* * * * Saturday, August 9 * *
electric light orchestra - telephone line
Today was so grossly muggy and sticky out. As with every day this week. I sweated through my shirt at work, hah. Ew. I priced today. Again. All day. Ellen got stung by a wasp in the face outside. Aww. I called Steph, when I wasn't really supposed to, and almost made a joke about sex but Ellen walked in so I ended the conversation. Hee. I was called "Laura" like 8 times today.
After next Friday, I don't work until like mid-September. That's good, I suppose. Except no $$. I'm nervous about college. Everybody gives the same advice: "don't worry, you'll make plenty of friends quickly, you'll have fun..." I can't help but worry. ("I guess I'm just a worrier. That's why my friends call me Whiskers.") Anyway, it's in my nature to worry and psych myself out about things. Yeah.
Today, Ellen made me climb up on a ladder and change lightbulbs on the ceiling. I wasn't too excited about that, and told her that. I was up high on the ladder and Pam walked by. "Don't like heights, Laurie?" "No, actually, it's ladders that I hate." Ladders freak me out.
Then I went to Wal-Mart with my dad after work, and I saw JOSIE!! I was so excited! Her hair is just adorable! I love it! Oh, Aldo.
I can't wait for Ottawa! Yay!
I love this ELO song. It's from Billy Madison where Steve Buschemi is smearing on lipstick in a bizarrely fun scene. It was on the radio today driving home. I love ELO.
SNL is on tonight. Meh. I feel like renting a movie but I don't want to spend the $4.60 nor do I feel like asking my dad to drive me down.
I can bring 2 guests to the bowling tournie. Somebody better offer!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 8:48:49 PM * * *
* You're so silly, Nanny! 8:14:04 AM * * *
it won't show my last blog. blah. steph, what's going on tonight? i'll call you on my break, it will be from around 11-1:30, i don't know when though. movie? dessert? sexwhatsex?
* You're so silly, Nanny! 8:13:20 AM * * *
* * * * Friday, August 8 * *
eve 6 - here's to the night
aw. i worked. it was okay. i called janine "simple minded" then walked away laughing. our work is holding is a bowling tournament on august 19, starting at 7 pm. any fun takers?
i haven't worn mascara in over two weeks. i used to wear it all the time.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:00:56 PM * * *
shannon says: i think..maybe like half chinese half not maybe i dont know. i think it was just her glasses taht made my mom think of you shannon says: my mom could see glasses on a bird and be like THATS JUST LIKE YOUR FRIEND SHANNON! magenta feelings says: HAHAH magenta feelings says: best analogy ever!
How I love Shannon.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:07:09 AM * * *
* * * * Thursday, August 7 * *
i dont know what kind of mood i am in right now i almost beat scott at arm-wrestling. talked to cory for a bit online. made plans with my luvah.
if i feel like it tomorrow, i will clean my room. it really needs to be done and it's disgusting. my closet is overflowing.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:59:04 PM * * *
Sboligfopalsf. I worked 10-6 today. Boooooorrrrrrrriiiiinnnnng. Anyway. Yeah. I work tomorrow. I feel like doing something tonight...
* You're so silly, Nanny! 6:58:13 PM * * *
* * * * Wednesday, August 6 * *
Well, the party did not happen. Devon never called (!) Haha, I don't care anyway. I have a mundo pain of a headache. I dunwanna go to work tomorrow. Blah. I just ate homemade pizza. Today, Julia visited me at home (which nobody does *tear*) and we went out with Clyde. Little did I know that she would THROW (not roll, which we had agreed on) Clyde (my gnome) down the Church Hill. Little did I know that Clyde would project downwards onto rocks, and the top of his jaunty red hat would smash off. JULIA SMELLS. I was so heartbroken for my non-topped-hat Clyde. Aww. We gave him a nice little misadventure anyway, Julia should upload the pictures soon. Along our travel downtown, we met up with a few interesting sites and people: the man who offered $100 for Clyde, yet would not pay, the forty-year old woman in a baby blue FUBU shirt, the dwarf house still being built, the creepy animals in Home Hardware, and the like. Julia left Pimpy on my bed, and I am not pleased. I'm cranky all of a sudden, even though I had a nice day. I like my bright green frog umbrella. Julia's huge golf umbrella was not so great. We finally came home, watched TV and went online for awhile. Until her sister picked her up and I said "good riddance." She left with about 6 chocolate-nutsquares in her tummy. Whatapig.
My stomach hurts and the pizza is not settled very nicely. Julia spilt melted chocolate on my dog, Taboo, this evening. Tsk tsk.
