolate?: chocolate [x.] Gloves or mittens?: mittens! [x.] Fly or breathe under water?: flying [x.] Bunk-bed or waterbed?: waterbeds get hot, but who cares [x.] Chewing gum or hard candy?: gum [x.] Motor boat or sailboat?: motorboat, because i've never been on a sailboat so i can't compare [x.] Lights on or off?: depends [x.] Chicken or fish?: fish
Yes or no... [x.] You keep a diary: yes [x.] You like to cook: not really [x.] You exercise regulary: hahahahahahaha [x.] You sketch while you are on the phone: i doodle like mad [x.] You have read a book in the past week: like 8! [x.] You replace the toilet-paper roll immediately: meh, haha [x.] You like crossword puzzles: if they're easy enough, heh [x.] You have visited the Eiffel Tower: nah [x.] You have a secret you have never shared with anyone: i've shared it with two people [x.] You wait until the last minute to fill your car up with gas: if i had a car, maybe. [x.] You snore: i'm told that i don't [x.] You have been to your ancestor's homeland: i have no idea where that is, i'm dumb. [x.] You read in the bathroom: yeah, occasionally [x.] You have been sick on a vacation: yeah [x.] You often have people over at your house: no [x.] You like America: not really [x.] You can remember jokes: i can never remember them in the right order, and i always have to start over, or add something in [x.] You play cards: yup [x.] You fold your underwear: nope [x.] You talk in your sleep: unlike julia, i don't think i do [x.] You eat fast: depends [x.] You recycle small batteries: i don't know. i just keep my dead batteries somewhere in my room [x.] You often avoid paying full price: i dont know [x.] You like hiking: sometimes [x.] You like being on the: uhh, right? [x.] You shave regularly: yeah [x.] You are a few minutes ahead: usually, i get really nervous and panicky when i think i'm late [x.] You are always late: rarely [x.] You often get headaches: no [x.] You smoke: no [x.] A naked photo of you exists: half naked, and it was artistic [x.] You can whistle: weakly [x.] You write letters regularly: nope [x.] You believe in destiny: no [x.] You brush your teeth three times a day: once/twice [x.] You have something you wish to confess: uhh, not sure [x.] You change your bed sheets weekly: haha no, it's too much of a hassle [x.] You bite your fingernails: yes [x.] You pick your nose: meh [x.] You are a vegetarian: no [x.] You have eaten in a restaurant alone: no [x.] You have gone to a movie alone: always wanted to try it, but no [x.] You have taken a vacation alone: no [x.] You read the newspaper everyday: hardly ever [x.] You have not used hair dryer in the past five years: i think i've used it maybe 4 times [x.] You have made love in an airplane: with steph, hahaha, no! [x.] You have hit your father or mother in anger: nope [x.] When you think you have done something wrong, you are quick to apologize: depends on what i've done [x.] You lose control in heated arguments: duh [x.] In the morning when your alarm clock sounds, you get out of bed immediately: sometimes [x.] You drank mother's milk: yup [x.] You hate parties: sometimes [x.] You have stolen money from your parents: yes [x.] You have fired a gun: bb gun [x.] You often have the last word: usually i shout something while stomping off [x.] You give money to homeless people: i'm never around them [x.] Money has influenced your character: in a way [x.] You know who you are: mostly [x.] Like being photographed: sometimes [x.] Life treats you well: at the moment
well, wasn't that bland.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:11:56 AM * * *
* * * * Thursday, July 31 * *
dispatch - the general
We have this new crazy sample lady at the store. She frightens me. "Do you like hot sauce? TRY THIS HOT SALSA JELLY!" She was wayyyy too perky. Anyway. My 5-9 shift zipped by. I was alone from 6-9, aww. All by my lonesome self, I handled one station. Some jerky kid came in, all cocky, but it backfired because he tried to put his bankcard through the wrong slot. I almost laughed. IN HIS FACE! Yeah. Ow, my thigh. Tomorrow, I have a day off. So I am pleased. However, I bought Scott a $26.44 fun popcorn bowl and he LEFT FOR PETERBOROUGH BEFORE I CAME HOME. That really really makes me mad. I've said like two words to him all day. I'm so pmsy, I feel like crying. I've read like 3/4 of my Harlequins - they're so predictable, I don't know why I bother. In this one, this pregnant waitress and her old teenage crush meet up a decade later, he proposes to her (for her financial stability, and something about how he gains a family business by the reputation of being married) and they marry. It is a loveless marriage, until their romance blossoms and yadda. The sex scenes are bland, haha. Meh. All these books have these women needing "fake" fiances, who all grow to love her. The last one I read was sad at the end - I actually cried. It was really sweet. Hahahaaha, Julia is gagging, I know she is.
- clean my room!!! - organize everything in my room - whine and mope about how there's only a month until college - stop moping, and watch Dawson's Creek episodes - cry about the lost love on the show
yeah, im spent.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:55:04 PM * * *