I want a boyfriend. I just do. One that's funny, and has nice hair, and likes my demented family and wouldn't mind going on a date to Home Depot.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:23:29 PM * * *
i was just singing and playing "new york minute" and "oops i did it again" on my guitar to julia. then we both sang "last kiss" by pearl jam. it was amazing i wnna go to the party!!!!!!!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 7:57:20 PM * * *
Driving lesson went okay. I got 4/4 on a parallel parking job, but it wasn't on the mock test. Grah! I'm so distraught. Anyway. Julia's supposed to call soon. I know I won't go to Matt's party tonight -- I don't have a ride there or back, and nobody to go with. Devon's going whenever, and I don't want to pester her. So I'll just stay home.
I work 10-6 tomorrow. Starting tomorrow, Thursday, I don't have a day off until Monday. Whoopee. Then, next Saturday and Sunday. I'm pleased as punch.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:42:57 PM * * *
I had a dream about Jesus. He was mad at this group of men. The kid from Camp Nowhere was his messenger.
It was all very bizarre. I remember something about a tin pan, a lion suit, back pocket and a skull. And Jesus screaming to the crowd "Why can't you see me? Why don't you love me?" Hm.
Anyway, my driving lesson is today. I'm kinda nervous. No real reason to be - or IS THERE? Blah.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:22:30 AM * * *
* * * * Tuesday, August 5 * *
Julia, my driver's lesson ends at 12, so if you want to come by the house after, I don't see why we can't reenact it. You would need rides though...
I came to the conclusion, right now actually, that all camp movies are good: - Sleepaway Camp - Camp Nowhere - Heavy Weights
That's basically it for right now.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 11:22:32 PM * * *
Swimfan wasn't terrible. I jumped at a few parts in it. I'm messaging my mom. 11-12 Driver's Lesson tomorrow. Final one! Yay! Hopefully, Bruce can get me a G2 appointment sooner than DECEMBER. That's just pish posh.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:01:36 PM * * *

I really do love you, Camp Nowhere! Don't be fooled by my love of other movies.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 3:58:00 PM * * *
This morning in the shower, I shaved skin off my cankle. It stings badly. I rented "Swimfan", ahehe. My "last" (NOT REALLY. I thought it was, but I have an hour - tomorrow - left) driver's lesson was today. I was terrible, but I passed the mock test. Parallel parking + me = GO TO JAIL, DO NOT COLLECT $200 I did two p. parking jobs very nicely, but the other three or four were awful. Haha, oh well. I still passed, except for some flukey incident. Bah. My dad was twenty minutes late picking me up so I went into a lamp store to call him. Three ladies were talking about the "swingers" down at Trudo. Hmm. I have to sneeze. I just did.
Aren't you excited by my news? I would be. My tummy hurts. I drove halfway home. Off to do something else.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 3:43:40 PM * * *

I love you, Camp Nowhere.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:59:56 AM * * *
Oh, best TGIF show ever. Oh, Corey and his Brillo-Pad hair. Oh, Shawn and his cool-guy 'tude. Oh, Topanga - HOW I HATE YOU! You and your too-large sticky-outy breasts!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:55:08 AM * * *
Last Driver's lesson tomorrow. Tear. Aww, I liked Bruce - he always sang and wore brown pants.
I hope I do good on another run-through of the G2 route. Or else I shall cry.
"do good" I spoke well English!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 12:18:50 AM * * *
* * * * Monday, August 4 * *
magenta feelings says: nice job, cowboy. wesley says: cowboy! magenta feelings says: ahhh where did THAT come form?! magenta feelings says: hahahahahaha magenta feelings says: im so porn.... wesley says: hahahahaha.... wesley says: you SO are wesley says: pronhair magenta feelings says: hahaha wesley says: hahah pron magenta feelings says: pron!!! magenta feelings says: jajajajaja im so yyper magenta feelings says: hahhaha im snorting wesley says: oh man! wesley says: HAHAHAHHA magenta feelings says: and laughing magenta feelings says: into my HANDSA magenta feelings says: handsa hahaha magenta feelings says: what the hekck wesley says: BAM! magenta feelings says: LOL. magenta feelings says: i just had a REALLY hyper giddy fit magenta feelings says: its over now magenta feelings says: lol no its not wesley says: hahaha aw, it over magenta feelings says: hahahhha wesley says: like an orgasm magenta feelings says: LOH MANA O wesley says: hahahaha magenta feelings says: lol im laughing so loudly wesley says: YESSSSSs magenta feelings says: GHAT WAS DISGUSTING magenta feelings says: ahaha magenta feelings says: ghat lol magenta feelings says: haha i keep snorting wesley says: oh man magenta feelings says: and laughing hardder magenta feelings says: im crying wesley says: i do that to magenta feelings says: lol wesley says: because snorts are funny magenta feelings says: aww think it ended wesley says: and they make me laugh magenta feelings says: hhhaa wesley says: and snort wesley says: and die magenta feelings says: i thoght uyou worte SNOT magenta feelings says: haha it was great wesley says: haha magenta feelings says: i cant stop laughign it hurts wesley says: you thought it was, but it snot magenta feelings says: i slapped ,my own chest magenta feelings says: haha magenta feelings says: i keep sapping it magenta feelings says: hjahanah SLAPPING magenta feelings says: hhah wesley says: mmmmmmm sao wesley says: sap wesley says: aw magenta feelings says: im sayingpg[g magenta feelings says: hahaha wesley says: i gotta go magenta feelings says: owww my stomachywesley says: i have to work magenta feelings says: haha sotmach wesley says: half an houe magenta feelings says: stomach! magenta feelings says: awwww lol wesley says: hour magenta feelings says: im crying now wesley says: i know wesley says: hahaha wesley says: lolololololo magenta feelings says: its kinda over magenta feelings says: it wont be for long wesley says: aw, boo magenta feelings says: now i know the kinda fits my mom has wesley says: well, good luck with that magenta feelings says: where she laughs for no reason magenta feelings says: and cries and snorts magenta feelings says: then laUGHS harder because we tease her about ebgin drunk wesley says: i do that at work everyday wesley says: its embarrassing magenta feelings says: which she doesn't do ahah she doesnt even drink EVER. wesley says: because its always in front of customers magenta feelings says: lol wesley says: and they openly laugh at me magenta feelings says: hahaha magenta feelings says: best wesley says: i have had pointers as well magenta feelings says: E V E R magenta feelings says: lol magenta feelings says: oh the pointers are the cruellest of all magenta feelings says: aww i liked laughing wesley says: tyey are magenta feelings says: now im not. wesley says: especially when they are girls magenta feelings says: hehehe wesley says: anyhoo wesley says: i HAVE TO GO wesley says: lol magenta feelings says: i'd point too, but only in a good-hearted cherrful way wesley says: longest tring to leave ever magenta feelings says: haha magenta feelings says: tring wesley says: CHUT IT wesley says: GOOD- DAY!
best conversation EVER.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 4:13:56 PM * * *
i was drinking ginger ale and the bubbly-sparks that fly up hit me in the eyes because i was looking at them. aw.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 3:20:21 PM * * *
- go to the Orientation 2003 Event Schedule to see Haha, that seriously amuses me. Orientation could be pretty fun.
I'm nervous. They even have their own Orientation Countdown, haha. Seriously, I'd be looking more forward to this if I lived on campus. You get to know at least ONE person that way. Ah well. C'est la vie, mon ami(e)!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 3:18:47 PM * * *
thebestmom says: how are your cramps? magenta feelings says: none thebestmom says: good bye magenta feelings says: haha ok
oh, mom. so abruptly rude!
* You're so silly, Nanny! 1:39:51 PM * * *
(music breaks down!)
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:14:49 AM * * *
mc hammer - u can't touch this
i think i just blogged to basically say what i'm listening to. hahahhahaa. i need to get offline NOW. but i can't.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:14:38 AM * * *

for those who care, and don't know:
My work is a building with two big sections: food and crafts
Food = bakery, and frozen foods Crafts = any gift item you can possibly think of
I work in the Stonehouse, where we deal with just crafts. The main floor is half craft/half food. The Stonehouse (I am a "Stoner", yes, they call me that) is three full rooms. The main floor (till areas, and such) is one giant attachment.
Anyway, contrary to popular belief (ANTHONY), the Stonehouse area does not sell STONES. No, no. (By the way, I'm really bored and I know that nobody cares) The Stonehouse is subjected to such musical selections such as classical, instrumental renditions of "Candle in the Wind", African songs (my personal favourite) and the like. All very soothing (except the African drumbeaty songs, heh).
Yeah. I'm really bored. My knee keeps cracking.
"I know you can hear me, but I'm not sure you're listening, I hear what you're saying, but still there's something missing Wherever I go, wherever I stay, right now depends on Whatever you say."
* You're so silly, Nanny! 10:13:08 AM * * *
david bowie - modern love
its so early we put another mattress on top of my old one i like having a high bed heh. taboo can't jump up on it anymore though.
julia, tomorrow, if you can pick me up at bville at 1:45, we can hang out after that otherwise, i'll have to take a cab all the way home. i have my drivers lesson 11:45-1:45, but we can re-enact "The Misadventures of Clyde" after that, for sure. i like frank zappa's "valley girl", ha.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 9:35:41 AM * * *
i just woke up and i want to die.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 8:56:29 AM * * *
* * * * Sunday, August 3 * *
drove home. that's about all. my dad is being cranky. that's about all. work was blah. that's about all. last night was confusing. that's about all.
* You're so silly, Nanny! 4:39:30 PM * * *