piebald - the stalker
GAH! Blogger ate my whole big post. Good thing I have a lot of time to talk.
Went to see "Bad Boys II" with Jen last night, but it was crappy because of unnecessary violence, goriness and language. I am such a mom. Funny parts though. Then we rented "Final Destination II" which did not disappoint me. On the way up the aisle to get out of the theatre, I smashed my upper thigh into a wooden armrest. My thigh got bruised and all sore. It hurts to move it. I can't even touch it. We bought McDonalds food and went home to watch the movie. I fell asleep around 1, and had weird dreams involving celebrities. Matt Skiba (is he from Alkaline Trio? that bothered me all morning, when i was SLEEPING!) was in them and it irritated me because I could never remember his band name. Then, I hung out with Jimmy Fallon, after meeting him in a public bathroom, and we wandered out and then I met (!!) "Gordo" and "Lizzie" (Adam Lamberg and Hilary Duff) from the Lizzie McGuire show. Gordo's hair was big, yum, and he swore. I was sad. But he was hot. Yeah. I don't know.
I work 5-9 tonight. It's a pretty decent shift.
I'm in such a gross mood. I'm wearing a Jack Daniels shirt, school gym shorts and my hair is in a greasy messy bun. I need to my wash my hair. It's only been a day, and it already feels greasy. I hate that. My mom claims it doesn't feel greasy to her. Hmm.
Today is my brother Scott's 20th birthday. I shall buy him something from work, for under $20. Haha. I'm so cheap. Jen bought my mini-fridge last night for $80. I have $68 left. I owe Julia $30 I am left with $40. Aww. $20 to the present, $20 to my mommy's change jar so I can't touch it. Aww.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:54:49 AM * * *
* * * * Wednesday, July 30 * *
Omar is the sexiest boy I have ever seen in a long time. Roar. He had really small feet, yet a little bigger than me. So cute. My mom called him "swarthy" but that sounds slimy and insulting. So I slapped her. Just kidding.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:52:49 PM * * *
my week so far:
sunday - slept over at shannon's monday - beach, rented movies tuesday - work, awesome rawk show wednesday - possibly movies/sleepover with jen
i think i'm being almost too social this week. i need moneyyyyy. maybe i should become a hooker.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:49:49 PM * * *

Oh, Omar (on left)

Oh, me.
We are a match made in Heaven. Lots o' people are at the Sarsfest. Meh. I hope they have fun but you know...I'm glad I didn't go. That sounds so antisocial. I only wish I could've seen Sam Roberts. Oh.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:06:41 PM * * *

elk away!
okay, best rawk show EVER. in history of my attendance of rawk shows.
reasons why this rawk show was the best ever 1. "omar" (stilts! alligator shirt! sexy hair!) 2. the invisible forlorn ghost boy 3. one candle power set 4. getting "omar's" purple pick 5. "omar" falling 6. creepy midget kid standing beside me ALL THE TIME 7. pretty boy and his sweaty back
and so much more. ahh, on the way to the engineer's hall (we found out later it had moved to across town! gaah!), so many creepy guys stared out of their cars. a few cute non-creepy ones, such as the fun-haired one with the smile in the backseat. ooh. but, oh man, there was this shirtless wigger kid riding his bike up the bridge while we were walking down, across the bridge. FIRST OF ALL, he LEERED at us the whole way. SECOND of all, we started laughing at his obviousness, and then we hear this weak little catcall whistle. I turn around, and yell something like "That's friggin disgusting!" and he doesn't say anything. Oh, how I enjoyed my moment of triumph. Then, we rested under these trees on some sidestreet. When I realize there's a man in a tiny closed-in porch staring at us out the door. So we begin walking quickly, and we go out of his line of view for a second and then he's at the WINDOW staring. ohhh, creeeeeepiness!!
I am hungry. Famished. Starving. my shoulder hurts and my hearing is all whack. whack hah. i shall listen to my 'one candle power' cd and read my fantasmic harlequin and think about how i owe julia $29.95 aw. depressing.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:05:28 AM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, July 29 * *
getting ready for work 10-5 ahem. i have something in my throat my mom and i rented "shangai knights", "high crimes" and "k-pax" last night we only watched SK and KPAX they were good. i heart owen wilson. my hair's all wet from my shower ugh, i dont wanna go today. i have tomorrow off. blahblahblahblahjblahaljhalaalalhaalhaa.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:10:29 AM * * *
I'm beginning to dislike myself.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:07:07 AM * * *
* * * * Monday, July 28 * *
I'm such a whiner. I napped. Now I don't even know if I have a ride in. How do I get ahold of Devon? Mah. My parents are talking to some guy outside. I can only hear his voice - hm. Last night & today were simply amazing. Oh, Tipi Tales! How you livened up the party so! I have that nap taste in my mouth. Ugh, I feel gross but I kind of want to go to the shindig. Yet, I don't know. I'm being indecisive and I hate that. The guy outside is my neighbour. I will not say hello. Once, I was getting ready to mow the lawn and he called my name and led me over to his shed. I was ready to call Rape! but then he showed me a baby chipmunk that was just sitting there. Aww. Seriously, I feel like ajfkaghflasksd[ I don't even care if I'm being whiney, I just can't choose whether I want to go or not. And I'm just waiting for Devon online. Which is a stupid idea since she's probably not going to log on. I'm a mean friend.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:33:10 PM * * *
I don't even know what to write. I don't want to go to the shindig. I don't want my parents to drive me. I don't want to hang out with people I don't know. I don't want to be left out. I don't want to have this headache. I don't want my dad to act like such a prick all the time. I don't want to forget this day. I don't want to go.
I'm sorry, Devon. I'm just not up for this. I don't even know your phone number. I may change my mind in an hour. So I don't know. I just dont.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 5:19:32 PM * * *